.\" @(MHWARNING) .\" @(#)mhparam.rf,v 1993/01/30 04:40:06 jtc Exp .SC MHPARAM 1 .NA mhparam \- print MH profile components .SY mhparam \%[components] \%[-all] \%[-component] \%[-nocomponent] \%[\-help] .DE \fIMhparam\fR writes the value of the specified profile component to the standard output separated by newlines. If the profile component is not present, the default value (or nothing if there is no default) is printed. If more than one component is specified in the `components' list, the component value is preceded by the component name. If `\-component' is specified, the component name is displayed even when only one component is specified. If `\-nocomponent' is specified, the component name is not displayed even when more than one component is specified. If `\-all' is specified, all components if the MH profile are displayed and other arguments are ignored. Examples: .nf .ta \w'AliasFile:'u+2n .in +.5i % mhparam path Mail % mhparam mhlproc @(MHETCPATH)/mhl % mhparam \-component path Path: Mail % mhparam AliasFile rmmproc AliasFile: aliases rmmproc: rmmproc % mhparam \-nocomponent AliasFile rmmproc aliases rmmproc .in -.5i .fi \fIMhparam\fR is also useful in back\-quoted operations: .nf .in +.5i % fgrep cornell.edu `mhpath +`/`mhparam aliasfile` .in -.5i .fi .Fi ^$HOME/\&.mh\(ruprofile~^The user profile .Sa mh-profile\|(5) .De `\-nocomponent' if only one component is specified `\-component' if more than one component is specified .Ds `components' defaults to none .Co None .En