/* $Revision: $ ** ** A front-end for InterNetNews. ** Read UUCP batches and offer them up NNTP-style. Because we may end ** up sending our input down a pipe to uncompress, we have to be careful ** to do unbuffered reads. */ #include "configdata.h" #include #include #include #if defined(DO_NEED_TIME) #include #endif /* defined(DO_NEED_TIME) */ #include #include #include #include #include "nntp.h" #include "paths.h" #include "logging.h" #include "libinn.h" #include "clibrary.h" #include "mydir.h" #include "macros.h" typedef struct _HEADER { STRING Name; int size; } HEADER; STATIC BOOL Verbose; STATIC char *InputFile = "stdin"; STATIC char *UUCPHost; STATIC char SPOOLNEWS[] = _PATH_SPOOLNEWS; STATIC char SPOOLTEMP[] = _PATH_SPOOLTEMP; STATIC FILE *FromServer; STATIC FILE *ToServer; STATIC char UNPACK[] = "news-unpack"; STATIC HEADER RequiredHeaders[] = { { "Message-ID", 10 }, #define _messageid 0 { "Newsgroups", 10 }, #define _newsgroups 1 { "From", 4 }, #define _from 2 { "Date", 4 }, #define _date 3 { "Subject", 7 }, #define _subject 4 { "Path", 4 }, #define _path 5 }; #define IS_MESGID(hp) ((hp) == &RequiredHeaders[_messageid]) #define IS_PATH(hp) ((hp) == &RequiredHeaders[_path]) /* ** Do perror, making sure errno is preserved. */ STATIC void xperror(p) char *p; { int oerrno; oerrno = errno; perror(p); errno = oerrno; } /* ** Open up a pipe to a process with fd tied to its stdin. Return a ** descriptor tied to its stdout or -1 on error. */ STATIC int StartChild(fd, path, argv) int fd; char *path; char *argv[]; { int pan[2]; int i; int pid; /* Create a pipe. */ if (pipe(pan) < 0) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant pipe for %s %m", path); exit(1); } /* Get a child. */ for (i = 0; (pid = FORK()) < 0; i++) { if (i == MAX_FORKS) { syslog(L_ERROR, "cant fork %s %m -- spooling", path); return -1; } syslog(L_NOTICE, "cant fork %s -- waiting", path); (void)sleep(60); } /* Run the child, with redirection. */ if (pid == 0) { (void)close(pan[PIPE_READ]); /* Stdin comes from our old input. */ if (fd != STDIN) { if ((i = dup2(fd, STDIN)) != STDIN) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant dup2 %d to 0 got %d %m", fd, i); _exit(1); } (void)close(fd); } /* Stdout goes down the pipe. */ if (pan[PIPE_WRITE] != STDOUT) { if ((i = dup2(pan[PIPE_WRITE], STDOUT)) != STDOUT) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant dup2 %d to 1 got %d %m", pan[PIPE_WRITE], i); _exit(1); } (void)close(pan[PIPE_WRITE]); } (void)execv(path, argv); syslog(L_FATAL, "cant execv %s %m", path); _exit(1); } (void)close(pan[PIPE_WRITE]); (void)close(fd); return pan[PIPE_READ]; } /* ** Wait for the specified number of children. */ STATIC void WaitForChildren(i) register int i; { register int pid; int status; while (--i >= 0) { pid = waitnb(&status); if (pid < 0) { if (errno != ECHILD) syslog(L_ERROR, "cant wait %m"); break; } } } /* ** Make a temporary filename that is unlikely to collide with mktemp ** or cause problems for sites with 14-character filename limits, ** and that hints at the sending host. */ STATIC void TempName(dir, buff) char *dir; char *buff; { (void)sprintf(buff, "%s/%.8sXXXXXX", dir, UUCPHost ? UUCPHost : "unknown"); (void)mktemp(buff); } /* ** Clean up the NNTP escapes from a line. */ STATIC char * REMclean(buff) char *buff; { char *p; if ((p = strchr(buff, '\r')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if ((p = strchr(buff, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; /* The dot-escape is only in text, not command responses. */ return buff; } /* ** Write an article to the rejected directory. */ STATIC void Reject(article, reason, arg) char *article; char *reason; char *arg; { char buff[SMBUF]; FILE *F; int i; syslog(L_NOTICE, reason, arg); if (Verbose) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", InputFile); (void)fprintf(stderr, reason, arg); (void)fprintf(stderr, " [%.40s...]