/* Copyright (C) 1992 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.

This file is part of Ghostscript.

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/* main.h */
/* Interface between gs.c and gsmain.c */

/* Exported data from gsmain.c */
extern char *gs_lib_env_path;
extern uint gs_memory_chunk_size;
extern int gs_user_errors;

/* Exported procedures from gsmain.c */
extern	void	gs_init0(P4(FILE *, FILE *, FILE *, int)),
extern	void	gs_add_lib_path(P1(const char *));
extern	void	gs_set_lib_paths(P0());
extern	int	gs_lib_open(P2(const char *fname, ref *pfile));
/* The value returned by gs_run_file and gs_run_string is */
/* 0 if the interpreter ran to completion, e_Quit for a normal quit, */
/* e_Fatal for a non-zero quit or a fatal error. */
/* e_Fatal stores the exit code in the third argument. */
extern	int	gs_run_file(P4(const char *fname, int user_errors, int *pexit_code, ref *perror_object)),
		gs_run_string(P4(const char *str, int user_errors, int *pexit_code, ref *perror_object));
extern	void	gs_debug_dump_stack(P2(int code, ref *perror_object));
extern	void	gs_finit(P2(int exit_status, int code)),
		gs_exit(P1(int exit_status)),
		gs_exit_with_code(P2(int exit_status, int code));
/* Direct interface to the interpreter. */
/* Clients do not normally use this. */
extern	int	gs_interpret(P4(ref *pref, int user_errors, int *pexit_code, ref *perror_object));