;ELC ;;; compiled by rms@mole.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Tue Aug 3 13:41:55 1993 ;;; from file /home/fsf/rms/e19/lisp/telnet.el ;;; emacs version 19.17.5. ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "This file was compiled for Emacs 19")) (byte-code "ÀÁ!ˆÂÃ!„ ÄÂÅ!„ÆÂÇ!„ÈÂÉ!„&Æ ÊÂË!„0Ì ÍËÎÏ#ˆË!ˆÊÂÐ!„CÑÍÐÎÒ#ˆÐ!‡" [require comint boundp telnet-new-line " " telnet-mode-map nil telnet-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>]*[#$%>] *" telnet-replace-c-g make-variable-buffer-local telnet-remote-echoes t put variable-documentation "True if the telnet process will echo input." telnet-interrupt-string "" "String sent by C-c."] 5) (defvar telnet-count 0 "\ Number of output strings read from the telnet process while looking for the initial password.") (defvar telnet-initial-count -50 "\ Initial value of `telnet-count'. Should be set to the negative of the number of terminal writes telnet will make setting up the host connection.") (defvar telnet-maximum-count 4 "\ Maximum value `telnet-count' can have. After this many passes, we stop looking for initial setup data. Should be set to the number of terminal writes telnet will make rejecting one login and prompting for the again for a username and password.") (byte-code "ÀÁÂ\"ˆÀÃÄ\"ˆÀÅÆ\"ˆ„6È !ÊËÌ#ˆÊÍÅ#ˆÊÎÁ#ˆÊÏÃ#ˆÀ‡" [defalias telnet-interrupt-subjob #[nil "ÀÁ\n\"‡" [send-string nil telnet-interrupt-string] 3 nil nil] telnet-c-z #[nil "ÀÁÂ\"‡" [send-string nil ""] 3 nil nil] send-process-next-char #[nil "ÀÁÂÃÅ Á)!\"‡" [send-string nil char-to-string t inhibit-quit read-char quit-flag] 5 nil nil] telnet-mode-map copy-keymap comint-mode-map define-key " " telnet-send-input "" "" ""] 4) (defalias 'telnet-check-software-type-initialize #[(string) "ÀÂà \"ƒ Ç‚6ÂÉ \"ƒÊ‚6ÂË \"ƒ,Ì‚6ÂÍ \"ƒ6Î)‰‡" [t case-fold-search string-match "unix" string comint-prompt-regexp telnet-prompt-pattern "\n" telnet-new-line "tops-20" "[@>]*" "its" "^[^*>]*[*>] *" "explorer" 10 telnet-replace-c-g] 3 "\ Tries to put correct initializations in. Needs work."]) (byte-code "ÀÁÂ\"ˆÀÃÄ\"ˆÀÅÆ\"ˆÀÇÈ\"‡" [defalias telnet-initial-filter #[(proc string) "ÀÁ\n\"ƒÃÄ !!ˆÆÇ!‡ÀÈ\n\"ƒ1É \n\"ˆÊ Ì  ÊÏ  P\"*‡Ñ\n!ˆÉ \n\"ˆVƒGÓ É\"‡T‰‡" [string-match "No such host" string kill-buffer process-buffer proc error "No such host." "passw" telnet-filter 0 echo-keystrokes read-password password telnet-count send-string telnet-new-line telnet-check-software-type-initialize telnet-maximum-count set-process-filter] 4] telnet-simple-send #[(proc string) "À \n\"ˆÀ \"‡" [comint-send-string proc string telnet-new-line] 3] telnet-filter #[(proc string) "À !p=… `dUŠÀ !qˆÃ !bˆ`ÅÆÉÊ #‰ƒ>Ì O!ˆT‚Ì ÆO!ˆ* ƒUÎ `Ï $ˆ*\n…\\db)‡" [process-buffer proc at-end process-mark now 0 nil c-m index string-match " " string insert-before-markers telnet-replace-c-g subst-char-in-region 7] 5] telnet-send-input #[nil "À ˆ …\n\n |‡" [comint-send-input telnet-remote-echoes comint-last-input-start comint-last-input-end] 2 nil nil]] 3) (defalias 'telnet #[(host) "ÁPÃÄ\nÄQ!‰ƒÆ !ƒÇÄ\nÄQ!‚HÇÈ\nÉ\"!ˆÊË\n!Ì\"ˆÍË\n!!ˆÎ ˆÏ\nÐÑQ\"ˆÒ ˆÓ‰*‡" [host "-telnet" name get-buffer "*" buffer get-buffer-process switch-to-buffer make-comint "telnet" set-process-filter get-process telnet-initial-filter accept-process-output erase-buffer send-string "open " "\n" telnet-mode telnet-simple-send comint-input-sender telnet-initial-count telnet-count] 6 "\ Open a network login connection to host named HOST (a string). Communication with HOST is recorded in a buffer *HOST-telnet*. Normally input is edited in Emacs and sent a line at a time." "sOpen telnet connection to host: "]) (defalias 'telnet-mode #[nil "À ˆÁà Ç!ˆÉÊ!‡" [comint-mode telnet-mode major-mode "Telnet" mode-name telnet-prompt-pattern comint-prompt-regexp use-local-map telnet-mode-map run-hooks telnet-mode-hook] 2 "\ This mode is for using telnet (or rsh) from a buffer to another host. It has most of the same commands as comint-mode. There is a variable ``telnet-interrupt-string'' which is the character sent to try to stop execution of a job on the remote host. Data is sent to the remote host when RET is typed. \\{telnet-mode-map} " nil]) (defalias 'rsh #[(host) "ÀÁ!ˆ\nÃPÅÆ Ç\"!ˆÈÉ !Ê\"ˆË ˆÌ‰ )‡" [require shell host "-rsh" name switch-to-buffer make-comint "rsh" set-process-filter get-process telnet-initial-filter telnet-mode -16 telnet-count] 4 "\ Open a network login connection to host named HOST (a string). Communication with HOST is recorded in a buffer *HOST-rsh*. Normally input is edited in Emacs and sent a line at a time." "sOpen rsh connection to host: "]) (byte-code "ÀÁÂ\"ˆÃÄ!‡" [defalias read-password #[nil "ÀÁÄÅ!ˆÆ ‰Ç>?Áƒ É\n!P‚ *‡" ["" nil tem answ message "Reading password..." read-char (13 10 7) quit-flag char-to-string] 3] provide telnet] 3)