#!/bin/sh ## $Revision: $ ## Tally/update the newgroup/rmgroup control log. ## Merge in a log that contains newgroup/rmgroup control messages so that ## the "control.log" file is updated to contain the new counts of how ## often each group has been newgroup'd or rmgroup'd. This is run by ## scanlogs, which prepares this from the control-message handlers if ## control.ctl specifies logging. ## =()<. @<_PATH_SHELLVARS>@>()= . /news/lib/innshellvars CONTROL=${MOST_LOGS}/control.log CONTROL_NEW=${CONTROL}.new CONTROL_OLD=${CONTROL}.old PROGNAME=`basename $0` LOCK=${LOCKS}/LOCK.${PROGNAME} ## Lock. trap 'rm -f ${LOCK} ; exit 1' 1 2 3 15 shlock -f ${LOCK} -p $$ || { echo "$0: cannot lock ${LOCK}" 1>&2 exit 1 } ## Prepare the files. if [ ! -f ${CONTROL} ]; then touch ${CONTROL} chmod 0660 ${CONTROL} fi rm -f ${CONTROL_NEW} ${CONTROL_OLD} ln ${CONTROL} ${CONTROL_OLD} touch ${CONTROL_NEW} chmod 0660 ${CONTROL_NEW} ## Grab the data. ${SED} -n -e 's/[ ][ ]*/ /g' -e 's/^ \(Control:.*\)$/1 \1/p' \ | cat - ${CONTROL} \ | ${SED} -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/\([0-9][0-9]*\)#\(.*\)/\1 \2/' \ | ${AWK} 'BEGIN { ctl[0]=0; } { ctl[$2] += $1; } END { for (line in ctl) { if (line != 0) { print ctl[line], line; } } }' \ | tr '#' ' ' \ | sort -n -r >${CONTROL_NEW} mv -f ${CONTROL_NEW} ${CONTROL} ## All done. rm -f ${LOCK} exit 0