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/* zht2.c */
/* Level 2 halftone operators for Ghostscript */
#include "ghost.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "oper.h"
#include "alloc.h"
#include "dict.h"
#include "dparam.h"
#include "iname.h"		/* for name_eq */
#include "state.h"
#include "store.h"

/* Structures (should be shared with gsht.c) */
typedef struct screen_params_s {
	float frequency;
	float angle;
	float (*spot_function)(P2(floatp, floatp));
} screen_params;
typedef struct threshold_params_s {
	int width;
	int height;
	const byte *thresholds;
} threshold_params;

/* Structures for component names in halftone dictionaries */
typedef struct screen_names_s {
	ref Frequency;
	ref Angle;
	ref SpotFunction;
} screen_names;
typedef struct threshold_names_s {
	ref Width;
	ref Height;
	ref Thresholds;
} threshold_names;

/* Forward references */
private int dict_screen_params(P4(const ref *, const screen_names *,
  screen_params *, ref *));
private int dict_threshold_params(P3(const ref *, const threshold_names *,
  threshold_params *));

/* Keys in halftone dictionaries: */
static ref name_HalftoneType;
static ref name_TransferFunction;
/* Type 1: */
static screen_names names_type1;
static ref name_AccurateScreens;
static ref name_ActualFrequency;
static ref name_ActualAngle;
/* Type 2: */
static screen_names names_type2[4];
/* Type 3: */
static threshold_names names_type3;
/* Type 4: */
static threshold_names names_type4[4];
/* Type 5: */
static ref color_names[8];
/* Red, Green, Blue, Gray must be 0-3. */
#define name_Red color_names[0]
#define name_Green color_names[1]
#define name_Blue color_names[2]
#define name_Gray color_names[3]
#define name_Cyan color_names[4]
#define name_Magenta color_names[5]
#define name_Yellow color_names[6]
#define name_Black color_names[7]
static ref name_Default;

/* Initialization */
private void
{	static const names_def htn[] = {

	/* Create the names of the halftone dictionary keys. */
	   { "HalftoneType", &name_HalftoneType },
	   { "TransferFunction", &name_TransferFunction },
		/* Type 1: */
	   { "Frequency", &names_type1.Frequency },
	   { "Angle", &names_type1.Angle },
	   { "SpotFunction", &names_type1.SpotFunction },
	   { "AccurateScreens", &name_AccurateScreens },
	   { "ActualFrequency", &name_ActualFrequency },
	   { "ActualAngle", &name_ActualAngle },
		/* Type 2: */
	   { "RedFrequency", &names_type2[0].Frequency },
	   { "RedAngle", &names_type2[0].Angle },
	   { "RedSpotFunction", &names_type2[0].SpotFunction },
	   { "GreenFrequency", &names_type2[1].Frequency },
	   { "GreenAngle", &names_type2[1].Angle },
	   { "GreenSpotFunction", &names_type2[1].SpotFunction },
	   { "BlueFrequency", &names_type2[2].Frequency },
	   { "BlueAngle", &names_type2[2].Angle },
	   { "BlueSpotFunction", &names_type2[2].SpotFunction },
	   { "GrayFrequency", &names_type2[3].Frequency },
	   { "GrayAngle", &names_type2[3].Angle },
	   { "GraySpotFunction", &names_type2[3].SpotFunction },
		/* Type 3: */
	   { "Width", &names_type3.Width },
	   { "Height", &names_type3.Height },
	   { "Thresholds", &names_type3.Thresholds },
		/* Type 4: */
	   { "RedWidth", &names_type4[0].Width },
	   { "RedHeight", &names_type4[0].Height },
	   { "RedThresholds", &names_type4[0].Thresholds },
	   { "GreenWidth", &names_type4[1].Width },
	   { "GreenHeight", &names_type4[1].Height },
	   { "GreenThresholds", &names_type4[1].Thresholds },
	   { "BlueWidth", &names_type4[2].Width },
	   { "BlueHeight", &names_type4[2].Height },
	   { "BlueThresholds", &names_type4[2].Thresholds },
	   { "GrayWidth", &names_type4[3].Width },
	   { "GrayHeight", &names_type4[3].Height },
	   { "GrayThresholds", &names_type4[3].Thresholds },
		/* Type 5 only: */
	   { "Red", &name_Red },
	   { "Green", &name_Green },
	   { "Blue", &name_Blue },
	   { "Gray", &name_Gray },
	   { "Cyan", &name_Cyan },
	   { "Magenta", &name_Magenta },
	   { "Yellow", &name_Yellow },
	   { "Black", &name_Black },
	   { "Default", &name_Default },

