/* $Revision: $ ** ** Send an article (prepared by someone on the local site) to the ** master news server. */ #include "configdata.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(DO_NEED_TIME) #include #endif /* defined(DO_NEED_TIME) */ #include #include #include "nntp.h" #include "paths.h" #include "libinn.h" #include "clibrary.h" #include "macros.h" #define FLUSH_ERROR(F) (fflush((F)) == EOF || ferror((F))) #define LPAREN '(' /* For vi :-) */ #define HEADER_DELTA 20 #define GECOSTERM(c) \ ((c) == ',' || (c) == ';' || (c) == ':' || (c) == LPAREN) typedef enum _HEADERTYPE { HTobs, HTreq, HTstd } HEADERTYPE; typedef struct _HEADER { STRING Name; BOOL CanSet; HEADERTYPE Type; int Size; char *Value; } HEADER; STATIC BOOL Dump; STATIC BOOL Revoked; STATIC BOOL Spooling; STATIC char SPOOLNEWS[] = _PATH_SPOOLNEWS; STATIC char **OtherHeaders; STATIC char NGSEPS[] = NG_SEPARATOR; STATIC char SIGSEP[] = SIG_SEPARATOR; STATIC FILE *FromServer; STATIC FILE *ToServer; STATIC int OtherCount; STATIC int OtherSize; STATIC char *Exclusions = ""; STATIC STRING BadDistribs[] = { BAD_DISTRIBS }; STATIC HEADER Table[] = { /* Name Canset Type */ { "Path", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _path 0 { "From", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _from 1 { "Newsgroups", TRUE, HTreq }, #define _newsgroups 2 { "Subject", TRUE, HTreq }, #define _subject 3 { "Control", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _control 4 { "Supersedes", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _supersedes 5 { "Followup-To", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _followupto 6 { "Date", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _date 7 { "Organization", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _organization 8 { "Lines", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _lines 9 { "Sender", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _sender 10 { "Approved", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _approved 11 { "Distribution", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _distribution 12 { "Expires", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _expires 13 { "Message-ID", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _messageid 14 { "References", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _references 15 { "Reply-To", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _replyto 16 { "Also-Control", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _alsocontrol 17 { "Xref", FALSE, HTstd }, { "Summary", TRUE, HTstd }, { "Keywords", TRUE, HTstd }, { "Date-Received", FALSE, HTobs }, { "Received", FALSE, HTobs }, { "Posted", FALSE, HTobs }, { "Posting-Version", FALSE, HTobs }, { "Relay-Version", FALSE, HTobs }, }; #define HDR(_x) (Table[(_x)].Value) /* ** Send the server a quit message, wait for a reply. */ STATIC NORETURN QuitServer(x) int x; { char buff[NNTP_STRLEN + 2]; char *p; if (Spooling) exit(x); if (x) (void)fprintf(stderr, "(Article not posted.)\n"); (void)fprintf(ToServer, "quit\r\n"); if (FLUSH_ERROR(ToServer)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Can't send quit to server, %s", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Warning -- server did not reply to quit, %s", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if ((p = strchr(buff, '\r')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if ((p = strchr(buff, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (atoi(buff) != NNTP_GOODBYE_ACK_VAL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Server didn't reply to quit properly:\n\t%s\n", buff); exit(1); } (void)fclose(FromServer); (void)fclose(ToServer); exit(x); } /* ** Print and error message (with errno) and exit with an error code. */ STATIC NORETURN PerrorExit(ShouldQuit, s) BOOL ShouldQuit; char *s; { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s, %s.