/* $Revision: $ ** ** The newnews command. */ #include "nnrpd.h" #define FILE_LIST_DELTA 10 #define GET_DATE(p, line) \ ((p = strchr(line, HIS_FIELDSEP)) == NULL ? 0 : atol(++p)) /* ** Open an article and see if its distribution is in the list. */ STATIC BOOL DistMatches(distribs, files) char **distribs; char **files; { register char **dp; register QIOSTATE *qp; register char *p; register char *q; char buff[BIG_BUFFER]; char *save; /* Loop through the file list, trying to open one of them.. */ for (save = files[0]; *files; files++) { (void)sprintf(buff, "%s/%s", _PATH_SPOOL, files[0]); for (p = &buff[STRLEN(_PATH_SPOOL)]; *p; p++) if (*p == '.') *p = '/'; if ((qp = QIOopen(buff, QIO_BUFFER)) != NULL) break; } if (*files == NULL) { syslog(L_ERROR, "%s cant fopen %s %m", ClientHost, save); return FALSE; } /* Scan the article for the Distribution header. */ while ((p = QIOread(qp)) != NULL) { if (*p == '\n') /* End of headers. */ break; if (*p != 'd' && *p != 'D') continue; if ((q = strchr(p, '\n')) != NULL) *q = '\0'; if ((q = strchr(p, ':')) == NULL) continue; *q = '\0'; if (caseEQ(buff, "distribution")) { for (q += 2, dp = distribs; *dp; dp++) if (caseEQ(q, *dp)) { QIOclose(qp); return TRUE; } break; } } QIOclose(qp); return FALSE; } /* ** Split file list into array of newsgroups. Return static pointer, ** or NULL if there are no filenames. */ STATIC char ** GetFiles(p) register char *p; { static int size; static char **list; register int i; if (size == 0) { size = FILE_LIST_DELTA; list = NEW(char*, size + 1); } for (i = 0 ; ; ) { while (ISWHITE(*p)) p++; if (*p == '\0' || *p == '\n') break; if (i >= size - 1) { size += FILE_LIST_DELTA; RENEW(list, char *, size + 1); } for (list[i++] = p; *p && *p != '\n' && !ISWHITE(*p); p++) if (*p == '/') *p = '\0'; } list[i] = NULL; return i ? list : NULL; } /* ** Seek to first line in the history file where the date is after the ** desired one. Returns FALSE on failure. */ STATIC BOOL FindLinesAfter(date, line, linesize, F) long date; char *line; int linesize; FILE *F; { char *p; long upper; long lower; long middle; /* Read first line -- is it in our range? */ (void)fseek(F, 0L, SEEK_SET); if (fgets(line, linesize, F) == NULL) return FALSE; if (GET_DATE(p, line) >= date) return TRUE; /* Set search ranges and go. */ lower = 0; (void)fseek(F, 0L, SEEK_END); upper = ftell(F); for ( ; ; ) { /* Seek to middle line. */ middle = (upper + lower) / 2; (void)fseek(F, middle, SEEK_SET); while (getc(F) != '\n' && ++middle <= upper) continue; if (middle >= upper) break; if (fgets(line, linesize, F) != NULL && GET_DATE(p, line) > date) upper = middle; else if (lower == middle) break; else lower = middle; } /* Move to lower bound; we know this will always be the start of a line. */ (void)fseek(F, lower, SEEK_SET); while (fgets(line, linesize, F) != NULL) if (GET_DATE(p, line) >= date) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* ** NEWNEWS newsgroups date time ["GMT"] [] ** Return the Message-ID of any articles after the specified date, ** and within the specified distributions. */ FUNCTYPE CMDnewnews(ac, av) register int ac; char *av[]; { static char **groups; register char *start; register char *p; register FILE *F; register BOOL AllDists; register BOOL AllGroups; char **distribs; char **files; char line[BIG_BUFFER]; long date; if (!PERMcanread) { Reply("%s\r\n", NNTP_ACCESS); return; } (void)sprintf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s", av[1], av[2], av[3], (ac >= 5 && *av[4] == 'G') ? "GMT" : "local", (ac >= 5 && *av[ac - 1] == '<') ? av[ac - 1] : "none"); syslog(L_NOTICE, "%s newnews %s", ClientHost, line); /* Parse the newsgroups. */ AllGroups = EQ(av[1], "*"); if (!AllGroups && !NGgetlist(&groups, av[1])) { Reply("%d Bad newsgroup specifier %s\r\n", NNTP_SYNTAX_VAL, av[1]); return; } /* Parse the date. */ date = NNTPtoGMT(av[2], av[3]); if (date < 0) { Reply("%d Bad date\r\n", NNTP_SYNTAX_VAL); return; } ac -= 4; av += 4; if (ac > 0 && caseEQ(*av, "GMT")) { ac--; av++; } else date = LOCALtoGMT(date); /* Parse the distributions. */ if (ac == 0) AllDists = TRUE; else { if (!ParseDistlist(&distribs, *av)) { Reply("%d Bad distribution %s\r\n", NNTP_SYNTAX_VAL, *av); return; } AllDists = FALSE; } if ((F = fopen(HISTORY, "r")) == NULL) { syslog(L_ERROR, "%s cant fopen %s %m", ClientHost, HISTORY); Reply("%d Can't open history\r\n", NNTP_TEMPERR_VAL); return; } Reply("%s\r\n", NNTP_NEWNEWSOK); files = NULL; if (FindLinesAfter(date, line, sizeof line, F)) do { /* Skip two tab-separated fields. */ if ((p = strchr(line, HIS_FIELDSEP)) == NULL || (start = strchr(p + 1, HIS_FIELDSEP)) == NULL) continue; /* Get the file list. */ if (*++start == '\n' || (files = GetFiles(start)) == NULL) continue; /* Check permissions. */ if (!AllGroups && !PERMmatch(FALSE, groups, files)) continue; if (!AllDists && !DistMatches(distribs, files)) continue; *p = '\0'; Printf("%s\r\n", line); } while (fgets(line, sizeof line, F) != NULL); (void)fclose(F); Printf(".\r\n"); }