CKUKER.BWR "Beware File" for C-Kermit Version 5A -*- text -*- UNIX VERSION Applies to 5A(189) Last update: Tue Sep 7 10:19:34 1993 Authors: Frank da Cruz, Christine M. Gianone, Columbia University. Copyright (C) 1985, 1993, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use this software as long as it is not sold for profit. This copyright notice must be retained. This software may not be included in commercial products without written permission of Columbia University. Report problems, suggestions, fixes, etc, to Frank da Cruz: Internet: (or) BITNET/EARN: FDCCU@CUVMA Columbia University Academic Information Systems 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA DOCUMENTATION C-Kermit 5A is documented in the book "Using C-Kermit" by Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, Digital Press, Burlington, MA, USA. Digital Press ISBN: 1-55558-108-0; Prentice-Hall ISBN: 0-13-037490-3. Price: US $34.95. In USA, call DECdirect at 1-800-344-4825, refer to order number EY-J896E-DP. FILES File naming conventions are listed in ckaaaa.hlp. UNIX installation instructions are in the make file (makefile or ckuker.mak), with further details in ckuins.doc and ckccfg.doc. Updates to the software are listed in ckc*.upd. BINARIES Warning: It is often dangerous to run a binary C-Kermit (or any other) program built on a different computer. Particularly if that computer had a different C compiler, libraries, operating system version, processor features, etc, and especially if the program was built with shared libraries. It is often OK to run a binary built on an earlier OS version, but it is rarely possible (or safe) to run a binary built on a later one, for example a to run binary built under SunOS 4.1.2 on a SunOS 4.1.1 system. When in doubt, build C-Kermit from the source code on the system where it is to be run. KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS C-Kermit does not work correctly on certain UNIX workstations in certain environments: - On the NeXT when invoked directly from the NeXTSTEP File Viewer or Dock. You must invoke Kermit from a "terminal", Stuart, or xterm window. - On a NeXT with NeXTSTEP 3.0 to which you have established an rlogin connection, due to a bug in NeXTSTEP 3.0, which has been reported to NeXT. - On a SUN SPARCstation in an Open Windows window with scrolling enabled. Disable scrolling, or else invoke Kermit in a terminal emulation window (xterm, crttool, vttool) under SunView. - On a remote UNIX system, when used through the GNU "screen" program. In this case, terminal connections to the remote UNIX system work, but attempts to transfer files fail because the screen optimization (or at least, line wrapping, control-character absorption) done by this package interferes with Kermit's packets. The (first) problem on the NeXT is that terminal-oriented gtty, stty, & ioctl calls don't work on the little window that NeXTSTEP pops up for non-NeXTSTEP applications like Kermit. CBREAK and No-ECHO settings do not take effect in the command parser -- commands are parsed strictly line at a time. "set line /dev/cua" works. During CONNECT mode, the console stays in cooked mode, so characters are not transmitted until carriage return or linefeed is typed, and you can't escape back. If you want to run Kermit directly from the File Viewer, then launch it from a shell script that puts it in the desired kind of window, something like this (for "terminal"): Terminal -Lines 24 -Columns 80 -WinLocX 100 -WinLocY 100 $FONT $FONTSIZE \ -SourceDotLogin -Shell /usr/local/bin/kermit & On the Sun with Open Windows, an additional symptom has been reported: outbound SunLink X.25 connections "magically" translate CR typed at the keyboard into LF before transmission to the remote host. This doesn't happen under SunView. On UNIX workstations equipped with DOS simulators like SoftPC, watch out for what these simulators do to the serial port drivers. After using a DOS simulator, particularly if you use it to run DOS communications software, you might have to reconfigure the serial ports for use by UNIX. Under the bash shell (versions prior to 1.07 from CWRU), "pushing" to an inferior shell and then exiting back to Kermit leaves Kermit in the background such that it must be explicitly fg'd. This is reportedly fixed in version 1.07 of bash. Interruption by Ctrl-Z makes UNIX C-Kermit try to suspend itself with kill(0,SIGSTOP), but only on systems that support job control, as determined by whether the symbol SIGTSTP is defined (or on POSIX or SVR4 systems, if syconf(_SC_JOB_CONTROL) or _POSIX_JOB_CONTROL in addition to SIGTSTP). However, if Kermit is running under a login shell (such as the original Bourne shell) that does not support job control, the user's session hangs and must be logged out from another terminal, or hung up on. There is no way Kermit can defend itself against this. If you use a non-job control shell on a computer that supports job control, give a command like "stty susp undef" to fix it so the suspend signal is not attached to any particular key, or give the command SET SUSPEND OFF to C-Kermit, or build C-Kermit with -DNOJC. Reportedly, DEC ULTRIX 4.3 is immune to C-Kermit's disabling of SIGQUIT, that is the signal that is generated when the user types Ctrl-\, which