\n", s, strerror(errno)); if (ShouldQuit) QuitServer(1); exit(1); } /* ** Flush a stdio FILE; exit if there are any errors. */ STATIC void SafeFlush(F) FILE *F; { if (FLUSH_ERROR(F)) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't send text to server"); } /* ** Trim trailing spaces, return pointer to first non-space char. */ STATIC char * TrimSpaces(p) register char *p; { register char *start; for (start = p; ISWHITE(*start); start++) continue; for (p = start + strlen(start); p > start && CTYPE(isspace, p[-1]); ) *--p = '\0'; return start; } /* ** Mark the end of the header starting at p, and return a pointer ** to the start of the next one. Handles continuations. */ STATIC char * NextHeader(p) register char *p; { for ( ; ; p++) { if ((p = strchr(p, '\n')) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Article is all headers.\n"); QuitServer(1); } if (!ISWHITE(p[1])) { *p = '\0'; return p + 1; } } } /* ** Strip any headers off the article and dump them into the table. */ STATIC char * StripOffHeaders(article) char *article; { register char *p; register char *q; register HEADER *hp; register char c; register int i; /* Set up the other headers list. */ OtherSize = HEADER_DELTA; OtherHeaders = NEW(char*, OtherSize); OtherCount = 0; /* Scan through buffer, a header at a time. */ for (i = 0, p = article; ; i++) { if ((q = strchr(p, ':')) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "No colon in header line \"%.20s...\"\n", p); QuitServer(1); } if (q[1] == '\n' && !ISWHITE(q[2])) { /* Empty header; ignore this one, get next line. */ p = NextHeader(p); if (*p == '\n') break; } if (q[1] != '\0' && !ISWHITE(q[1])) { if ((q = strchr(q, '\n')) != NULL) *q = '\0'; (void)fprintf(stderr, "No space after colon in \"%.20s...\"\n", p); QuitServer(1); } /* See if it's a known header. */ c = CTYPE(islower, *p) ? toupper(*p) : *p; for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (c == hp->Name[0] && p[hp->Size] == ':' && ISWHITE(p[hp->Size + 1]) && caseEQn(p, hp->Name, hp->Size)) { if (hp->Type == HTobs) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Obsolete \"%s\" header.\n", hp->Name); QuitServer(1); } if (hp->Value) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate \"%s\" header.\n", hp->Name); QuitServer(1); } for (q = &p[hp->Size + 1]; ISWHITE(*q); q++) continue; hp->Value = q; break; } /* Too many headers? */ if (++i > 5 * HEADER_DELTA) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "More than %d lines of header.\n", i); QuitServer(1); } /* No; add it to the set of other headers. */ if (hp == ENDOF(Table)) { if (OtherCount >= OtherSize - 1) { OtherSize += HEADER_DELTA; RENEW(OtherHeaders, char*, OtherSize); } OtherHeaders[OtherCount++] = p; } /* Get start of next header; if it's a blank line, we hit the end. */ p = NextHeader(p); if (*p == '\n') break; } return p + 1; } /* ** See if the user is allowed to cancel the indicated message. Assumes ** that the Sender or From line has already been filled in. */ STATIC void CheckCancel(msgid, JustReturn) char *msgid; BOOL JustReturn; { char localfrom[SMBUF]; register char *p; char buff[BUFSIZ]; char remotefrom[SMBUF]; /* Ask the server for the article. */ (void)fprintf(ToServer, "head %s\r\n", msgid); SafeFlush(ToServer); if (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer) == NULL || atoi(buff) != NNTP_HEAD_FOLLOWS_VAL) { if (JustReturn) return; (void)fprintf(stderr, "Server has no such article.\n"); QuitServer(1); } /* Read the headers, looking for the From or Sender. */ remotefrom[0] = '\0'; while (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer) != NULL) { if ((p = strchr(buff, '\r')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if ((p = strchr(buff, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (buff[0] == '.' && buff[1] == '\0') break; if (EQn(buff, "Sender:", 7)) (void)strcpy(remotefrom, TrimSpaces(&buff[7])); else if (remotefrom[0] == '\0' && EQn(buff, "From:", 5)) (void)strcpy(remotefrom, TrimSpaces(&buff[5])); } if (remotefrom[0] == '\0') { if (JustReturn) return; (void)fprintf(stderr, "Article is garbled.\n"); QuitServer(1); } HeaderCleanFrom(remotefrom); /* Get the local user. */ (void)strcpy(localfrom, HDR(_sender) ? HDR(_sender) : HDR(_from)); HeaderCleanFrom(localfrom); /* Is the right person cancelling? */ if (!EQ(localfrom, remotefrom)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Article was posted by \"%s\" and you are \"%s\".