"Site Installation" is intended to be done by a system administrator. It can be done by a normal user with some knowledge of Tcl. "User Installation" must be done by every user of GIC. Site Installation ----------------- 1. If you haven't already, ftp and compile Tk v3.2 (with Tcl v6.7 included) from sprite.berkeley.edu:/tcl, following their instructions. The wish executable must be in your PATH. 2. Similarly, ftp and install cvs v1.3. It can be found in aeneas.mit.edu:/pub/gnu. Be sure to create a repository with a CVSROOT subdirectory containing at least the modules and loginfo file. 3. Edit the Makefile so the TK_LIBRARY macro is set to your tk library directory. 4. Run "make". User Installation ----------------- 1. Copy the file dot-gicrc into ~/.gicrc. Instructions for modifying the .gicrc file can be found in the INSTRUCTIONS file. 2. Set CVSROOT. The environment variable CVSROOT must be set to the CVS repository directory, as described in the CVS documentation (eg. /home/repository). CVSROOT should be set in your .cshrc or .profile, as they are required each time GIC is run. In the C-shell, this can be done by putting the following line in your ~/.cshrc file (substitute the location of your repository): setenv CVSROOT /home/repository 3. Put "wish" and "cvs" in your PATH. The directories of the "wish" and "cvs" executables (eg. /usr/local/bin) must be in your PATH environment variable. In the C-shell, place the following line in the ~/.cshrc file: setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:$PATH - David Marwood - marwood@cpsc.ucalgary.ca