;ELC ;;; compiled by jimb@geech.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Sun Jul 18 03:26:29 1993 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/hippie-exp.el ;;; emacs version 19.15.16. ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "This file was compiled for Emacs 19")) (byte-code "!! ! !#!,!5 !? \n!H !Q !Z LJ" [boundp he-num -1 he-string-beg make-marker he-string-end he-search-string nil he-expand-list he-tried-table he-search-loc he-search-bw he-search-bufs he-searched-n-bufs] 2) (defvar hippie-expand-try-functions-list (quote (try-complete-file-name try-expand-all-abbrevs try-expand-line try-expand-dabbrev try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers try-complete-lisp-symbol)) "\ The list of expansion functions tried in order by `hippie-expand'. To change the behavior of `hippie-expand', remove, change the order of, or insert functions in this list.") (defvar hippie-expand-verbose t "\ *Non-nil makes `hippie-expand' output which function it is trying.") (defvar hippie-expand-max-buffers nil "\ *The maximum number of buffers (apart from the current) searched. If nil, all buffers are searched.") (defalias 'hippie-expand #[(arg) "V\nU ?$35 5\n\\]\n GY\\\n 8\n\nUC\"\\\nT\n=\n)\n GYv!z!  !?\n 8!P!)\nY  !?!" [arg 0 he-num -1 this-command last-command first nil he-tried-table he-reset-string i hippie-expand-try-functions-list apply message "No expansion found" "No further expansions found" ding hippie-expand-verbose window-minibuffer-p selected-window "Using " prin1-to-string "Undoing expansions"] 6 "\ Try to expand text before point, using multiple methods. The expansion functions in `hippie-expand-try-functions-list' are tried in order, until a possible expansion is found. Repeated application of `hippie-expand' inserts successively possible expansions. With a positive numeric argument, jumps directly to the ARG next function in this list. With a negative argument or just \\[universal-argument], undoes the expansion." "P"]) (byte-code "\"\"\"\"\"\"" [defalias he-init-string #[(beg end) " “ “ {" [he-string-beg beg nil he-string-end end he-search-string] 3] he-reset-string #[nil " \n |\nb c `œ \nU b b)" [point-marker newpos he-string-beg he-string-end he-search-string nil] 3] he-substitute-string #[(str &optional trans-case) " \n \"   b !* + ?# `Γ UD bGb*" [trans-case case-replace case-fold-search he-transfer-case-ok str he-search-string point-marker newpos he-reset-string he-string-beg search-forward replace-match literal he-string-end nil] 4] he-ordinary-case-p #[(str) "!" [str capitalize] 3] he-transfer-case-ok #[(to-str from-str) " G G^O? !!" [from-str to-str 0 he-ordinary-case-p] 5] he-string-member #[(str lst) "# \n@ @ #A" [lst case-fold-search case-replace str] 3]] 3) (defalias 'make-hippie-expand-function '(macro . #[(try-list &optional verbose) "!#PD DDED" [function lambda (arg) "Try to expand text before point, using the following functions: \n" mapconcat prin1-to-string eval try-list ", " (interactive "P") let hippie-expand-try-functions-list hippie-expand-verbose verbose (hippie-expand arg)] 9 "\ Construct a function similar to `hippie-expand'. Make it use the expansion functions in TRY-LIST. An optional second argument VERBOSE non-nil makes the function verbose."])) (defalias 'try-complete-file-name #[(old) "I `\" ! !!   \"*  B ǚE!E \"\"H*a@ \"aANom ч !@P!@ B A)Շ" [old he-init-string he-file-name-beg file-name-nondirectory he-search-string expand-file-name file-name-directory "" dir-part name-part he-string-member he-tried-table file-directory-p sort file-name-all-completions string-lessp he-expand-list nil he-reset-string filename he-substitute-string t] 5 "\ Try to complete text as a file name. