/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.

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/* gxht.c */
/* Halftone rendering routines for Ghostscript imaging library */
#include "memory_.h"
#include "gx.h"
#include "gserrors.h"
#include "gxfixed.h"
#include "gxmatrix.h"			/* for gxdevice.h */
#include "gzstate.h"
#include "gzdevice.h"
#include "gzcolor.h"			/* requires gxdevice.h */
#include "gzht.h"

extern ulong gs_next_ids(P1(uint));

 * We don't want to remember all the values of the halftone screen,
 * because they would take up space proportional to P^3, where P is
 * the number of pixels in a cell.  Instead, we pick some number N of
 * patterns to cache.  Each cache slot covers a range of (P+1)/N
 * different gray levels: we "slide" the contents of the slot back and
 * forth within this range by incrementally adding and dropping 1-bits.
 * N>=0 (obviously); N<=P+1 (likewise); also, so that we can simplify things
 * by preallocating the bookkeeping information for the cache, we define
 * a constant max_cached_tiles which is an a priori maximum value for N.
 * Note that the raster for each tile must be a multiple of 32 bits,
 * to satisfy the copy_mono device routine, even though a multiple of
 * 16 bits would otherwise be sufficient.

/*** Big memory machines ***/
#define max_cached_tiles_LARGE 256
#define max_ht_bits_LARGE 35000
/*** Small memory machines ***/
#define max_cached_tiles_SMALL 25
#define max_ht_bits_SMALL 1000

#if arch_ints_are_short
#  define max_cached_tiles max_cached_tiles_SMALL
#  define max_ht_bits max_ht_bits_SMALL
#  define max_cached_tiles max_cached_tiles_LARGE
#  define max_ht_bits max_ht_bits_LARGE

typedef struct bit_tile_s {
	int level;			/* the cached gray level, i.e. */
					/* the number of spots whitened, */
					/* or -1 if the cache is empty */
	gx_bitmap tile;			/* the currently rendered tile */
} bit_tile;
typedef struct gx_ht_cache_s {
	/* The following are set when the cache is created. */
	byte *bits;			/* the base of the bits */
	uint bits_size;			/* the space available for bits */
	/* The following are reset each time the cache is initialized */
	/* for a new screen. */
	ht_bit *order;			/* the cached order vector */
	int num_cached;			/* actual # of cached tiles */
	int levels_per_tile;		/* # of levels per cached tile */
	bit_tile tiles[max_cached_tiles];	/* the cached tiles */
	gx_bitmap_id base_id;		/* the base id, to which */
					/* we add the halftone level */
} gx_ht_cache;

/* Bit masks for whitening vector.  The high-order byte always comes */
/* first.  We have to define the masks as bit16 to ensure that */
/* they will be properly aligned in memory on machines that care. */
typedef unsigned short bit16;
#if arch_is_big_endian
#  define b2(hi,lo) (hi<<8)+lo
#  define b2(hi,lo) (lo<<8)+hi
private const bit16 single_bits[16] =
   {	b2(0x80,0), b2(0x40,0), b2(0x20,0), b2(0x10,0),
	b2(8,0), b2(4,0), b2(2,0), b2(1,0),
	b2(0,0x80), b2(0,0x40), b2(0,0x20), b2(0,0x10),
	b2(0,8), b2(0,4), b2(0,2), b2(0,1)
private const bit16 mb1[1] =
   {	b2(0xff,0xff) };
private const bit16 mb2[2] =
   {	b2(0xaa,0xaa), b2(0x55,0x55) };
private const bit16 mb3[3] =
   {	b2(0x92,0x49), b2(0x49,0x24), b2(0x24,0x92) };
private const bit16 mb4[4] =
   {	b2(0x88,0x88), b2(0x44,0x44), b2(0x22,0x22), b2(0x11,0x11) };
private const bit16 mb5[5] =
   {	b2(0x84,0x21), b2(0x42,0x10), b2(0x21,0x08), b2(0x10,0x84),
private const bit16 mb6[6] =
   {	b2(0x82,0x08), b2(0x41,0x04), b2(0x20,0x82), b2(0x10,0x41),
	b2(0x08,0x20), b2(0x04,0x10)
private const bit16 mb7[7] =
   {	b2(0x81,0x02), b2(0x40,0x81), b2(0x20,0x40), b2(0x10,0x20),
	b2(0x08,0x10), b2(0x04,0x08), b2(0x02,0x04)
private const bit16 mb8[8] =
   {	b2(0x80,0x80), b2(0x40,0x40), b2(0x20,0x20), b2(0x10,0x10),
	b2(0x08,0x08), b2(0x04,0x04), b2(0x02,0x02), b2(0x01,0x01)
#undef b2
private const bit16 *multi_bits[9] =
   {	0, mb1, mb2, mb3, mb4, mb5, mb6, mb7, mb8