\n", remotefrom, localfrom); QuitServer(1); } } /* ** See if the user is the news administrator. */ STATIC BOOL AnAdministrator(name, group) char *name; int group; { struct passwd *pwp; struct group *grp; char **mem; char *p; if (Revoked) return FALSE; /* Find out who we are. */ if ((pwp = getpwnam(NEWSUSER)) == NULL) /* Silent falure; clients might not have the group. */ return FALSE; if (getuid() == pwp->pw_uid) return TRUE; /* See if the we're in the right group. */ if ((grp = getgrnam(NEWSGID)) == NULL || (mem = grp->gr_mem) == NULL) /* Silent falure; clients might not have the group. */ return FALSE; if (group == grp->gr_gid) return TRUE; while ((p = *mem++) != NULL) if (EQ(name, p)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* ** Check the control message, and see if it's legit. */ STATIC void CheckControl(ctrl, pwp) char *ctrl; struct passwd *pwp; { register char *p; register char *q; char save; char name[SMBUF]; /* Snip off the first word. */ for (p = ctrl; ISWHITE(*p); p++) continue; for (ctrl = p; *p && !ISWHITE(*p); p++) continue; if (p == ctrl) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Empty control message.\n"); QuitServer(1); } save = *p; *p = '\0'; if (EQ(ctrl, "cancel")) { for (q = p + 1; ISWHITE(*q); q++) continue; if (*q == '\0') { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Message-ID missing in cancel.\n"); QuitServer(1); } if (!Spooling) CheckCancel(q, FALSE); } else if (EQ(ctrl, "checkgroups") || EQ(ctrl, "ihave") || EQ(ctrl, "sendme") || EQ(ctrl, "newgroup") || EQ(ctrl, "rmgroup") || EQ(ctrl, "sendsys") || EQ(ctrl, "senduuname") || EQ(ctrl, "version")) { (void)strcpy(name, pwp->pw_name); if (!AnAdministrator(name, (int)pwp->pw_gid)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Ask your news administrator to do the \"%s\" for you.\n", ctrl); QuitServer(1); } } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" is not a valid control message.\n", ctrl); QuitServer(1); } *p = save; } /* ** Parse the GECOS field to get the user's full name. This comes Sendmail's ** buildfname routine. Ignore leading stuff like "23-" "stuff]-" or ** "stuff -" as well as trailing whitespace, or anything that comes after ** a comma, semicolon, or in parentheses. This seems to strip off most of ** the UCB or ATT stuff people fill out the entries with. Also, turn & ** into the login name, with perhaps an initial capital. (Everyone seems ** to hate that, but everyone also supports it.) */ STATIC char * FormatUserName(pwp, node) struct passwd *pwp; char *node; { char buff[BUFSIZ]; char outbuff[SMBUF]; char *out; char *p; #if defined(DONT_MUNGE_GECOS) (void)strcpy(outbuff, pwp->pw_gecos); #else p = pwp->pw_gecos; if (*p == '*') p++; for (out = outbuff; *p && !GECOSTERM(*p); p++) { if (*p == '&') { (void)strcpy(out, pwp->pw_name); if (CTYPE(islower, *out) && (out == outbuff || !isalpha(out[-1]))) *out = toupper(*out); while (*out) out++; } else if (*p == '-' && p > pwp->pw_gecos && (isdigit(p[-1]) || isspace(p[-1]) || p[-1] == ']')) out = outbuff; else *out++ = *p; } *out = '\0'; #endif /* defined(DONT_MINGE_GECOS) */ out = TrimSpaces(outbuff); if (out[0]) (void)sprintf(buff, "%s@%s (%s)", pwp->pw_name, node, out); else (void)sprintf(buff, "%s@%s", pwp->pw_name, node); return COPY(buff); } /* ** Check the Distribution header, and exit on error. */ STATIC void CheckDistribution(p) register char *p; { static char SEPS[] = " \t,"; register STRING *dp; if ((p = strtok(p, SEPS)) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Can't parse Distribution line.\n"); QuitServer(1); } do { for (dp = BadDistribs; *dp; dp++) if (wildmat(p, *dp)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Illegal distribution \"%s\"\n", p); QuitServer(1); } } while ((p = strtok((char *)NULL, SEPS)) != NULL); } /* ** Process all the headers. FYI, they're done in RFC-order. */ STATIC void ProcessHeaders(AddOrg, linecount, pwp) BOOL AddOrg; int linecount; struct passwd *pwp; { static char MONTHS[] = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"; static char PATHFLUFF[] = PATHMASTER; static char SIGNS[] = "+-"; register HEADER *hp; register char *p; TIMEINFO Now; struct tm *tm; char buff[SMBUF]; char from[SMBUF]; int i; long zone; /* Do some preliminary fix-ups. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) { if (!hp->CanSet && hp->Value) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Can't set system \"%s\" header.