/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.

This file is part of Ghostscript.

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to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
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/* zht.c */
/* Halftone operators and rendering for Ghostscript */
#include "ghost.h"
#include "memory_.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "oper.h"
#include "alloc.h"
#include "estack.h"
#include "gsmatrix.h"
#include "gsstate.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "store.h"

/* Forward references */
private int screen_sample(P1(os_ptr));
private int set_screen_continue(P1(os_ptr));
private int screen_cleanup(P1(os_ptr));

/* - currentscreen <frequency> <angle> <proc> */
/* - currentscreen 60 0 <dict> */
zcurrentscreen(register os_ptr op)
{	if ( r_has_type(&istate.halftone, t_null) )
	{	/* Screen was set by setscreen. */
		float freq, angle;
		float (*proc)(P2(floatp, floatp));
		gs_currentscreen(igs, &freq, &angle, &proc);
		make_real(op - 2, freq);
		make_real(op - 1, angle);
		*op = istate.screen_procs.gray;
	{	/* Screen was set by sethalftone. */
		make_real(op - 2, 60);
		make_real(op - 1, 0);
		*op = istate.halftone;
	return 0;

/* The setscreen operator is complex because it has to sample */
/* each pixel in the pattern cell, calling a procedure, and then */
/* sort the result into a whitening order. */

/* Layout of stuff pushed on estack: */
/*	Control mark, */
/*	spot procedure, */
/*	enumeration structure (as bytes). */
#define snumpush 3
#define sproc esp[-1]
#define senum (gs_screen_enum *)esp->value.bytes

/* <frequency> <angle> <proc> setscreen - */
zsetscreen(register os_ptr op)
{	float fa[2];
	int code = num_params(op - 1, 2, fa);
	gs_screen_enum *penum;
	if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	penum = (gs_screen_enum *)alloc(1, gs_screen_enum_sizeof, "setscreen");
	if ( penum == 0 )
	/* Push everything on the estack */
	make_mark_estack(esp + 1, es_other, screen_cleanup);
	esp[2] = *op;			/* sproc = proc */
	make_tasv(esp + 3, t_string, 0, gs_screen_enum_sizeof, bytes, (byte *)penum);
	code = gs_screen_init(penum, igs, fa[0], fa[1]);
	if ( code < 0 )
	   {	screen_cleanup(op);
		return code;
	esp += snumpush;
	pop(3);  op -= 3;
	return screen_sample(op);
/* Set up the next sample */
private int
screen_sample(register os_ptr op)
{	gs_screen_enum *penum = senum;
	gs_point pt;
	int code = gs_screen_currentpoint(penum, &pt);
	ref proc;
	if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	if ( code != 0 )
	   {	/* All done */
		istate.screen_procs.red = sproc;
		istate.screen_procs.green = sproc;
		istate.screen_procs.blue = sproc;
		istate.screen_procs.gray = sproc;
		esp -= snumpush;
		return o_pop_estack;
	make_real(op - 1, pt.x);
	make_real(op, pt.y);
	proc = sproc;
	*++esp = proc;
	return o_push_estack;
/* Continuation procedure for processing sampled pixels. */
private int
set_screen_continue(register os_ptr op)
{	float value;
	int code = num_params(op, 1, &value);
	if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	code = gs_screen_next(senum, value);
	if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	pop(1);  op--;
	return screen_sample(op);
/* Clean up after screen enumeration */
private int
screen_cleanup(os_ptr op)
{	alloc_free((char *)esp[snumpush].value.bytes,
		   1, gs_screen_enum_sizeof, "screen_cleanup");
	return 0;

/* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */

op_def zht_op_defs[] = {
	{"0currentscreen", zcurrentscreen},
	{"3setscreen", zsetscreen},
		/* Internal operators */
	{"1%set_screen_continue", set_screen_continue},