\n", article); } TempName(_PATH_BADNEWS, buff); if ((F = fopen(buff, "w")) == NULL) { syslog(L_ERROR, "cant fopen %s %m", buff); return; } i = strlen(article); if (fwrite((POINTER)article, (SIZE_T)1, (SIZE_T)i, F) != i) syslog(L_ERROR, "cant fwrite %s %m", buff); if (fclose(F) == EOF) syslog(L_ERROR, "cant close %s %m", buff); } /* ** Process one article. Return TRUE if the article was okay; FALSE if the ** whole batch needs to be saved (such as when the server goes down or if ** the file is corrupted). */ STATIC BOOL Process(article) char *article; { register HEADER *hp; register char *p; char *id; char buff[SMBUF]; #if defined(FILE_RNEWS_LOG_DUPS) FILE *F; #endif /* defined(FILE_RNEWS_LOG_DUPS) */ #if !defined(DONT_RNEWS_LOG_DUPS) char path[40]; #endif /* !defined(DONT_RNEWS_LOG_DUPS) */ /* Empty article? */ if (*article == '\0') return TRUE; /* Make sure that all the headers are there, note the ID. */ for (hp = RequiredHeaders; hp < ENDOF(RequiredHeaders); hp++) { if ((p = HeaderFind(article, hp->Name, hp->size)) == NULL) { Reject(article, "bad_article missing %s", hp->Name); return TRUE; } if (IS_MESGID(hp)) { id = p; continue; } #if !defined(DONT_RNEWS_LOG_DUPS) if (IS_PATH(hp)) { (void)strncpy(path, p, sizeof path); path[sizeof path - 1] = '\0'; if ((p = strchr(path, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; } #endif /* !defined(DONT_RNEWS_LOG_DUPS) */ } /* Send the NNTP "ihave" message. */ if ((p = strchr(id, '\n')) == NULL) { Reject(article, "bad_article unterminated %s header", "Message-ID"); return TRUE; } *p = '\0'; (void)fprintf(ToServer, "ihave %s\r\n", id); (void)fflush(ToServer); if (UUCPHost) syslog(L_NOTICE, "offered %s %s", id, UUCPHost); *p = '\n'; /* Get a reply, see if they want the article. */ if (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer) == NULL) { syslog(L_ERROR, "cant fgets after ihave %m"); return FALSE; } (void)REMclean(buff); if (!CTYPE(isdigit, buff[0])) { syslog(L_NOTICE, "bad_reply after ihave %s", buff); return FALSE; } switch (atoi(buff)) { default: Reject(article, "unknown_reply after ihave %s", buff); return TRUE; case NNTP_SENDIT_VAL: break; case NNTP_HAVEIT_VAL: #if defined(SYSLOG_RNEWS_LOG_DUPS) *p = '\0'; syslog(L_NOTICE, "duplicate %s %s", id, path); #endif /* defined(SYSLOG_RNEWS_LOG_DUPS) */ #if defined(FILE_RNEWS_LOG_DUPS) if ((F = fopen(_PATH_RNEWS_DUP_LOG, "a")) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; (void)fprintf(stderr, "duplicate %s %s", id, path); (void)fclose(F); } #endif /* defined(FILE_RNEWS_LOG_DUPS) */ return TRUE; } /* Send all the lines in the article, escaping periods. */ if (NNTPsendarticle(article, ToServer, TRUE) < 0) { syslog(L_NOTICE, "cant sendarticle %m"); return FALSE; } /* Process server reply code. */ if (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer) == NULL) { syslog(L_ERROR, "cant fgets after article %m"); return FALSE; } if ((p = strchr(buff, '\r')) != NULL || (p = strchr(buff, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (!CTYPE(isdigit, buff[0])) { syslog(L_NOTICE, "bad_reply after article %s", buff); return FALSE; } switch (atoi(buff)) { default: syslog(L_NOTICE, "unknown_reply after article %s", buff); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case NNTP_RESENDIT_VAL: return FALSE; case NNTP_TOOKIT_VAL: break; case NNTP_REJECTIT_VAL: #if defined(DO_RNEWS_SAVE_BAD) Reject(article, "rejected %s", buff); #else syslog(L_NOTICE, "rejected %s", buff); #endif /* defined(DO_RNEWS_SAVE_BAD) */ break; } return TRUE; } /* ** Read the rest of the