kills the current process (i.e. C-Kermit) and dumps core. Diagnosis and cure unknown. Workaround: before starting C-Kermit -- or for that matter, when you first log in because this applies to all processes, not just Kermit -- give the following UNIX command: stty quit undef The RS/6000 version does not do anything about SIGDANGER, an AIX-specific signal sent to all processes when system memory or swap space begins to run short. To avoid being killed under these conditions, C-Kermit should catch SIGDANGER. More info needed about how to do this. Running sz or rz for Zmodem transfers under C-Kermit ("run rz", "run sz file") does not work on System V/386 R4, and perhaps also other System V UNIX implementations. Reason unknown, no known workaround. The same operation works OK in Berkeley-based UNIX versions, for example SunOS 4.x. INITIALIZATION FILE C-Kermit's initialization file for UNIX is .kermrc (lowercase, starts with period) in your home directory. C-Kermit identifies your home directory based on the environment variable, HOME. Most UNIX systems set this variable automatically when you log in. If C-Kermit can't find your initialization file, check your HOME variable: echo $HOME (at the UNIX prompt) or: echo \$(HOME) (at the C-Kermit prompt) If HOME is not defined, or is defined incorrectly, add the appropriate definition to your UNIX .profile or .login file, depending on your shell: setenv HOME full-pathname-of-your-home-directory (C-Shell, .login file) or: set HOME=full-pathname-of-your-home-directory (sh, ksh, .profile file) export HOME NOTE: Various other operations depend on the correct definition of HOME. These include the "tilde-expansion" feature, which allows you to refer to your home directory as "~" in filenames used in C-Kermit commands, e.g. send ~/.kermrc as well as the \v(home) variable. The TAKE command does not search your UNIX PATH for command files. COMMUNICATION SPEED SELECTION Version 7 based UNIX implementations, including 4.3 BSD and earlier and UNIX systems based upon BSD, use a 4-bit field to record a serial device's terminal speed. This leaves room for 16 speeds, which are normally: 0, 50, 75, 110, 134.5, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, and 9600 The remaining two are usually called EXTA and EXTB, and are defined by the particular UNIX implementation. C-Kermit determines which speeds are available on your system based on whether symbols for them are defined in your terminal device header files. EXTA is generally assumed to be 19200 and EXTB 38400, but these assumptions might be wrong, or they might not apply to a particular device that does not support these speeds. Presumably, if you try to set a speed that is not legal on a particular device, the driver will return an error, but this can not be guaranteed. On these systems, it is usually not possible to select a speed of 14400 bps for use with V.32bis modems. In that case, use 19200 or 38400 bps, configure your modem to lock its interface speed and to use RTS/CTS flow control, and tell C-Kermit to SET SPEED RTS/CTS and SET DIAL SPEED-MATCHING OFF. Reportedly some recent versions of UNIX, and/or terminal device drivers that come with certain third-party add-in high-speed serial communication interfaces, use the low "baud rates" to stand for higher ones. For example, SET SPEED 50 gets you 57600 bps; SET SPEED 75 gets you 76800; SET SPEED 110 gets 115200. The situation is similar, but different, in System V. SVID Third Edition lists the same speeds, 0 through 38400. COMMUNICATIONS AND DIALING First, make sure your dialout line is correctly configured for dialing out (as opposed to login). The method for doing this is different for each kind of UNIX system. Consult your system documentation for configuring lines for dialing out (for example, SUN SparcStation IPC users should read the section "Setting up Modem Software" in the Desktop SPARC Sun System & Network Manager's Guide). Certain operations driven by RS-232 modem signal do not work on DECstations or other DEC platforms whose serial interfaces use MMP connectors (DEC version of RJ45 telephone jack with with offset tab). These connectors convey only the DSR and DTR modem signals, but not carrier (CD), RTS, CTS, or RI. Use SET CARRIER OFF to enable communication, or "hotwire" DSR to CD. Symptom: DIAL works, but a subsequent CONNECT command does not. Diagnosis: the modem is not asserting Carrier Detect (CD) after the connection is made, or the cable does not convey the CD signal. Cure: Reconfigure the modem, replace the cable. Workaround: SET CARRIER OFF (at least in System-V based UNIX versions). Kermit tries to use the 8th bit for data when parity is NONE, and this generally works on real UNIX terminal (tty) devices, but it often does not work when the UNIX system is accessed over a network via telnet or rlogin protocols, including (in many cases) through terminal servers. For example, an Encore computer with Annex terminal servers only gives a 7-bit path if the rlogin protocol is selected in the terminal server but it gives the full 8 bits if the proprietary RDP protocol is used. If file transfer does not work through a host to which you have rlogin'd, use "rlogin -8" rather than "rlogin". If that doesn't work, tell both Kermit programs