.\" -*- nroff -*- .\" Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Cygnus Support .\" written by K. Richard Pixley .TH configure 1 "2 February 1993" "cygnus support" "Cygnus Support" .de BP .sp .ti \-.2i \(** .. .SH NAME configure \(em\& prepare source code to be built .SH SYNOPSIS configure HOST [--target=TARGET] [--srcdir=DIR] [--rm] [--site=SITE] [--prefix=DIR] [--exec_prefix=DIR] [--program_prefix=DIR] [--tmpdir=DIR] [--with-PACKAGE[=YES/NO]] [--norecursion] [--nfp] [-s] [-v] [-V | --version] [--help] .SH DESCRIPTION .I configure is a program used to prepare souce code to be built. It does this by generating Makefiles and .gdbinit files, creating symlinks, recursing in subdirectories, and some other miscellaneous file editing. .SH OPTIONS .I configure accepts the following options: .TP .I \--target=TARGET Requests that the sources be configured to target the .I TARGET machine. If no target is specified explicitly, the target is assumed to be the same as the host. .TP .I \--srcdir=DIR tells configure to find the source in .I DIR. Object code is always built in the current directory, .I `.'. .TP .I \--rm asks configure to remove a configuration rather than create one. .TP .I \--site=SITE asks configure to use any site-specific Makefile fragments for .I SITE when building Makefiles. .TP .I \--prefix=DIR sets the location in which to install files to .I DIR. The default is "/usr/local". .TP .I \--exec_prefix=DIR sets the root directory for host-dependent files to .I DIR. The default location is the value of .I prefix. .TP .I \--program_prefix=DIR configures the source to install programs which have the same names as common Unix programs, such as "make", in .I DIR. Also applies to programs which might be used for cross-compilation. .TP .I \--tmpdir=DIR sets the directory in which configure creates temporary files to .I DIR. .TP .I \--with-PACKAGE[=YES/NO] sets a flag for the build to recognize that .I PACKAGE is explicitly present or not present. If .I \=YES/NO is nonexistent, the default is .I YES. .TP .I \--norecursion asks that only the current directory be configured. Normally .I configure recurs on subdirectories. .TP .I \-nfp Notifies .I configure that all of the specified hosts have .I no floating point units. .TP .I \-s used internally by configure to supress status messages on subdirectory recursions. Override with .I \-v .TP .I \-v verbose output. Asks that configure print status lines for each directory configured. Normally, only the status lines for the current directory are printed. .TP .I \--version .I \-V prints .I configure version number. .TP .I \-help displays a brief usage summary. .SH FILES configure.in for each directory's individual needs .br Makefile.in Makefile template .br config.sub for parsing configuration names .br config.guess for guessing HOST when not specified .br config.status non-recursively rebuilds current directory .SH FILES .ta \w'gmon.sum 'u a.out the namelist and text space. .br gmon.out dynamic call graph and profile. .br gmon.sum summarized dynamic call graph and profile. .SH "SEE ALSO" .RB "`\|" configure "\|'" entry in .B info.