static char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Id: limit.c,v 1.3 1993/10/09 19:39:59 smace Exp $"; /******************************************************************************* * The Elm Mail System - $Revision: 1.3 $ $State: Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 1988-1992 USENET Community Trust * Copyright (c) 1986,1987 Dave Taylor ******************************************************************************* * Bug reports, patches, comments, suggestions should be sent to: * * Syd Weinstein, Elm Coordinator * elm@DSI.COM dsinc!elm * ******************************************************************************* * $Log: limit.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1993/10/09 19:39:59 smace * Update to elm 2.4 pl23 release version * * Revision 5.3 1993/05/31 19:17:02 syd * While looking into the feasibility of adding `limit sender' as requested * on Usenet, I noticed that the limit code was replicated for each of * the supported conditions. The following patch simplifies limit_selection() * by sharing the common code between all conditions. * From: (Chip Rosenthal) * * Revision 5.2 1992/12/24 21:42:01 syd * Fix messages and nls messages to match. Plus use want_to * where appropriate. * From: Syd, via prompting from Jan Djarv * * Revision 5.1 1992/10/03 22:58:40 syd * Initial checkin as of 2.4 Release at PL0 * * ******************************************************************************/ /** This stuff is inspired by MH and dmail and is used to 'select' a subset of the existing mail in the folder based on one of a number of criteria. The basic tricks are pretty easy - we have as status of VISIBLE associated with each header stored in the (er) mind of the computer (!) and simply modify the commands to check that flag...the global variable `selected' is set to the number of messages currently selected, or ZERO if no select. **/ #include "headers.h" #include "s_elm.h" #include "s_aliases.h" #define TO 1 #define FROM 2 char *shift_lower(); int limit() { /** returns non-zero if we changed selection criteria = need redraw **/ char criteria[STRING], first[STRING], rest[STRING], msg[STRING]; static char *prompt = NULL; int last_selected, all; last_selected = selected; all = 0; if (prompt == NULL) { prompt = catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmLimitEnterCriteria, "Enter criteria or '?' for help: "); } if (selected) { MCsprintf(msg, catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmLimitAlreadyHave, "Already have selection criteria - add more? (%c/%c) %c%c"), *def_ans_yes, *def_ans_no, *def_ans_no, BACKSPACE); PutLine0(LINES-2, 0, msg); criteria[0] = ReadCh(); if (tolower(criteria[0]) == *def_ans_yes) { Write_to_screen(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmYesWord, "Yes."), 0); PutLine0(LINES-3, COLUMNS-30, catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmLimitAdding, "Adding criteria...")); } else { Write_to_screen(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmNoWord, "No."), 0); selected = 0; PutLine0(LINES-3, COLUMNS-30, catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmLimitChanging, "Change criteria...")); } } while(1) { PutLine1(LINES-2, 0, prompt); CleartoEOLN(); criteria[0] = '\0'; optionally_enter(criteria, LINES-2, strlen(prompt), FALSE, FALSE); error(""); if (strlen(criteria) == 0) { /* no change */ selected = last_selected; return(FALSE); } split_word(criteria, first, rest); if (inalias) { if (equal(first, "?")) { if (last_selected) error(catgets(elm_msg_cat, AliasesSet, AliasesEnterLastSelected, "Enter:{\"name\",\"alias\"} [pattern] OR {\"person\",\"group\",\"user\",\"system\"} OR \"all\"")); else error(catgets(elm_msg_cat, AliasesSet, AliasesEnterSelected, "Enter: {\"name\",\"alias\"} [pattern] OR {\"person\",\"group\",\"user\",\"system\"}")); continue; } else if (equal(first, "all")) { all++; selected = 0; } else if (equal(first, "name")) selected = limit_alias_selection(BY_NAME, rest, selected); else if (equal(first, "alias")) selected = limit_alias_selection(BY_ALIAS, rest, selected); else if (equal(first, "person")) selected = limit_alias_selection(PERSON, rest, selected); else if (equal(first, "group")) selected = limit_alias_selection(GROUP, rest, selected); else if (equal(first, "user")) selected = limit_alias_selection(USER, rest, selected); else if (equal(first, "system")) selected = limit_alias_selection(SYSTEM, rest, selected); else { error1(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmLimitNotValidCriterion, "\"%s\" not a valid criterion."), first); continue; } break; } else { if (equal(first, "?")) { if (last_selected) error(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmEnterLastSelected, "Enter: {\"subject\",\"to\",\"from\"} [pattern] OR \"all\"")); else error(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmEnterSelected, "Enter: {\"subject\",\"to\",\"from\"} [pattern]")); continue; } else if (equal(first, "all")) { all++; selected = 0; } else if (equal(first, "subj") || equal(first, "subject")) selected = limit_selection(SUBJECT, rest, selected); else if (equal(first, "to")) selected = limit_selection(TO, rest, selected); else if (equal(first, "from")) selected = limit_selection(FROM, rest, selected); else { error1(catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmLimitNotValidCriterion, "\"%s\" not a valid criterion."), first); continue; } break; } } if (all && last_selected) strcpy(msg, catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmLimitReturnToUnlimited, "Returned to unlimited display.")); else { if (inalias) { if (selected > 1) sprintf(msg, catgets(elm_msg_cat, AliasesSet, AliasesLimitMessagesSelected, "%d aliases selected."), selected); else if (selected == 1) strcpy(msg, catgets(elm_msg_cat, AliasesSet, AliasesLimitMessageSelected, "1 alias selected.")); else strcpy(msg, catgets(elm_msg_cat, AliasesSet, AliasesLimitNoMessagesSelected, "No aliases selected.")); } else { if (selected > 1) sprintf(msg, catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmLimitMessagesSelected, "%d messages selected."), selected); else if (selected == 1) strcpy(msg, catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmLimitMessageSelected, "1 message selected.")); else strcpy(msg, catgets(elm_msg_cat, ElmSet, ElmLimitNoMessagesSelected, "No messages selected.")); } } set_error(msg); /* we need a redraw if there had been a selection or there is now. */ if (last_selected || selected) { /* if current message won't be on new display, go to first message */ if (selected && !(ifmain(headers[current-1]->status, aliases[current-1]->status) & VISIBLE)) current = visible_to_index(1)+1; return(TRUE); } else { return(FALSE); } } int limit_selection(based_on, pattern, additional_criteria) int based_on, additional_criteria; char *pattern; { /** Given the type of criteria, and the pattern, mark all non-matching headers as ! VISIBLE. If additional_criteria, don't mark as visible something that isn't currently! **/ register int iindex; register char *hdr_value; int count = 0; dprint(2, (debugfile, "\n\n\n**limit on %d - '%s' - (%s) **\n\n", based_on, pattern, additional_criteria?"add'tl":"base")); for (iindex = 0 ; iindex < message_count ; iindex++) { switch (based_on) { case FROM: hdr_value = headers[iindex]->from; break; case TO: hdr_value = headers[iindex]->to; break; case SUBJECT: default: hdr_value = headers[iindex]->subject; break; } if (!in_string(shift_lower(hdr_value), pattern)) headers[iindex]->status &= ~VISIBLE; else if (additional_criteria && !(headers[iindex]->status&VISIBLE)) ; /* leave this marked not visible */ else { headers[iindex]->status |= VISIBLE; count++; dprint(5, (debugfile, " Message %d (%s from %s) marked as visible\n", iindex, headers[iindex]->subject, headers[iindex]->from)); } } dprint(4, (debugfile, "\n** returning %d selected **\n\n\n", count)); return(count); } int limit_alias_selection(based_on, pattern, additional_criteria) int based_on, additional_criteria; char *pattern; { /** Given the type of criteria, and the pattern, mark all non-matching aliases as ! VISIBLE. If additional_criteria, don't mark as visible something that isn't currently! **/ register int iindex, count = 0; dprint(2, (debugfile, "\n\n\n**limit on %d - '%s' - (%s) **\n\n", based_on, pattern, additional_criteria?"add'tl":"base")); if (based_on == BY_NAME) { for (iindex = 0; iindex < message_count; iindex++) if (! in_string(shift_lower(aliases[iindex]->name), pattern)) clearit(aliases[iindex]->status, VISIBLE); else if (additional_criteria && !