static char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Id: args.c,v 1.3 1993/10/09 19:39:26 smace Exp $"; /******************************************************************************* * The Elm Mail System - $Revision: 1.3 $ $State: Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 1988-1992 USENET Community Trust * Copyright (c) 1986,1987 Dave Taylor ******************************************************************************* * Bug reports, patches, comments, suggestions should be sent to: * * Syd Weinstein, Elm Coordinator * elm@DSI.COM dsinc!elm * ******************************************************************************* * $Log: args.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1993/10/09 19:39:26 smace * Update to elm 2.4 pl23 release version * * Revision 5.9 1993/04/12 03:35:08 syd * No tite for elm -z * From: Syd * * Revision 5.8 1993/02/03 19:06:31 syd * Remove extra strchr/strcat/strcpy et al declarations * From: Syd * * Revision 5.7 1993/01/20 03:37:16 syd * Nits and typos in the NLS messages and corresponding default messages. * From: (Dave Wolfe) * * Revision 5.6 1992/10/30 21:12:40 syd * Make patchlevel a text string to allow local additions to the variable * From: syd via a request from Dave Wolfe * * Revision 5.5 1992/10/27 01:37:29 syd * add usetite clear to -c mode * * Revision 5.4 1992/10/24 13:35:39 syd * changes found by using codecenter on Elm 2.4.3 * From: Graham Hudspith * * Revision 5.3 1992/10/17 23:09:10 syd * fix position of t arg * * Revision 5.2 1992/10/17 22:58:57 syd * patch to make elm use (or in my case, not use) termcap/terminfo ti/te. * From: Graham Hudspith * * Revision 5.1 1992/10/03 22:58:40 syd * Initial checkin as of 2.4 Release at PL0 * * ******************************************************************************/ /** starting argument parsing routines for ELM system... **/ #include "headers.h" #include "patchlevel.h" #include "s_elm.h" extern char *optarg; /* optional argument as we go */ extern int optind; /* argnum + 1 when we leave */ char * parse_arguments(argc, argv, to_whom) int argc; char *argv[], *to_whom; { /** Set flags according to what was given to program. If we are fed a name or series of names, put them into the 'to_whom' buffer and if the check_only flag wasn't presented, set mail_only to ON, and if stdin is not a tty, set batch_only to ON; Return req_mfile, which points to a named mail file or is empty. **/ register int c = 0; static char req_mfile[SLEN]; to_whom[0] = '\0'; batch_subject[0] = '\0'; included_file[0] = '\0'; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "?acd:f:hi:kKms:tVvz")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'a' : arrow_cursor++; break; case 'c' : check_only++; use_tite = 0; break; case 'd' : debug = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f' : strcpy(req_mfile, optarg); break; case '?' : case 'h' : args_help(); case 'i' : strcpy(included_file, optarg); break; case 'k' : hp_terminal++; break; case 'K' : hp_terminal++; hp_softkeys++; break; case 'm' : mini_menu = 0; break; case 's' : strcpy(batch_subject, optarg); break; case 't' : use_tite = 0; break; case 'V' : sendmail_verbose++; break; case 'v' : args_version(); case 'z' : check_size++; use_tite = 0; break; } } #ifndef DEBUG if (debug) printf(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmArgsIngoringDebug, "Warning: system created without debugging enabled - request ignored\n")); debug = 0; #endif if (optind < argc) { while (optind < argc) { if (strlen(to_whom) + strlen(to_whom[0] != '\0'? " " : "") + strlen(argv[optind]) > SLEN) exit(printf(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmArgsTooManyAddresses, "\n\rToo many addresses, or addresses too long!\n\r"))); sprintf(to_whom, "%s%s%s", to_whom, to_whom[0] != '\0'? " " : "", argv[optind]); if(!check_only) mail_only++; optind++; } check_size = 0; /* NEVER do this if we're mailing!! */ } if (strlen(batch_subject) > 0 && ! mail_only) exit(printf(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmArgsSubjectNotSend, "\n\rDon't understand specifying a subject and no-one to send to!\n\r"))); if (!isatty(fileno(stdin)) && !check_only) { batch_only = ON; if(*batch_subject == '\0') strcpy(batch_subject, DEFAULT_BATCH_SUBJECT); } if (strlen(included_file) > 0) { if (! mail_only) exit(printf(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmArgsInclFileNotSend, "\n\rCan't specify an included file with no-one to send to!