input as an article. Just punt to stdio in ** this case and let it do the buffering. */ STATIC BOOL ReadRemainder(fd, first, second) register int fd; char first; char second; { register FILE *F; register char *article; register int size; register int used; register int left; register int i; BOOL ok; /* Turn the descriptor into a stream. */ if ((F = fdopen(fd, "r")) == NULL) { syslog(L_FATAL, "can't fdopen %d %m", fd); exit(1); } /* Get an initial allocation, leaving space for the \0. */ size = BUFSIZ + 1; article = NEW(char, size + 2); article[0] = first; article[1] = second; used = second ? 2 : 1; left = size - used; /* Read the input. */ while ((i = fread((POINTER)&article[used], (SIZE_T)1, (SIZE_T)left, F)) != 0) { if (i < 0) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant fread after %d bytes %m", used); exit(1); } used += i; left -= i; if (left < SMBUF) { size += BUFSIZ; left += BUFSIZ; RENEW(article, char, size); } } if (article[used - 1] != '\n') article[used++] = '\n'; article[used] = '\0'; (void)fclose(F); ok = Process(article); DISPOSE(article); return ok; } /* ** Read an article from the input stream that is artsize bytes long. */ STATIC BOOL ReadBytecount(fd, artsize) register int fd; int artsize; { static char *article; static int oldsize; register char *p; register int left; register int i; /* If we haven't gotten any memory before, or we didn't get enough, * then get some. */ if (article == NULL) { oldsize = artsize; article = NEW(char, oldsize + 1 + 1); } else if (artsize > oldsize) { oldsize = artsize; RENEW(article, char, oldsize + 1 + 1); } /* Read in the article. */ for (p = article, left = artsize; left; p += i, left -= i) if ((i = read(fd, p, left)) <= 0) { i = errno; syslog(L_ERROR, "cant read wanted %d got %d %m", artsize, artsize - left); #if 0 /* Don't do this -- if the article gets re-processed we * will end up accepting the truncated version. */ artsize = p - article; article[artsize] = '\0'; Reject(article, "short read (%s?)", strerror(i)); #endif /* 0 */ return TRUE; } if (p[-1] != '\n') *p++ = '\n'; *p = '\0'; return Process(article); } /* ** Read a single text line; not unlike fgets(). Just more inefficient. */ STATIC BOOL ReadLine(p, size, fd) char *p; int size; int fd; { char *save; /* Fill the buffer, a byte at a time. */ for (save = p; size > 0; p++, size--) { if (read(fd, p, 1) != 1) { *p = '\0'; syslog(L_FATAL, "cant read first line got %s %m", save); exit(1); } if (*p == '\n') { *p = '\0'; return TRUE; } } *p = '\0'; syslog(L_FATAL, "bad_line too long %s", save); return FALSE; } /* ** Unpack a single batch. */ STATIC BOOL UnpackOne(fdp, countp) int *fdp; int *countp; { #if defined(DO_RNEWSPROGS) char path[sizeof _PATH_RNEWSPROGS + 1 + SMBUF + 1]; char *p; #endif /* defined(DO_RNEWSPROGS) */ char buff[SMBUF]; STRING cargv[4]; int artsize; int i; BOOL HadCount; BOOL SawCunbatch; *countp = 0; for (SawCunbatch = FALSE, HadCount = FALSE; ; ) { /* Get the first character. */ if ((i = read(*fdp, &buff[0], 1)) < 0) { syslog(L_ERROR, "cant read first character %m"); return FALSE; } if (i == 0) break; if (buff[0] != RNEWS_MAGIC1) /* Not a batch file. If we already got one count, the batch * is corrupted, else read rest of input as an article. */ return HadCount ? FALSE : ReadRemainder(*fdp, buff[0], '\0'); /* Get the second character. */ if ((i = read(*fdp, &buff[1], 1)) < 0) { syslog(L_ERROR, "cant read second character %m"); return FALSE; } if (i == 0) /* A one-byte batch? */ return FALSE; /* Check second magic character. */ if (buff[1] != RNEWS_MAGIC2) return HadCount ? FALSE : ReadRemainder(*fdp, buff[0], buff[1]); /* Some kind of batch -- get the command. */ if (!ReadLine(&buff[2], (int)(sizeof buff - 