This directory tree holds version 19.19 of GNU Emacs, the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor. Please note that version 19 of Emacs is still in beta-test. Although you may well encounter bugs in this release, we encourage you to use it, find the bugs, and report them; your bug reports are valuable contributions to the FSF, since they allow us to notice and fix problems on machines we don't have, or in code we don't use often. See the "Bugs" node of the info tree for more information on how to report bugs. See the files `etc/NEWS' and `etc/news.texi' for information on new features and other user-visible changes since the last version of Emacs. The file INSTALL in this directory says how to bring up GNU Emacs on Unix, once you have loaded the entire subtree of this directory. Note that the Emacs installation procedure has changed since version 18; you will probably want to read the file INSTALL even if you have installed Emacs before. The new procedure is intended to simplify Emacs installation, and make it easier to have several versions of Emacs for several architectures installed simultaneously. The file PROBLEMS contains information on many common problems that occur in building, installing and running Emacs. Reports of bugs in Emacs should be sent to the mailing list See the "Bugs" node of the info tree for more information on how to report bugs. See `etc/MAILINGLISTS' for more information on mailing lists relating to GNU products. The `etc' subdirectory contains several other files, named in capital letters, which you should look at when installing GNU Emacs. The file `configure' is a shell script to acclimate Emacs to the oddities of your processor and operating system. It will create two files named `build-install' (a shell script) and `Makefile' (a script for the `make' program), which help automate the process of building and installing emacs. See INSTALL for more detailed information. The file `' is the input used by the autoconf program to construct the `configure' script. Since Emacs has configuration requirements that autoconf can't meet, `' uses an unholy marriage of custom-baked configuration code and autoconf macros; it may be wise to avoid rebuilding `configure' from `' when possible. The files `' and `' are templates used by `configure' to create `Makefile' and `build-install'. The file `make-dist' is a shell script to build a distribution tar file from the current Emacs tree, containing only those files appropriate for distribution. If you make extensive changes to Emacs, this script will help you distribute your version to others. There are several subdirectories: `src' holds the C code for Emacs (the Emacs Lisp interpreter and its primitives, the redisplay code, and some basic editing functions). `lisp' holds the Emacs Lisp code for Emacs (most everything else). `lib-src' holds the source code for some utility programs for use by or with Emacs, like movemail and etags. `etc' holds miscellaneous architecture-independent data files Emacs uses, like the tutorial text and the Zippy the Pinhead quote database. The contents of the `lisp', `info' and `man' subdirectories are architecture-independent too. `info' holds the Info documentation tree for Emacs. `man' holds the source code for the Emacs manual. `cpp' holds a C preprocessor for use instead of the installed one when the installed one fails to distinguish more than 8 characters in a symbol name. `shortnames' holds programs and data files for creating files of #define's used to convert long symbol names to distinct sort ones for C compiles that cannot distinguish more than 8 characters. `vms' holds instructions and useful files for running Emacs under VMS.