/* $Revision: $ ** ** Check article, send it to the local server. */ #include "nnrpd.h" #if defined(DO_NEED_TIME) #include #endif /* defined(DO_NEED_TIME) */ #include #define FLUSH_ERROR(F) (fflush((F)) == EOF || ferror((F))) #define HEADER_DELTA 20 typedef enum _HEADERTYPE { HTobs, HTreq, HTstd } HEADERTYPE; typedef struct _HEADER { STRING Name; BOOL CanSet; HEADERTYPE Type; int Size; char *Value; } HEADER; STATIC char Error[SMBUF]; STATIC char NGSEPS[] = NG_SEPARATOR; STATIC char **OtherHeaders; STATIC int OtherCount; STATIC int OtherSize; STATIC BOOL WasMailed; STATIC STRING BadDistribs[] = { BAD_DISTRIBS }; STATIC HEADER Table[] = { /* Name Canset Type */ { "Path", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _path 0 { "From", TRUE, HTreq }, #define _from 1 { "Newsgroups", TRUE, HTreq }, #define _newsgroups 2 { "Subject", TRUE, HTreq }, #define _subject 3 { "Control", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _control 4 { "Supersedes", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _supersedes 5 { "Followup-To", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _followupto 6 { "Date", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _date 7 { "Organization", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _organization 8 { "Lines", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _lines 9 { "Sender", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _sender 10 { "Approved", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _approved 11 { "Distribution", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _distribution 12 { "Expires", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _expires 13 { "Message-ID", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _messageid 14 { "References", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _references 15 { "Reply-To", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _replyto 16 { "NNTP-Posting-Host", FALSE, HTstd }, #define _nntpposthost 17 { "Mime-Version", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _mimeversion 18 { "Content-Type", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _contenttype 19 { "Content-Transfer-Encoding", TRUE, HTstd }, #define _contenttransferencoding 20 { "Xref", FALSE, HTstd }, { "Summary", TRUE, HTstd }, { "Keywords", TRUE, HTstd }, { "Date-Received", FALSE, HTobs }, { "Received", FALSE, HTobs }, { "Posted", FALSE, HTobs }, { "Posting-Version", FALSE, HTobs }, { "Relay-Version", FALSE, HTobs }, }; #define HDR(_x) (Table[(_x)].Value) /* ** Trim trailing spaces, return pointer to first non-space char. */ STATIC char * TrimSpaces(p) register char *p; { register char *start; for (start = p; ISWHITE(*start); start++) continue; for (p = start + strlen(start); p > start && CTYPE(isspace, p[-1]); ) *--p = '\0'; return start; } /* ** Mark the end of the header starting at p, and return a pointer ** to the start of the next one or NULL. Handles continuations. */ STATIC char * NextHeader(p) register char *p; { for ( ; (p = strchr(p, '\n')) != NULL; p++) { if (ISWHITE(p[1])) continue; *p = '\0'; return p + 1; } return NULL; } /* ** Strip any headers off the article and dump them into the table. ** On error, return NULL and fill in Error. */ STATIC char * StripOffHeaders(article) char *article; { register char *p; register char *q; register HEADER *hp; register char c; /* Scan through buffer, a header at a time. */ for (p = article; ; ) { /* See if it's a known header. */ c = CTYPE(islower, *p) ? toupper(*p) : *p; for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (c == hp->Name[0] && p[hp->Size] == ':' && caseEQn(p, hp->Name, hp->Size)) { if (hp->Type == HTobs) { (void)sprintf(Error, "Obsolete \"%s\" header", hp->Name); return NULL; } if (hp->Value) { (void)sprintf(Error, "Duplicate \"%s\" header", hp->Name); return NULL; } for (q = &p[hp->Size + 1]; ISWHITE(*q); q++) continue; hp->Value = q; break; } /* No; add it to the set of other headers. */ if (hp == ENDOF(Table)) { if (OtherCount >= OtherSize - 1) { OtherSize += HEADER_DELTA; RENEW(OtherHeaders, char*, OtherSize); } OtherHeaders[OtherCount++] = p; } /* Get start of next header; if it's a blank line, we hit the end. */ if ((p = NextHeader(p)) == NULL) { (void)strcpy(Error, "Article has no body -- just headers"); return NULL; } if (*p == '\n') break; } return p + 1; } /* ** Check the control message, and see if it's legit. Return pointer to ** error message if not. */ STATIC STRING CheckControl(ctrl) char *ctrl; { register char *p; register char *q; char save; /* Snip off the first word. */ for (p = ctrl; ISWHITE(*p); p++) continue; for (ctrl = p; *p && !ISWHITE(*p); p++) continue; if (p == ctrl) return "Empty control message"; save = *p; *p = '\0'; if (EQ(ctrl, "cancel")) { for (q = p + 1; ISWHITE(*q); q++) continue; if (*q == '\0') return "Message-ID missing in cancel"; } else if (EQ(ctrl, "sendsys") || EQ(ctrl, "senduuname") || EQ(ctrl, "version") || EQ(ctrl, "checkgroups") || EQ(ctrl, "ihave") || EQ(ctrl, "sendme") || EQ(ctrl, "newgroup") || EQ(ctrl, "rmgroup")) /* SUPPRESS 530 *//* Empty body for statement */ ; else { (void)sprintf(Error, "\"%s\" is not a valid control message", ctrl); return Error; } *p = save; return NULL; } /* ** Check the Distribution header, and exit on error. */ STATIC STRING CheckDistribution(p) register char *p; { static char SEPS[] = " \t,"; register STRING *dp; if ((p = strtok(p, SEPS)) == NULL) return "Can't parse Distribution line."; do { for (dp = BadDistribs; *dp; dp++) if (wildmat(p, *dp)) { (void)sprintf(Error, "Illegal distribution \"%s\"", p); return Error; } } while ((p = strtok((char *)NULL, SEPS)) != NULL); return NULL; } /* ** Process all the headers. FYI, they're done in RFC-order. ** Return NULL if okay, or an error message. */ STATIC STRING ProcessHeaders(linecount) int linecount; { static char MONTHS[] = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"; static char subjbuff[NNTP_STRLEN]; static char datebuff[40]; static char orgbuff[SMBUF]; static char linebuff[40]; static char mimeversion[SMBUF]; static char mimetype[SMBUF]; static char mimeencoding[SMBUF]; register HEADER *hp; register char *p; time_t t; struct tm *gmt; TIMEINFO Now; STRING error; /* Do some preliminary fix-ups. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) { if (!hp->CanSet && hp->Value) { (void)sprintf(Error, "Can't set system \"%s\" header", hp->Name); return Error; } if (hp->Value) { hp->Value = TrimSpaces(hp->Value); if (*hp->Value == '\0') hp->Value = NULL; } } #if defined(DO_NNRP_AUTH_SENDER) /* Zap the Sender? */ if (!PERMauthorized) HDR(_sender) = NULL; #endif /* defined(DO_NNRP_AUTH_SENDER) */ /* Set Date. */ if (GetTimeInfo(&Now) < 0) { (void)sprintf(Error, "Can't get the time, %s", strerror(errno)); return Error; } if (HDR(_date) == NULL) { if ((gmt = gmtime(&Now.time)) == NULL) return "Can't get the time"; (void)sprintf(datebuff, "%d %3.3s %d %02.2d:%02.2d:%02.2d GMT", gmt->tm_mday, &MONTHS[3 * gmt->tm_mon], 1900 + gmt->tm_year, gmt->tm_hour, gmt->tm_min, gmt->tm_sec); HDR(_date) = datebuff; } else { if ((t = parsedate(HDR(_date), &Now)) == -1) return "Can't parse \"Date\" header"; if (t > Now.time + DATE_FUZZ) return "Article posted in the future"; } /* Newsgroups are checked later. */ /* Set Subject; Control overrides the subject. */ if (HDR(_control)) { if ((error = CheckControl(HDR(_control))) != NULL) return