.\" This file is automatically generated. Do not edit! .\" @(#)wmh.rf,v 1993/01/30 04:40:10 jtc Exp .SC WMH 1 .NA wmh \- window front\-end to MH .SY wmh \%[\-prompt\ string] \%[\-vmhproc\ program] \%[\-novmhproc] \%[switches\ for\ \fIvmhproc\fR] \%[\-help] .DE \fIwmh\fR is a program which implements the server side of the \fIMH\fR window management protocol and uses the Integrated Solutions Graphics Workstation desktop to maintain a multiple window interface to any program which implements the client side of the protocol. This latter program, called the \fIvmhproc\fR, is specified using the `\-vmhproc\ program' switch. The upshot of all this is that one can run \fImsh\fR on an IS desktop and get a nice window interface. To do this, for example, just add the line .ti +.5i mshproc: wmh to your \&.mh\(ruprofile. (This takes advantage of the fact that \fImsh\fR is the default \fIvmhproc\fR for \fIwmh\fR.) In order to facilitate things, if the `\-novmhproc' switch is given, and \fIwmh\fR can't run on the user's terminal (i.e., the terminal is not a desktop), the \fIvmhproc\fR is run directly without the window management protocol. After initializing the protocol, \fIwmh\fR prompts the user for a command to be given to the client. Usually, this results in output being sent to one or more windows. If output to a window would cause it to scroll, \fIwmh\fR uses an elevator bar to scroll through the window. If click left is used inside the elevator bar, the user can direct \fIwmh\fR as to what portion of the output should be displayed; if click middle is used, the \*(lqpaging\*(rq menu is displayed; and, if click right is used, the window scrolls to the next page (or, the user explicitly moved to the end, the previous page). The mouse can also be used while in the command window: click left does nothing; click middle brings up the \*(lqwmh\*(rq menu; and, click right shows the next message (a moby hack for timesavings). To abnormally terminate \fIwmh\fR (without core dump), use (usually CTRL\-\\). For instance, this does the \*(lqright\*(rq thing with \fIbbc\fR and \fImsh\fR. .Fi ^$HOME/\&.mh\(ruprofile~^The user profile .Pr ^Path:~^To determine the user's MH directory .Sa msh(1) .De `\-prompt\ (wmh)\ ' .Ds `\-vmhproc\ msh' .Co None .Bu The argument to the `\-prompt' switch must be interpreted as a single token by the shell that invokes \fIwmh\fR. Therefore, one must usually place the argument to this switch inside double\-quotes. At present, there is no way to pass signals (e.g., interrupt, quit) to the client. However, generating QUIT when \fIwmh\fR is reading a command from the terminal is sufficient to tell the client to go away quickly. Acts strangely (loses peer or botches window management protocol with peer) on random occasions. .En