;ELC ;;; compiled by roland@churchy.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Sun Jul 25 21:59:29 1993 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/edt.el ;;; emacs version 19.17.1. ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "This file was compiled for Emacs 19")) (defvar edt-last-deleted-lines "" "\ Last text deleted by an EDT emulation `line-delete' command.") (defvar edt-last-deleted-words "" "\ Last text deleted by an EDT emulation `word-delete' command.") (defvar edt-last-deleted-chars "" "\ Last text deleted by an EDT emulation `character-delete' command.") (defalias 'delete-current-line #[(num) "` yh=c`{`|)" [beg num 10 "\n" edt-last-deleted-lines] 2 "\ Delete one or specified number of lines after point. This includes the newline character at the end of each line. They are saved for the EDT `undelete-lines' command." "p"]) (defalias 'delete-to-eol #[(num) "`u\n`{`|)" [beg 1 num edt-last-deleted-lines] 2 "\ Delete text up to end of line. With argument, delete up to to Nth line-end past point. They are saved for the EDT `undelete-lines' command." "p"]) (defalias 'delete-current-word #[(num) "` v`{`|)" [beg num edt-last-deleted-words] 2 "\ Delete one or specified number of words after point. They are saved for the EDT `undelete-words' command." "p"]) (defalias 'edt-delete-previous-word #[(num) "` [v`{`|)" [beg num edt-last-deleted-words] 2 "\ Delete one or specified number of words before point. They are saved for the EDT `undelete-words' command." "p"]) (defalias 'delete-current-char #[(num) "`d`\\^{`d`\\^|" [num edt-last-deleted-chars] 4 "\ Delete one or specified number of characters after point. They are saved for the EDT `undelete-chars' command." "p"]) (defalias 'delete-previous-char #[(num) "e`Z]`{e`Z]`|" [num edt-last-deleted-chars] 3 "\ Delete one or specified number of characters before point. They are saved for the EDT `undelete-chars' command." "p"]) (defalias 'undelete-lines #[nil "c" [edt-last-deleted-lines] 1 "\ Yank lines deleted by last EDT `line-delete' command." nil]) (defalias 'undelete-words #[nil "c" [edt-last-deleted-words] 1 "\ Yank words deleted by last EDT `word-delete' command." nil]) (defalias 'undelete-chars #[nil "c" [edt-last-deleted-chars] 1 "\ Yank characters deleted by last EDT `character-delete' command." nil]) (defalias 'next-end-of-line #[(num) "u " [nil num] 1 "\ Move to end of line; if at end, move to end of next line. Accepts a prefix argument for the number of lines to move." "p"]) (defalias 'previous-end-of-line #[(num) " Z" [1 num] 2 "\ Move EOL upward. Accepts a prefix argument for the number of lines to move." "p"]) (defalias 'forward-to-word #[(num) "Tvv" [num -1] 1 "\ Move to next word-beginning, or to Nth following word-beginning." "p"]) (defalias 'backward-to-word #[(num) "T[vv" [num 1] 1 "\ Move back to word-end, or to Nth word-end seen." "p"]) (defalias 'backward-line #[(num) "[y" [num] 1 "\ Move point to start of previous line. Prefix argument serves as repeat-count." "p"]) (defalias 'scroll-window-down #[(num) " \n_Z!" [scroll-down window-height num 2] 3 "\ Scroll the display down a window-full. Accepts a prefix argument for the number of window-fulls to scroll." "p"]) (defalias 'scroll-window-up #[(num) " \n_Z!" [scroll-up window-height num 2] 3 "\ Scroll the display up a window-full. Accepts a prefix argument for the number of window-fulls to scroll." "p"]) (defalias 'next-paragraph #[(num) "V ! !l!S" [num 0 next-line 1 forward-paragraph previous-line] 3 "\ Move to beginning of the next indented paragraph. Accepts a prefix argument for the number of paragraphs." "p"]) (defalias 'previous-paragraph #[(num) "V !l!S" [num 0 backward-paragraph previous-line 1 next-line] 3 "\ Move to beginning of previous indented paragraph. Accepts a prefix argument for the number of paragraphs." "p"]) (defalias 'move-to-beginning #[nil "eb" [] 1 "\ Move cursor to the beginning of buffer, but don't set the mark." nil]) (defalias 'move-to-end #[nil "db" [] 1 "\ Move cursor to the end of buffer, but don't set the mark." nil]) (defalias 'goto-percent #[(perc) "V W\"d_b" [perc 100 0 error "Percentage %d out of range 0 < percent < 100"] 3 "\ Move point to ARG percentage of the buffer." "NGoto-percentage: "]) (defalias 'update-mode-line #[nil " !!" [set-buffer-modified-p buffer-modified-p sit-for 0] 2 "\ Ensure mode-line reflects all changes."]) (defalias 'advance-direction #[nil "\"\"\"\"\"\"\" " [" ADVANCE" edt-direction-string