/* fmtdump.c - compile format file and dump out instructions */ #ifndef lint static char ident[] = "@(#)fmtdump.c,v 1993/01/30 04:41:33 jtc Exp"; #endif #include "../h/mh.h" #include "../h/formatsbr.h" #include "../h/fmtcompile.h" #include "../h/scansbr.h" #include #ifdef LOCALE #include #endif static struct swit switches[] = { #define FORMSW 0 "form formatfile", 0, #define FMTSW 1 "format string", 5, #define HELPSW 2 "help", 4, NULL, 0 }; /* for assignlabel */ static struct format *lvec[128]; static lused = 0; static char *f_typestr(), *c_typestr(); static void fmt_dump(), dumpone(), assignlabel(), litputs(), litputc(); static int findlabel(); /* */ /* ARGSUSED */ main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int ncomps; char *cp, *form = NULL, *format = NULL, buf[100], **ap, **argp, *nfs, *arguments[MAXARGS]; struct format *fmt; #ifdef LOCALE setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/'); if ((cp = m_find (invo_name)) != NULL) { ap = brkstring (cp = getcpy (cp), " ", "\n"); ap = copyip (ap, arguments); } else ap = arguments; (void) copyip (argv + 1, ap); argp = arguments; /* */ while (cp = *argp++) { if (*cp == '-') switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULLCP, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: (void) sprintf (buf, "%s [switches]", invo_name); help (buf, switches); done (1); case FORMSW: if (!(form = *argp++) || *form == '-') adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); format = NULL; continue; case FMTSW: if (!(format = *argp++) || *format == '-') adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); form = NULL; continue; } if (form) adios (NULLCP, "only one form at a time!"); else form = cp; } nfs = new_fs (form, format, FORMAT); /* must be before chdir() */ ncomps = fmt_compile(nfs, &fmt); fmt_dump(fmt); done(0); } static void fmt_dump (fmth) register struct format *fmth; { int i; register struct format *fmt, *addr; /* Assign labels */ for (fmt = fmth; fmt; ++fmt) { i = fmt->f_type; if (i == FT_IF_S || i == FT_IF_S_NULL || i == FT_IF_V_EQ || i == FT_IF_V_NE || i == FT_IF_V_GT || i == FT_IF_MATCH || i == FT_IF_AMATCH || i == FT_GOTO) { addr = fmt + fmt->f_skip; if (findlabel(addr) < 0) assignlabel(addr); } if (fmt->f_type == FT_DONE && fmt->f_value == 0) break; } /* Dump them out! */ for (fmt = fmth; fmt; ++fmt) { dumpone(fmt); if (fmt->f_type == FT_DONE && fmt->f_value == 0) break; } } static void dumpone(fmt) register struct format *fmt; { register int i; if ((i = findlabel(fmt)) >= 0) printf("L%d:", i); putchar('\t'); fputs(f_typestr((int)fmt->f_type), stdout); switch (fmt->f_type) { case FT_COMP: case FT_LS_COMP: case FT_LV_COMPFLAG: case FT_LV_COMP: printf(", comp "); litputs(fmt->f_comp->c_name); if (fmt->f_comp->c_type) printf(", c_type %s", c_typestr(fmt->f_comp->c_type)); if (fmt->f_comp->c_flags) printf(", c_flags %d", fmt->f_comp->c_flags); break; case FT_LV_SEC: case FT_LV_MIN: case FT_LV_HOUR: case FT_LV_MDAY: case FT_LV_MON: case FT_LS_MONTH: case FT_LS_LMONTH: case FT_LS_ZONE: case FT_LV_YEAR: case FT_LV_WDAY: case FT_LS_DAY: case FT_LS_WEEKDAY: case FT_LV_YDAY: case FT_LV_ZONE: case FT_LV_CLOCK: case FT_LV_RCLOCK: case FT_LV_DAYF: case FT_LV_ZONEF: case FT_LV_DST: case FT_LS_822DATE: case FT_LS_PRETTY: case FT_LOCALDATE: case FT_GMTDATE: case FT_PARSEDATE: printf(", c_name "); litputs(fmt->f_comp->c_name); if (fmt->f_comp->c_type) printf(", c_type %s", c_typestr(fmt->f_comp->c_type)); if (fmt->f_comp->c_flags) printf(", c_flags %d", fmt->f_comp->c_flags); break; case FT_LS_ADDR: case FT_LS_PERS: case FT_LS_MBOX: case FT_LS_HOST: case FT_LS_PATH: case FT_LS_GNAME: case FT_LS_NOTE: case FT_LS_822ADDR: case FT_LV_HOSTTYPE: case FT_LV_INGRPF: case FT_LV_NOHOSTF: case FT_LS_FRIENDLY: case FT_PARSEADDR: case FT_MYMBOX: printf(", c_name "); litputs(fmt->f_comp->c_name); if (fmt->f_comp->c_type) printf(", c_type %s", c_typestr(fmt->f_comp->c_type)); if (fmt->f_comp->c_flags) printf(", c_flags %d", fmt->f_comp->c_flags); break; case FT_COMPF: printf(", width %d, fill '", fmt->f_width); litputc(fmt->f_fill); printf("' name "); litputs(fmt->f_comp->c_name); if (fmt->f_comp->c_type) printf(", c_type %s", c_typestr(fmt->f_comp->c_type)); if (fmt->f_comp->c_flags) printf(", c_flags %d", fmt->f_comp->c_flags); break; case FT_STRF: case FT_NUMF: printf(", width %d, fill '", fmt->f_width); litputc(fmt->f_fill); putchar('\''); break; case FT_LIT: #ifdef FT_LIT_FORCE case FT_LIT_FORCE: #endif putchar(' '); litputs(fmt->f_text); break; case FT_LITF: printf(", width %d, fill '", fmt->f_width); litputc(fmt->f_fill); printf("' "); litputs(fmt->f_text); break; case FT_CHAR: putchar(' '); putchar('\''); litputc(fmt->f_char); putchar('\''); break; case FT_IF_S: case FT_IF_S_NULL: case FT_IF_MATCH: case FT_IF_AMATCH: printf(" continue else goto"); case FT_GOTO: i = findlabel(fmt + fmt->f_skip); printf(" L%d", i); break; case FT_IF_V_EQ: case FT_IF_V_NE: case FT_IF_V_GT: i = findlabel(fmt + fmt->f_skip); printf(" %d continue else goto L%d", fmt->f_value, i); break; case FT_V_EQ: case FT_V_NE: case FT_V_GT: case FT_LV_LIT: case FT_LV_PLUS_L: case FT_LV_MINUS_L: case FT_LV_DIVIDE_L: case FT_LV_MODULO_L: printf(" value %d", fmt->f_value); break; case FT_LS_LIT: printf(" str "); litputs(fmt->f_text); break; case FT_LS_GETENV: printf(" getenv "); litputs(fmt->f_text); break; case FT_LS_TRIM: printf(", width %d", fmt->f_width); break; case FT_LV_DAT: printf(", value dat[%d]", fmt->f_value); break; } putchar('\n'); } static int findlabel(addr) register struct format *addr; { register int i; for (i = 0; i < lused; ++i) if (addr == lvec[i]) return(i); return(-1); } static void assignlabel(addr) register struct format *addr; { lvec[lused++] = addr; } static char * f_typestr(t) int t; { static char buf[32]; switch (t) { case FT_COMP: return("COMP"); case FT_COMPF: return("COMPF"); case FT_LIT: return("LIT"); case FT_LITF: return("LITF"); #ifdef FT_LIT_FORCE case FT_LIT_FORCE: return("LIT_FORCE"); #endif case FT_CHAR: return("CHAR"); case FT_NUM: return("NUM"); case FT_NUMF: return("NUMF"); case FT_STR: return("STR"); case FT_STRF: return("STRF"); case FT_STRFW: return("STRFW"); case FT_PUTADDR: return("PUTADDR"); case FT_LS_COMP: return("LS_COMP"); case FT_LS_LIT: return("LS_LIT"); case FT_LS_GETENV: return("LS_GETENV"); case FT_LS_TRIM: return("LS_TRIM"); case FT_LV_COMP: return("LV_COMP"); case FT_LV_COMPFLAG: return("LV_COMPFLAG"); case FT_LV_LIT: return("LV_LIT"); case FT_LV_DAT: return("LV_DAT"); case FT_LV_STRLEN: return("LV_STRLEN"); case FT_LV_PLUS_L: return("LV_PLUS_L"); case FT_LV_MINUS_L: return("LV_MINUS_L"); case FT_LV_DIVIDE_L: return("LV_DIVIDE_L"); case FT_LV_MODULO_L: return("LV_MODULO_L"); case FT_LV_CHAR_LEFT: return("LV_CHAR_LEFT"); case FT_LS_MONTH: return("LS_MONTH"); case FT_LS_LMONTH: return("LS_LMONTH"); case FT_LS_ZONE: return("LS_ZONE"); case FT_LS_DAY: return("LS_DAY"); case FT_LS_WEEKDAY: return("LS_WEEKDAY"); case FT_LS_822DATE: return("LS_822DATE"); case FT_LS_PRETTY: return("LS_PRETTY"); case FT_LV_SEC: return("LV_SEC"); case FT_LV_MIN: return("LV_MIN"); case FT_LV_HOUR: return("LV_HOUR"); case FT_LV_MDAY: return("LV_MDAY"); case FT_LV_MON: return("LV_MON"); case FT_LV_YEAR: return("LV_YEAR"); case FT_LV_YDAY: return("LV_YDAY"); case FT_LV_WDAY: return("LV_WDAY"); case FT_LV_ZONE: return("LV_ZONE"); case FT_LV_CLOCK: return("LV_CLOCK"); case FT_LV_RCLOCK: return("LV_RCLOCK"); case FT_LV_DAYF: return("LV_DAYF"); case FT_LV_DST: return("LV_DST"); case FT_LV_ZONEF: return("LV_ZONEF"); case FT_LS_ADDR: return("LS_ADDR"); case FT_LS_PERS: return("LS_PERS"); case FT_LS_MBOX: return("LS_MBOX"); case FT_LS_HOST: return("LS_HOST"); case FT_LS_PATH: return("LS_PATH"); case FT_LS_GNAME: return("LS_GNAME"); case FT_LS_NOTE: return("LS_NOTE"); case FT_LS_822ADDR: return("LS_822ADDR"); case FT_LS_FRIENDLY: return("LS_FRIENDLY"); case FT_LV_HOSTTYPE: return("LV_HOSTTYPE"); case FT_LV_INGRPF: return("LV_INGRPF"); case FT_LV_NOHOSTF: return("LV_NOHOSTF"); case FT_LOCALDATE: return("LOCALDATE"); case FT_GMTDATE: return("GMTDATE"); case FT_PARSEDATE: return("PARSEDATE"); case FT_PARSEADDR: return("PARSEADDR"); case FT_FORMATADDR: return("FORMATADDR"); case FT_MYMBOX: return("MYMBOX"); #ifdef FT_ADDTOSEQ case FT_ADDTOSEQ: return("ADDTOSEQ"); #endif case FT_SAVESTR: return("SAVESTR"); #ifdef FT_PAUSE case FT_PAUSE: return ("PAUSE"); #endif case FT_DONE: return("DONE"); case FT_NOP: return("NOP"); case FT_GOTO: return("GOTO"); case FT_IF_S_NULL: return("IF_S_NULL"); case FT_IF_S: return("IF_S"); case FT_IF_V_EQ: return("IF_V_EQ"); case FT_IF_V_NE: return("IF_V_NE"); case FT_IF_V_GT: return("IF_V_GT"); case FT_IF_MATCH: return("IF_MATCH"); case FT_IF_AMATCH: return("IF_AMATCH"); case FT_S_NULL: return("S_NULL"); case FT_S_NONNULL: return("S_NONNULL"); case FT_V_EQ: return("V_EQ"); case FT_V_NE: return("V_NE"); case FT_V_GT: return("V_GT"); case FT_V_MATCH: return("V_MATCH"); case FT_V_AMATCH: return("V_AMATCH"); default: (void)sprintf(buf, "/* ??? #%d */", t); return(buf); } } #define FNORD(v, s) if (t & (v)) { \ if (i++ > 0) \ strcat(buf, "|"); \ strcat(buf, s); } static char * c_typestr(t) int t; { register int i; static char buf[64]; buf[0] = '\0'; if (t & ~(CT_ADDR|CT_DATE|CT_MYMBOX|CT_ADDRPARSE)) (void)sprintf(buf, "0x%x ", t); strcat(buf, "<"); i = 0; FNORD(CT_ADDR, "ADDR"); FNORD(CT_DATE, "DATE"); FNORD(CT_MYMBOX, "MYMBOX"); FNORD(CT_ADDRPARSE, "ADDRPARSE"); strcat(buf, ">"); return(buf); #undef FNORD } static void litputs(s) register char *s; { if (s) { putc('"', stdout); while (*s) litputc(*s++); putc('"', stdout); } else fputs("", stdout); } static void litputc(c) char c; { if (c & ~ 0177) { putc('M', stdout); putc('-', stdout); c &= 0177; } if (c < 0x20 || c == 0177) { if (c == '\b') { putc('\\', stdout); putc('b', stdout); } else if (c == '\f') { putc('\\', stdout); putc('f', stdout); } else if (c == '\n') { putc('\\', stdout); putc('n', stdout); } else if (c == '\r') { putc('\\', stdout); putc('r', stdout); } else if (c == '\t') { putc('\\', stdout); putc('t', stdout); } else { putc('^', stdout); putc(c ^ 0x40, stdout); /* DEL to ?, others to alpha */ } } else putc(c, stdout); }