\n", hp->Name); QuitServer(1); } if (hp->Value) { hp->Value = TrimSpaces(hp->Value); if (*hp->Value == '\0') hp->Value = NULL; } } /* Set From or Sender. */ if ((p = GetConfigValue(_CONF_FROMHOST)) == NULL) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't get host name"); if (HDR(_from) == NULL) HDR(_from) = FormatUserName(pwp, p); else { (void)sprintf(buff, "%s@%s", pwp->pw_name, p); (void)strcpy(from, HDR(_from)); HeaderCleanFrom(from); if (!EQ(from, buff)) HDR(_sender) = COPY(buff); } /* Set Date. */ if (GetTimeInfo(&Now) < 0) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't get the time"); if ((tm = localtime(&Now.time)) == NULL) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't convert to local time"); /* The %0n.nd contruct from is clever. Modern * printf's treat it %02 (two digits wide) .2 (zero-fill to at least * two digits), while old versions treat it as %02 (zero-fill two * digits wide) .2 (noise). You might want to check this on your * system. */ if (Now.tzone < 0) { p = &SIGNS[0]; zone = -Now.tzone; } else { p = &SIGNS[1]; zone = Now.tzone; } (void)sprintf(buff, "%d %3.3s %d %02.2d:%02.2d:%02.2d %c%04.4d", tm->tm_mday, &MONTHS[3 * tm->tm_mon], 1900 + tm->tm_year, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, *p, (int)((zone / 60) * 100 + (zone % 60))); HDR(_date) = COPY(buff); /* Newsgroups are checked later. */ /* Set Subject; Control overrides the subject. */ if (HDR(_control)) { CheckControl(HDR(_control), pwp); HDR(_subject) = NEW(char, 5 + strlen(HDR(_control)) + 1); (void)sprintf(HDR(_subject), "cmsg %s", HDR(_control)); } else { p = HDR(_subject); if (p == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Required \"Subject\" header is missing or empty.\n"); QuitServer(1); } if (EQn(p, "cmsg ", 5)) { HDR(_control) = p + 5; CheckControl(HDR(_control), pwp); } else if (HDR(_alsocontrol)) CheckControl(HDR(_alsocontrol), pwp); #if 0 if (EQn(p, "Re: ", 4) && HDR(_references) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Article starts with \"Re: \" but has no references.\n"); QuitServer(1); } #endif /* 0 */ } /* Set Message-ID */ if (HDR(_messageid) == NULL) { if ((p = GenerateMessageID()) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Can't generate Message-ID, %s\n", strerror(errno)); QuitServer(1); } HDR(_messageid) = COPY(p); } else if ((p = strchr(HDR(_messageid), '@')) == NULL || strchr(++p, '@') != NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Message-ID must have exactly one '@'\n"); QuitServer(1); } /* Set Path */ if (HDR(_path) == NULL) { i = strlen(Exclusions) + STRLEN(PATHFLUFF); #if defined(DO_INEWS_PATH) if ((p = GetFileConfigValue(_CONF_PATHHOST)) != NULL) { i += strlen(p) + 1; HDR(_path) = NEW(char, i + 1); if (*p) (void)sprintf(HDR(_path), "%s%s!%s", Exclusions, p, PATHFLUFF); else (void)sprintf(HDR(_path), "%s%s", Exclusions, PATHFLUFF); } else if (GetFileConfigValue(_CONF_SERVER) != NULL) { if ((p = GetFQDN()) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Can't get host name, %s\n", strerror(errno)); QuitServer(1); } i += strlen(p) + 1; HDR(_path) = NEW(char, i + 1); (void)sprintf(HDR(_path), "%s%s!%s", Exclusions, p, PATHFLUFF); } else { HDR(_path) = NEW(char, i + 1); (void)sprintf(HDR(_path), "%s%s", Exclusions, PATHFLUFF); } #else HDR(_path) = NEW(char, i + 1); (void)sprintf(HDR(_path), "%s%s", Exclusions, PATHFLUFF); #endif /* defined(DO_INEWS_PATH) */ } /* Reply-To; left alone. */ /* Sender; set above. */ /* Followup-To; checked with Newsgroups. */ /* Check Expires. */ if (HDR(_expires) && parsedate(HDR(_expires), &Now) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Can't parse \"%s\" as an expiration date.\n", HDR(_expires)); QuitServer(1); } /* References; left alone. */ /* Control; checked above. */ /* Distribution. */ if ((p = HDR(_distribution)) != NULL) { p = COPY(p); CheckDistribution(p); DISPOSE(p); } /* Set Organization. */ if (AddOrg && HDR(_organization) == NULL && (p = GetConfigValue(_CONF_ORGANIZATION)) != NULL) { HDR(_organization) = COPY(p); } /* Keywords; left alone. */ /* Summary; left alone. */ /* Approved; left alone. */ /* Set Lines */ (void)sprintf(buff, "%d", linecount); HDR(_lines) = COPY(buff); /* Check Supersedes. */ if (HDR(_supersedes)) CheckCancel(HDR(_supersedes), TRUE); /* Now make sure everything is there. