.\" @(MHWARNING) .\" @(#)bboards.rf,v 1993/01/30 04:40:02 jtc Exp .SC BBOARDS 1 .NA bboards \- the UCI BBoards facility .SY bbc \%[\-check] \%[\-read] bboards ... \%[\-help] .DE The home directory of \fIbboards\fR is where the BBoard system is kept. This documentation describes some of the nuances of the BBoard system. .in +.5i .ti -.5i \fBBBoards, BBoard\-IDs\fR .br A BBoard is just a file containing a group of messages relating to the same topic. These files live in the ~bboards home directory. Each message in a BBoard file has in its header the line \*(lqBBoard-Id: n\*(rq, where \*(lqn\*(rq is an ascending decimal number. This id-number is unique for each message in a BBoards file. It should NOT be confused with the message number of a message, which can change as messages are removed from the BBoard. .ti -.5i \fBBBoard Handling\fR .br To read BBoards, use the \fIbbc\fR and \fImsh\fR programs. The \fImsh\fR command is a monolithic program which contains all the functionality of \fIMH\fR in a single program. The `\-check' switch to \fIbbc\fR lets you check on the status of BBoards, and the `\-read' switch tells \fIbbc\fR to invoke \fImsh\fR to read those BBoards. .ti -.5i \fBCreating a BBoard\fR .br Both public, and private BBoards are supported. Contact the mail address \fIPostMaster\fR if you'd like to have a BBoard created. .ti -.5i \fBBBoard addresses\fR .br Each BBoard has associated with it 4 addresses, these are (for the ficticious BBoard called ``hacks''): .in +.75i .br .ti -.5i \fBhacks\fR\0: The Internet wide distribution list. .br .ti -.5i \fBdist-hacks\fR\0: The local BBoard. .br .ti -.5i \fBhacks-request\fR\0: The people responsible for the BBoard at the Internet level. .br .ti -.5i \fBlocal-hacks-request\fR\0: The people responsible for the BBoard locally. .in -.75i .in -.5i .Fi ^$HOME/\&.mh\(ruprofile~^The user profile ^$HOME/\&.bbrc~^BBoard information .Pr ^Path:~^To determine the user's MH directory .Ps ^bboards:~^To specify interesting BBoards .Ps ^mshproc:~^Program to read a given BBoard .Sa bbc(1), bbl(1), bbleader(1), msh(1) .De The default bboard is \*(lqsystem\*(rq .Co None .En