Public Domain KornShell Quick installation notes for PD KornShell PD KornShell can be installed on 4.2+ BSD systems, System V, and POSIX-compatable systems. The makefiles all define _BSD, change this to _SYSV, or _POSIX. The makefiles also contain CC=gcc, delete this if you don't have GNU C. The ksh makefile also contains some options, including JOBS (BSD/POSIX job control) and EDIT (emacs command editing). PD KornShell assumes you have standard C (ANSI) and POSIX header files and functions. Since you probably don't, they are provided in the "std" directory. The Alpha test version will probably come as two tar files. std.tar contains standard C and POSIX emulation and must be extracted into a directory called std. ksh.tar contains the ksh source and should be extracted into a directory called src or ksh. See std/ReadMe and install it. Only then can you make ksh in the "src" directory. To clear up questions about the origin of this shell, this shell is NOT based on the "Minix shell". It is based on Charles Forsyth's public domain V7 shell, which he later contributed to Minix. I have permission directly from Charles Forsyth to use his shell. Eric Gisin, egisin@math.UWaterloo.CA (or Waterloo.EDU) Things to do - add sxt-based job control (see Brown's contribution on the Usenix 87 tape). - add arrays and variable attributes. - add MAILPATH and CDPATH. - add vi editing mode (apparently someone has a PD version). - add new features described in Korn's book. Machines ported to VAX, 68000, 80386 OS's ported to BSD 4.2, BSD 4.3 (with and without YP and NFS Sys V.3