.\" This file is automatically generated. Do not edit! .\" @(#)bbexp.rf,v 1993/01/30 04:40:01 jtc Exp .SC BBEXP 8 .NA bbexp \- expunge the BBoards area .SY /usr/spool/bboards/bbexp \%[\-\fIfirst\-metric\fR] \%[\-\fIsecond\-metric\fR] \%[bboards\ ...] .DE The \fIbbexp\fR program reads the BBoards database and calls \fImsh\fR to archive the named BBoards (or all BBoards if none are specified). The first\-metric (which defaults to 12) gives the age in days of the \*(lqBB\-Posted:\*(rq field for messages which should be expunged. The second\-metric (which defaults to 20) gives the age in days of the \*(lqDate:\*(rq field for messages which should be expunged. Any message which meets either metric will be either archived or removed, depending on what the \fIBBoards\fR\0(5) file says. .Fi ^/usr/spool/bboards/BBoards~^BBoards database .Pr None .Sa msh(1), bboards(5) .De None .Co None .En