;ELC ;;; compiled by rms@mole.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Fri Aug 13 04:09:21 1993 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/tpu-mapper.el ;;; emacs version 19.18.4. ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "This file was compiled for Emacs 19")) (defconst tpu-mapper-revision "$Revision: 1.4 $" "\ Revision number of TPU-edt x-windows emacs key mapper.") (byte-code "\n ™c!!ć" [window-system emacs-version "19" "\n\n Whoa! This isn't going to work...\n\n You must run tpu-mapper.el under X-windows and Emacs version 19.\n\n Press any key to exit. " sit-for 600 kill-emacs t] 2) (defconst tpu-lucid-emacs19-p (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version) "\ Non-NIL if we are running Lucid Emacs version 19.") (byte-code "!!!! !)!2@#G #!Q!![!!e!qc!c !H!\"Q! \"Q\"\"₵Mqcqcq$$$$qcqcq$$@ABC$DEFG$qHcqIcqJKLM$NOPQ$RSTU$VWXY$Z[\\$]^_$`abc$defg$hijk$lmno$pqrs$tuvw$xyz{$|}~$  qcqcq恂C$恅c$恇b$恊z{$恌$恐$qcqcq恖$恙$恜$恟$恢$恥$恨g$恪ꁫ$q %cځ \"cځ \"cځ \"cځ \"ccXځ\"cځ\"ccccc`ځ \"cс`#qx{ځ\"#!) ߁!!!" [boundp tpu-key nil tpu-enter tpu-return tpu-key-seq tpu-enter-seq tpu-return-seq tpu-lucid-emacs19-p set-screen-size 80 36 set-frame-size selected-frame get-buffer "Directions" generate-new-buffer "Keys" "Gold-Keys" ";; Key definitions for TPU-edt\n;;\n" switch-to-buffer "\n This program prompts you to press keys to create a custom keymap file\n for use with the x-windows version of emacs and TPU-edt.\n\n Start by pressing the RETURN key, and continue by pressing the keys\n specified in the mini-buffer. You can re-arrange the TPU-edt keypad\n by pressing any key you want at any prompt. If you want to entirely\n omit a key, just press RETURN at the prompt.\n\n Here's a picture of the standard TPU/edt keypad for reference:\n\n _______________________ _______________________________\n | HELP | Do | | | | | |\n |KeyDefs| | | | | | |\n |_______|_______________| |_______|_______|_______|_______|\n _______________________ _______________________________\n | Find |Insert |Remove | | Gold | HELP |FndNxt | Del L |\n | | |Sto Tex| | key |E-Help | Find |Undel L|\n |_______|_______|_______| |_______|_______|_______|_______|\n |Select |Pre Scr|Nex Scr| | Page | Sect |Append | Del W |\n | Reset |Pre Win|Nex Win| | Do | Fill |Replace|Undel W|\n |_______|_______|_______| |_______|_______|_______|_______|\n |Move up| |Forward|Reverse|Remove | Del C |\n | Top | |Bottom | Top |Insert |Undel C|\n _______|_______|_______ |_______|_______|_______|_______|\n |Mov Lef|Mov Dow|Mov Rig| | Word | EOL | Char | |\n |StaOfLi|Bottom |EndOfLi| |ChngCas|Del EOL|SpecIns| Enter |\n |_______|_______|_______| |_______|_______|_______| |\n | Line |Select | Subs |\n | Open Line | Reset | |\n |_______________|_______|_______|\n\n\n" delete-other-windows read-key-sequence "Hit carriage-return to continue " "[" format "%s" event-key 0 "]" message read-event defalias tpu-lucid-map-key #[(ident descrip func gold-func) " #! H!\"Q  7q #cq #cq " [read-key-sequence format "Press %s%s: " ident descrip tpu-key-seq "[" "%s" event-key 0 "]" tpu-key tpu-return "Keys" "(global-set-key %s %s)\n" func "Gold-Keys" "(define-key GOLD-map %s %s)\n" gold-func "Directions"] 7 nil nil] tpu-gnu-map-key #[(ident descrip func gold-func) "\n #  \"Q\n 4q\n#cq\n#cq\n" [message "Press %s%s: " ident descrip read-event tpu-key-seq "[" format "%s" "]" tpu-key tpu-return "Keys" "(global-set-key %s %s)\n" func "Gold-Keys" "(define-key GOLD-map %s %s)\n" gold-func "Directions"] 5 nil nil] tpu-map-key "\n;; Arrows\n;;\n" "\n;; GOLD