to "set parity space". The Encore TELNET server does not allow long bursts of input. When you have a TELNET connection to an Encore, tell C-Kermit on the Encore to SET RECEIVE PACKET-LENGTH 200 or thereabouts. For Berkeley-UNIX-based systems (4.3BSD and earlier), Kermit includes code to use LPASS8 mode when parity is none, which is supposed to allow 8-bit data and Xon/Xoff flow control at the same time. However, as of edit 174, this code is entirely disabled because it is unreliable: even though the host operating system might (or might not) support LPASS8 mode correctly, the host access protocols (terminal servers, telnet, rlogin, etc) generally have no way of finding out about it and therefore render it ineffective, causing file transfer failures. So as of edit 174, Kermit once again uses rawmode for 8-bit data, and so there is no Xon/Xoff flow control during file transfer or terminal emulation. Also on Berkeley-based systems (4.3 and earlier), there is apparently no way to configure a dialout line for proper carrier handling, i.e. ignore carrier during dialing, require carrier thereafter, get a fatal error on any attempt to read from the device after carrier drops (this is handled nicely in System V by manipulation of the CLOCAL flag). The symptom is that carrier loss does not make C-Kermit pop back to the prompt automatically. This is evident on the NeXT, for example, but not on SUNOS, which supports the CLOCAL flag. This is not a Kermit problem, but a limitation of the underlying operating system. For example, the cu program on the NeXT doesn't notice carrier loss either, whereas cu on the SUN does. DIAL might not work. If it doesn't, try SET DIAL HANGUP OFF before the DIAL command. Also, SET DIAL DISPLAY ON to watch what's happening. See section 8 of ckuins.doc. As a last resort, don't use the DIAL command at all; SET CARRIER OFF and CONNECT to the modem and dial interactively, or write a script program to dial the modem. On certain AT&T UNIX systems equipped with AT&T modems, DIAL and HANGUP don't work right. Workarounds: (1) SET DIAL HANGUP OFF before attempting to dial; (2) If HANGUP doesn't work, SET LINE, and then SET LINE to totally close and reopen the device. If all else fails, SET CARRIER OFF. C-Kermit does not contain any particular support for AT&T DataKit devices. You can use Kermit software to dial in to a DataKit line, but C-Kermit does not contain the specialized code required to dial out from a DataKit line. If the UNIX system is connected to DataKit via serial ports, dialout should work normally (e.g. set line /dev/ttym1, set speed 19200, connect, and then see the DESTINATION: prompt, from which you can connect to another computer on the DataKit network or to an outgoing modem pool, etc). But if the UNIX system is connected to the DataKit network through the special DataKit interface board, then SET LINE to a DataKit pseudodevice (such as /dev/dk031t) will not work (you must use the DataKit "dk" or "dkcu" program instead). In some BSD-based UNIX C-Kermit versions, SET LINE to a port that has nothing plugged in to it with SET CARRIER ON will hang the program (as it should), but it can't be interrupted with Ctrl-C. The interrupt trap is correctly armed, but apparently the UNIX open() call cannot be interrupted in this case. When SET CARRIER is OFF or AUTO, the SET LINE will eventually return, but then the program hangs (uninterruptibly) when the EXIT or QUIT command (or, presumably, another SET LINE command) is given. The latter is probably because of the attempt to hang up the modem. (In edit 169, a timeout alarm was placed around this operation.) SET CARRIER ON, when used on the SUNOS 4.1 version of C-Kermit (compiled in the BSD universe), causes the program to hang uninterruptibly when SET LINE is issued for a device that is not asserting carrier. When Kermit is built in the Sys V universe on the same computer, there is no problem (it can be interrupted with Ctrl-C). This is apparently a limitation of the BSD-style tty driver. SunOS 4.1 C-Kermit has been observed to dump core when running a complicated script program under cron. The dump invariably occurs in ttoc(), while trying to output a character to a TCP/IP TELNET connection. ttoc() contains a write() call, and when the system or the network is very busy, the write() call can get stuck for long periods of time. To break out of deadlocks caused by stuck write() calls, there is an alarm around the write(). It is possible that the core dump occurs when this alarm signal is caught. One user of C-Kermit 5A(179) on an RS/6000 with AIX 3.2.0 reported that (at least on TCP/IP connections, i.e. SET HOST out of C-Kermit) escaping back works only once. After connecting a second time, the escape character is ignored. Other users of the AIX 3.2.0 report that this does not happen. For now, a mystery. This behavior is not observed on AIX 3.1 or AIX 3.2.1. Many problems reported with bidirectional terminal lines on AIX 3.2.x on the RS/6000. Workaround: don't use bidirectional terminal lines, or write some kind of shell script that turns getty off on the line before starting Kermit, or before Kermit attempts to do the SET LINE. Or use vendor-provided utilities for switching the directionality of a modem line, such as SCO's "enable" and "disable" commands. For example, to dial out on tty1a, which is normally set up for logins: disable tty1a kermit -l /dev/tty1a enable tty1a In SCO Xenix, you must use SET CARRIER ON *and* use the upper-case tty device name in order to have carrier detection. SET CARRIER OFF should work with either upper or lowercase tty devices. SET CARRIER AUTO is the same as OFF. With SET DIAL HANGUP OFF in effect, the DIAL command might work only once, but not again on the same device. In that case, give a SET LINE command with no arguments to close the device, and then another SET LINE command for the desired device. Or rebuild your version of Kermit with the -DCLSOPN compile-time switch (see ckuins.doc). The DIAL command does not always seem to wait the full announced interval for the call to complete. Probably something to do with alarms stomping over each other. Try SET DIAL TIMEOUT to increase the interval. The DIAL command says "To cancel: Type your interrupt character (normally Ctrl-C)." This is just one example of where program messages and documentation assume your interrupt character is Ctrl-C. But it might be something else. In most (but not necessarily all) cases, the character referred to is the one that generates the SIGINT signal. If Ctrl-C doesn't act as an interrupt character for you, type the Unix command "stty -a" or "stty all" or "stty everything" to see what your interrupt character is. (Kermit could be made to find out what the interrupt character is, but this would require a lot of system-dependent coding and #ifdefs, and a new routine and interface between the system-dependent and system-independent parts of the program.) (On a similar note, Kermit could find out what your erase, line-delete, word-delete, etc, characters are and use them in the command parser instead of hardwired DEC-style editing characters. This is on the list of things to do.) Reportedly, all versions of IBM AIX use the same (undocumented) lockfile conventions as RTAIX. If this is true, the "makes" for PS/2 AIX, AIX/370, and RS/6000 will have to be changed to use the RTAIX convention (it may be sufficient to simply add -DRTAIX to the make entry). C-Kermit SET HOST or TELNET from AIX on an RS/6000 to another RS/6000 won't work right unless you set your local terminal type to something other than AIXTERM. When your terminal type is AIXTERM, AIX TELNET sends two escapes whenever you type one, and the AIX telnet server swallows one of them. This has something to do with "hft" device. This behavior is reportedly removed in AIX 3.2. In general, the hangup operation on a serial communication device is prone to failure. C-Kermit tries to support many, many different kinds of computers, and there seems to be no portable method for hanging up a modem connection (i.e. turning off the RS-232 DTR signal and then turning it back on again). If HANGUP, DIAL, and/or Ctrl-\H do not work for you, and you are a programmer, look at the tthang() function in ckutio.c and see if you can add code to make it work correctly for your system, and send the code to the address above. Even when Kermit's modem-control software is configured correctly for your computer, it can only work right if your modem is also configured to assert the CD signal when it is connected to the remote modem and to hang up the connection when your computer drops the DTR signal. So before deciding Kermit doesn't work with your modem, check your modem configuration AND the cable connecting your modem to the computer -- it should be a straight-through modem cable conducting the signals FG, SG, TD, RD, RTS, CTS, DSR, DTR, CD, and RI. Certain UNIX systems, such as SCO Xenix, provide different names for the same device. In Xenix, /dev/tty1a refers to a terminal device that has no modem control; open, read, write, and close operations do not depend on carrier. On the other hand, /dev/tty1A (same name, but with final letter upper case), is the same device with modem control, in which carrier is required (the SET LINE command does not complete until carrier appears, read/write operations fail if there is no carrier, etc). The SET FLOW-CONTROL KEEP option should be given *before* any communication (dialing, terminal emulation, file transfer, INPUT/OUTPUT/TRANSMIT, etc) is attempted, if you want C-Kermit to use all of the device's preexisting flow-control related settings. The default flow-control setting is XON/XOFF, and it will take effect when the first communication-related command is given, and a subsequent SET FLOW KEEP command will not necessarily know how to restore *all* of the device's original flow-control settings. On the NeXT, Kermit reportedly (by TimeMon) causes the kernel to use a lot of CPU time when using a "set line" connection. That's because there is no DMA channel for the NeXT serial port, so the port must interrupt the kernel for each character in or out. Under BSD UNIX versions, it takes a long time to complete operations that involve changing TTY modes. This is because the BSD stty calls do not wait for pending i/o to complete before returning, and so Kermit must sleep before invoking these functions. System V versions don't have this problem. HARDWARE FLOW CONTROL SET FLOW RTS/CTS is available in UNIX C-Kermit only when the underlying