error; (void)sprintf(subjbuff, "cmsg %s", HDR(_control)); HDR(_subject) = subjbuff; } else { p = HDR(_subject); if (p == NULL) return "Required \"Subject\" header is missing"; if (EQn(p, "cmsg ", 5)) { HDR(_control) = p + 5; if ((error = CheckControl(HDR(_control))) != NULL) return error; } #if 0 if (EQn(p, "Re: ", 4) && HDR(_references) == NULL) return "Article starts with \"Re: \" but has no references"; #endif /* 0 */ } /* Set Message-ID */ if (HDR(_messageid) == NULL) { if ((p = GenerateMessageID()) == NULL) { (void)sprintf(Error, "Can't generate Message-ID, %s", strerror(errno)); return Error; } HDR(_messageid) = p; } /* Set Path */ if (HDR(_path) == NULL) { /* Note that innd will put host name here for us. */ HDR(_path) = NEWSMASTER; } /* Reply-To; left alone. */ /* Sender; set above. */ /* Check Expires. */ if (HDR(_expires) && parsedate(HDR(_expires), &Now) == -1) return "Can't parse \"Expires\" header"; /* References; left alone. */ /* Control; checked above. */ /* Distribution. */ if ((p = HDR(_distribution)) != NULL) { p = COPY(p); error = CheckDistribution(p); DISPOSE(p); if (error != NULL) return error; } /* Set Organization */ if (HDR(_organization) == NULL && (p = GetConfigValue(_CONF_ORGANIZATION)) != NULL) { (void)strcpy(orgbuff, p); HDR(_organization) = orgbuff; } /* Keywords; left alone. */ /* Summary; left alone. */ /* Approved; left alone. */ /* MIME headers. */ if (HDR(_mimeversion) == NULL && (p = GetConfigValue(_CONF_MIMEVERSION)) != NULL) { (void)strcpy(mimeversion, p); HDR(_mimeversion) = mimeversion; /* Set Content-Type */ if (HDR(_contenttype) == NULL) { if ((p = GetConfigValue(_CONF_CONTENTTYPE)) == NULL) return "Can't get \"Content-Type\" header"; (void)strcpy(mimetype, p); HDR(_contenttype) = mimetype; } /* Set Content-Transfer-Encoding */ if (HDR(_contenttransferencoding) == NULL) { if ((p = GetConfigValue(_CONF_ENCODING)) == NULL) return "Can't get \"Content-Transfer-Encoding\" header"; (void)strcpy(mimeencoding, p); HDR(_contenttransferencoding) = mimeencoding; } } /* Set Lines */ (void)sprintf(linebuff, "%d", linecount); HDR(_lines) = linebuff; /* Supersedes; left alone. */ /* NNTP-Posting host; set. */ HDR(_nntpposthost) = ClientHost; /* Now make sure everything is there. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (hp->Type == HTreq && hp->Value == NULL) { (void)sprintf(Error, "Required \"%s\" header is missing", hp->Name); return Error; } return NULL; } #if defined(DO_CHECK_INCLUDED_TEXT) /* ** See if the user has more included text than new text. Simple-minded, but ** reasonably effective for catching neophyte's mistakes. A line starting ** with > is included text. Decrement the count on lines starting with < ** so that we don't reject diff(1) output. */ STATIC STRING CheckIncludedText(p, lines) register char *p; register int lines; { register int i; for (i = 0; ; p++) { switch (*p) { case '>': i++; break; case '<': i--; break; } if ((p = strchr(p + 1, '\n')) == NULL) break; } if (i * 2 > lines) return "Article not posted -- more included text than new text"; return NULL; } #endif /* defined(DO_CHECK_INCLUDED_TEXT) */ /* ** Try to mail an article to the moderator of the group. */ STATIC STRING MailArticle(group, article) char *group; char *article; { static char CANTSEND[] = "Can't send text to mailer"; register FILE *F; register HEADER *hp; register int i; char *address; char buff[SMBUF]; /* Try to get the address first. */ if ((address = GetModeratorAddress(group)) == NULL) { (void)sprintf(Error, "No mailing address for \"%s\" -- %s", group, "ask your news administrator to fix this"); return Error; } /* Now build up the command (ignore format/argument mismatch errors, * in case %s isn't in _PATH_SENDMAIL) and send the headers. */ (void)sprintf(buff, _PATH_SENDMAIL, address); if ((F = popen(buff, "w")) == NULL) return "Can't start mailer"; (void)fprintf(F, "To: %s\n", address); if (FLUSH_ERROR(F)) { (void)pclose(F); return CANTSEND; } /* Write the headers, a blank line, then the article. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (hp->Value) { (void)fprintf(F, "%s: %s\n", hp->Name, hp->Value); if (FLUSH_ERROR(F)) { (void)pclose(F); return CANTSEND; } } for (i = 0; i < OtherCount; i++) { (void)fprintf(F, "%s\n", OtherHeaders[i]); if (FLUSH_ERROR(F)) { (void)pclose(F); return CANTSEND; } } (void)fprintf(F, "\n"); i = strlen(article); if (fwrite((POINTER)article, (SIZE_T)1, (SIZE_T)i, F) != i) return "Can't send article"; if (FLUSH_ERROR(F)) { (void)pclose(F); return CANTSEND; } i = pclose(F); if (i) { (void)sprintf(Error, "Mailer exited with status %d -- %s", i, "Article might not have been mailed"); return Error; } WasMailed = TRUE; return NULL; } /* ** Check the newsgroups and make sure they're all valid, that none are ** moderated, etc. */ STATIC STRING ValidNewsgroups(hdr, article) char *hdr; char *article; { static char distbuff[SMBUF]; register char *groups; register char *p; register GROUPENTRY *gp; register BOOL approved; struct _DDHANDLE *h; BOOL IsNewgroup; BOOL FoundOne; p = HDR(_control); IsNewgroup = p && EQn(p, "newgroup", 8); groups = COPY(hdr); if ((p = strtok(groups, NGSEPS)) == NULL) return "Can't parse newsgroups line"; /* Don't mail article if just checking Followup-To line. */ approved = HDR(_approved) != NULL || article == NULL; Error[0] = '\0'; FoundOne = FALSE; h = DDstart((FILE *)NULL, (FILE *)NULL); do { #if defined(DO_MERGE_TO_GROUPS) if (p[0] == 't' && p[1] == 'o' && p[2] == '.') p = "to"; #endif /* defined(DO_MERGE_TO_GROUPS) */ if ((gp = GRPfind(p)) == NULL) continue; FoundOne = TRUE; DDcheck(h, p); switch (gp->Flag) { case NF_FLAG_OK: break; case NF_FLAG_MODERATED: if (!approved) { DISPOSE(groups); DISPOSE(DDend(h)); return MailArticle(gp->Name, article); } break; case NF_FLAG_IGNORE: case NF_FLAG_NOLOCAL: (void)sprintf(Error, "Postings to \"%s\" are not allowed here.", gp->Name); break; case NF_FLAG_EXCLUDED: /* Do NOT return an error. */ break; case NF_FLAG_ALIAS: (void)sprintf(Error, "The newsgroup \"%s\" has been renamed to \"%s\".\n", p, gp->Alias); break; } } while ((p = strtok((char *)NULL, NGSEPS)) != NULL); DISPOSE(groups); if (!FoundOne && !IsNewgroup) (void)sprintf(Error, "No such newsgroup as \"%s\"", p); if (Error[0]) { DISPOSE(DDend(h)); return Error; } p = DDend(h); if (HDR(_distribution) == NULL && *p) { (void)strcpy(distbuff, p); HDR(_distribution) = distbuff; } DISPOSE(p); return NULL; } /* ** Send a quit message to the server, eat its reply. */ STATIC void SendQuit(FromServer, ToServer) FILE *FromServer; FILE *ToServer; { char buff[NNTP_STRLEN]; (void)fprintf(ToServer, "quit\r\n"); (void)fflush(ToServer); (void)fclose(ToServer); (void)fgets(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer); (void)fclose(FromServer); } /* ** Offer the article to the server, return its reply. */ STATIC int OfferArticle(buff, buffsize, FromServer, ToServer) char *buff; int buffsize; FILE *FromServer; FILE *ToServer; { static char CANTSEND[] = "Can't send %s to server, %s"; (void)fprintf(ToServer, "ihave %s\r\n", HDR(_messageid)); if (FLUSH_ERROR(ToServer) || fgets(buff, buffsize, FromServer) == NULL) { (void)sprintf(buff, CANTSEND, "IHAVE", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return atoi(buff); } STRING ARTpost(article, idbuff) char *article; char *idbuff; { static char CANTSEND[] = "Can't