;ELC ;;; compiled by jimb@geech.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Mon Jul 5 22:42:02 1993 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/diary-ins.el ;;; emacs version 19.15.16. ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "This file was compiled for Emacs 19")) (require (quote diary)) (defalias 'make-diary-entry #[(string &optional nonmarking file) "ÀÁ\nƒ\n\n‚ !!ˆdbˆnƒÄ‚Ń$‚%Äɱ‡" [find-file-other-window substitute-in-file-name file diary-file "" "\n" nonmarking diary-nonmarking-symbol string " "] 4 "\ Insert a diary entry STRING which may be NONMARKING in FILE. If omitted, NONMARKING defaults to nil and FILE defaults to diary-file."]) (defalias 'insert-diary-entry #[(arg) "ÀÁ †\nÃÄ!ʼn#\"‡" [make-diary-entry calendar-date-string calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" t arg] 5 "\ Insert a diary entry for the date indicated by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-weekly-diary-entry #[(arg) "ÀÁ †\nÃÄ!! \"‡" [make-diary-entry calendar-day-name calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" arg] 4 "\ Insert a weekly diary entry for the day of the week indicated by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-monthly-diary-entry #[(arg) "ƒÁ‚ ÂÄÅÆ †ÇÈ!É\"\n\")‡" [european-calendar-style (day " * ") ("* " day) calendar-date-display-form make-diary-entry calendar-date-string calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" t arg] 4 "\ Insert a monthly diary entry for the day of the month indicated by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-yearly-diary-entry #[(arg) "ƒÁ‚ ÂÄÅÆ †ÇÈ!É\"\n\")‡" [european-calendar-style (day " " monthname) (monthname " " day) calendar-date-display-form make-diary-entry calendar-date-string calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" t arg] 4 "\ Insert an annual diary entry for the day of the year indicated by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-anniversary-diary-entry #[(arg) "ƒÁ‚ ÂÄÅÆÈÉ †ÊË!ÌÍ##\")‡" [european-calendar-style (day " " month " " year) (month " " day " " year) calendar-date-display-form make-diary-entry format "%s(diary-anniversary %s)" sexp-diary-entry-symbol calendar-date-string calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" nil t arg] 8 "\ Insert an anniversary diary entry for the date given by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-block-diary-entry #[(arg) "ƒÁ‚ ÂÄ †ÅÆ!@†ÅÉ!\nË Ë \nAA@\n@\nA@\nAA@SÑ_\\ÓVƒ|Ô_Õ\\Ö¥ZÔ¦×Uƒ|ئ×UƒwÙ¦×Uƒ|T,SÚ_SÔ¥SØ¥[SÙ¥\\\\\\\\)AA@@A@AA@SÑ_\\ÓVƒðÔ_Õ\\Ö¥ZÔ¦×Uƒðئ×UƒëÙ¦×UƒðT,SÚ_SÔ¥SØ¥[SÙ¥\\\\\\\\)Wƒ\n  ‚$ \n ÛÜÝß Ëà#ß Ëà#$!\"-‡" [european-calendar-style (day " " month " " year) (month " " day " " year) calendar-date-display-form calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" cursor calendar-mark-ring "No mark set in this buffer" mark nil start end year month day 31 day-of-year 2 4 23 10 0 100 400 365 make-diary-entry format "%s(diary-block %s %s)" sexp-diary-entry-symbol calendar-date-string t arg] 9 "\ Insert a block diary entry for the days between the point and marked date. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-cyclic-diary-entry #[(arg) "ƒÁ‚ ÂÄÅÆÈÉÊ\"ËÌ †ÍÎ!ÏÐ#$\")‡" [european-calendar-style (day " " month " " year) (month " " day " " year) calendar-date-display-form make-diary-entry format "%s(diary-cyclic %d %s)" sexp-diary-entry-symbol calendar-read "Repeat every how many days: " (lambda (x) (> x 0)) calendar-date-string calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" nil t arg] 9 "\ Insert a cyclic diary entry starting at the date given by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-hebrew-diary-entry #[(arg) " ÄÅÆ †ÇÈ!AA@ Æ †ÇÈ!@\nÆ †&ÇÈ!A@ Æ †2ÇÈ!AA@  \nSÌ_\\ \nÎVƒu \nÏ_Ð\\Ñ¥Z  ϦÒUƒu Ó¦ÒUƒp Ô¦ÒUƒu T  , SÕ_ SÏ¥ SÓ¥[ SÔ¥\\\\\\\\)!