/* Allocate a halftone cache. */
gx_alloc_ht_cache(gs_state *pgs)
{	gs_proc_alloc_t palloc = pgs->memory_procs->alloc;
	gx_ht_cache *pcache =
		(gx_ht_cache *)(*palloc)(1, sizeof(gx_ht_cache),
	byte *cbits = (byte *)(*palloc)(max_ht_bits, 1,
	if ( pcache == 0 || cbits == 0 )
	pcache->bits = cbits;
	pcache->bits_size = max_ht_bits;
	pgs->ht_cache = pcache;
	return 0;

/* Construct the order vector.  order is an array of ht_bits: */
/* order[i].offset contains the index of the bit position */
/* that is i'th in the whitening order. */
gx_ht_construct_order(ht_bit *order, int width, int height)
{	uint i;
	uint size = (uint)(width * height);
	int padding = (-width) & 31;
	if ( (width + padding) / 8 * height > max_ht_bits )
		return_error(gs_error_limitcheck);	/* can't cache the rendering */
	/* Convert sequential indices to */
	/* byte indices and mask values. */
	for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
	   {	int pix = order[i].offset;
		pix += pix / width * padding;
		order[i].offset = (pix >> 4) << 1;
		order[i].mask =
			(width <= 8 ?
			 multi_bits[width][pix & 15] :
			 single_bits[pix & 15]);
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( gs_debug['h'] )
	   {	dprintf1("[h]Halftone order %lx:\n", (ulong)order);
		for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
			dprintf3("%4d: %u:%x\n", i, order[i].offset,
	return 0;

/* Install a new halftone in the graphics state. */
gx_ht_install(gs_state *pgs, const halftone_params *pht)
{	*pgs->halftone = *pht;
	/* Clear the cache, to avoid confusion in case */
	/* the address of a new order vector matches that of a */
	/* (deallocated) old one. */
	pgs->ht_cache->order = NULL;

/* Make the cache order current, and return whether */
/* there is room for all possible tiles in the cache. */
private void init_ht(P2(gx_ht_cache *, const halftone_params *));
gx_check_tile_cache(gs_state *pgs)
{	const halftone_params *pht = pgs->halftone;
	gx_ht_cache *pcache = pgs->ht_cache;
	if ( pcache->order != pht->order )
	  init_ht(pcache, pht);
	return pcache->levels_per_tile == 1;

/* Determine whether a given (width, y, height) might fit into a */
/* single tile. If so, return the byte offset of the appropriate row */
/* from the beginning of the tile; if not, return -1. */
gx_check_tile_size(gs_state *pgs, int w, int y, int h)
{	int tsy;
	const gx_bitmap *ptile0 =
		&pgs->ht_cache->tiles[0].tile;	/* a typical tile */
#define tile0 (*ptile0)
	if ( h > tile0.rep_height || w > tile0.rep_width )
	  return -1;
	tsy = (y + pgs->phase_mod.y) % tile0.rep_height;
	if ( tsy + h > tile0.size.y )
	  return -1;
	/* Tile fits in Y, might fit in X. */
	return tsy * tile0.raster;
#undef tile0

/* Load the device color into the halftone cache if needed. */
private int render_ht(P4(bit_tile *, int, const halftone_params *, gx_bitmap_id));
gx_color_load(gx_device_color *pdevc, gs_state *pgs)
{	int level = pdevc->halftone_level;
	const halftone_params *pht;
	gx_ht_cache *pcache;
	bit_tile *bt;
	if ( level == 0 ) return 0;	/* no halftone */
	pht = pgs->halftone;
	pcache = pgs->ht_cache;
	if ( pcache->order != pht->order )
		init_ht(pcache, pht);
	bt = &pcache->tiles[level / pcache->levels_per_tile];
	if ( bt->level != level )
	{	int code = render_ht(bt, level, pht, pcache->base_id);
		if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	pdevc->tile = &bt->tile;
	return 0;

