.\" This file is automatically generated. Do not edit! .\" @(#)bbl.rf,v 1993/01/30 04:40:01 jtc Exp .SC BBL 1 .NA bbl \- manage a BBoard .SY bbl \%[+folder] \%[\-shell\ program] \%[\-verbose] \%[\-noverbose] bboard \%[\-help] .DE \fIbbl\fR allows a \fIBBleader\fR to manage a BBoard. The process is relatively simple: a \fIBBleader\fR invokes the \fIbbl\fR program to set\-up an environment in which the messages contained in the BBoard may be accessed as if they were messages in an \fIMH\fR folder. To do this, \fIbbl\fR, \fIincs\fR the \fIBBoard\fR to the folder \*(lq+bbl\*(rq, and \fIincs\fR the archives for the \fIBBoard\fR to the folder \*(lq+bbl/arc\*(rq. The \fIBBleader\fR then gets a new shell in which \fIMH\fR commands (among others) may be executed. When the \fIBBleader\fR is done, CTRL\-D is typed, which terminates the shell. \fIbbl\fR then asks the \fIBBleader\fR as to how the BBoard should be reconstructed. Usually, this results in zeroing the existing \fIBBoard\fR file, and \fIpack\fRing the \*(lq+bbl\*(rq folder into the \fIBBoard\fR file. Similar actions are taken for the archive. The `\-shell' switch specifies what process that \fIbbl\fR should invoke as your command interpreter. This need not be a rooted filename. If this switch is not specified, \fIbbl\fR looks at the envariable \fB$SHELL\fR for a value. If this envariable is not set, then \fIbbl\fR uses your login shell. The `\-verbose' switch directs \fIbbl\fR to type the shell commands that it executes to get the job done (e.g., \fIchmod\fR\0s, \fIinc\fR\0s, etc.) As \fIbbl\fR processing is most likely not intuitively obvious to most prospective BBoard\-leaders, a short diatribe is in order. As pointed out in \fIBBleader\fR(1), a BBoard\-leader (of the fictitious BBoard \*(lqhacks\*(rq) has three primary maintenance functions: .in +.5i .ti -.5i \fBRead the BBoard\fR .br You don't need \fIbbl\fR to do this, use \fIbbc\fR instead. .ti -.5i \fBRemove inappropriate material\fR .br Do this by running \fIbbl\fR. An example of this might be: .sp .nf \01 % bbl hacks \02 [ Working folder is +bbl, Archive folder is +bbl/arc ] \03 [ Type CTRL\-D to finish ] \04 % scan .ta \w'\05 'u +\w'20 'u +\w'10/14 'u +\w'1345-PDT 'u +\w'Reasonable Person 'u \05 20 10/14 1345-PDT Silly User Nonsensical message \06 21 10/14 1707-PDT Silly User Another one \07 22 10/14 2144-PDT Reasonable Person Legit message .re \09 % rmm 20 21 \10 % \^D \11 Incorporate changes? y \12 Remove +bbl? y \13 Update archives? n \14 Remove +bbl/arc? y \15 [+inbox now current] \16 % .fi .sp In item 1, the BBoard\-Leader invokes \fIbbl\fR on the BBoard called \*(lqhacks\*(rq. The \fIbbl\fR program responds by typing items 2 and 3 which tell the user what \fIMH\fR folders are being used and that a sub\-shell is now in use (respectively). The user does a scan of the +bbl folder (\fIbbl\fR sets the current\-folder to be the one with the BBoard in it.) and finds two messages that should be removed (numbers 20 and 21). The user then removes these using the \fIrmm\fR program (item 9) and then types a CTRL\-D to return to \fIbbl\fR (item 10). At this point, \fIbbl\fR asks how the BBoard should be reconstructed. Item 11 asks if the contents of the +bbl folder should OVERWRITE the contents of the BBoard. The user responds `yes', that it should (hence the two \fIrmm\fR'd messages disappear). Next on item 12, the user is asked if the +bbl folder should be killed, since the