/* expr.c -- arithmetic expression evaluation. Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell. Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Bash; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. All arithmetic is done as long integers with no checking for overflow (though division by 0 is caught and flagged as an error). The following operators are handled, grouped into a set of levels in order of decreasing precedence. "-", "+" [level 0 (unary operators)] "!", "~" [level 1] "*", "/", "%" [level 2] "+", "-" [level 3] "<<", ">>" "<=", ">=", "<", ">" [level 4] "==", "!=" [level 5] "&" "^" "|" "&&" "||" "=" [level 6 (assignment)] (Note that most of these operators have special meaning to bash, and an entire expression should be quoted, e.g. "a=$a+1" or "a=a+1" to ensure that it is passed intact to the evaluator when using `let'. When using the $[] form, the text between the `[' and `]' is treated as if in double quotes.) Sub-expressions within parentheses have a precedence level greater than all of the above levels and are evaluated first. Within a single prece- dence group, evaluation is left-to-right, except for the arithmetic assignment operator (`='), which is evaluated right-to-left (as in C). The expression evaluator returns the value of the expression (assignment statements have as a value what is returned by the RHS). The `let' builtin, on the other hand, returns 0 if the last expression evaluates to a non-zero, and 1 otherwise. Implementation is a recursive-descent parser. Chet Ramey chet@ins.CWRU.Edu */ #include #include "bashansi.h" #include "shell.h" #define variable_starter(c) (isletter(c) || (c == '_')) #define variable_character(c) (isletter(c) || (c == '_') || digit(c)) /* Because of the $[...] construct, expressions may include newlines. Here is a macro which accepts newlines, tabs and spaces as whitespace. */ #define cr_whitespace(c) (whitespace(c) || ((c) == '\n')) static char *expression = (char *) NULL; /* The current expression */ static char *tp = (char *) NULL; /* token lexical position */ static int curtok = 0; /* the current token */ static int lasttok = 0; /* the previous token */ static int assigntok = 0; /* the OP in OP= */ static char *tokstr = (char *) NULL; /* current token string */ static int tokval = 0; /* current token value */ static jmp_buf evalbuf; static void readtok (); /* lexical analyzer */ static long assignment (), exp0 (), exp1 (), exp2 (), exp3 (), exp4 (), exp5 (), expshift (), expland (), explor (), expband (), expbor (), expbxor (); static long strlong (); static void evalerror (); /* A structure defining a single expression context. */ typedef struct { int curtok, lasttok; char *expression, *tp; int tokval; char *tokstr; } EXPR_CONTEXT; /* Global var which contains the stack of expression contexts. */ static EXPR_CONTEXT **expr_stack; static int expr_depth = 0; /* Location in the stack. */ static int expr_stack_size = 0; /* Number of slots already allocated. */ /* Size be which the expression stack grows when neccessary. */ #define EXPR_STACK_GROW_SIZE 10 /* Maximum amount of recursion allowed. This prevents a non-integer variable such as "num=num+2" from infinitely adding to itself when "let num=num+2" is given. I have to talk to Chet about this hack. */ #define MAX_EXPR_RECURSION_LEVEL 1024 /* The Tokens. Singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". */ #define EQEQ 1 /* "==" */ #define NEQ 2 /* "!