Arrows\n;;\n" "Up-Arrow" "" "'tpu-previous-line" "'tpu-move-to-beginning" "Down-arrow" "'tpu-next-line" "'tpu-move-to-end" "Right-arrow" "'tpu-forward-char" "'end-of-line" "Left-arrow" "'tpu-backward-char" "'beginning-of-line" "\n;; PF keys\n;;\n" "\n;; GOLD PF keys\n;;\n" "PF1" " - The GOLD key" "GOLD-map" "'keyboard-quit" "PF2" " - The Keypad Help key" "'tpu-help" "'help-for-help" "PF3" " - The Find/Find-Next key" "'tpu-search-again" "'tpu-search" "PF4" " - The Del/Undelete Line key" "'tpu-delete-current-line" "'tpu-undelete-lines" "\n;; KP0-9 KP- KP, KP. and KPenter\n;;\n" "\n;; GOLD KP0-9 KP- KP, and KPenter\n;;\n" "KP-0" " - The Line/Open-Line key" "'tpu-line" "'open-line" "KP-1" " - The Word/Change-Case key" "'tpu-word" "'tpu-change-case" "KP-2" " - The EOL/Delete-EOL key" "'tpu-end-of-line" "'tpu-delete-to-eol" "KP-3" " - The Character/Special-Insert key" "'tpu-char" "'tpu-special-insert" "KP-4" " - The Forward/Bottom key" "'tpu-advance-direction" "KP-5" " - The Reverse/Top key" "'tpu-backup-direction" "KP-6" " - The Remove/Insert key" "'tpu-cut" "'tpu-paste" "KP-7" " - The Page/Do key" "'tpu-page" "'execute-extended-command" "KP-8" " - The Section/Fill key" "'tpu-scroll-window" "'tpu-fill" "KP-9" " - The Append/Replace key" "'tpu-append-region" "'tpu-replace" "KP--" " - The Delete/Undelete Word key" "'tpu-delete-current-word" "'tpu-undelete-words" "KP-," " - The Delete/Undelete Character key" "'tpu-delete-current-char" "'tpu-undelete-char" "KP-." " - The Select/Reset key" "'tpu-select" "'tpu-unselect" "KP-Enter" " - The Enter key on the numeric keypad" "'newline" "'tpu-substitute" "\n;; Editing keypad (find, insert, remove)\n;; (select, prev, next)\n;;\n" "\n;; GOLD Editing keypad (find, insert, remove)\n;; (select, prev, next)\n;;\n" "Find" " - The Find key on the editing keypad" "'nil" "Insert" " - The Insert key on the editing keypad" "Remove" " - The Remove key on the editing keypad" "'tpu-store-text" "Select" " - The Select key on the editing keypad" "Prev Scr" " - The Prev Scr key on the editing keypad" "'tpu-scroll-window-down" "'tpu-previous-window" "Next Scr" " - The Next Scr key on the editing keypad" "'tpu-scroll-window-up" "'tpu-next-window" "\n;; F10-14 Help Do F17\n;;\n" "\n;; GOLD F10-14 Help Do F17\n;;\n" "F10" " - Invokes the Exit function on VT200+ terminals" "'tpu-exit" "F11" " - Inserts an Escape character into the text" "'tpu-insert-escape" "Backspace" " - Not Delete nor ^H! Sometimes on the F12 key" "'tpu-next-beginning-of-line" "F13" " - Invokes the delete previous word function" "'tpu-delete-previous-word" "F14" " - Toggles insert/overstrike modes" "'tpu-toggle-overwrite-mode" "Help" " - Brings up the help screen, same as PF2" "'describe-bindings" "Do" " - Invokes the COMMAND function" "F17" "'tpu-goto-breadcrumb" "'tpu-drop-breadcrumb" "\n;; Minibuffer map additions to make KP_enter = RET\n;;\n" "(define-key minibuffer-local-map %s 'exit-minibuffer)\n" "(define-key minibuffer-local-ns-map %s 'exit-minibuffer)\n" "(define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map %s 'exit-minibuffer)\n" "(define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map %s 'minibuffer-complete-and-exit)\n" "\n;; Define the tpu-help-enter/return symbols\n;;\n" "(setq tpu-help-enter \"%s\")\n" "(setq tpu-help-return \"%s\")\n" "(setq tpu-help-N \"[#]\")\n" "(setq tpu-help-n \"[#]\")\n" "(setq tpu-help-P \"[#]\")\n" "(setq tpu-help-p \"[#]\")\n" append-to-buffer 1 "~/.tpu-lucid-keys" "~/.tpu-gnu-keys" file set-visited-file-name read-file-name "Save key mapping to file (default %s): " save-buffer "That's it! Press any key to exit" sit-for 600 kill-emacs t] 6)