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (hp->Type == HTreq && hp->Value == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Required \"%s\" header is missing or empty.\n", hp->Name); QuitServer(1); } } /* ** Try to append $HOME/.signature to the article. When in doubt, exit ** out in order to avoid postings like "Sorry, I forgot my .signature ** -- here's the article again." */ STATIC char * AppendSignature(UseMalloc, article, homedir, linesp) BOOL UseMalloc; char *article; char *homedir; int *linesp; { static char NOSIG[] = "Can't add your .signature (%s), article not posted"; int i; int length; char *p; char buff[BUFSIZ]; FILE *F; /* Open the file. */ *linesp = 0; (void)sprintf(buff, "%s/.signature", homedir); if ((F = fopen(buff, "r")) == NULL) { if (errno == ENOENT) return article; (void)fprintf(stderr, NOSIG, strerror(errno)); QuitServer(1); } /* Read it in. */ length = fread((POINTER)buff, (SIZE_T)1, (SIZE_T)sizeof buff - 2, F); i = feof(F); (void)fclose(F); if (length == 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, NOSIG, "empty file"); QuitServer(1); } if (length < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, NOSIG, strerror(errno)); QuitServer(1); } if (length == sizeof buff - 2 && !i) { (void)fprintf(stderr, NOSIG, "too big"); QuitServer(1); } /* Make sure the buffer ends with \n\0. */ if (buff[length - 1] != '\n') buff[length++] = '\n'; buff[length] = '\0'; /* Count the lines. */ for (i = 0, p = buff; (p = strchr(p, '\n')) != NULL; p++) if (++i > SIG_MAXLINES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, NOSIG, "too many lines"); QuitServer(1); } *linesp = 1 + i; /* Grow the article to have the signature. */ i = strlen(article); if (UseMalloc) { p = NEW(char, i + (sizeof SIGSEP - 1) + length + 1); (void)strcpy(p, article); article = p; } else RENEW(article, char, i + (sizeof SIGSEP - 1) + length + 1); (void)strcpy(&article[i], SIGSEP); (void)strcpy(&article[i + sizeof SIGSEP - 1], buff); return article; } #if defined(DO_CHECK_INCLUDED_TEXT) /* ** See if the user has more included text than new text. Simple-minded, but ** reasonably effective for catching neophyte's mistakes. A line starting ** with > is included text. Decrement the count on lines starting with < ** so that we don't reject diff(1) output. */ STATIC void CheckIncludedText(p, lines) register char *p; register int lines; { register int i; for (i = 0; ; p++) { switch (*p) { case '>': i++; break; case '<': i--; break; } if ((p = strchr(p + 1, '\n')) == NULL) break; } if (i * 2 > lines) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Article not posted -- more included text than new text\n"); QuitServer(1); } } #endif /* defined(DO_CHECK_INCLUDED_TEXT) */ /* ** Try to mail an article to the moderator of the group. */ STATIC BOOL MailArticle(group, article) char *group; char *article; { register FILE *F; register HEADER *hp; register int i; char *address; char buff[SMBUF]; /* Try to get the address first. */ if ((address = GetModeratorAddress(group)) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "The \"%s\" newsgroup is moderated, but has no address;\n", group); (void)fprintf(stderr, "ask your news administrator to fix this.\n"); return FALSE; } /* Say what we're going to do. */ (void)printf( "The \"%s\" newsgroup is moderated. Your article will not be\n", group); (void)printf("posted, but mailed to the moderator for approval.\n"); /* Now build up the command (ignore format/argument mismatch errors, * in case %s isn't in _PATH_SENDMAIL) and send the headers. */ (void)sprintf(buff, _PATH_SENDMAIL, address); if ((F = popen(buff, "w")) == NULL) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't start mailer"); (void)fprintf(F, "To: %s\n", address); SafeFlush(F); /* Write the headers, a blank line, then the article. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (hp->Value) { (void)fprintf(F, "%s: %s\n", hp->Name, hp->Value); SafeFlush(F); } for (i = 0; i < OtherCount; i++) { (void)fprintf(F, "%s\n", OtherHeaders[i]); SafeFlush(F); } (void)fprintf(F, "\n"); i = strlen(article); if (fwrite((POINTER)article, (SIZE_T)1, (SIZE_T)i, F) != i) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't send article"); SafeFlush(F); i = pclose(F); if (i) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Mailer exited with status %d;\n", i); (void)fprintf(stderr, "Article might not have been mailed.\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* ** Check the newsgroups, make sure they're all valid, that none are ** moderated, etc. */ STATIC BOOL ValidNewsgroups(hdr, F, article) char *hdr; FILE *F; char *article; { register char *groups; register char *p; register int i; BOOL approved; BOOL mailed; BOOL FoundOne; char *group; char *q; char buff[SMBUF]; struct _DDHANDLE *h; BOOL IsNewgroup; p = HDR(_control); IsNewgroup = p && EQn(p, "newgroup", 8); groups = COPY(hdr); if ((p = strtok(groups, NGSEPS)) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Can't parse newsgroups line.\n"); return FALSE; } /* Don't mail article if just checking Followup-To line. */ approved = HDR(_approved) != NULL || article == NULL; FoundOne = FALSE; h = DDstart(FromServer, ToServer); do { #if defined(DO_MERGE_TO_GROUPS) if (p[0] == 't' && p[1] == 'o' && p[2] == '.') p = "to"; #endif /* defined(DO_MERGE_TO_GROUPS) */ i = strlen(p); (void)fseek(F, (OFFSET_T)0, SEEK_SET); while (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, F) != NULL) if (buff[0] == *p && EQn(buff, p, i) && buff[i] == ' ') break; if (feof(F)) continue; FoundOne = TRUE; DDcheck(h, p); /* Skip past the newsgroup name, the high and low counts, to find * the flags. */ for (group = p, p = &buff[i]; *p == ' ' || CTYPE(isdigit, *p); p++) continue; switch (*p) { case NF_FLAG_OK: break; case NF_FLAG_MODERATED: if (Dump) (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s is moderated -- article would be mailed\n", group); else if (!approved) { mailed = MailArticle(group, article); DISPOSE(DDend(h)); QuitServer(mailed ? 0 : 1); } break; case NF_FLAG_IGNORE: case NF_FLAG_NOLOCAL: (void)fprintf(stderr, "Postings to \"%s\" are not allowed here.\n", group); DISPOSE(DDend(h)); return FALSE; case NF_FLAG_EXCLUDED: (void)fprintf(stderr, "Warning: \"%s\" is rejected here.\n", group); /* Do NOT return false. */ break; case NF_FLAG_ALIAS: if ((q = strchr(p, '\n')) != NULL) *q = '\0'; (void)fprintf(stderr, "The newsgroup \"%s\" has been renamed to \"%s\".\n", group, p + 1); DISPOSE(DDend(h)); return FALSE; } } while ((p = strtok((char *)NULL, NGSEPS)) != NULL); if (!FoundOne && !IsNewgroup) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "No such newsgroups as \"%s\".\n", hdr); DISPOSE(DDend(h)); return FALSE; } /* Set default distribution. */ p = DDend(h); if (HDR(_distribution) == NULL && *p) HDR(_distribution) = p; return TRUE; } /* ** Read stdin into a string and return it. Can't use ReadInDescriptor ** since that will fail if stdin is a tty. */ STATIC char * ReadStdin() { register int size; register char *p; char *article; register char *end; register int i; size = BUFSIZ; article = NEW(char, size); end = &article[size - 3]; for (p = article; (i = getchar()) != EOF; *p++ = (char)i) if (p == end) { RENEW(article, char, size + BUFSIZ); p = &article[size - 3]; size += BUFSIZ; end = &article[size - 3]; } /* Force a \n terminator. */ if (p > article && p[-1] != '\n') *p++ = '\n'; *p = '\0'; return article; } /* ** Offer the article to the server, return its reply. */ STATIC int OfferArticle(buff, Authorized) char *buff; BOOL Authorized; { (void)fprintf(ToServer, "post\r\n"); SafeFlush(ToServer); if (fgets(buff, NNTP_STRLEN, FromServer) == NULL) PerrorExit(TRUE, Authorized ? "Can't offer article to server (authorized)" : "Can't offer article to server"); return atoi(buff); } /* ** Make a temporary filename that is unlikely to collide with mktemp ** or cause problems for sites with 14-character filename limits. */ STATIC void TempName(dir, buff) char *dir; char *buff; { time_t now; (void)time(&now); now &= 0xFFFFFFFF; (void)sprintf(buff, "%s/%08.8lxXXXXXX", dir, (long)now); (void)mktemp(buff); } /* ** Spool article to temp file. */ STATIC void Spoolit(article, Length, deadfile) char *article; SIZE_T Length; char *deadfile; { static char SPOOLTEMP[] = _PATH_SPOOLTEMP; register HEADER *hp; register FILE *F; register int i; char temp[BUFSIZ]; char buff[BUFSIZ]; struct stat Sb; /* Try to write to the spool dir, else the deadfile. */ if ((stat(SPOOLNEWS, &Sb) >= 0 && S_ISDIR(Sb.st_mode)) || (F = xfopena(deadfile)) == NULL) { TempName(SPOOLTEMP, temp); (void)umask(0); if ((i = open(temp, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, BATCHFILE_MODE)) < 0 || (F = fdopen(i, "w")) == NULL) PerrorExit(FALSE, "Can't create spool file"); deadfile = NULL; } /* Write the headers and a blank line. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (hp->Value) (void)fprintf(F, "%s: %s\n", hp->Name, hp->Value); for (i = 0; i < OtherCount; i++) (void)fprintf(F, "%s\n", OtherHeaders[i]); (void)fprintf(F, "\n"); if (FLUSH_ERROR(stdout)) PerrorExit(FALSE, "Can't write headers"); /* Write the article and exit. */ if (fwrite((POINTER)article, (SIZE_T)1, Length, F) != Length) PerrorExit(FALSE, "Can't write article"); SafeFlush(F); if (fclose(F) == EOF) PerrorExit(FALSE, "Can't close spool file"); if (deadfile == NULL) { /* Put the file in a good place. */ TempName(SPOOLNEWS, buff); if (rename(temp, buff) < 0) PerrorExit(FALSE, "Can't rename spool file"); } } /* ** Print usage message and exit. */ STATIC NORETURN Usage() { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Usage: inews [-D] [-h] [header_flags] [article]\n"); /* Don't call QuitServer here -- connection isn't open yet. */ exit(1); } int main(ac, av) int ac; char *av[]; { static char NOCONNECT[] = "Can't connect to server"; register int i; register char *p; register HEADER *hp; int j; int Mode; int SigLines; FILE *F; struct passwd *pwp; char *article; char *deadfile; char buff[NNTP_STRLEN + 2]; char SpoolMessage[NNTP_STRLEN + 2]; BOOL DoSignature; BOOL AddOrg; SIZE_T Length; /* Find out who we are. */ if ((i = geteuid()) < 0) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't get your user ID"); if ((pwp = getpwuid((UID_T)i)) == NULL) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't get your password entry"); /* Set defaults. */ Mode = '\0'; Dump = FALSE; DoSignature = TRUE; AddOrg = TRUE; (void)umask(NEWSUMASK); /* Parse JCL. */ while ((i = getopt(ac, av, "DNAVWORShx:a:c:d:e:f:n:r:t:F:o:w:")) != EOF) switch (i) { default: Usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ case 'D': case 'N': Dump = TRUE; break; case 'A': case 'V': case 'W': /* Ignore C News options. */ break; case 'O': AddOrg = FALSE; break; case 'R': Revoked = TRUE; break; case 'S': DoSignature = FALSE; break; case 'h': Mode = i; break; case 'x': Exclusions = NEW(char, strlen(optarg) + 1 + 1); (void)sprintf(Exclusions, "%s!", optarg); break; /* Header lines that can be specified on the command line. */ case 'a': HDR(_approved) = optarg; break; case 'c': HDR(_control) = optarg; break; case 'd': HDR(_distribution) = optarg; break; case 'e': HDR(_expires) = optarg; break; case 'f': HDR(_from) = optarg; break; case 'n': HDR(_newsgroups) = optarg; break; case 'r': HDR(_replyto) = optarg; break; case 't': HDR(_subject) = optarg; break; case 'F': HDR(_references) = optarg; break; case 'o': HDR(_organization) = optarg; break; case 'w': HDR(_followupto) = optarg; break; } ac -= optind; av += optind; /* Parse positional arguments; at most one, the input file. */ switch (ac) { default: Usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ case 0: /* Read stdin. */ article = ReadStdin(); break; case 1: /* Read named file. */ article = ReadInFile(av[0], (struct stat *)NULL); if (article == NULL) PerrorExit(FALSE, "Can't read input file"); break; } /* Try to open a connection to the server. */ if (NNTPremoteopen(&FromServer, &ToServer, buff) < 0) { Spooling = TRUE; if ((p = strchr(buff, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if ((p = strchr(buff, '\r')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; (void)strcpy(SpoolMessage, buff[0] ? buff : NOCONNECT); (void)sprintf(buff, "%s/dead.article", pwp->pw_dir); deadfile = COPY(buff); } else { /* See if we can post. */ i = atoi(buff); /* Tell the server we're posting. */ setbuf(FromServer, NEW(char, BUFSIZ)); setbuf(ToServer, NEW(char, BUFSIZ)); (void)fprintf(ToServer, "mode reader\r\n"); SafeFlush(ToServer); if (fgets(buff, NNTP_STRLEN, FromServer) == NULL) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't tell server we're reading"); if ((j = atoi(buff)) != NNTP_BAD_COMMAND_VAL) i = j; if (i != NNTP_POSTOK_VAL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "You do not have permission to post.