;ELC ;;; compiled by jimb@geech.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Mon Jul 5 22:14:43 1993 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/appt.el ;;; emacs version 19.15.16. ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "This file was compiled for Emacs 19")) (defvar appt-issue-message t "\ *Non-nil means check for appointments in the diary buffer. To be detected, the diary entry must have the time as the first thing on a line.") (defvar appt-message-warning-time 10 "\ *Time in minutes before an appointment that the warning begins.") (defvar appt-audible t "\ *Non-nil means beep to indicate appointment.") (defvar appt-visible t "\ *Non-nil means display appointment message in echo area.") (defvar appt-display-mode-line t "\ *Non-nil means display minutes to appointment and time on the mode line.") (defvar appt-msg-window t "\ *Non-nil means display appointment message in another window.") (defvar appt-display-duration 5 "\ *The number of seconds an appointment message is displayed.") (defvar appt-display-diary t "\ *Non-nil means to display the next days diary on the screen. This will occur at midnight when the appointment list is updated.") (defvar appt-time-msg-list nil "\ The list of appointments for today. Use `appt-add' and `appt-delete' to add and delete appointments from list. The original list is generated from the today's `diary-entries-list'. The number before each time/message is the time in minutes from midnight.") (defconst max-time 1439 "\ 11:59pm in minutes - number of minutes in a day minus 1.") (defalias 'appt-check #[nil " O! O! _ \\ U=66 = )  @@@ Zs WsAS@@@SW \\VT Z X  Y \"ڔڕO \n@A@# @A@\"#!%\"ڔڕO \n q) !! U A)." [-1 "" new-time min-to-app string-to-int current-time-string 11 13 cur-hour 14 16 cur-min 60 cur-comp-time 1 view-diary-entries-initially appt-display-diary diary appt-make-list diary-display-hook appt-issue-message appt-time-msg-list appt-comp-time appt-message-warning-time max-time nil 0 appt-msg-window string-match "[0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\(am\\|pm\\)?" display-time-string appt-disp-window appt-visible message "%s" appt-audible beep appt-display-mode-line "App't in " " min. " " " other-buffer set-buffer-modified-p buffer-modified-p sit-for] 6 "\ Check for an appointment and update the mode line. Note: the time must be the first thing in the line in the diary for a warning to be issued. The format of the time can be either 24 hour or am/pm. Example: 02/23/89 18:00 Dinner Thursday 11:45am Lunch meeting. The following variables control the action of the notification: appt-issue-message If T, the diary buffer is checked for appointments. appt-message-warning-time Variable used to determine if appointment message should be displayed. appt-audible Variable used to determine if appointment is audible. Default is t. appt-visible Variable used to determine if appointment message should be displayed in the mini-buffer. Default is t. appt-msg-window Variable used to determine if appointment message should temporarily appear in another window. Mutually exclusive to appt-visible. appt-display-duration The number of seconds an appointment message is displayed in another window. This function is run from the loadst process for display time. Therefore, you need to have `(display-time)' in your .emacs file."]) (byte-code "\"\"" [defalias appt-disp-window #[(min-to-app new-time appt-msg) "!‹" [require electric ((byte-code " !8U p!q   ΰ !! !!!D!!R! !*" [frame-height 3 window-edges selected-window appt-select-lowest-window split-window this-buffer get-buffer-create "appt-buf" appt-disp-buf "-------------------- Appointment in " min-to-app " minutes. " new-time " %-" mode-line-format pop-to-buffer insert-string appt-msg shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer get-buffer-window set-buffer-modified-p nil appt-audible beep 1 sit-for appt-display-duration kill-buffer] 5))] 2] appt-select-lowest-window #[nil "  AAA@ G   !AAA@\n \nW0\n  !  =C !*+" [selected-window lowest-window window-edges bottom-edge previous-window last-window t window-search next-window this-window next-bottom-edge select-window nil] 2]] 3) (defalias 'appt-add #[(new-appt-time new-appt-msg) "\n\" !\nQ\n!C CB\n \nC\"  ! +" [string-match "[0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\(am\\|pm\\)?" new-appt-time error "Unacceptable time-string" " " new-appt-msg appt-time-string appt-convert-time appt-time time-msg append appt-time-msg-list appt-sort-list] 4 "\ Add an appointment for the day at TIME and issue MESSAGE. The time should be in either 24 hour format or am/pm format." "sTime (hh:mm[am/pm]): \nsMessage: "]) (defalias 'appt-delete #[nil " - @\nA@!Q! A&\n\" +!)" [appt-time-msg-list tmp-msg-list element "Delete " prin1-to-string " from list? " prompt-string y-or-n-p test-input delq nil tmp-appt-msg-list message ""] 3 "\ Delete an appointment from the list of appointments." nil]) (byte-code "\"\"" [defalias appt-make-list #[nil "\n{\nz @@\"z @A!O  \"r ΔΕOΕ GWI Ε\\OK \" ΔΕO!CCB  C\"+#) A* ! O! O!_\\ @@@! ! W A @@@!-" [nil appt-time-msg-list diary-entries-list "" new-time-string entry-list calendar-date-equal calendar-current-date prin1-to-string 2 -2 time-string string-match "[0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\(am\\|pm\\)?.*" 0 appt-time-string 1 "[0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\(am\\|pm\\)?" appt-convert-time appt-time time-msg append appt-sort-list string-to-int current-time-string 11 13 cur-hour 14 16 cur-min 60 cur-comp-time appt-comp-time] 5] appt-sort-list #[(appt-list) "\n:\n@@@\nA+ @@@W$ @@@ A C\" \n\"+ )" [nil order-list appt-list element element-time tmp-list append delq] 4]] 3) (defalias 'appt-convert-time #[(time2conv) "\"\\O!\"O!\"@\nW@\"\n\\\n_ \\+" [0 min hr conv-time string-match ":[0-9][0-9]" time2conv string-to-int 1 "[0-9]?[0-9]:" "[p][m]" 12 60] 5 "\ Convert hour:min[am/pm] format to minutes from midnight."]) (byte-code "" [appt-check display-time-hook] 1)