# ultrix.sap-ag.de - MH 6.8 options for ULTRIX (ULTRIX 4.2 on RISC). # Bill Wohler # Sat, 31 Oct 92 19:14:43 +0100 # # General # bin /usr/local/bin/mh ldoptions -s mandir /usr/local/man manuals standard mts sendmail/smtp options BIND DBMPWD ISI MHE MHRC OVERHEAD RPATHS WHATNOW UK # # Machine specific options # options TYPESIG=void BSD42 BSD43 curses -lcurses -ltermlib # # # the compiler complains: # formatsbr.c: # uopt: Warning: fmtscan: this procedure not optimized because it # exceeds size threshold; to optimize this procedure, use -Olimit option # with value >= 679.