/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.

This file is part of Ghostscript.

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to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
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things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
copies.  */

/* gdevgif.c */
/* GIF output device for Ghostscript. */
#include "gdevprn.h"
#include "gserrors.h"
#include "gdevpccm.h"

/* Thanks to Phil Conrad for donating the original version */
/* of these drivers to Aladdin Enterprises. */

/* ------ The device descriptors ------ */

 * Default X and Y resolution.
#define X_DPI 72
#define Y_DPI 72

/* The same print_page routine currently serves for */
/* both monochrome and color. */
private dev_proc_open_device(gif_open);
private dev_proc_print_page(gif_print_page);
private dev_proc_close_device(gif_close);

/* Monochrome. */

private gx_device_procs gifmono_procs =
  prn_procs(gif_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gif_close);
gx_device_printer far_data gs_gifmono_device =
  prn_device(gifmono_procs, "gifmono",
	0,0,0,0,			/* margins */
	1, gif_print_page);

/* Chunky 8-bit (SuperVGA-style) color. */
/* (Uses a fixed palette of 3,3,2 bits.) */

private gx_device_procs gif8_procs =
  prn_color_procs(gif_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gif_close,
    pc_8bit_map_rgb_color, pc_8bit_map_color_rgb);
gx_device_printer far_data gs_gif8_device =
  prn_device(gif8_procs, "gif8",
	0,0,0,0,			/* margins */
	8, gif_print_page);

/* ------ Private definitions ------ */

/* All two-byte quantities are stored LSB-first! */
#if arch_is_big_endian
#  define assign_ushort(a,v) a = ((v) >> 8) + ((v) << 8)
#  define assign_ushort(a,v) a = (v)

typedef struct gif_header_s {
	byte	signature[3];	/* magic number == 'GIF' */
	byte	version[3];	/* version # '87a' or '89a' */
	ushort	width;		/* screen width */
	ushort	height;		/* screen height */

/*	struct	{		/* bit structure of flags */
/*	unsigned globalcolor:1;	/* global color table flag - MSB*/
#define globalcolor_shift 7
/*	unsigned colorres:3;	/* bits/color */
#define colorres_shift 4
/*	unsigned sort:1;		/* color table sorted */
#define sort_shift 3
/*	unsigned colorsize:3;	/* 2^colorsize bytes in color table -LSB */
#define colorsize_shift 0
/*	} flags;		*/

	byte 	flags;
	byte	background;	/* background color index */
	byte	aspect;		/* pixel aspect ratio */
				/* ratio = (aspect + 15) / 64 */
} gif_header;

typedef struct image_descriptor_s {
/*	byte	separator;	/* image separator == 0x2c */
	ushort	left_pos;	/* image left pos (pixels) */
	ushort	top_pos;	/* image top  pos (pixels) */
	ushort	width;		/* image width    (pixels) */
	ushort	height;		/* image height   (pixels) */

/*	struct	{		*/
/*	unsigned localcolor:1;	/* local color table flag */
/*	unsigned interlace:1;	/* image interlaced  0=no */
/*	unsigned sort:1;	/* color table sorted 0=no*/
/*	unsigned resv:2;	*/
/*	unsigned localsize:3;	/* 2^localsize+1 = color table size */
/*	} flags;		*/

	byte	flags;
} image_descriptor;

/* LZW routines are based on:				*/
/* Dr. Dobbs Journal --- Oct. 1989. 			*/
/* Article on LZW Data Compression by Mark R. Nelson 	*/

#define MAX_BITS 12		/* this is max for GIF. */

#define TABLE_SIZE 5123		/* this is max for 12-bit codes */
#define TABLE_HASH_SHIFT 2	/* size < 4095 + (4095 >> shift) */

/* State of LZW encoder */
typedef struct code_entry_s {
	int	code_value;
	ushort	prefix_code;
	byte	append_character;
} code_entry;
typedef struct lzw_encoder_s {
	int	bits;
	ushort	Max_Code;
	ushort	Clear_code;
	ushort	next_code;
	FILE	*file;
	code_entry	*table;
	ushort	string_code;
	/* State of output buffer */
	byte	output_bit_buffer;
	int	output_bit_count;	/* # of valid low-order bits */
					/* (between 0 and 7) in buffer */
	uint	byte_count;
	byte	gif_buffer[260];
} lzw_encoder;