3), *fdp)) return FALSE; if (strncmp(buff, "#! rnews ", 9) == 0) { artsize = atoi(&buff[9]); if (artsize <= 0) { syslog(L_ERROR, "bad_line bad count %s", buff); return FALSE; } HadCount = TRUE; if (ReadBytecount(*fdp, artsize)) continue; return FALSE; } if (HadCount) /* Already saw a bytecount -- probably corrupted. */ return FALSE; if (strcmp(buff, "#! cunbatch") == 0) { if (SawCunbatch) { syslog(L_ERROR, "nested_cunbatch"); return FALSE; } cargv[0] = UNPACK; cargv[1] = "-d"; cargv[2] = NULL; *fdp = StartChild(*fdp, _PATH_COMPRESS, cargv); if (*fdp < 0) return FALSE; (*countp)++; SawCunbatch = TRUE; continue; } #if defined(DO_RNEWSPROGS) cargv[0] = UNPACK; cargv[1] = NULL; /* Ignore any possible leading pathnames, to avoid trouble. */ if ((p = strrchr(&buff[3], '/')) != NULL) p++; else p = &buff[3]; (void)sprintf(path, "%s/%s", _PATH_RNEWSPROGS, p); for (p = &path[sizeof _PATH_RNEWSPROGS]; *p; p++) if (ISWHITE(*p)) { *p = '\0'; break; } *fdp = StartChild(*fdp, path, cargv); if (*fdp < 0) return FALSE; (*countp)++; continue; #else syslog(L_ERROR, "bad_format unknown command %s", buff); return FALSE; #endif /* defined(DO_RNEWSPROGS) */ } return TRUE; } /* ** Read all articles in the spool directory and unpack them. Print all ** errors with xperror as well as syslog, since we're probably being run ** interactively. */ STATIC void Unspool() { register DIR *dp; register DIRENTRY *ep; register BOOL ok; struct stat Sb; char buff[SMBUF]; char hostname[10]; int fd; int oerrno; int i; /* Go to the spool directory, get ready to scan it. */ if (chdir(SPOOLNEWS) < 0) { xperror(SPOOLNEWS); syslog(L_FATAL, "cant cd %s %m", SPOOLNEWS); exit(1); } if ((dp = opendir(".")) == NULL) { xperror("Can't open spool directory"); syslog(L_FATAL, "cant opendir . %m"); exit(1); } /* Loop over all files, and parse them. */ while ((ep = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { InputFile = ep->d_name; if (InputFile[0] == '.') continue; if (stat(InputFile, &Sb) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) { xperror(InputFile); syslog(L_ERROR, "cant stat %s %m", InputFile); continue; } if (!S_ISREG(Sb.st_mode)) continue; if ((fd = open(InputFile, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) { xperror(InputFile); syslog(L_ERROR, "cant open %s %m", InputFile); } continue; } (void)strncpy(hostname, InputFile, 8); hostname[8] = '\0'; UUCPHost = hostname; ok = UnpackOne(&fd, &i); (void)close(fd); WaitForChildren(i); if (!ok) { oerrno = errno; TempName(_PATH_BADNEWS, buff); xperror("Unspooling failed"); (void)fprintf(stderr, "Unspooling failed saving to %s %s\n", buff, strerror(errno)); errno = oerrno; syslog(L_ERROR, "cant unspool saving to %s %m", buff); if (rename(InputFile, buff) < 0) { xperror(buff); syslog(L_FATAL, "cant rename %s to %s %m", InputFile, buff); exit(1); } continue; } if (unlink(InputFile) < 0) syslog(L_ERROR, "cant remove %s %m", InputFile); } (void)closedir(dp); } /* ** Can't connect to the server, so spool our input. There isn't much ** we can do if this routine fails, unfortunately. Perhaps try to use ** an alternate filesystem? */ STATIC void Spool(fd) register int fd; { register int spfd; register int i; register int j; register char *p; char temp[BUFSIZ]; char buff[BUFSIZ]; int count; int status; TempName(SPOOLTEMP, temp); (void)umask(0); if ((spfd = open(temp, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, BATCHFILE_MODE)) < 0) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant open %s %m", temp); exit(1); } /* Read until we there is nothing left. */ for (status = 0, count = 0; (i = read(fd, buff, sizeof buff)) != 0; ) { /* Break out on error. */ if (i < 0) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant read after %d %m", count); status++; break; } /* Write out what we read. */ for (count += i, p = buff; i; p += j, i -= j) if ((j = write(spfd, (POINTER)p, (SIZE_T)i)) <= 0) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant write around %d %m", count); status++; break; } } /* Close the file. */ if (close(spfd) < 0) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant close spooled rnews %m"); status++; } /* Move temp file into the spool area, and exit appropriately. */ TempName(SPOOLNEWS, buff); if (rename(temp, buff) < 0) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant rename %s to %s %m", temp, buff); status++; } exit(status); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* ** Try to read the password file and open a connection to a remote ** NNTP server. */ STATIC BOOL OpenRemote(server, buff) char *server; char *buff; { int i; /* Open the remote connection. */ if (server) i = NNTPconnect(server, &FromServer, &ToServer, buff); else i = NNTPremoteopen(&FromServer, &ToServer, buff); if (i < 0) return FALSE; *buff = '\0'; if (NNTPsendpassword((char *)NULL, FromServer, ToServer) < 0) { (void)fclose(FromServer); (void)fclose(ToServer); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* ** Can't connect to server; print message and spool if necessary. */ STATIC NORETURN CantConnect(buff, mode, fd) char *buff; int mode; int fd; { if (buff[0]) syslog(L_NOTICE, "rejected connection %s", REMclean(buff)); else syslog(L_FATAL, "cant open_remote %m"); if (mode != 'U') Spool(fd); exit(1); } /* ** Log an incorrect usage. */ STATIC NORETURN Usage() { syslog(L_FATAL, "usage error"); exit(1); } int main(ac, av) int ac; char *av[]; { int fd; int i; int mode; char buff[SMBUF]; char *Slave; /* First thing, set up logging and our identity. */ openlog("rnews", L_OPENLOG_FLAGS, LOG_INN_PROG); if (setgid(getegid()) < 0) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant setgid to %d %m", getegid()); exit(1); } if (setuid(geteuid()) < 0) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant setuid to %d %m", geteuid()); exit(1); } UUCPHost = getenv(_ENV_UUCPHOST); (void)umask(NEWSUMASK); /* Parse JCL. */ fd = STDIN; mode = '\0'; Slave = NULL; while ((i = getopt(ac, av, "h:S:Uv")) != EOF) switch (i) { default: Usage(); /* NOTRTEACHED */ case 'h': UUCPHost = *optarg ? optarg : NULL; break; case 'S': Slave = optarg; break; case 'U': mode = i; break; case 'v': Verbose = TRUE; break; } ac -= optind; av += optind; /* Parse arguments. At most one, the input file. */ switch (ac) { default: Usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ case 0: break; case 1: if (mode == 'U') Usage(); if (freopen(av[0], "r", stdin) == NULL) { syslog(L_FATAL, "cant freopen %s %m", av[0]); exit(1); } fd = fileno(stdin); InputFile = av[0]; break; } /* Open the link to the server. */ if (Slave) { if (!OpenRemote(Slave, buff)) CantConnect(buff, mode, fd); } else { #if defined(DO_RNEWSLOCALCONNECT) if (NNTPlocalopen(&FromServer, &ToServer, buff) < 0) { /* If server rejected us, no point in continuing. */ if (buff[0]) CantConnect(buff, mode, fd); if (!OpenRemote((char *)NULL, buff)) CantConnect(buff, mode, fd); } #else if (!OpenRemote((char *)NULL, buff)) CantConnect(buff, mode, fd); #endif /* defined(DO_RNEWSLOCALCONNECT) */ } CloseOnExec((int)fileno(FromServer), TRUE); CloseOnExec((int)fileno(ToServer), TRUE); /* Execute the command. */ if (mode == 'U') Unspool(); else { if (!UnpackOne(&fd, &i)) Spool(fd); WaitForChildren(i); } /* Tell the server we're quitting, get his okay message. */ (void)fprintf(ToServer, "quit\r\n"); (void)fflush(ToServer); (void)fgets(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer); /* Return the appropriate status. */ exit(0); /* NOTREACHED */ }