/* Initialize the tile cache for a given screen. */
/* Cache as many different levels as will fit. */
private void
init_ht(gx_ht_cache *pcache, const halftone_params *pht)
{	int width = pht->width;
	int height = pht->height;
	int size = width * height;
	static int up_to_16[] =
		/* up_to_16[i] = 16 / i * i */
		{ 0, 16, 16, 15, 16, 15, 12, 14, 16 };
	int width_unit = (width <= 8 ? up_to_16[width] : width);
	int height_unit = height;
	uint raster = ((width + 31) >> 5) << 2;
	uint tile_bytes = raster * height;
	int num_cached;
	int i;
	byte *tbits = pcache->bits;
	/* Make sure num_cached is within bounds */
	num_cached = max_ht_bits / tile_bytes;
	if ( num_cached > size ) num_cached = size;
	if ( num_cached > max_cached_tiles ) num_cached = max_cached_tiles;
	if ( num_cached == size &&
	     tile_bytes * num_cached <= max_ht_bits / 2
	   {	/* We can afford to replicate every tile vertically, */
		/* which will reduce breakage when tiling. */
		height_unit <<= 1, tile_bytes <<= 1;
	pcache->base_id = gs_next_ids(size);
	for ( i = 0; i < num_cached; i++ )
	   {	register bit_tile *bt = &pcache->tiles[i];
		bt->level = -1;
		bt->tile.data = tbits;
		bt->tile.raster = raster;
		bt->tile.size.x = width_unit;
		bt->tile.size.y = height_unit;
		bt->tile.rep_width = width;
		bt->tile.rep_height = height;
		tbits += tile_bytes;
	pcache->order = pht->order;
	pcache->num_cached = num_cached;
	pcache->levels_per_tile = (size + num_cached - 1) / num_cached;

 * Compute and save the rendering of a given gray level
 * with the current halftone.  The cache holds multiple tiles,
 * where each tile covers a range of possible levels.
 * If the tile whose range includes the desired level is already loaded,
 * we adjust it incrementally: this saves a lot of time for
 * the average image, where gray levels don't change abruptly.
 * Note that we will never be asked to cache levels 0 or order_size,
 * which correspond to black or white respectively.
private int
render_ht(bit_tile *pbt, int level /* [1..order_size-1] */,
  const halftone_params *pht, gx_bitmap_id base_id)
{	ht_bit *order = pht->order;
	register ht_bit *p;
	register ht_bit *endp;
	register byte *bits = pbt->tile.data;
	int old_level = pbt->level;
	if ( old_level < 0 )
	   {	/* The cache is empty.  Preload it with */
		/* whichever of all-0s and all-1s will be faster. */
		uint tile_bytes = pbt->tile.raster * pbt->tile.size.y;
		if ( level >= pht->order_size >> 1 )
		   {	old_level = pht->order_size;
			memset(bits, 0xff, tile_bytes);
		   {	old_level = 0;
			memset(bits, 0, tile_bytes);
#ifdef DEBUG
	if ( level < 0 || level > pht->order_size || level == old_level )
	   {	lprintf3("Error in render_ht: level=%d, old_level=%d, order_size=%d=n", level, old_level, pht->order_size);
	/* Note that we can use the same loop to turn bits either */
	/* on or off, using xor.  We use < to compare pointers, */
	/* rather than ==, because Turbo C only compares the */
	/* low 16 bits for < and > but compares all 32 bits for ==. */
	if ( level > old_level )
		p = &order[old_level], endp = &order[level];
		p = &order[level], endp = &order[old_level];
	/* Invert bits between the two pointers */
	   {	*(bit16 *)&bits[p->offset] ^= p->mask;
	while ( ++p < endp );
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( gs_debug['h'] )
	   {	byte *p = bits;
		int wb = pbt->tile.raster;
		byte *ptr = bits + wb * pbt->tile.size.y;
		dprintf7("[h]Halftone cache %lx: old=%d, new=%d, w=%d(%d), h=%d(%d):\n",
			 (ulong)bits, old_level, level, pbt->tile.size.x,
		         pht->width, pbt->tile.size.y, pht->height);
		while ( p < ptr )
		   {	dprintf8(" %d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d",
				 *p >> 7, (*p >> 6) & 1, (*p >> 5) & 1,
				 (*p >> 4) & 1, (*p >> 3) & 1, (*p >> 2) & 1,
				 (*p >> 1) & 1, *p & 1);
			if ( (++p - bits) % wb == 0 ) dputc('\n');
	pbt->level = level;
	pbt->tile.id = base_id + level;
	if ( pbt->tile.size.y > pbt->tile.rep_height )
	  { /* Replicate the tile in Y.  We only do this when */
	    /* all the renderings will fit in the cache, */
	    /* so we only do it once per level, and it doesn't */
	    /* have to be very efficient. */
	    uint rh = pbt->tile.rep_height;
	    uint h = pbt->tile.size.y;
	    uint tsize = pbt->tile.raster * rh;
	      { memcpy(bits + tsize, bits, tsize);
		bits += tsize;
	    while ( (h -= rh) != 0 );
	return 0;