$! $! VMS command file to link the .OBJ files of Emacs, producing `temacs.exe'. $! $ set default [-.src] $ set verify $ link/exe=[-.vms]temacs.exe/map=[-.vms]temacs.map sys$input/opt CLUSTER=EMACS,,,- dispnew.obj,- frame.obj,- scroll.obj,- xdisp.obj,- window.obj,- term.obj,- cm.obj,- ! Only include the following ones if you compiled for X xterm.obj,- xfns.obj,- xfaces.obj,- xmenu.obj,- xselect.obj,- xrdb.obj,- ! end of X files emacs.obj,- keyboard.obj,- macros.obj,- keymap.obj,- sysdep.obj,- buffer.obj,- filelock.obj,- insdel.obj,- marker.obj,- intervals.obj,- textprop.obj,- minibuf.obj,- fileio.obj,- dired.obj,- filemode.obj,- cmds.obj,- casetab.obj,- casefiddle.obj,- indent.obj,- search.obj,- regex.obj,- undo.obj,- alloc.obj,- data.obj,- doc.obj,- editfns.obj,- callint.obj,- eval.obj,- floatfns.obj,- fns.obj,- print.obj,- lread.obj,- abbrev.obj,- syntax.obj,- mocklisp.obj,- bytecode.obj,- process.obj,- callproc.obj,- vmsfns.obj,- vmsproc.obj,- doprnt.obj,- getloadavg.obj,- vmsmap.obj,- termcap.obj,- tparam.obj,- lastfile.obj,- vmstime.obj,- vmsgmalloc.obj,- vm-limit.obj,- alloca.obj COLLECT=NON_SAVED_DATA,- stdin,- stdout,- stderr,- errno,- vaxc$errno,- sys_errlist,- sys_nerr,- environ [-.oldxmenu]libxmenu11/lib ! If you don't have MultiNet, comment the following line. !multinet:multinet_socket_library/share ! If you don't have UCX, comment the following line. sys$library:ucx$ipc/library ! You cannot link in the shareable. ! If you don't link for X, comment the following line. sys$share:decw$xlibshr/share SYS$SHARE:VAXCRTL/SHARE ! Always link with this library. $! 'f$verify(0) $ set default [-.vms] $ exit