=" */ #define LEQ 3 /* "<=" */ #define GEQ 4 /* ">=" */ #define STR 5 /* string */ #define NUM 6 /* number */ #define LAND 7 /* "&&" Logical AND */ #define LOR 8 /* "||" Logical OR */ #define LSH 9 /* "<<" Left SHift */ #define RSH 10 /* ">>" Right SHift */ #define OP_ASSIGN 11 /* op= assignment as in Posix.2 */ #define EQ '=' #define GT '>' #define LT '<' #define PLUS '+' #define MINUS '-' #define MUL '*' #define DIV '/' #define MOD '%' #define NOT '!' #define LPAR '(' #define RPAR ')' #define BAND '&' /* Bitwise AND */ #define BOR '|' /* Either Bitwise OR, or what Chet is. */ #define BXOR '^' /* Bitwise eXclusive OR. */ #define BNOT '~' /* Bitwise NOT; Two's complement. */ /* Push and save away the contents of the globals describing the current expression context. */ static void pushexp () { EXPR_CONTEXT *context; context = (EXPR_CONTEXT *)xmalloc (sizeof (EXPR_CONTEXT)); if (expr_depth >= MAX_EXPR_RECURSION_LEVEL) evalerror ("expression recursion level exceeded"); if (expr_depth >= expr_stack_size) { expr_stack = (EXPR_CONTEXT **) xrealloc (expr_stack, (expr_stack_size += EXPR_STACK_GROW_SIZE) * sizeof (EXPR_CONTEXT *)); } context->curtok = curtok; context->lasttok = lasttok; context->expression = expression; context->tp = tp; context->tokval = tokval; context->tokstr = tokstr; expr_stack[expr_depth++] = context; } /* Pop the the contents of the expression context stack into the globals describing the current expression context. */ static void popexp () { EXPR_CONTEXT *context; if (expr_depth == 0) evalerror ("Recursion stack underflow"); context = expr_stack[--expr_depth]; curtok = context->curtok; lasttok = context->lasttok; expression = context->expression; tp = context->tp; tokval = context->tokval; tokstr = context->tokstr; free (context); } /* Evaluate EXPR, and return the arithmetic result. The `while' loop after the longjmp is caught relies on the above implementation of pushexp and popexp leaving in expr_stack[0] the values that the variables had when the program started. That is, the first things saved are the initial values of the variables that were assigned at program startup or by the compiler. Therefore, it is safe to let the loop terminate when expr_depth == 0, without freeing up any of the expr_depth[0] stuff. */ long evalexp (expr) char *expr; { long val = 0L; jmp_buf old_evalbuf; if (expr == NULL || *expr == '\0') return (0); /* Save the value of evalbuf to protect it around possible recursive calls to evalexp (). */ bcopy ((char *)evalbuf, (char *)old_evalbuf, sizeof (jmp_buf)); if (setjmp (evalbuf)) { if (tokstr) /* Clean up local allocation. */ free (tokstr); if (expression) free (expression); while (--expr_depth) { if (expr_stack[expr_depth]->tokstr) free (expr_stack[expr_depth]->tokstr); if (expr_stack[expr_depth]->expression) free (expr_stack[expr_depth]->expression); } longjmp (top_level, DISCARD); } pushexp (); curtok = lasttok = 0; expression = savestring (expr); tp = expression; tokstr = (char *)NULL; tokval = 0l; readtok (); val = assignment (); if (curtok != 0) evalerror ("syntax error in expression"); if (tokstr) free (tokstr); if (expression) free (expression); popexp (); /* Restore the value of evalbuf so that any subsequent longjmp calls will have a valid location to jump to. */ bcopy ((char *)old_evalbuf, (char *)evalbuf, sizeof (jmp_buf)); return (val); } /* Bind/create a shell variable with the name LHS to the RHS. This creates or modifies a variable such that it is an integer. This should really be in variables.c, but it is here so that all of the expression evaluation stuff is localized. Since we don't want any recursive evaluation from bind_variable() (possible without this code, since bind_variable() calls the evaluator for variables with the integer attribute set), we temporarily turn off the integer attribute for each variable we set here, then turn it back on after binding as necessary. */ void bind_int_variable (lhs, rhs) char *lhs, *rhs; { register SHELL_VAR *v; int isint = 0; v = find_variable (lhs); if (v) { isint = integer_p (v); v->attributes &= ~att_integer; } v = bind_variable (lhs, rhs); if (isint) v->attributes |= att_integer; } static long assignment () { register long value; char *lhs, *rhs; value = explor (); if (curtok == EQ || curtok == OP_ASSIGN) { int