/* Initialize LZW encoder */
private void lzw_set_bits(P2(register lzw_encoder _ss *, int));
private void lzw_reset(P1(register lzw_encoder _ss *));
private int
lzw_init(register lzw_encoder _ss *pe, int bits, FILE *file)
{	lzw_set_bits(pe, bits);
	pe->Clear_code = (1 << bits);
	pe->file = file;
	pe->byte_count = 1;
	pe->output_bit_count = 0;
	pe->output_bit_buffer = 0;
	pe->table = (code_entry *)gs_malloc(TABLE_SIZE, sizeof(code_entry), "GIF code table");

	if ( pe->table == 0 )
		return_error(gs_error_VMerror);	/* can't allocate buffers */

	pe->string_code = 0;
	return 0;
/* Establish the width of the code in bits */
private void
lzw_set_bits(register lzw_encoder _ss *pe, int bits)
{	pe->bits = bits;
	pe->Max_Code = (1 << (bits+1)) - 1;
/* Reset the encoding table */
private void
lzw_reset(register lzw_encoder _ss *pe)
{	int index;
	for ( index = 0; index < TABLE_SIZE; index++ )
		pe->table[index].code_value = -1;
	pe->next_code = pe->Clear_code + 2;

/* Put out (data) of length (bits) to GIF buffer */
private void
lzw_putc(register lzw_encoder _ss *pe, uint data)
{	int bits = pe->bits + 1;	/* output width */
	ulong buffer = pe->output_bit_buffer | ((ulong)data << pe->output_bit_count);
	pe->output_bit_count += bits;
	while ( pe->output_bit_count >= 8 )
	{	/* putc(output_bit_buffer >> 24, file); */
		pe->gif_buffer[pe->byte_count] = (byte)buffer;  /* low byte */
		buffer >>= 8;
		pe->output_bit_count -= 8;
		if ( pe->byte_count == 256 )
		{	pe->byte_count = 1;
			pe->gif_buffer[0] = 255;  /* byte count for block */
			fwrite(pe->gif_buffer, 1, 256, pe->file);
	pe->output_bit_buffer = (byte)buffer;

/* Finish encoding, and flush the buffers. */
private void
lzw_finish(register lzw_encoder _ss *pe)
{	lzw_putc(pe, pe->string_code);	/* output last code */
	lzw_putc(pe, pe->Clear_code+1);	/* output eof code */
	lzw_putc(pe, 0);	/* force out last code */
	if ( pe->byte_count != 1 )
	{	pe->gif_buffer[0] = pe->byte_count;
		fwrite(pe->gif_buffer, 1, pe->byte_count+1, pe->file);

/* Terminate LZW encoder. */
private void
lzw_exit(register lzw_encoder _ss *pe)
{	gs_free((char *)pe->table, TABLE_SIZE, sizeof(code_entry), "GIF code table");

/* Get the next (depth) bits from the pixel buffer. */
/* Note that 8 % depth == 0. */
/* Free variables: bits_left, bit_buffer, next, depth, depth_mask. */
#define lzw_getc()\
 (bits_left =\
  (bits_left == 0 ?\
   (bit_buffer = *(next++), 8 - (depth)) :\
   bits_left - (depth)),\
  (bit_buffer >> bits_left) & (depth_mask))

/* Output 1 row of data in GIF (LZW) format. */
private void
lzw(byte *from, byte *end, register lzw_encoder _ss *pe, int depth)
{	int bits_left = 0;
	uint bit_buffer;
	byte *next = from;
	uint depth_mask = (1 << depth) - 1;

	if ( pe->next_code == (pe->Clear_code + 2))	/* first time through */
	{	pe->string_code = lzw_getc();

	while ( next < end || bits_left >= depth )
	{	uint	data = lzw_getc();  /* actually only a byte */

		/* Hash to find a match for the prefix+char */
		/* string in the string table */

		ushort	hash_prefix = pe->string_code;
		int	index = (data << 4) ^ hash_prefix;
		int	hash_offset;
		register code_entry *pce;

		index += index >> TABLE_HASH_SHIFT;
		if ( index == 0 )
			hash_offset = 1;
			hash_offset = TABLE_SIZE - index;

		while ( 1 )
		{	pce = &pe->table[index];
			if ( pce->code_value == -1 )
			if ( pce->prefix_code == hash_prefix && 
			     pce->append_character == data )
			index -= hash_offset;
			if ( index < 0 )
				index += TABLE_SIZE;
		if ( pce->code_value != -1 )
			pe->string_code = pce->code_value;
		{	/* Make a new entry */
			pce->code_value = pe->next_code++;
			pce->prefix_code = pe->string_code;
			pce->append_character = data;

			lzw_putc(pe, pe->string_code);

			if ( pe->next_code > (pe->Max_Code + 1) )
			{	/* Increment the width of the code */
				if ( pe->bits+1 >= MAX_BITS )
				{	/* output clear code first*/
					lzw_putc(pe, pe->Clear_code);
					pe->bits = (depth == 1 ? 2 : depth);
				lzw_set_bits(pe, pe->bits);
			pe->string_code = data;