operating system provides an API for turning this feature on and off under program control, which turns out to be a rather rare feature among UNIX systems. Other common situations include: . The API is available, so "set flow rts/cts" appears as a valid C-Kermit command, but it doesn't do anything because the device driver (part of the operating system) was never coded to do hardware flow control. This is common among System V R4 implementations (details below). . The API is not available, so "set flow rts/cts" does NOT appear as a valid C-Kermit command, but you can still get RTS/CTS flow control by selecting a specially named device in your SET LINE command. Examples: NeXTSTEP: /dev/cufa instead of /dev/cua, /dev/cufb instead of /dev/cub. IRIX: /dev/ttyf2 instead of /dev/ttyd2 or /dev/ttym2. . No API and no special device drivers. Hardware flow control is completely unavailable. On Sun computers with SunOS 4.0 or 4.1, SET FLOW RTS/CTS works only if the carrier signal is present from the communication device at the time when C-Kermit enters packet mode or CONNECT mode. If carrier is not sensed (e.g. when dialing), C-Kermit does not attempt to turn on RTS/CTS flow control. This is because the SunOS serial device driver does not allow characters to be output if RTS/CTS is set (CRTSCTS) but carrier (and DSR) are not present. System V R4 based UNIXes are supposed to supply a or file, which gives Kermit the necessary interface to command the terminal driver to enable/disable hardware flow control. Thus if you build C-Kermit with any of the makefile entries that contain -DTERMIOX or -DSTERMIOX, C-Kermit will have "set flow rts/cts" and possibly other hardware flow-control related commands. BUT... That does not necessarily mean that they will work. In some cases, the underlying functions are simply not coded into the operating system. TERMINAL CONNECTION UNIX C-Kermit's SET KEY command currently can not be used with keys that generate "wide" scan codes or multibyte sequences, such as workstation function or arrow keys. More about this is CKCKER.BWR. FILE TRANSFER Optimum file transfer performance is a matter of tuning parameters like packet length and window size, and, on serial connections, of ensuring there is an effective flow control method, preferably hardware (such as RTS/CTS). However, a fully-configured C-Kermit program can be slower than than a minimally configured one simply because of its size. A command-line-only version that is stripped of every conceivable feature not affecting file transfer (such as "sunos41m" for the Sun or "dellsys5r4m" for Dell) can move files considerably faster than a full-featured one. Thus, it might make sense to keep a minimal version available as well as a full-featured one. See the files ckuins.doc and ckccfg.doc as well as the makefile for how to do this. UNIX C-Kermit does not reject incoming files on the basis of size. There appears to be no good (reliable, portable) way to determine in advance how much disk space is available. File transfer will fail if the incoming file is bigger than your ULIMIT. Use the UNIX ulimit command to examine or change your ULIMIT (the number is in 512-byte blocks, i.e. 0.5K). UNIX C-Kermit discards all carriage returns from incoming files when in text mode. If a file arrives that has the same name as a directory, and C-Kermit's FILE COLLISION setting is BACKUP, C-Kermit will either: (a) rename the directory, or (b) not be able to rename the directory and so will refuse the incoming file with the message "Can't transform filename". Similarly, if C-Kermit's FILE COLLISION setting is OVERWRITE, C-Kermit will, hopefully (!), not be able to delete the directory, and so will refuse the incoming file. If you SET FILE DISPLAY FULLSCREEN, and C-Kermit complains "Sorry, terminal type not supported", it means that the terminal library (termcap or termlib) that C-Kermit was built for does not know about a terminal whose name is the current value of your TERM environment variable. If this happens, EXIT from C-Kermit and set a UNIX terminal type from among the supported values, or else have an entry for your terminal type added to the system termcap and/or terminfo database. If you attempt to suspend C-Kermit during local-mode file transfer and then continue it in the background (via bg), it will block for "tty output" if you are using the FULLSCREEN file transfer display. This is apparently a problem with curses. Moving a local-mode file transfer back and forth between foreground and background works correctly, however, with the SERIAL, CRT, or NONE file transfer displays. Reportedly, when using "MSEND *" from a 14-character filename UNIX system to another system (e.g. BSD) that allows longer names, with SET FILE NAMES LITERAL, any files with 14-character names will have a space added to the end of the name on the receiving machine. One user of C-Kermit on SCO UNIX 3.2.4 reports that C-Kermit core dumps when receiving files in local mode. The crash invariably occurs when the 16384th byte arrives, obviously indicating some kind of int/long, or short/int, or similar mismatch in argument-passing -- no doubt the byte count. Other users of SCO UNIX 3.2.4, built using the same makefile entry, report that they can receive files much