## $Revision: $
SHELL = /bin/sh
MAKE = make
## =()
P =
## =()@>()=
## =()@>()=
MAN1 = /usr/local/man/man1
## =()@>()=
MAN3 = /usr/local/man/man3
## =()@>()=
MAN5 = /usr/local/man/man5
## =()@>()=
MAN8 = /usr/local/man/man8
## =()@>()=
## Edit these if you need to. For example, add "-b .OLD" to the MANFLAGS
## variable (without quotes).
#OWNER = -o root -g bin
MANFLAGS = $(OWNER) -m 0444
## =()@>()=
DBZDIR = ../dbz
SEC1 = convdate.1 getlist.1 grephistory.1 inews.1 innconfval.1 installit.1 \
nntpget.1 rnews.1 shlock.1 shrinkfile.1 subst.1
clientlib.3 dbz.3 inndcomm.3 libinn.3 parsedate.3 qio.3 wildmat.3
SEC5 = active.5 control.ctl.5 distrib.pats.5 expire.ctl.5 history.5 \
hosts.nntp.5 inn.conf.5 innwatch.ctl.5 moderators.5 newsfeeds.5 \
newslog.5 nnrp.access.5 nntpsend.ctl.5 overview.fmt.5 passwd.nntp.5
SEC8 = archive.8 batcher.8 buffchan.8 ctlinnd.8 cvtbatch.8 expire.8 \
expireover.8 fastrm.8 filechan.8 innd.8 innxmit.8 news-recovery.8 \
news.daily.8 nnrpd.8 nntpsend.8 overchan.8 prunehistory.8
ALL = $(SEC1) $(SEC3) $(SEC5) $(SEC8)
all: $(P) $(ALL)
install: install-man1 install-man3 install-man5 install-man8
install-man1: $(MAN1)/convdate.1 $(MAN1)/getlist.1 $(MAN1)/grephistory.1 \
$(MAN1)/inews.1 $(MAN1)/innconfval.1 $(MAN1)/installit.1 \
$(MAN1)/nntpget.1 $(MAN1)/rnews.1 $(MAN1)/shlock.1 \
$(MAN1)/shrinkfile.1 $(MAN1)/subst.1
install-man3: $(MAN3)/clientlib.3 $(MAN3)/dbz.3 $(MAN3)/inndcomm.3 \
$(MAN3)/libinn.3 $(MAN3)/parsedate.3 $(MAN3)/qio.3 \
install-man5: $(MAN5)/active.5 $(MAN5)/control.ctl.5 $(MAN5)/distrib.pats.5 \
$(MAN5)/expire.ctl.5 $(MAN5)/history.5 $(MAN5)/hosts.nntp.5 \
$(MAN5)/inn.conf.5 $(MAN5)/innwatch.ctl.5 $(MAN5)/moderators.5 \
$(MAN5)/newsfeeds.5 $(MAN5)/newslog.5 $(MAN5)/nnrp.access.5 \
$(MAN5)/nntpsend.ctl.5 $(MAN5)/overview.fmt.5 \
install-man8: $(MAN8)/archive.8 $(MAN8)/batcher.8 $(MAN8)/buffchan.8 \
$(MAN8)/ctlinnd.8 $(MAN8)/cvtbatch.8 $(MAN8)/expire.8 \
$(MAN8)/expireover.8 $(MAN8)/fastrm.8 $(MAN8)/filechan.8 \
$(MAN8)/innd.8 $(MAN8)/innxmit.8 $(MAN8)/news-recovery.8 \
$(MAN8)/news.daily.8 $(MAN8)/newslog.8 $(MAN8)/nnrpd.8 \
$(MAN8)/nntpsend.8 $(MAN8)/overchan.8 $(MAN8)/prunehistory.8
clobber clean:
rm -f dbz.3
rm -f all install lint profiled
tags ctags:
cp /dev/null tags
## Checknr dies on some systems.
lint: $(P) $(ALL)
@rm -f lint
-checknr -c.BI.IR.IB.RI.BR.SS.UC $(SEC1) >lint
-checknr -c.BI.IR.IB.RI.BR.SS.UC.BY $(SEC3) >>lint
-checknr -c.BI.IR.IB.RI.BR.SS.UC $(SEC5) >>lint
-checknr -c.BI.IR.IB.RI.BR.SS.UC $(SEC8) >>lint
cp /dev/null profiled
dbz.3: $(DBZDIR)/dbz.3z
@rm -f dbz.3
cat $(DBZDIR)/dbz.3z >dbz.3
## Low-level install actions.
$(MAN1)/convdate.1: convdate.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN1)/getlist.1: getlist.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN1)/grephistory.1: grephistory.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN1)/inews.1: inews.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN1)/innconfval.1: innconfval.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN1)/installit.1: installit.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN1)/nntpget.1: nntpget.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN1)/rnews.1: rnews.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN1)/shlock.1: shlock.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN1)/shrinkfile.1: shrinkfile.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN1)/subst.1: subst.1 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN3)/clientlib.3: clientlib.3 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN3)/dbz.3: dbz.3 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN3)/inndcomm.3: inndcomm.3 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN3)/libinn.3: libinn.3 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN3)/parsedate.3: parsedate.3 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN3)/qio.3: qio.3 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN3)/wildmat.3: wildmat.3 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/active.5: active.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/control.ctl.5: control.ctl.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/distrib.pats.5: distrib.pats.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/expire.ctl.5: expire.ctl.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/history.5: history.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/hosts.nntp.5: hosts.nntp.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/inn.conf.5: inn.conf.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/innwatch.ctl.5: innwatch.ctl.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/moderators.5: moderators.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/newsfeeds.5: newsfeeds.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/newslog.5: newslog.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/nnrp.access.5: nnrp.access.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/nntpsend.ctl.5: nntpsend.ctl.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/overview.fmt.5: overview.fmt.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN5)/passwd.nntp.5: passwd.nntp.5 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/archive.8: archive.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/batcher.8: batcher.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/buffchan.8: buffchan.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/ctlinnd.8: ctlinnd.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/cvtbatch.8: cvtbatch.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/expire.8: expire.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/expireover.8: expireover.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/fastrm.8: fastrm.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/filechan.8: filechan.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/innd.8: innd.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/innxmit.8: innxmit.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/news-recovery.8: news-recovery.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/news.daily.8: news.daily.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/newslog.8: newslog.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/nnrpd.8: nnrpd.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/nntpsend.8: nntpsend.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/overchan.8: overchan.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
$(MAN8)/prunehistory.8: prunehistory.8 ; $(COPY) $? $@
## Dependencies. Default list, below, is probably good enough.
depend: Makefile $(SOURCES)
makedepend $(DEFS) $(SOURCES)
# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.