/* lib_debug.c - debug function for the expect C library, libexpect.a Written by: Don Libes, libes@cme.nist.gov, NIST, 12/3/90 Design and implementation of this program was paid for by U.S. tax dollars. Therefore it is public domain. However, the author and NIST would appreciate credit if this program or parts of it are used. */ #include "exp_conf.h" #include #include #include "exp_rename.h" #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #endif int is_debugging = FALSE; FILE *debugfile = 0; FILE *logfile = 0; /* send to log if open and debugging enabled */ /* send to stderr if debugging enabled */ /* use this function for recording unusual things in the log */ /*VARARGS*/ void debuglog(va_alist) va_dcl { char *fmt; va_list args; va_start(args); fmt = va_arg(args,char *); if (debugfile) vfprintf(debugfile,fmt,args); if (is_debugging) { vfprintf(stderr,fmt,args); if (logfile) vfprintf(logfile,fmt,args); } va_end(args); }