/* pick.c - select messages by content */ #ifndef lint static char ident[] = "@(#)pick.c,v 1993/01/30 04:41:36 jtc Exp"; #endif /* lint */ #include "../h/mh.h" #include "../zotnet/tws.h" #include #ifdef LOCALE #include #endif /* */ static struct swit switches[] = { #define ANDSW 0 "and", 0, #define ORSW 1 "or", 0, #define NOTSW 2 "not", 0, #define LBRSW 3 "lbrace", 0, #define RBRSW 4 "rbrace", 0, #define CCSW 5 "cc pattern", 0, #define DATESW 6 "date pattern", 0, #define FROMSW 7 "from pattern", 0, #define SRCHSW 8 "search pattern", 0, #define SUBJSW 9 "subject pattern", 0, #define TOSW 10 "to pattern", 0, #define OTHRSW 11 "-othercomponent pattern", 0, #define AFTRSW 12 "after date", 0, #define BEFRSW 13 "before date", 0, #define DATFDSW 14 "datefield field", 5, #define SEQSW 15 "sequence name", 0, #define PUBLSW 16 "public", 0, #define NPUBLSW 17 "nopublic", 0, #define ZEROSW 18 "zero", 0, #define NZEROSW 19 "nozero", 0, #define LISTSW 20 "list", 0, #define NLISTSW 21 "nolist", 0, #define HELPSW 22 "help", 4, NULL, 0 }; /* */ static int listsw = 0; /* */ /* ARGSUSED */ main (argc, argv) char *argv[]; { int publicsw = -1, zerosw = 1, msgp = 0, seqp = 0, vecp = 0, lo, hi, msgnum; char *maildir, *folder = NULL, buf[100], *cp, **ap, **argp, *arguments[MAXARGS], *msgs[MAXARGS], *seqs[NATTRS + 1], *vec[MAXARGS]; struct msgs *mp; register FILE *fp; #ifdef LOCALE setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/'); if ((cp = m_find (invo_name)) != NULL) { ap = brkstring (cp = getcpy (cp), " ", "\n"); ap = copyip (ap, arguments); } else ap = arguments; (void) copyip (argv + 1, ap); argp = arguments; /* */ while (cp = *argp++) { if (*cp == '-') { if (*++cp == '-') { vec[vecp++] = --cp; goto pattern; } switch (smatch (cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULLCP, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: (void) sprintf (buf, "%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches]", invo_name); help (buf, switches); listsw = 0; /* HACK */ done (1); case CCSW: case DATESW: case FROMSW: case SUBJSW: case TOSW: case DATFDSW: case AFTRSW: case BEFRSW: case SRCHSW: vec[vecp++] = --cp; pattern: ; if (!(cp = *argp++))/* allow -xyz arguments */ adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); vec[vecp++] = cp; continue; case OTHRSW: adios (NULLCP, "internal error!"); case ANDSW: case ORSW: case NOTSW: case LBRSW: case RBRSW: vec[vecp++] = --cp; continue; case SEQSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if (seqp < NATTRS) seqs[seqp++] = cp; else adios (NULLCP, "only %d sequences allowed!", NATTRS); listsw = 0; continue; case PUBLSW: publicsw = 1; continue; case NPUBLSW: publicsw = 0; continue; case ZEROSW: zerosw++; continue; case NZEROSW: zerosw = 0; continue; case LISTSW: listsw++; continue; case NLISTSW: listsw = 0; continue; } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') if (folder) adios (NULLCP, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = path (cp + 1, *cp == '+' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF); else msgs[msgp++] = cp; } vec[vecp] = NULL; /* */ if (!m_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); if (!msgp) msgs[msgp++] = "all"; if (!folder) folder = m_getfolder (); maildir = m_maildir (folder); if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); if (!(mp = m_gmsg (folder))) adios (NULLCP, "unable to read folder %s", folder); if (mp -> hghmsg == 0) adios (NULLCP, "no messages in %s", folder); for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgp; msgnum++) if (!m_convert (mp, msgs[msgnum])) done (1); m_setseq (mp); if (seqp == 0) listsw++; if (publicsw == -1) publicsw = mp -> msgflags & READONLY ? 0 : 1; if (publicsw && (mp -> msgflags & READONLY)) adios (NULLCP, "folder %s is read-only, so -public not allowed", folder); /* */ if (!pcompile (vec, NULLCP)) done (1); lo = mp -> lowsel; hi = mp -> hghsel; for (msgnum = mp -> lowsel; msgnum <= mp -> hghsel; msgnum++) if (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & SELECTED) { if ((fp = fopen (cp = m_name (msgnum), "r")) == NULL) admonish (cp, "unable to read message"); if (fp && pmatches (fp, msgnum, 0L, 0L)) { if (msgnum < lo) lo = msgnum; if (msgnum > hi) hi = msgnum; } else { mp -> msgstats[msgnum] &= ~SELECTED; mp -> numsel--; } if (fp) (void) fclose (fp); } mp -> lowsel = lo; mp -> hghsel = hi; if (mp -> numsel <= 0) adios (NULLCP, "no messages match specification"); /* */ seqs[seqp] = NULL; for (seqp = 0; seqs[seqp]; seqp++) { if (zerosw && !m_seqnew (mp, seqs[seqp], publicsw)) done (1); for (msgnum = mp -> lowsel; msgnum <= mp -> hghsel; msgnum++) if (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & SELECTED) if (!m_seqadd (mp, seqs[seqp], msgnum, publicsw)) done (1); } if (listsw) { for (msgnum = mp -> lowsel; msgnum <= mp -> hghsel; msgnum++) if (mp -> msgstats[msgnum] & SELECTED) printf ("%s\n", m_name (msgnum)); } else printf ("%d hit%s\n", mp -> numsel, mp -> numsel == 1 ? "" : "s"); m_replace (pfolder, folder); m_sync (mp); m_update (); done (0); } /* */ void done (status) int status; { if (listsw && status && !isatty (fileno (stdout))) printf ("0\n"); exit (status); }