longer than 16384 with no problem at all. Maybe it depends on which file transfer display is being used? If this happens to you, try using a different file transfer display (SET FILE DISPLAY NONE, SERIAL, CRT, or FULLSCREEN). EXTERNAL FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOLS UNIX C-Kermit can be used in conjunction with other communications software in various ways. C-Kermit can be invoked from another communications program as an "external protocol", and C-Kermit can also invoke other communication software to perform external protocols. This sort of operation makes sense only when you are dialing out from your UNIX system. If the UNIX system is the one you have dialed in to, you don't need any of these tricks. Just run the desired software on your UNIX system instead of Kermit. When dialing out from a UNIX system, the difficulty is getting two programs to share the same communication device in spite of the UNIX UUCP lockfile mechanism, which would normally prevent any sharing. 1. C-Kermit as an External Protocol "pcomm" is a general-purpose terminal program that provides file transfer capabilities itself (X- and YMODEM variations) and the ability to call on external programs to do file transfers (ZMODEM and Kermit, for example). You can tell pcomm the command to execute to send or receive a file with an external protocol: send receive ZMODEM sz rz Kermit kermit -s kermit -r pcomm runs external programs for file transfer by making stdin and stdout point to the modem port, and then exec-ing "/bin/sh -c xxx" (where xxx is the appropriate command). However, C-Kermit does not treat stdin and stdout as the communication device unless you instruct it: send receive Kermit kermit -l 0 -s kermit -l 0 -r The "-l 0" option means to use file descriptor 0 for the communication device. In general, any program can pass any open file descriptor to C-Kermit for the communication device in the "-l" command-line option. 2. Invoking External Protocols from C-Kermit After you have opened a communication link with C-Kermit's SET LINE (SET PORT) or SET HOST (TELNET) command, C-Kermit makes its file descriptor available to you in the \v(ttyfd) variable so you can make it available to other programs that you RUN from C-Kermit. Here, for example, C-Kermit runs itself as an external protocol: C-Kermit>set modem hayes C-Kermit>set line /dev/acu C-Kermit>set speed 2400 C-Kermit>dial 7654321 Call complete. C-Kermit>echo \v(ttyfd) 3 C-Kermit>run kermit -l \v(ttyfd) Other programs that accept open file descriptors on the command line can be started in the same way. You can also use your shell's i/o redirection facilities to assign C-Kermit's open file descriptor (ttyfd) to stdin or stdout. For example, the UNIX ZMODEM programs, sz and rz, when invoked as external protocols, expect to find the communication device assigned to stdin and stdout with no option for specifying any other file descriptor on the sz or rz command line. However, you can still invoke sz and rz as exterior protocols from C-Kermit if your current shell ($SHELL variable) is ksh (the Korn shell) or bash (the Bourne-Again shell), which allows assignment of arbitrary file descriptors to stdin and stdout: C-Kermit> run rz <&\v(ttyfd) >&\v(ttyfd) Here are some macros from Rick Calder for invoking external protocols from C-Kermit. These assume your shell is ksh or bash, and that the sz, rz, sx, rx, etc, programs are in /usr/local/bin: ; Send specified file(s) with ZMODEM ; define sz if = \v(argc) 1 FATAL {Send what file ?}, - if not exist \%1 FATAL {File \%1 not found.}, - run /usr/local/bin/sz - \%1 \%2 \%3 \%4 \%5 \%6 \%7 \%8 \%9 <&\v(ttyfd) >&\v(ttyfd), - connect ; Receive file or files with ZMODEM ; define rz run /usr/local/bin/rz <&\v(ttyfd) >&\v(ttyfd), connect ; Send specified file(s) with YMODEM ; define sb if = \v(argc) 1 FATAL {Send what file ?}, - if not exist \%1 FATAL {File \%1 not found.}, - run /usr/local/bin/sb - \%1 \%2 \%3 \%4 \%5 \%6 \%7 \%8 \%9 <&\v(ttyfd) >&\v(ttyfd), - connect ; Receive with YMODEM ; define rb run /usr/local/bin/rb <&\v(ttyfd) >&\v(ttyfd), connect ; Send a single file with XMODEM ; define sx if = \v(argc) 1 FATAL {Send what file ?}, - if not exist \%1 FATAL {File \%1 not found.}, - run /usr/local/bin/sx \%1 \%2 \%3 \%4 \%5 \%6 \%7 \v(ttyfd) >&\v(ttyfd), - connect ; Receive with XMODEM (receiver must be told the filename too) ; define rx if = \v(argc) 1 FATAL {Receive what file ?}, - run /usr/local/bin/rx \%1 <&\v(ttyfd) >&\v(ttyfd), - connect Put these definitions in your .mykermrc file and use them like this: C-Kermit>rz C-Kermit>sz oofa.txt etc. As Rick says, "This now gives me one terminal emulator to use for both my UNIX and my MSDOS systems, with full file transfer protocol options, regardless of what the remote offers. Finally, one size fits all!" To that, we should add that X-, Y-, and ZMODEM need be used only when Kermit transfers are not available, since with long packets, sliding windows, and control-character unprefixing, Kermit is just as fast -- and almost always faster -- than X-, Y-, and ZMODEM. MISCELLANEOUS One user reported trouble running C-Kermit on a NeXT from within NeXT's Subprocess class under NeXTstep 3.0, and/or when rlogin'd from one NeXT to another: Error opening /dev/tty:, congm: No such device or address. Diagnosis: Bug in NeXTSTEP 3.0, cure unknown. If C-Kermit has problems opening files in writable directories when it is installed setuid or setgid on BSD-based versions of UNIX such as NeXT Mach 3.0, it probably needs to be rebuild with the -DSW_ACC_ID comilation switch (see ckuins.doc). Reportedly, when coming into a Sequent UNIX (DYNIX) system through an X.25 connection, Kermit doesn't work right because the Sequent's FIONREAD ioctl returns incorrect data. To work around, use the 1-character-at-a-time version of myread() in ckutio.c (i.e. undefine MYREAD in ckutio.c and rebuild the program). There have been reports of file transfer failures on SUN 3 systems when using long packets and/or large window sizes. One user says that when this happens, the console issues many copies of this message: chaos vmunix: zs1: ring buffer overflow This means that SunOS (UNIX) is not scheduling Kermit frequently enough to service interrupts from the zs serial device (Zilog 8350 SCC serial communication port) before its input silo overflows. Workaround: use smaller packets and/or a smaller window size, or use "nice" to increase Kermit's priority. Use hardware flow control if available, or remove other active processes before running Kermit. One user reports that C-Kermit built on SCO UNIX 3.2.4 (ODT 2.0) consistently crashes as soon as it receives the 16384th byte of an incoming file, which seems to indicate a short-vs-int conversion problem (file length becoming negative). Another user, who built and runs the same version of C-Kermit in exactly the same environment, reports that this problem does not occur. The difference is thought to be a compiler bug for which an SCO patch was installed on the latter system, but not the former. ------------------------------ USER REPORTS - Date: Thu, 12 Mar 92 1:59:25 MEZ From: Walter Mecky Subject: Help.Unix.sw To:, PRODUCT: Unix RELEASE: Dell SVR4 V2.1 (is USL V3.0) MACHINE: AT-386 PATHNAME: /usr/lib/ /usr/ccs/lib/libc.a ABSTRACT: Function ttyname() does not close its file descriptor DESCRIPTION: ttyname(3C) opens /dev but never closes it. So if it is called often enough the open(2) in ttyname() fails. Because the broken ttyname() is in the shared lib too all programs using it can fail if they call it often enough. One important program is uucico which calls ttyname for every file it transfers. Here is a little test program if your system has the bug: #include #include main() { int i = 0; while (ttyname(0) != NULL) i++; perror("ttyname"); printf("i=%d\n", i); } If this program runs longer than some seconds you don't have the bug. WORKAROUND: None FIX: Very easy if you have source code. Another user reports some more explicit symptoms and recoveries: > What happens is when invoking ckermit we get one of the following > error messages: > You must set line > Not a tty > No more processes. > One of the following three actions clears the peoblem: > shutdown -y -g0 -i6 > kill -9 the ttymon with the highest PID > Invoke sysadm and disable then enable the line you want to use. > Turning off respawn of sac -t 300 and going to getty's and uugetty's > does not help. > > Also C-Kermit reports "?timed out closing /dev/ttyxx". > If this happens all is well. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Jun 90 23:51:10 PDT From: (John Dunlap) To: Subject: Re: C-Kermit 5A Edit 144 I should mention that I have discovered a bug in C-Kermit using HP-UX version 5.21 on the HP-9000 series 500 computers. This bug seems to have been present at least as far back as version 095. It only occurs when the controlling terminal is using an HP-27140 six port modem mux. The problem is not present if the controlling terminal is logged into an HP-27130 eight port mux. The symptom is that just after dialing successfully and connecting Kermit locks up and the port is unusable until both forks of Kermit and the login shell are killed. This may be why some people are saying that Kermit won't work for them on the series 800 HP computers -- the 27140 6 port modem mux is used on that computer while the 27140 8 port mux cannot be used. One of these months I may be able to test this a bit more, but for the time being I just moved my terminal port to the 8 port mux! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jun 92 17:16:21 -0400 From: fuller@wccs (Charles S. Fuller) Subject: kermit under HP-UX -- solved! To make C-Kermit work on HP-UX 8.05 on an HP720, obtain and install HP-UX patch PHNE_0899. This patch deals with a lot of driver issues, particularly related to communication at higher speeds. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Oct 90 23:35:26 -0400 From: (William Bader) To: Subject: ckermit 159 notes The changes to the update file mentioned something about putting alarms on some I/O calls to prevent flow control deadlocks. Device drivers in Xenix (and possibly other ports of versions of AT&T Unix V.2 and V.3) have a higher priority than signals, which means that an alarm (or any signal including SIGKILL!) will not always interrupt a deadlocked read. When you turn off flow control on Xenix, there is a short window where an incoming ^S can get accepted, but no ^Q can be sent because flow control was turned off slightly after the ^S. [C-Kermit 4C would sometimes hang for this reason, and we could kill the shell to use that terminal, but the kermit process itself would become a zombie.] It might be possible (although not portable) to use select(). ------------------------------ (Note: the following problem also occurs on SGI and probably many other UNIX systems): From: James Spath To: Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1992 20:20:28 -0400 Subject: C-Kermit vs uugetty (or init) on Sperry 5000 We have sucessfully compiled the above release on a Unisys/Sperry 5000/95. We used the sys5r3 option, rather than sys5r2 since we have VR3 running on our system. In order to allow dialout access to non-superusers, we had to do "chmod 666 /dev/tty###", where it had been -rw--w--w- (owned by uucp), and to do "chmod +w /usr/spool/locks". We have done text and binary file transfers through local and remote connections. The problem concerning uucp ownership and permissions is worse than I thought at first. Apparently init or uugetty changes the file permissions after each session. So I wrote the following C program to open a set of requested tty lines. I run this for any required outgoing line prior to a Kermit session. ------ cut here ------- /* opentty.c -- force allow read on tty lines for modem i/o */ /* idea from: restrict.c -- Systsem 5 Admin book Thomas/Farrow p. 605 */ /* /jes jim spath { } */ /* 08-Sep-92 NO COPYRIGHT. */ /* this must be suid to open other tty lines */ /* #define DEBUG */ #define TTY "/dev/tty" #define LOK "/usr/spool/locks/LCK..tty" #include /* allowable lines: */ #define TOTAL_LINES 3 static char allowable[TOTAL_LINES][4] = { "200", "201", "300" }; static int total=TOTAL_LINES; int allow; /* states: */ #define TTY_UNDEF 0 #define TTY_LOCK 1 #define TTY_OKAY 2 main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char device[512]; char lockdev[512]; int i; if (argc == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: open 200 [...]\n"); } while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv) != NULL ) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "TRYING: %s%s\n", TTY, *argv); #endif sprintf(device, "%s%s", TTY, *argv); sprintf(lockdev, "%s%s", LOK, *argv); allow = TTY_UNDEF; i = 0; while (i <= total) { /* look at all defined lines */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "LOCKFILE? %s?\n", lockdev); #endif if (access(lockdev, 00) == 0) { allow=TTY_LOCK; break; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DOES:%s==%s?\n", allowable[i], *argv); #endif if (strcmp(allowable[i], *argv) == 0) allow=TTY_OKAY; i++; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "allow=%d\n", allow); #endif switch (allow) { case TTY_UNDEF: fprintf (stderr, "open: not allowed on %s\n", *argv); break; case TTY_LOCK: fprintf (stderr, "open: device locked: %s\n", lockdev); break; case TTY_OKAY: /* attempt to change mode on device */ if (chmod (device, 00666) < 0) fprintf (stderr, "open: cannot chmod on %s\n", device); break; default: fprintf (stderr, "open: FAULT\n"); } } exit (0); } ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Oct 92 10:59:51 +0100 From: fulvio@ssuxos.ICO.OLIVETTI.COM (Fulvio Marino) To: Subject: Re: C-Kermit 5A(185) Ready for Testing Some telnetd are broken (in some releases of Sun, Hitachi and X/OS Unixes): byte BUFSIZ (i.e., buf[BUFSIZ-1]) is not passed to the attached processes. Two side effects: a. if the receive packet-len (on remote server) is >= BUFSIZ, there is no way to send a packet of data (the BUFSIZ-th byte is always lost) b. if the receive packet-len (on remote server) is < BUFSIZ, then you can *hope* to send some packet of data: remote kernel could ``cat'' the received data so that to give telnetd a bigger input buffer (see "a."). Possible solutions: - Patch telnetd -- the best way - Use *very* short packets (speed is slowing down) -- the middle way - Change ckutio.c. I added code to ttol(); actually, the line: x = write(ttyfd,s,n); /* Write string to device */ is writing a full packet (or a piece of it, in case of partial writes). My idea is to split this up into many little writes, sleeping between them; I use an "extern int splitted_bsz" to know if a ``splitting'' is required or not; the msecs for msleep() are computed in a way that is giving good results on X/OS. splitted_bsz (and, possibly, the msecs to sleep) should be set by the user only in our special case. This code works. I suggest to insert it in ckutio.c only if you know that this kind of problem is common. if (splitted_bsz == 0 || n <= splitted_bsz ) { x = write(ttyfd,s,n); /* Write string to device */ } else { extern int wslots; char *buf; int thiswrite, remaining; buf = s; remaining = n; for ( ; ; ) { thiswrite = remaining > splitted_bsz ? splitted_bsz : remaining; if ((x = write(ttyfd, buf, thiswrite)) > 0) msleep(x/(wslots > 1 ? 5 : 10)); debug(F101,"ttol splitted","",x); if (x != thiswrite) { if (x < 0 && remaining < n) x = 0; /* i.e. report error only on 1st write */ if (x >= 0) x += n - remaining; break; /* error, or partial write */ } buf += x; if ((remaining -= x) == 0) { x = n; break; /* success */ } } } -- Fulvio MARINO (Tel.#: +39-125-52-8493) Ing. C. Olivetti & C. OS&N/R&D/MV Progetto X/OS, n.ico 2p. via Jervis 77 I-10015 Ivrea (TO) ITALY ------------------------------