Ö×#P\")‡" [calendar-hebrew-month-name-array-leap-year calendar-month-name-array make-diary-entry hebrew-diary-entry-symbol calendar-date-string calendar-hebrew-from-absolute calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" year month day 31 day-of-year 2 4 23 10 0 100 400 365 nil t arg] 10 "\ Insert a diary entry. For the Hebrew date corresponding to the date indicated by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-monthly-hebrew-diary-entry #[(arg) "ƒÁ‚  ÆÈÉÊ †ËÌ!AA@ Ê †&ËÌ!@Ê †1ËÌ!A@Ê †=ËÌ!AA@ SÐ_\\ÒVƒ€Ó_Ô\\Õ¥Z Ó¦ÖUƒ€ צÖUƒ{ ئÖUƒ€T, SÙ_ SÓ¥ S×¥[ SØ¥\\\\\\\\)!!P\"*‡" [european-calendar-style (day " * ") ("* " day) calendar-date-display-form calendar-hebrew-month-name-array-leap-year calendar-month-name-array make-diary-entry hebrew-diary-entry-symbol calendar-date-string calendar-hebrew-from-absolute calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" year month day 31 day-of-year 2 4 23 10 0 100 400 365 arg] 10 "\ Insert a monthly diary entry. For the day of the Hebrew month corresponding to the date indicated by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-yearly-hebrew-diary-entry #[(arg) "ƒÁ‚  ÆÈÉÊ †ËÌ!AA@ Ê †&ËÌ!@Ê †1ËÌ!A@Ê †=ËÌ!AA@ SÐ_\\ÒVƒ€Ó_Ô\\Õ¥Z Ó¦ÖUƒ€ צÖUƒ{ ئÖUƒ€T, SÙ_ SÓ¥ S×¥[ SØ¥\\\\\\\\)!!P\"*‡" [european-calendar-style (day " " monthname) (monthname " " day) calendar-date-display-form calendar-hebrew-month-name-array-leap-year calendar-month-name-array make-diary-entry hebrew-diary-entry-symbol calendar-date-string calendar-hebrew-from-absolute calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" year month day 31 day-of-year 2 4 23 10 0 100 400 365 arg] 10 "\ Insert an annual diary entry. For the day of the Hebrew year corresponding to the date indicated by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-islamic-diary-entry #[(arg) " ÄÅÆ †ÇÈ!AA@ Æ †ÇÈ!@\nÆ †&ÇÈ!A@ Æ †2ÇÈ!AA@  \nSÌ_\\ \nÎVƒu \nÏ_Ð\\Ñ¥Z  ϦÒUƒu Ó¦ÒUƒp Ô¦ÒUƒu T  , SÕ_ SÏ¥ SÓ¥[ SÔ¥\\\\\\\\)!Ö×#P\")‡" [calendar-islamic-month-name-array calendar-month-name-array make-diary-entry islamic-diary-entry-symbol calendar-date-string calendar-islamic-from-absolute calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" year month day 31 day-of-year 2 4 23 10 0 100 400 365 nil t arg] 10 "\ Insert a diary entry. For the Islamic date corresponding to the date indicated by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-monthly-islamic-diary-entry #[(arg) "ƒÁ‚  ÆÈÉÊ †ËÌ!AA@ Ê †&ËÌ!@Ê †1ËÌ!A@Ê †=ËÌ!AA@ SÐ_\\ÒVƒ€Ó_Ô\\Õ¥Z Ó¦ÖUƒ€ צÖUƒ{ ئÖUƒ€T, SÙ_ SÓ¥ S×¥[ SØ¥\\\\\\\\)!!P\"*‡" [european-calendar-style (day " * ") ("* " day) calendar-date-display-form calendar-islamic-month-name-array calendar-month-name-array make-diary-entry islamic-diary-entry-symbol calendar-date-string calendar-islamic-from-absolute calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" year month day 31 day-of-year 2 4 23 10 0 100 400 365 arg] 10 "\ Insert a monthly diary entry. For the day of the Islamic month corresponding to the date indicated by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (defalias 'insert-yearly-islamic-diary-entry #[(arg) "ƒÁ‚  ÆÈÉÊ †ËÌ!AA@ Ê †&ËÌ!@Ê †1ËÌ!A@Ê †=ËÌ!AA@ SÐ_\\ÒVƒ€Ó_Ô\\Õ¥Z Ó¦ÖUƒ€ צÖUƒ{ ئÖUƒ€T, SÙ_ SÓ¥ S×¥[ SØ¥\\\\\\\\)!!P\"*‡" [european-calendar-style (day " " monthname) (monthname " " day) calendar-date-display-form calendar-islamic-month-name-array calendar-month-name-array make-diary-entry islamic-diary-entry-symbol calendar-date-string calendar-islamic-from-absolute calendar-cursor-to-date error "Cursor is not on a date!" year month day 31 day-of-year 2 4 23 10 0 100 400 365 arg] 10 "\ Insert an annual diary entry. For the day of the Islamic year corresponding to the date indicated by point. Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking." "P"]) (provide (quote diary-ins))