	/* Mark the end of the initialized name list. */


/* - .currenthalftone <dict> 0 */
/* - .currenthalftone <frequency> <angle> <proc> 1 */
/* - .currenthalftone <red_freq> ... <gray_proc> 2 */
private int
zcurrenthalftone(register os_ptr op)
{	if ( !r_has_type(&istate.halftone, t_null) )
	{	/* Screen was set by sethalftone. */
		op[-1] = istate.halftone;
		make_int(op, 0);
	else if ( 1 )
	{	/* Screen was set by setscreen. */
		float freq, angle;
		float (*proc)(P2(floatp, floatp));
		gs_currentscreen(igs, &freq, &angle, &proc);
		make_real(op - 3, freq);
		make_real(op - 2, angle);
		op[-1] = istate.screen_procs.gray;
		make_int(op, 1);
	{	/* Screen was set by setcolorscreen. */
		make_real(op, 2);
	return 0;

/* <dict> .sethalftone1 - */
private int
zsethalftone1(register os_ptr op)
{	screen_params par;
	ref spot;
	int code;
	code = dict_screen_params(op, &names_type1, &par, &spot);
	if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	/* NYI */
	return 0;

/* <dict> .sethalftone2 - */
private int
zsethalftone2(register os_ptr op)
{	screen_params par[4];
	ref spot[4];
	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
	{	int code = dict_screen_params(op, &names_type2[i],
					      &par[i], &spot[i]);
		if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	/* NYI */
	return 0;

/* <dict> .sethalftone3 - */
private int
zsethalftone3(register os_ptr op)
{	threshold_params par;
	int code;
	code = dict_threshold_params(op, &names_type3, &par);
	if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	/* NYI */
	return 0;

/* <dict> .sethalftone4 - */
private int
zsethalftone4(register os_ptr op)
{	threshold_params par[4];
	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
	{	int code = dict_threshold_params(op, &names_type4[i],
		if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	/* NYI */
	return 0;

/* <dict> .sethalftone5 - */
private int
zsethalftone5(register os_ptr op)
{	uint length;
	typedef union { struct { screen_params p; ref r; } s; threshold_params t; } ht_params;
	ht_params *phts;
	int index;
	ht_params *p;
	ref elt[2];			/* key, value */
	length = dict_length(op);
	phts = (ht_params *)alloc(length, sizeof(ht_params), ".sethalftone5");
	if ( phts == 0 )
	index = dict_first(op);
	p = phts;
	/* BOGUS: doesn't save the name, .... */
	while ( (index = dict_next(op, index, &elt[0])) >= 0 )
	{	int code;
		if ( (code = dict_screen_params(&elt[0], &names_type1,
				&p->s.p, &p->s.r)) == e_undefined )
		{	code = dict_threshold_params(&elt[0], &names_type3,
		if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	/* NYI */
	return 0;

/* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */

op_def zht2_op_defs[] = {
	{"0.currenthalftone", zcurrenthalftone},
	{"1.sethalftone1", zsethalftone1},
	{"1.sethalftone2", zsethalftone2},
	{"1.sethalftone3", zsethalftone3},
	{"1.sethalftone4", zsethalftone4},
	{"1.sethalftone5", zsethalftone5},

/* ------ Internal routines ------ */

/* Extract frequency, angle, and spot function from a dictionary. */
private int
dict_screen_params(const ref *pdict, const screen_names *pnames,
  screen_params *psp, ref *pproc)
{	int code;
	ref *sproc;
	if ( (code = dict_float_param(pdict, &pnames->Frequency, 0.0,
				      &psp->frequency)) < 0 ||
	     (code = dict_float_param(pdict, &pnames->Angle, 0.0,
     				      &psp->angle)) < 0 ||
	     (code = dict_find(pdict, &pnames->SpotFunction, &sproc)) < 0
		return code;
	*pproc = *sproc;
	return 0;

/* Extract width, height, and thresholds from a dictionary. */
private int
dict_threshold_params(const ref *pdict, const threshold_names *pnames,
  threshold_params *ptp)
{	int code;
	ref *tstring;
	if ( (code = dict_int_param(pdict, &pnames->Width, 1, 0x7fff, -1,
				    &ptp->width)) < 0 ||
	     (code = dict_int_param(pdict, &pnames->Height, 1, 0x7fff, -1,
				    &ptp->height)) < 0 ||
	     (code = dict_find(pdict, &pnames->Thresholds, &tstring)) < 0
		return code;
	check_read_type(*tstring, t_string);
	if ( r_size(tstring) != (long)ptp->width * ptp->height )
	ptp->thresholds = tstring->value.const_bytes;
	return 0;