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/* gdevsvga.h */
/* SuperVGA display definitions for Ghostscript */
/* (requires gdevpcfb.h) */

/* Common procedures */

	/* See gxdevice.h for the definitions of the procedures. */


/* Table structure for looking up graphics modes. */
typedef struct {
	int width, height;		/* "key" */
	int mode;			/* "value" */
} mode_info;

/* The device descriptor structure */
typedef struct gx_device_svga_s gx_device_svga;
struct gx_device_svga_s {
	int (*get_mode)(P0());
	void (*set_mode)(P1(int));
	void (*set_page)(P3(gx_device_svga *fbdev, int pnum, int wnum));
	const mode_info _ds *mode;	/* BIOS display mode info */
	uint raster;			/* frame buffer bytes per line */
	int page;			/* current page */
	int wnum_read, wnum_write;	/* window #s for read vs. write */
	/* Following are device-specific. */
	union {
	  struct {
		void (*bios_set_page)(P2(int, int));	/* set-page function */
	  } vesa;
	  struct {
		int select_reg;			/* page-select register */
	  } atiw;
	  struct {
		int et_model;			/* 4 for ET4000, */
						/* 3 for ET3000 */
	  } tseng;
	} info;

/* The initial parameters map an appropriate fraction of */
/* the screen to a full-page coordinate space. */
/* This may or may not be what is desired! */
#define svga_device(procs, name, get_mode, set_mode, set_page) {\
	640, 480,		/* screen size */\
	480 / PAGE_HEIGHT_INCHES, 480 / PAGE_HEIGHT_INCHES, /* resolution */\
	dci_color(8, 31, 4),\
	0,			/* not opened yet */\
	get_mode, set_mode, set_page\

/* Utility procedures */
extern int svga_find_mode(P2(gx_device *, const mode_info _ds *));
extern int svga_open(P1(gx_device *));