special = curtok == OP_ASSIGN; int op; long lvalue; if (lasttok != STR) evalerror ("attempted assignment to non-variable"); if (special) { op = assigntok; /* a OP= b */ lvalue = value; } lhs = savestring (tokstr); readtok (); value = assignment (); if (special) { switch (op) { case MUL: lvalue *= value; break; case DIV: lvalue /= value; break; case MOD: lvalue %= value; break; case PLUS: lvalue += value; break; case MINUS: lvalue -= value; break; case LSH: lvalue <<= value; break; case RSH: lvalue >>= value; break; case BAND: lvalue &= value; break; case BOR: lvalue |= value; break; default: evalerror ("bug: bad assignment token %d", assigntok); break; } value = lvalue; } rhs = itos (value); bind_int_variable (lhs, rhs); free (rhs); free (lhs); free (tokstr); tokstr = (char *)NULL; /* For freeing on errors. */ } return (value); } /* Logical OR. */ static long explor () { register long val1, val2; val1 = expland (); while (curtok == LOR) { readtok (); val2 = expland (); val1 = val1 || val2; } return (val1); } /* Logical AND. */ static long expland () { register long val1, val2; val1 = expbor (); while (curtok == LAND) { readtok (); val2 = expbor (); val1 = val1 && val2; } return (val1); } /* Bitwise OR. */ static long expbor () { register long val1, val2; val1 = expbxor (); while (curtok == BOR) { readtok (); val2 = expbxor (); val1 = val1 | val2; } return (val1); } /* Bitwise XOR. */ static long expbxor () { register long val1, val2; val1 = expband (); while (curtok == BXOR) { readtok (); val2 = expband (); val1 = val1 ^ val2; } return (val1); } /* Bitwise AND. */ static long expband () { register long val1, val2; val1 = exp5 (); while (curtok == BAND) { readtok (); val2 = exp5 (); val1 = val1 & val2; } return (val1); } static long exp5 () { register long val1, val2; val1 = exp4 (); while ((curtok == EQEQ) || (curtok == NEQ)) { int op = curtok; readtok (); val2 = exp4 (); if (op == EQEQ) val1 = (val1 == val2); else if (op == NEQ) val1 = (val1 != val2); } return (val1); } static long exp4 () { register long val1, val2; val1 = expshift (); while ((curtok == LEQ) || (curtok == GEQ) || (curtok == LT) || (curtok == GT)) { int op = curtok; readtok (); val2 = expshift (); if (op == LEQ) val1 = val1 <= val2; else if (op == GEQ) val1 = val1 >= val2; else if (op == LT) val1 = val1 < val2; else if (op == GT) val1 = val1 > val2; } return (val1); } /* Left and right shifts. */ static long expshift () { register long val1, val2; val1 = exp3 (); while ((curtok == LSH) || (curtok == RSH)) { int op = curtok; readtok (); val2 = exp3 (); if (op == LSH) val1 = val1 << val2; else val1 = val1 >> val2; } return (val1); } static long exp3 () { register long val1, val2; val1 = exp2 (); while ((curtok == PLUS) || (curtok == MINUS)) { int op = curtok; readtok (); val2 = exp2 (); if (op == PLUS) val1 += val2; else if (op == MINUS) val1 -= val2; } return (val1); } static long exp2 () { register long val1, val2; val1 = exp1 (); while ((curtok == MUL) || (curtok == DIV) || (curtok == MOD)) { int op = curtok; readtok (); val2 = exp1 (); if (((op == DIV) || (op == MOD)) && (val2 == 0)) evalerror ("division by 0"); if (op == MUL) val1 *= val2; else if (op == DIV) val1 /= val2; else if (op == MOD) val1 %= val2; } return (val1); } static long exp1 () { register long val; if (curtok == NOT) { readtok (); val = !exp1 (); } else if (curtok == BNOT) { readtok (); val = ~exp1 (); } else val = exp0 (); return (val); } static long exp0 () { register long val = 0L; if (curtok == MINUS) { readtok (); val = - exp0 (); } else if (curtok == PLUS) { readtok (); val = exp0 (); } else if (curtok == LPAR) { readtok (); val = assignment (); if (curtok != RPAR) evalerror ("missing `)'"); /* Skip over closing paren. */ readtok (); } else if ((curtok == NUM) || (curtok == STR)) { val = tokval; readtok (); } else evalerror ("syntax error in expression"); return (val); } /* Lexical analyzer/token reader for the expression evaluator. Reads the next token and puts its value into curtok, while advancing past it. Updates value of tp. May also set tokval (for number) or tokstr (for string). */ static void readtok () { register char *cp = tp; register int c, c1; /* Skip leading whitespace. */ c = 0; while (cp && (c = *cp) && (cr_whitespace (c))) cp++; if (c) cp++; tp = cp - 1; if (c == '\0') { lasttok = curtok; curtok = 0; tp = cp; return; } if (variable_starter (c)) { /* Semi-bogus K*rn shell compatibility feature -- variable names not preceded with a dollar sign are shell variables. */ char *value; while (variable_character (c)) c = *cp++; c = *--cp; *cp = '\0'; if (tokstr) free (tokstr); tokstr = savestring (tp); value = get_string_value (tokstr); if (value && *value) tokval = evalexp (value); else tokval = 0; *cp = c; lasttok = curtok; curtok = STR; } else if (digit(c)) { while (digit (c) || isletter (c) || c == '#') c = *cp++; c = *--cp; *cp = '\0'; tokval = strlong (tp); *cp = c; lasttok = curtok; curtok = NUM; } else { c1 = *cp++; if ((c == EQ) && (c1 == EQ)) c = EQEQ; else if ((c == NOT) && (c1 == EQ)) c = NEQ; else if ((c == GT) && (c1 == EQ)) c = GEQ; else if ((c == LT) && (c1 == EQ)) c = LEQ; else if ((c == LT) && (c1 == LT)) { if (*cp == '=') /* a <<= b */ { assigntok = LSH; c = OP_ASSIGN; cp++; } else c = LSH; } else if ((c == GT) && (c1 == GT)) { if (*cp == '=') { assigntok = RSH; /* a >>= b */ c = OP_ASSIGN; cp++; } else c = RSH; } else if ((c == BAND) && (c1 == BAND)) c = LAND; else if ((c == BOR) && (c1 == BOR)) c = LOR; else if (c1 == EQ && member(c, "*/%+-&^|")) { assigntok = c; /* a OP= b */ c = OP_ASSIGN; } else cp--; /* `unget' the character */ lasttok = curtok; curtok = c; } tp = cp; } static void evalerror (msg) char *msg; { builtin_error ("%s: %s (remainder of expression is \"%s\")", expression, msg, (tp && *tp) ? tp : ""); longjmp (evalbuf, 1); } /* Convert a string to a long integer, with an arbitrary base. 0nnn -> base 8 0xnn -> base 16 Anything else: [base#]number (this is from the ISO Pascal spec). */ static long strlong (num) char *num; { register char *s = num; register int c; int base = 10; long val = 0L; if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') return 0L; if (*s == '0') { s++; if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') return 0L; /* Base 16? */ if (*s == 'x' || *s == 'X') { base = 16; s++; } else base = 8; } for (c = *s++; c; c = *s++) { if (c == '#') { base = (int)val; /* Illegal base specifications are silently reset to base 10. I don't think that this is a good idea? */ if (base < 2 || base > 36) base = 10; val = 0L; } else if (isletter(c) || digit(c)) { if (digit(c)) c = digit_value(c); else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') c -= 'a' - 10; else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c -= 'A' - 10; if (c >= base) evalerror ("value too great for base"); val = (val * base) + c; } else break; } return (val); } #if defined (EXPR_TEST) char * xmalloc (n) int n; { extern char *malloc (); return (malloc (n)); } char * xrealloc (s, n) char *s; int n; { extern char *realloc (); return (realloc (s, n)); } SHELL_VAR *find_variable () { return 0;} SHELL_VAR *bind_variable () { return 0; } char *get_string_value () { return 0; } jmp_buf top_level; main (argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { register int i; long v; if (setjmp (top_level)) exit (0); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { v = evalexp (argv[i]); printf ("'%s' -> %ld\n", argv[i], v); } exit (0); } int builtin_error (format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) char *format; { fprintf (stderr, "expr: "); fprintf (stderr, format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); return 0; } char * itos (n) int n; { return ("42"); } #endif /* EXPR_TEST */