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same string). It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise."]) (defalias 'try-complete-file-name-partially #[(old) "\nC `\"!!!\n ɚ3\n!3 \n\" =@  B* R\nN g! P! B))" [nil expansion old he-init-string he-file-name-beg file-name-nondirectory he-search-string expand-file-name file-name-directory "" dir-part name-part file-directory-p file-name-completion t he-reset-string filename he-substitute-string he-tried-table] 4 "\ Try to complete text as a file name, as many characters as unique. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function. It returns t if a unique, possibly partial, completion is found, nil otherwise."]) (defalias (quote he-file-name-beg) #[nil " x`*" ["-a-zA-Z0-9_./~^#$" skips nil] 2]) (defalias 'try-complete-lisp-symbol #[(old) "' `\" \" B ƚ?%  #\"  > @ \"> A , LJ · @! @ B A Ї" [old he-init-string he-lisp-symbol-beg he-string-member he-search-string he-tried-table "" sort all-completions obarray #[(sym) " ! ! !" [boundp sym fboundp symbol-plist] 2] string-lessp he-expand-list he-reset-string nil he-substitute-string t] 6 "\ Try to complete word as an Emacs Lisp symbol. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same string). It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise."]) (defalias 'try-complete-lisp-symbol-partially #[(old) "\n' `\" Ƙ # =% ' 6\n2 A !  B )" [nil expansion old he-init-string he-lisp-symbol-beg he-search-string "" try-completion obarray #[(sym) " ! ! !" [boundp sym fboundp symbol-plist] 2] t he-reset-string he-substitute-string he-tried-table] 4 "\ Try to complete as an Emacs Lisp symbol, as many characters as unique. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function. It returns t if a unique, possibly partial, completion is found, nil otherwise."]) (defalias (quote he-lisp-symbol-beg) #[nil " x`*" ["-a-zA-Z0-9_." skips nil] 2]) (defalias 'try-expand-line #[(old) "p!\n  !`\"   ͚a Kb #` K `b #`) p l | \" B*" [nil get-buffer-process comint-prompt-regexp strip-prompt expansion old he-init-string he-line-beg he-search-loc he-string-beg t he-search-bw he-search-string "" he-line-search he-string-end he-reset-string he-substitute-string he-tried-table] 4 "\ Try to complete the current line to an entire line in the buffer. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same string). It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise."]) (defalias 'try-expand-line-all-buffers #[(old) "p!\np' !`\" \n  \n@К\n D W\n@qp =p!\"= bp!k\n # ` B\nA\n T  \n@).\nA\n \n@. q  \"+" [nil get-buffer-process comint-prompt-regexp buf strip-prompt expansion old he-init-string he-line-beg buffer-list he-search-bufs 0 he-searched-n-bufs he-search-loc 1 he-search-string "" hippie-expand-max-buffers string-match " \\*Minibuf-[0-9]+\\*" buffer-name major-mode dired-mode he-line-search he-tried-table he-reset-string he-substitute-string t] 4 "\ Try to complete the current line, searching all other buffers. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same string). It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise."]) (byte-code "\"\"\"" [defalias he-line-search #[(str strip-prompt reverse) " 6\n \"# \"#6ɔɕ{  \" )" [nil result reverse re-search-backward he-line-search-regexp str strip-prompt t re-search-forward 2 he-string-member he-tried-table] 5] he-line-beg #[(strip-prompt) " \"y`)#ǔy`)" [nil re-search-backward he-line-search-regexp "" strip-prompt 0 t 2] 4] he-line-search-regexp #[(pat strip-prompt) "\n !