Public Domain Korn Shell Version 4.5 PD KSH: This is the latest version of the PD ksh (pdksh). It is not intended to be the ultimate shell but rather a usable ksh work alike. For those of us who have to work on multiple systems it is nice to have the same user interface on all. I resisted moving to the ksh on a Bull system at work for nearly a year due to the lack of a ksh on my Sun systems. When I first picked up the 3.2 PD KSH a couple of years ago, it took only a few minutes to convert a C-shell fan to a ksh fan :-) Pdksh is not 100% compatible with the ksh. Having said that, I use it daily beside a real ksh88 and find them virtually indistinguishable. I only run this shell on sun's and only for interactive use. I use it on sun4c, sun3 and sun386 systems. The shell itself has been compiled on each of these both with and without the POSIX/ANSI compatability libraries in ./std. See the file MACHINES for details of systems that the shell has been built on. I have released this version of the shell (with the kind permission of the previous maintainers and major contributors) to ensure that it is available from usenet archive sites. Of course it remains in the Public Domain. Equally obviously neither myself nor any other contributors make any claims of suitability etc. Ie. NO WARRANTY!!! If you make any changes and distribute them, please leave your own finger prints in the source. Its bad enough being flamed for my own bugs let alone anyone elses :-) WHATS NEW: This update includes Job Control for System V (POSIX), many bug fixes and a simple history file mechanism. See sh/ChangeLog. HISTORY: This shell was written by Eric Gisin. It is based on Charles Forsyth's public domain V7 shell, which he later contributed to Minix. John R MacMillan picked up Eric Gisin's version after Eric moved on to other projects (see ReadMe.jrm). Since then there have been many contributors to this shell. Most have left their fingerprints within the source and various and files reflect their input. This version is basically that known as Eric Gisin's version 3.3 alpha which I obtained indirectly from John R MacMillan who is the most recent maintainer. This version has much improved emacs-mode command line editing (my main contribution) plus enough extra emacs-mode features to make it difficult to distinguish from ksh88. Bug fixes from various contributors are the only other changes from John MacMillan's version. I have upped the version number for this release to distinguish it from the original 3.3 version. This version is much improved despite the small number of new features. INSTALLATION: The file INSTALL contains intructions for building and installing the shell. The original instructions indicated that a POSIX compliant environment and possibly an ANSI compiler are required. I have used both gcc and native Sun and the GreenHills ANSI compiler without problems. The POSIX/STDC compatability stuff in ./std seems to cause lots of problems for some systems. This was at least in part because I distributed it with half the librraies disabled :-), in any case the shell itself in ./sh can now be compiled without any of the ./std stuff which makes things much simpler on systems that have a real POSIX environment. Porting to new environemnts can be a real pain. I don't really plan to make a huge effort in this area since I expect that this shell will be mainly required on exotic or obscure systems (the ones that the vendor does not provide a ksh for). Thus the small "market" does not warrant a C-news or X11 style portability effort. Of course if people send patches for various systems I'm happy to try and integrate them. ENVIRONMENT: My main interest in this shell is for Sun workstations. Every other UNIX system I use comes with a real ksh. Being a strictly C-shell environment, some improved profile files are in order on Sun's. The etc directory contains a set of useful environment files. These are the same files I use on several systems (many use a real ksh): ./etc/profile ./etc/ ./etc/ksh.kshrc The first one is obvious. The second, is sourced by /etc/profile and several other scripts. It is used to determine the system type so that scripts like profile can be used on multiple platforms. The third one is also quite useful, add . /etc/ksh.kshrc to user's ~/.kshrc to simplify alias management. BUGS: Many folk have contributed to this shell. I have attempted to credit (in sh/ChangeLog) the authors of bug fixes received since the previous release. There are surely still plenty of bugs to be found/fixed. There is a template bug report in bug-report [borrowed from the X11R5 mit tree], just fill in the blanks and mail to I hope you find this shell as useful as I do... Simon J. Gerraty