\n"); QuitServer(1); exit(1); } } /* Basic processing. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) hp->Size = strlen(hp->Name); if (Mode == 'h') article = StripOffHeaders(article); for (i = 0, p = article; (p = strchr(p, '\n')) != NULL; i++, p++) continue; #if defined(DO_CHECK_INCLUDED_TEXT) CheckIncludedText(article, i); #endif /* defined(DO_CHECK_INCLUDED_TEXT) */ if (DoSignature) article = AppendSignature(Mode == 'h', article, pwp->pw_dir, &SigLines); else SigLines = 0; ProcessHeaders(AddOrg, i + SigLines, pwp); Length = strlen(article); #if LOCAL_MAX_ARTSIZE > 0 if (Length > LOCAL_MAX_ARTSIZE) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Article is bigger then local limit of %ld bytes\n", LOCAL_MAX_ARTSIZE); QuitServer(1); } #endif /* LOCAL_MAX_ARTSIZE > 0 */ /* Do final checks. */ if (i == 0 && HDR(_control) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Article is empty.\n"); QuitServer(1); } for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (hp->Value && (int)strlen(hp->Value) + hp->Size > NNTP_STRLEN) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" header is too long.\n", hp->Name); QuitServer(1); } for (i = 0; i < OtherCount; i++) if ((int)strlen(OtherHeaders[i]) > NNTP_STRLEN) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Header too long (%d characters max):\n\t%40.40s...\n", NNTP_STRLEN, OtherHeaders[i]); QuitServer(1); } /* Check the newsgroups. */ if ((F = CAlistopen(FromServer, ToServer, (char *)NULL)) != NULL) { if (!ValidNewsgroups(HDR(_newsgroups), F, article)) { CAclose(); QuitServer(1); } if ((p = HDR(_followupto)) != NULL && !EQ(p, "poster") && !ValidNewsgroups(p, F, (char *)NULL)) { CAclose(); QuitServer(1); } CAclose(); } else if (!Spooling) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't get list of newsgroups"); if (Dump) { /* Write the headers and a blank line. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (hp->Value) (void)printf("%s: %s\n", hp->Name, hp->Value); for (i = 0; i < OtherCount; i++) (void)printf("%s\n", OtherHeaders[i]); (void)printf("\n"); if (FLUSH_ERROR(stdout)) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't write headers"); /* Write the article and exit. */ if (fwrite((POINTER)article, (SIZE_T)1, Length, stdout) != Length) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't write article"); SafeFlush(stdout); QuitServer(0); } if (Spooling) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Warning %s -- Article will be spooled.\n", SpoolMessage); Spoolit(article, Length, deadfile); exit(0); } /* Article is prepared, offer it to the server. */ i = OfferArticle(buff, FALSE); if (i == NNTP_AUTH_NEEDED_VAL) { /* Posting not allowed, try to authorize. */ if (NNTPsendpassword((char *)NULL, FromServer, ToServer) < 0) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Authorization error"); i = OfferArticle(buff, TRUE); } if (i != NNTP_START_POST_VAL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Server doesn't want the article:\n\t%s\n", buff); QuitServer(1); } /* Write the headers, a blank line, then the article. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (hp->Value) (void)fprintf(ToServer, "%s: %s\r\n", hp->Name, hp->Value); for (i = 0; i < OtherCount; i++) (void)fprintf(ToServer, "%s\r\n", OtherHeaders[i]); (void)fprintf(ToServer, "\r\n"); if (NNTPsendarticle(article, ToServer, TRUE) < 0) PerrorExit(TRUE, "Can't send article to server"); SafeFlush(ToServer); if (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer) == NULL) PerrorExit(TRUE, "No reply from server after sending the article"); if ((p = strchr(buff, '\r')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if ((p = strchr(buff, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (atoi(buff) != NNTP_POSTEDOK_VAL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Can't send article to the server:\n\t%s\n", buff); QuitServer(1); } /* Close up. */ QuitServer(0); /* NOTREACHED */ }