BBoards have been successfully updated, the user answers `yes'. On item 13, the user is asked if the archives should be updated. Since the user made no changes, the answer `no' is made. (The user could have answered `yes' with no disastrous effects, but knew that nothing had been updated). Finally, on item 14, the user indicates that the +bbl/arc subfolder should be killed, by answering `yes'. .ti -.5i \fBArchive non\-recent material\fR .br Do this by running \fIbbl\fR. An example of this might be: .sp .nf \01 % bbl hacks \02 [ Working folder is +bbl, Archive folder is +bbl/arc ] \03 [ Type CTRL\-D to finish ] \04 % scan .ta \w'\05 'u +\w'20 'u +\w'10/14 'u +\w'1345-PDT 'u +\w'GFISHER@UCI-20B 'u \05 11 10/12 1905-PST Marshall Rose New MMail/BBck \06 12 10/12 1916-PST Stephen Willson PATH, nfinger, and ls \07 13 10/12 2329-PDT G@UCI-20A 833-5122 hours \08 14 10/13 1045-PDT MELLON@UCI-20B Reporting line \09 15 10/13 1112-PST Tim Shimeall Re: 833-5122 hours \10 16 10/13 1045-PDT MELLON@UCI-20B Reporting line \11 17 10/13 2042-PST Dana Roode Ucifinger \12 18 10/13 2045-PST Dana Roode Files in /usr/restores \13 19 10/14 1028-PDT WILLSON@UCI-20B Re: term no pause \14 20 10/14 1345-PDT Martin Katz Re: term no pause \15 21 10/14 1707-PDT SCRIBE@UCI-20A Scribe Use \16 22 10/14 2144-PDT GFISHER@UCI-20B New Twemacs \17 23 10/15 1227-PDT Rob Rittenhouse Re: New Twemacs .re \18 % file +bbl/arc \-src +bbl 11\-12 17\-20 21 \19 % ^D \20 Incorporate changes? y \21 Remove +bbl? y \22 Update archives? y \23 Remove +bbl/arc? y \24 [+inbox now current] \25 % .fi .sp The important command given is in item 18, in which the user \fIfiles\fR some messages from +bbl into +bbl/arc. When CTRL\-D is typed, the user directs \fIbbl\fR to update both the BBoard and its archives, which does the proper action. As an alternate to this scenario, some creative \fIBBleaders\fR might use the \fIpick\fR command to do all of the work: .in +.5i .nf pick \-sequence select \-before \-12 \-datefield BB-Posted \-zero pick \-sequence select \-before \-20 \-nozero scan select refile select +bbl/arc .fi .in -.5i In order to facilitate the use of automation shell scripts, if the standard input for \fIbbl\fR is \fInot\fR a tty, then \fIbbl\fR will not ask any questions and will proceed as if the user's answer was \*(lqyes\*(rq for all questions. Hence, \fIbbl\fR may be run under \fIcron\fR\0(8) to provide for automatic archiving. .in -.5i .Fi ^$HOME/\&.mh\(ruprofile~^The user profile .Pr ^Path:~^To determine the user's MH directory .Ps ^incproc:~^Program to incorporate a mail drop into a folder .Ps ^packproc:~^Program to pack a folder into a msgbox .Ps ^rmfproc:~^Program to remove a folder .Sa bbc(1), bbleader(1), bboards(1) .De `+folder' defaults to \*(lqbbl\*(rq .Ds `\-nofile' .Ds `\-shell' defaults to \fB$SHELL\fR or your login shell .Co None .Hi In the early days of the UCI BBoards facility, \fIBBleaders\fR actually used to run this program by hand. Now, this \fIbbl\fR is often run automatically by the system to perform automatic archiving. .Bu Note that \fIbbl\fR executes a lot of \fIMH\fR commands, and as such, each of these commands can and will read your \fI\&.mh\(ruprofile\fR for defaults. Please read the \fBBUGS\fR section of \fImh\-profile\fR\0(5) for some hints to help you avoid many silly problems. Also, \fIbbl\fR is unforgiving in doing exactly what it is told, so take special care in answering \fIbbl\fR's questions. .En