\n\r"))); if (batch_only) exit(printf(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmArgsInclFileBatch, "\n\rCan't specify an included file in batch mode!\n\r"))); } return(req_mfile); } args_help() { /** print out possible starting arguments... **/ printf(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmArgsHelp1, "\nPossible Starting Arguments for ELM program:\n\n\r\ \targ\t\t\tMeaning\n\r\ \t -a \t\tArrow - use the arrow pointer regardless\n\r\ \t -c \t\tCheckalias - check the given aliases only\n\r\ \t -dn\t\tDebug - set debug level to 'n'\n\r\ \t -fx\t\tFolder - read folder 'x' rather than incoming mailbox\n\r\ \t -h \t\tHelp - give this list of options\n\r\ \t -ix\t\tInclude prepared file 'x' in edit buffer for send\n\r\ \t -k \t\tKeypad - enable HP 2622 terminal keyboard\n\r")); printf(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmArgsHelp2, "\t -K \t\tKeypad&softkeys - enable use of softkeys + \"-k\"\n\r\ \t -m \t\tMenu - Turn off menu, using more of the screen\n\r\ \t -sx\t\tSubject 'x' - for batch mailing\n\r\ \t -t \t\tTiTe - don't use termcap/terminfo ti/te entries.\n\r\ \t -V \t\tEnable sendmail voyeur mode.\n\r\ \t -v \t\tPrint out ELM version information.\n\r\ \t -z \t\tZero - don't enter ELM if no mail is pending\n\r\ \n\n")); exit(1); } args_version() { /** print out version information **/ printf("\nElm Version and Identification Information:\n\n"); printf("\tElm %s PL%s, of %s\n",VERSION,PATCHLEVEL,VERS_DATE); printf("\t(C) Copyright 1988-1992 USENET Community Trust\n"); printf("\tBased on Elm 2.0, (C) Copyright 1986,1987 Dave Taylor\n"); printf("\t----------------------------------\n"); printf("\tConfigured %s\n", CONFIGURE_DATE); printf("\t----------------------------------\n"); #ifdef MMDF printf("\tUse MMDF Mail Transport Agent/Mailbox Delimiters: MMDF\n"); #else /* MMDF */ printf("\tUse UNIX Mailbox Delimiters and %s Mail Transport Agent: not MMDF\n", mailer); #endif /* MMDF */ #ifdef DONT_ADD_FROM printf("\tLet the MTA add the From: header: DONT_ADD_FROM\n"); #else /* DONT_ADD_FROM */ printf("\tElm will add the From: header: not DONT_ADD_FROM\n"); #endif /* DONT_ADD_FROM */ printf("\tFollowing mail spool locking protocols will be used:"); #ifdef USE_DOTLOCK_LOCKING printf(" USE_DOTLOCK_LOCKING (.lock)"); #endif #ifdef USE_FLOCK_LOCKING printf(" USE_FLOCK_LOCKING"); #endif #ifdef USE_FCNTL_LOCKING printf(" USE_FCNTL_LOCKING"); #endif printf("\n"); #ifdef USE_EMBEDDED_ADDRESSES printf("\tFrom: and Reply-To: addresses are good: USE_EMBEDDED_ADDRESSES\n"); #else /* USE_EMBEDDED_ADDRESSES */ printf("\tFrom: and Reply-To: addresses ignored: not USE_EMBEDDED_ADDRESSES\n"); #endif /* USE_EMBEDDED_ADDRESSES */ #ifdef MIME printf("\tSupport Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions: MIME\n"); #else /* MIME */ printf("\tIgnore Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions: not MIME\n"); #endif /* MIME */ #ifdef INTERNET printf("\tPrefers Internet address formats: INTERNET\n"); #else /* INTERNET */ printf("\tInternet address formats not used: not INTERNET\n"); #endif /* INTERNET */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("\tDebug options are available: DEBUG\n"); #else /* DEBUG */ printf("\tNo debug options are available: not DEBUG\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ #ifdef CRYPT printf("\tCrypt function enabled: CRYPT\n"); #else /* CRYPT */ printf("\tCrypt function disabled: not CRYPT\n"); #endif /* CRYPT */ #ifdef ALLOW_MAILBOX_EDITING printf("\tMailbox editing included: ALLOW_MAILBOX_EDITING\n"); #else /* ALLOW_MAILBOX_EDITING */ printf("\tMailbox editing not included: not ALLOW_MAILBOX_EDITING\n"); #endif /* ALLOW_MAILBOX_EDITING */ #ifdef ALLOW_SUBSHELL printf("\tSubshell menu items included: ALLOW_SUBSHELL\n"); #else /* ALLOW_SUBSHELL */ printf("\tSubshell menu items not included: not ALLOW_SUBSHELL\n"); #endif /* ALLOW_SUBSHELL */ #ifdef ISPELL printf("\tSpell checking feature enabled: ISPELL\n"); printf("\t\t(Default spelling checker is %s options '%s')\n", ISPELL_PATH, ISPELL_OPTIONS); #else /* ISPELL */ printf("\tSpell checking feature disabled: not ISPELL\n"); #endif /* ISPELL */ #ifdef ENABLE_CALENDAR printf("\tCalendar file feature enabled: ENABLE_CALENDAR\n"); printf("\t\t(Default calendar file is %s)\n",dflt_calendar_file); #else /* ENABLE_CALENDAR */ printf("\tCalendar file feature disabled: not ENABLE_CALENDAR\n"); #endif /* ENABLE_CALENDAR */ printf("\n\n"); exit(1); }