ư !Q" [strip-prompt "\\(" comint-prompt-regexp "\\|^\\s-*\\)\\(" regexp-quote pat "[^\n]*[^ \n]\\)" "^\\(\\s-*\\)\\("] 5]] 3) (defalias 'try-expand-list #[(old) "\n `\"  ʚP= b \" ` =   O b \" `) _\n[ k \" B)" [nil expansion old he-init-string he-list-beg he-search-loc he-string-beg t he-search-bw he-search-string "" he-list-search he-string-end he-reset-string he-substitute-string he-tried-table] 3 "\ Try to complete the current beginning of a list. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same string). It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise."]) (defalias 'try-expand-list-all-buffers #[(old) "p  `\"  \n@ ͚\n: W@qp =p!\"=\nb \"\n`\ns\nBA T \n@)$A\n@$ q\n \n\"*" [nil buf expansion old he-init-string he-list-beg buffer-list he-search-bufs 0 he-searched-n-bufs he-search-loc 1 he-search-string "" hippie-expand-max-buffers string-match " \\*Minibuf-[0-9]+\\*" buffer-name major-mode dired-mode he-list-search he-tried-table he-reset-string he-substitute-string t] 4 "\ Try to complete the current list, searching all other buffers. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t for subsequent calls (for further possible completions of the same string). It returns t if a new completion is found, nil otherwise."]) (byte-code "\"\"" [defalias he-list-search #[(str reverse) " I ##I`ʔb̏ C `{ \"C\nb ," [nil err pos beg result reverse search-backward str t search-forward 0 (forward-list 1) ((error (byte-code "" [t err] 1))) he-string-member he-tried-table] 5] he-list-beg #[nil "`)" [nil (backward-up-list 1) ((error))] 3]] 3) (defalias 'try-expand-all-abbrevs #[(old) " `\" Ě? \"\"\n\n9\n@0\n@ \"9\nA\n \nGE ·\n@\"\n@ B \nA\nЇ" [old he-init-string he-dabbrev-beg he-search-string "" mapcar #[(sym) " !\"" [abbrev-expansion he-search-string eval sym] 4] append (local-abbrev-table global-abbrev-table) abbrev-table-name-list he-expand-list he-string-member he-tried-table he-reset-string nil he-substitute-string t] 6 "\ Try to expand word before point according to all abbrev tables. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t for subsequent calls (for further possible expansions of the same string). It returns t if a new expansion is found, nil otherwise."]) (defalias 'try-expand-dabbrev #[(old) "\n `\"  ʚP= b \" ` =   O b \" `) _\n[ k \" B)" [nil expansion old he-init-string he-dabbrev-beg he-search-loc he-string-beg t he-search-bw he-search-string "" he-dab-search he-string-end he-reset-string he-substitute-string he-tried-table] 3 "\ Try to expand word \"dynamically\", searching the current buffer. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t for subsequent calls (for further possible expansions of the same string). It returns t if a new expansion is found, nil otherwise."]) (defalias 'try-expand-dabbrev-all-buffers #[(old) "p  `\"  \n@ ͚\n: W@qp =p!\"=\nb \"\n`\ns\nBA T \n@)$A\n@$ q\n \n\"*" [nil buf expansion old he-init-string he-dabbrev-beg buffer-list he-search-bufs 0 he-searched-n-bufs he-search-loc 1 he-search-string "" hippie-expand-max-buffers string-match " \\*Minibuf-[0-9]+\\*" buffer-name major-mode dired-mode he-dab-search he-tried-table he-reset-string he-substitute-string t] 4 "\ Tries to expand word \"dynamically\", searching all other buffers. The argument OLD has to be nil the first call of this function, and t for subsequent calls (for further possible expansions of the same string). It returns t if a new expansion is found, nil otherwise."]) (byte-code "\"\"\"!" [defalias he-dab-search-regexp #[(pat) "\n!Q" ["\\b" regexp-quote pat "\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+"] 3] he-dab-search #[(pattern reverse) " 2\n !# !#2Ȕȕ{ \n\" )" [nil result reverse re-search-backward he-dab-search-regexp pattern t re-search-forward 0 he-string-member he-tried-table] 5] he-dabbrev-beg #[nil "!!`)" [skip-syntax-backward "w_" skip-syntax-forward "_"] 2] provide hippie-exp] 3)