static char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Id: errno.c,v 1.3 1993/10/09 19:38:09 smace Exp $"; /******************************************************************************* * The Elm Mail System - $Revision: 1.3 $ $State: Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 1988-1992 USENET Community Trust * Copyright (c) 1986,1987 Dave Taylor ******************************************************************************* * Bug reports, patches, comments, suggestions should be sent to: * * Syd Weinstein, Elm Coordinator * elm@DSI.COM dsinc!elm * ******************************************************************************* * $Log: errno.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1993/10/09 19:38:09 smace * Update to elm 2.4 pl23 release version * * Revision 5.3 1993/04/21 01:58:20 syd * change to detect strerror routine * From: Syd * * Revision 5.2 1993/04/21 01:25:11 syd * Use strerror() with ANSI compilers. * From: decwrl!uunet.UU.NET!fin!chip (Chip Salzenberg) * * Revision 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd * Initial checkin as of 2.4 Release at PL0 * * ******************************************************************************/ /** This routine maps error numbers to error names and error messages. These are all directly ripped out of the include file errno.h, and are HOPEFULLY standardized across the different breeds of Unix!! If (alas) yours are different, you should be able to use awk to mangle your errno.h file quite simply... **/ #include "headers.h" #ifndef STRERROR #ifdef ERRLST extern char *sys_errlist[]; extern int sys_nerr; #else static char *sys_errlist[] = { /* 0 - NOERROR */ "No error status currently", /* 1 - EPERM */ "Not super-user", /* 2 - ENOENT */ "No such file or directory", /* 3 - ESRCH */ "No such process", /* 4 - EINTR */ "Interrupted system call", /* 5 - EIO */ "I/O error", /* 6 - ENXIO */ "No such device or address", /* 7 - E2BIG */ "Arg list too long", /* 8 - ENOEXEC */ "Exec format error", /* 9 - EBADF */ "Bad file number", /* 10 - ECHILD */ "No children", /* 11 - EAGAIN */ "No more processes", /* 12 - ENOMEM */ "Not enough core", /* 13 - EACCES */ "Permission denied", /* 14 - EFAULT */ "Bad address", /* 15 - ENOTBLK */ "Block device required", /* 16 - EBUSY */ "Mount device busy", /* 17 - EEXIST */ "File exists", /* 18 - EXDEV */ "Cross-device link", /* 19 - ENODEV */ "No such device", /* 20 - ENOTDIR */ "Not a directory", /* 21 - EISDIR */ "Is a directory", /* 22 - EINVAL */ "Invalid argument", /* 23 - ENFILE */ "File table overflow", /* 24 - EMFILE */ "Too many open files", /* 25 - ENOTTY */ "Not a typewriter", /* 26 - ETXTBSY */ "Text file busy", /* 27 - EFBIG */ "File too large", /* 28 - ENOSPC */ "No space left on device", /* 29 - ESPIPE */ "Illegal seek", /* 30 - EROFS */ "Read only file system", /* 31 - EMLINK */ "Too many links", /* 32 - EPIPE */ "Broken pipe", /* 33 - EDOM */ "Math arg out of domain of func", /* 34 - ERANGE */ "Math result not representable", /* 35 - ENOMSG */ "No message of desired type", /* 36 - EIDRM */ "Identifier removed" }; static int sys_nerr = 37; #endif /* ERRLST */ #endif /* STRERROR */ char *error_description(errnumber) int errnumber; { #ifdef STRERROR return strerror(errnumber); #else /* !STRERROR */ static char buffer[50]; if (errnumber < 0 || errnumber >= sys_nerr) { sprintf(buffer,"ERR-UNKNOWN (%d)", errnumber); return(buffer); } return( sys_errlist[errnumber] ); #endif /* !STRERROR */ }