send %s to server, %s"; register int i; register char *p; register char *next; register HEADER *hp; FILE *ToServer; FILE *FromServer; char buff[NNTP_STRLEN + 2]; STRING error; /* Set up the other headers list. */ if (OtherHeaders == NULL) { OtherSize = HEADER_DELTA; OtherHeaders = NEW(char*, OtherSize); } /* Basic processing. */ OtherCount = 0; WasMailed = FALSE; for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) { hp->Size = strlen(hp->Name); hp->Value = NULL; } if ((article = StripOffHeaders(article)) == NULL) return Error; for (i = 0, p = article; p; i++, p = next + 1) if ((next = strchr(p, '\n')) == NULL) break; #if defined(DO_CHECK_INCLUDED_TEXT) if ((error = CheckIncludedText(article, i)) != NULL) return error; #endif /* defined(DO_CHECK_INCLUDED_TEXT) */ if ((error = ProcessHeaders(i)) != NULL) return error; if (i == 0 && HDR(_control) == NULL) return "Article is empty"; if ((error = ValidNewsgroups(HDR(_newsgroups), article)) != NULL || WasMailed) return error; if ((p = HDR(_followupto)) != NULL && !EQ(p, "poster") && (error = ValidNewsgroups(p, (char *)NULL)) != NULL) return error; #if LOCAL_MAX_ARTSIZE > 0 if (strlen(article) > LOCAL_MAX_ARTSIZE) { (void)sprintf(Error, "Article is bigger then local limit of %ld bytes\n", LOCAL_MAX_ARTSIZE); return Error; } #endif /* LOCAL_MAX_ARTSIZE > 0 */ /* Open a local connection to the server. */ if (RemoteMaster) i = NNTPconnect(RemoteMaster, &FromServer, &ToServer, buff); else { #if defined(DO_HAVE_UNIX_DOMAIN) i = NNTPlocalopen(&FromServer, &ToServer, buff); #else i = NNTPremoteopen(&FromServer, &ToServer, buff); #endif /* defined(DO_HAVE_UNIX_DOMAIN) */ } if (i < 0) { if (buff[0]) (void)strcpy(Error, buff); else (void)sprintf(Error, CANTSEND, "connect request", strerror(errno)); return Error; } if (Tracing) syslog(L_TRACE, "%s post_connect %s", ClientHost, RemoteMaster); /* The code below has too many (void) casts for my tastes. At least * they are all inside cases that are most likely never going to * happen -- for example, if the server crashes. */ /* Offer article to server. */ i = OfferArticle(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer, ToServer); if (i == NNTP_AUTH_NEEDED_VAL) { /* Send authorization. */ if (NNTPsendpassword(RemoteMaster, FromServer, ToServer) < 0) { (void)sprintf(Error, "Can't authorize with %s", RemoteMaster ? RemoteMaster : "innd"); return Error; } i = OfferArticle(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer, ToServer); } if (i != NNTP_SENDIT_VAL) { (void)strcpy(Error, buff); SendQuit(FromServer, ToServer); return Error; } if (Tracing) syslog(L_TRACE, "%s post starting", ClientHost); /* Write the headers and a blank line. */ for (hp = Table; hp < ENDOF(Table); hp++) if (hp->Value) (void)fprintf(ToServer, "%s: %s\r\n", hp->Name, hp->Value); for (i = 0; i < OtherCount; i++) (void)fprintf(ToServer, "%s\r\n", OtherHeaders[i]); (void)fprintf(ToServer, "\r\n"); if (FLUSH_ERROR(ToServer)) { (void)sprintf(Error, CANTSEND, "headers", strerror(errno)); (void)fclose(FromServer); (void)fclose(ToServer); return Error; } /* Send the article, get the server's reply. */ if (NNTPsendarticle(article, ToServer, TRUE) < 0 || fgets(buff, sizeof buff, FromServer) == NULL) { (void)sprintf(Error, CANTSEND, "article", strerror(errno)); (void)fclose(FromServer); (void)fclose(ToServer); return Error; } /* Did the server want the article? */ if (atoi(buff) != NNTP_TOOKIT_VAL) { (void)strcpy(Error, buff); SendQuit(FromServer, ToServer); return Error; } /* Send a quit and close down */ SendQuit(FromServer, ToServer); (void)fclose(FromServer); (void)fclose(ToServer); if (idbuff) (void)strcpy(idbuff, HDR(_messageid)); return NULL; }