/* Open the device.  The only reason for this routine is */
/* to print the obnoxious copyright notice. */
private int
gif_open(gx_device *pdev)
{	int code = gdev_prn_open(pdev);
	if ( code < 0 ) return code;

	/* Put the message on stderr so it doesn't interfere with */
	/* possible piped output. */
	fprintf(stderr, "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "the Copyright Property of CompuServe Incorporated.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated.\n");

	return 0;

/* Write a page to a file in GIF format. */
private int
gif_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *file)
{	int raster = gdev_prn_raster(pdev);
	ushort height = pdev->height;
	int depth = pdev->color_info.depth;
	ushort gif_width = raster * (8 / depth); /* decoders want the width */
						/* on a byte boundary */
	byte *row = (byte *)gs_malloc(raster * 2, 1, "gif file buffer");
	byte *end = row + raster;
	gif_header header;
	image_descriptor header_desc;
	lzw_encoder encoder;
	int y;
	int code = 0;			/* return code */

	if ( row == 0 )			/* can't allocate row buffer */
	code = lzw_init(&encoder, (depth == 1 ? 2 : depth), file);
	if ( code < 0 )
		return code;

	/* Set up the header. */

	memcpy(header.signature, "GIF", 3);
	memcpy(header.version, "87a", 3);
	assign_ushort(header.width, gif_width);
	assign_ushort(header.height, height);
/*	header.flags.globalcolor = TRUE;	*/
/*	header.flags.colorres = depth-1;	*/
/*	header.flags.sort = FALSE;		*/
/*	header.flags.colorsize = depth-1;	*/
	header.flags =
		(1 << globalcolor_shift) +
		((depth - 1) << colorres_shift) +
		(0 << sort_shift) +
		((depth - 1) << colorsize_shift);
	header.background = 0;
	header.aspect = 0;
	/* Write the header, on the first page only. */

	if ( gdev_prn_file_is_new(pdev) )
		if ( fwrite(&header, 1, 13, file) < 13 )
		{	code = gs_error_ioerror;
			goto gif_done;

		/* Write the header global color palette. */

		if ( pc_write_palette((gx_device *)pdev, 1 << depth, file) < 0 )
		{	code = gs_error_ioerror;
			goto gif_done;

	header_desc.left_pos = 0;
	header_desc.top_pos = 0;
	assign_ushort(header_desc.width, gif_width);
	assign_ushort(header_desc.height, height);
/*	header_desc.flags.localcolor = TRUE;	*/
/*	header_desc.flags.interlace = FALSE;	*/
/*	header_desc.flags.sort = FALSE;		*/
/*	header_desc.flags.localsize = depth - 1;*/

	header_desc.flags =
		(1 << globalcolor_shift) +
		((depth - 1) << colorsize_shift);

	/* Write the header image descriptor. */

	fputc(0x2c,file);		/* start with separator */
	if ( fwrite(&header_desc, 1, 9, file) < 9 )
	   {	code = gs_error_ioerror;
		goto gif_done;
	/* Write the local color palette. */

	if ( pc_write_palette((gx_device *)pdev, 1 << depth, file) < 0 )
	   {	code = gs_error_ioerror;
		goto gif_done;

	fputc(encoder.bits, file);		/* start with code size */

	lzw_putc(&encoder, encoder.Clear_code);	/* output clear code first*/

	/* Dump the contents of the image. */
	for ( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) 
	   {	gdev_prn_copy_scan_lines(pdev, y, row, raster);
		lzw(row, end, &encoder, depth);

        fputc(0, file);

	gs_free((char *)row, raster * 2, 1, "gif file buffer");
	return code;

/* Close the device, writing an end-of-file mark. */
private int
gif_close(gx_device *pdev)
	FILE *file = ((gx_device_printer *)pdev)->file;

	if ( file != NULL )
	{	fputc(0x3b, file);	/* EOF indicator */

	return gdev_prn_close(pdev);