(aliases[iindex]->status & VISIBLE)) clearit(aliases[iindex]->status, VISIBLE); /* shut down! */ else { /* mark it as readable */ setit(aliases[iindex]->status, VISIBLE); count++; dprint(5, (debugfile, " Alias %d (%s, %s) marked as visible\n", iindex, aliases[iindex]->alias, aliases[iindex]->name)); } } else if (based_on == BY_ALIAS) { for (iindex = 0; iindex < message_count; iindex++) if (! in_string(shift_lower(aliases[iindex]->alias), pattern)) clearit(aliases[iindex]->status, VISIBLE); else if (additional_criteria && !(aliases[iindex]->status & VISIBLE)) clearit(aliases[iindex]->status, VISIBLE); /* shut down! */ else { /* mark it as readable */ setit(aliases[iindex]->status, VISIBLE); count++; dprint(5, (debugfile, " Alias %d (%s, %s) marked as visible\n", iindex, aliases[iindex]->alias, aliases[iindex]->name)); } } else { for (iindex = 0; iindex < message_count; iindex++) if (! (based_on & aliases[iindex]->type)) clearit(aliases[iindex]->status, VISIBLE); else if (additional_criteria && !(aliases[iindex]->status & VISIBLE)) clearit(aliases[iindex]->status, VISIBLE); /* shut down! */ else { /* mark it as readable */ setit(aliases[iindex]->status, VISIBLE); count++; dprint(5, (debugfile, " Alias %d (%s, %s) marked as visible\n", iindex, aliases[iindex]->alias, aliases[iindex]->name)); } } dprint(4, (debugfile, "\n** returning %d selected **\n\n\n", count)); return(count); } int next_message(iindex, skipdel) register int iindex, skipdel; { /** Given 'iindex', this routine will return the actual iindex into the array of the NEXT message, or '-1' iindex is the last. If skipdel, return the iindex for the NEXT undeleted message. If selected, return the iindex for the NEXT message marked VISIBLE. **/ register int remember_for_debug, stat; if (iindex < 0) return(-1); /* invalid argument value! */ remember_for_debug = iindex; for(iindex++;iindex < message_count; iindex++) { stat = ifmain(headers[iindex]->status, aliases[iindex]->status); if (((stat & VISIBLE) || (!selected)) && (!(stat & DELETED) || (!skipdel))) { dprint(9, (debugfile, "[Next%s%s: given %d returning %d]\n", (skipdel ? " undeleted" : ""), (selected ? " visible" : ""), remember_for_debug+1, iindex+1)); return(iindex); } } return(-1); } int prev_message(iindex, skipdel) register int iindex, skipdel; { /** Like next_message, but the PREVIOUS message. **/ register int remember_for_debug, stat; if (iindex >= message_count) return(-1); /* invalid argument value! */ remember_for_debug = iindex; for(iindex--; iindex >= 0; iindex--) { stat = ifmain(headers[iindex]->status, aliases[iindex]->status); if (((stat & VISIBLE) || (!selected)) && (!(stat & DELETED) || (!skipdel))) { dprint(9, (debugfile, "[Previous%s%s: given %d returning %d]\n", (skipdel ? " undeleted" : ""), (selected ? " visible" : ""), remember_for_debug+1, iindex+1)); return(iindex); } } return(-1); } int compute_visible(message) int message; { /** return the 'virtual' iindex of the specified message in the set of messages - that is, if we have the 25th message as the current one, but it's #2 based on our limit criteria, this routine, given 25, will return 2. **/ register int iindex, count = 0; if (! selected) return(message); if (message < 1) message = 1; /* normalize */ for (iindex = 0; iindex < message; iindex++) if (ifmain(headers[iindex]->status, aliases[iindex]->status) & VISIBLE) count++; dprint(4, (debugfile, "[compute-visible: displayed message %d is actually %d]\n", count, message)); return(count); } int visible_to_index(message) int message; { /** Given a 'virtual' iindex, return a real one. This is the flip-side of the routine above, and returns (message_count+1) if it cannot map the virtual iindex requested (too big) **/ register int iindex = 0, count = 0; for (iindex = 0; iindex < message_count; iindex++) { if (ifmain(headers[iindex]->status, aliases[iindex]->status) & VISIBLE) count++; if (count == message) { dprint(4, (debugfile, "visible-to-index: (up) index %d is displayed as %d\n", message, iindex)); return(iindex); } } dprint(4, (debugfile, "index %d is NOT displayed!\n", message)); return(message_count+1); }