global-set-key [kp-f3] isearch-forward [kp-8] scroll-window-up [kp-7] next-paragraph [kp-1] forward-to-word [kp-2] next-end-of-line [kp-3] forward-char [kp-0] forward-line update-mode-line] 3 "\ Set EDT Advance mode so keypad commands move forward." nil]) (defalias 'backup-direction #[nil "\"\"\"\"\"\"\" " [" BACKUP" edt-direction-string global-set-key [kp-f3] isearch-backward [kp-8] scroll-window-down [kp-7] previous-paragraph [kp-1] backward-to-word [kp-2] previous-end-of-line [kp-3] backward-char [kp-9] backward-line update-mode-line] 3 "\ Set EDT Backup mode so keypad commands move backward." nil]) (defalias 'edt-beginning-of-window #[nil "!" [move-to-window-line 0] 2 "\ Home cursor to top of window." nil]) (defalias 'edt-line-to-bottom-of-window #[nil "!" [recenter -1] 2 "\ Move the current line to the top of the window." nil]) (defalias 'edt-line-to-top-of-window #[nil "!" [recenter 0] 2 "\ Move the current line to the top of the window." nil]) (defalias 'case-flip-character #[(num) "V gXÂ``T\"uS" [num 0 97 upcase-region downcase-region 1] 4 "\ Change the case of the character under the cursor. Accepts a prefix argument of the number of characters to invert." "p"]) (defalias 'indent-or-fill-region #[nil " ` #` \"" [paragraph-start "^$\\|^ " indent-region mark nil fill-region] 4 "\ Fill region in text modes, indent region in programming language modes." nil]) (defalias 'mark-section-wisely #[nil "= = = " [major-mode emacs-lisp-mode mark-defun lisp-mode c-mode mark-c-function mark-paragraph] 2 "\ Mark the section in a manner consistent with the major-mode. Uses mark-defun for emacs-lisp, lisp, mark-c-function for C, and mark-paragraph for other modes." nil]) (defalias 'edt-emulation-on #[nil " \"\" \" \" \"  ## \"\"#" [advance-direction edt-bind-gold-keypad lookup-key global-map "" edt-mode-old-c-\\ global-set-key quoted-insert "" edt-mode-old-delete delete-previous-char emacs-lisp-mode-map edt-mode-old-lisp-delete define-key lisp-mode-map "\n" edt-mode-old-linefeed edt-delete-previous-word esc-map "?" apropos] 4 "\ Emulate DEC's EDT editor. Note that many keys are rebound; including nearly all keypad keys. Use \\[edt-emulation-off] to undo all rebindings except the keypad keys." nil]) (defalias 'edt-emulation-off #[nil " \"\" #\n # \"" [nil edt-direction-string global-set-key "" edt-mode-old-c-\\ "" edt-mode-old-delete define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map edt-mode-old-lisp-delete lisp-mode-map "\n" edt-mode-old-linefeed] 4 "\ Return from EDT emulation to normal Emacs key bindings. The keys redefined by \\[edt-emulation-on] are given their old definitions." nil]) (defvar GOLD-map (make-keymap) "\ `GOLD-map' maps the function keys on the VT100 keyboard preceded by the PF1 key. GOLD is the ASCII the 7-bit escape sequence OP.") (byte-code "\n\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n#\n@#\nAB#\nCB#\nDE#\nDE#\nFG#\nHG#\nIJ#\nKJ#\nLM#\nLM#NO\"PQKRQBQ" [defalias GOLD-prefix GOLD-map global-set-key [home] edt-beginning-of-window [kp-f2] describe-key [kp-f4] delete-current-line [kp-9] append-to-buffer [kp-subtract] delete-current-word [kp-4] advance-direction [kp-5] backup-direction [kp-6] kill-region [kp-separator] delete-current-char [kp-decimal] set-mark-command [kp-enter] other-window [kp-f1] define-key "" keyboard-quit "" delete-window "" delete-other-windows " " newline-and-indent " " undo "%" goto-percent "=" goto-line "`" what-line "" split-window-vertically "b" buffer-menu "B" "d" "D" "e" compile "E" "i" insert-file "I" "l" "L" "m" save-some-buffers "M" "n" next-error "N" "o" switch-to-buffer-other-window "O" "r" revert-file "s" save-buffer "S" "v" find-file-other-window "V" "w" write-file edt-bind-gold-keypad #[nil " # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #" [define-key GOLD-map [up] edt-line-to-top-of-window [down] edt-line-to-bottom-of-window [left] backward-sentence [right] forward-sentence [kp-f1] mark-section-wisely [kp-f2] describe-function [kp-f3] occur [kp-f4] undelete-lines [kp-0] open-line [kp-1] case-flip-character [kp-2] delete-to-eol [kp-3] copy-region-as-kill [kp-4] move-to-end [kp-5] move-to-beginning [kp-6] yank [kp-7] execute-extended-command [kp-8] indent-or-fill-region [kp-9] replace-regexp [kp-subtract] undelete-words [kp-separator] undelete-chars [kp-decimal] redraw-display [kp-enter] shell-command] 4] edt-direction-string minor-mode-alist (edt-direction-string edt-direction-string)] 4)