/* picksbr.c - routines to help pick along... */ #ifndef lint static char ident[] = "@(#)picksbr.c,v 1993/01/30 04:41:36 jtc Exp"; #endif /* lint */ #include "../h/mh.h" #include "../zotnet/tws.h" #include /* */ static struct swit parswit[] = { #define PRAND 0 "and", 0, #define PROR 1 "or", 0, #define PRNOT 2 "not", 0, #define PRLBR 3 "lbrace", 0, #define PRRBR 4 "rbrace", 0, #define PRCC 5 "cc pattern", 0, #define PRDATE 6 "date pattern", 0, #define PRFROM 7 "from pattern", 0, #define PRSRCH 8 "search pattern", 0, #define PRSUBJ 9 "subject pattern", 0, #define PRTO 10 "to pattern", 0, #define PROTHR 11 "-othercomponent pattern", 15, #define PRAFTR 12 "after date", 0, #define PRBEFR 13 "before date", 0, #define PRDATF 14 "datefield field", 5, NULL, 0 }; /* DEFINITIONS FOR PATTERN MATCHING */ /* We really should be using re_comp() and re_exec() here. Unfortunately, pick advertises that lowercase characters matches characters of both cases. Since re_exec() doesn't exhibit this behavior, we are stuck with this version. Furthermore, we need to be able to save and restore the state of the pattern matcher in order to do things "efficiently". The matching power of this algorithm isn't as powerful as the re_xxx() routines (no \(xxx\) and \n constructs). Such is life. */ #define CCHR 2 #define CDOT 4 #define CCL 6 #define NCCL 8 #define CDOL 10 #define CEOF 11 #define STAR 01 #define LBSIZE 1024 #define ESIZE 256 static char linebuf[LBSIZE + 1]; static char cc[] = { /* the magic array for case-independence */ 0000,0001,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007, 0010,0011,0012,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017, 0020,0021,0022,0023,0024,0025,0026,0027, 0030,0031,0032,0033,0034,0035,0036,0037, 0040,0041,0042,0043,0044,0045,0046,0047, 0050,0051,0052,0053,0054,0055,0056,0057, 0060,0061,0062,0063,0064,0065,0066,0067, 0070,0071,0072,0073,0074,0075,0076,0077, 0100,0141,0142,0143,0144,0145,0146,0147, 0150,0151,0152,0153,0154,0155,0156,0157, 0160,0161,0162,0163,0164,0165,0166,0167, 0170,0171,0172,0133,0134,0135,0136,0137, 0140,0141,0142,0143,0144,0145,0146,0147, 0150,0151,0152,0153,0154,0155,0156,0157, 0160,0161,0162,0163,0164,0165,0166,0167, 0170,0171,0172,0173,0174,0175,0176,0177, }; /* DEFINITIONS FOR DATE MATCHING */ static struct tws *tws_parse (), *tws_special (); long time (); /* DEFINITIONS FOR NEXUS */ #define nxtarg() (*argp ? *argp++ : NULL) #define prvarg() argp-- #define padvise if (!talked++) advise struct nexus { int (*n_action) (); union { struct { /* for {OR,AND,NOT}action */ struct nexus *un_L_child; struct nexus *un_R_child; } st1; #define n_L_child un.st1.un_L_child #define n_R_child un.st1.un_R_child struct { /* for GREPaction */ int un_header; int un_circf; char un_expbuf[ESIZE]; char *un_patbuf; } st2; #define n_header un.st2.un_header #define n_circf un.st2.un_circf #define n_expbuf un.st2.un_expbuf #define n_patbuf un.st2.un_patbuf struct { /* for TWSaction */ char *un_datef; int un_after; struct tws un_tws; } st3; #define n_datef un.st3.un_datef #define n_after un.st3.un_after #define n_tws un.st3.un_tws } un; }; static int talked; static int pdebug = 0; static char *datesw; static char **argp; static struct nexus *head; static void PRaction(); static int gcompile(), advance(), cclass(), tcompile(); static struct nexus *parse (), *exp1 (), *exp2 (), *exp3 (), *newnexus (); static int ORaction (), ANDaction (), NOTaction (), GREPaction (), TWSaction (); /* */ int pcompile (vec, date) register char **vec, *date; { register char *cp; if ((cp = getenv ("MHPDEBUG")) && *cp) pdebug++; argp = vec; if ((datesw = date) == NULL) datesw = "date"; talked = 0; if ((head = parse ()) == NULL) return (talked ? 0 : 1); if (*argp) { padvise (NULLCP, "%s unexpected", *argp); return 0; } return 1; } /* */ static struct nexus *parse () { register char *cp; register struct nexus *n, *o; if ((n = exp1 ()) == NULL || (cp = nxtarg ()) == NULL) return n; if (*cp != '-') { padvise (NULLCP, "%s unexpected", cp); return NULL; } if (*++cp == '-') goto header; switch (smatch (cp, parswit)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, parswit); talked++; return NULL; case UNKWNSW: fprintf (stderr, "-%s unknown\n", cp); talked++; return NULL; case PROR: o = newnexus (ORaction); o -> n_L_child = n; if (o -> n_R_child = parse ()) return o; padvise (NULLCP, "missing disjunctive"); return NULL; header: ; default: prvarg (); return n; } } /* */ static struct nexus *exp1 () { register char *cp; register struct nexus *n, *o; if ((n = exp2 ()) == NULL || (cp = nxtarg ()) == NULL) return n; if (*cp != '-') { padvise (NULLCP, "%s unexpected", cp); return NULL; } if (*++cp == '-') goto header; switch (smatch (cp, parswit)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, parswit); talked++; return NULL; case UNKWNSW: fprintf (stderr, "-%s unknown\n", cp); talked++; return NULL; case PRAND: o = newnexus (ANDaction); o -> n_L_child = n; if (o -> n_R_child = exp1 ()) return o; padvise (NULLCP, "missing conjunctive"); return NULL; header: ; default: prvarg (); return n; } } /* */ static struct nexus *exp2 () { register char *cp; register struct nexus *n; if ((cp = nxtarg ()) == NULL) return NULL; if (*cp != '-') { prvarg (); return exp3 (); } if (*++cp == '-') goto header; switch (smatch (cp, parswit)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, parswit); talked++; return NULL; case UNKWNSW: fprintf (stderr, "-%s unknown\n", cp); talked++; return NULL; case PRNOT: n = newnexus (NOTaction); if (n -> n_L_child = exp3 ()) return n; padvise (NULLCP, "missing negation"); return NULL; header: ; default: prvarg (); return exp3 (); } } /* */ static struct nexus *exp3 () { int i; register char *cp, *dp; char buffer[BUFSIZ], temp[64]; register struct nexus *n; if ((cp = nxtarg ()) == NULL) return NULL; if (*cp != '-') { padvise (NULLCP, "%s unexpected", cp); return NULL; } if (*++cp == '-') { dp = ++cp; goto header; } switch (i = smatch (cp, parswit)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, parswit); talked++; return NULL; case UNKWNSW: fprintf (stderr, "-%s unknown\n", cp); talked++; return NULL; case PRLBR: if ((n = parse ()) == NULL) { padvise (NULLCP, "missing group"); return NULL; } if ((cp = nxtarg ()) == NULL) { padvise (NULLCP, "missing -rbrace"); return NULL; } if (*cp++ == '-' && smatch (cp, parswit) == PRRBR) return n; padvise (NULLCP, "%s unexpected", --cp); return NULL; default: prvarg (); return NULL; case PRCC: case PRDATE: case PRFROM: case PRTO: case PRSUBJ: strncpy(temp, parswit[i].sw, sizeof(temp)); temp[sizeof(temp) - 1] = '\0'; dp = *brkstring (temp, " ", NULLCP); header: ; if (!(cp = nxtarg ())) {/* allow -xyz arguments */ padvise (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); return NULL; } n = newnexus (GREPaction); n -> n_header = 1; (void) sprintf (buffer, "^%s[ \t]*:.*%s", dp, cp); dp = buffer; goto pattern; case PRSRCH: n = newnexus (GREPaction); n -> n_header = 0; if (!(cp = nxtarg ())) {/* allow -xyz arguments */ padvise (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); return NULL; } dp = cp; pattern: ; if (!gcompile (n, dp)) { padvise (NULLCP, "pattern error in %s %s", argp[-2], cp); return NULL; } n -> n_patbuf = getcpy (dp); return n; case PROTHR: padvise (NULLCP, "internal error!"); return NULL; case PRDATF: if (!(datesw = nxtarg ()) || *datesw == '-') { padvise (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); return NULL; } return exp3 (); case PRAFTR: case PRBEFR: if (!(cp = nxtarg ())) {/* allow -xyz arguments */ padvise (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); return NULL; } n = newnexus (TWSaction); n -> n_datef = datesw; if (!tcompile (cp, &n -> n_tws, n -> n_after = i == PRAFTR)) { padvise (NULLCP, "unable to parse %s %s", argp[-2], cp); return NULL; } return n; } } /* */ static struct nexus *newnexus (action) register int (*action) (); { register struct nexus *p; if ((p = (struct nexus *) calloc ((unsigned) 1, sizeof *p)) == NULL) adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate component storage"); p -> n_action = action; return p; } /* */ #define args(a) a, fp, msgnum, start, stop #define params args (n) #define plist \ register struct nexus *n; \ register FILE *fp; \ int msgnum; \ long start, \ stop; int pmatches (fp, msgnum, start, stop) register FILE *fp; int msgnum; long start, stop; { if (!head) return 1; if (!talked++ && pdebug) PRaction (head, 0); return (*head -> n_action) (args (head)); } /* */ static void PRaction (n, level) register struct nexus *n; register int level; { register int i; for (i = 0; i < level; i++) fprintf (stderr, "| "); if (n -> n_action == ORaction) { fprintf (stderr, "OR\n"); PRaction (n -> n_L_child, level + 1); PRaction (n -> n_R_child, level + 1); return; } if (n -> n_action == ANDaction) { fprintf (stderr, "AND\n"); PRaction (n -> n_L_child, level + 1); PRaction (n -> n_R_child, level + 1); return; } if (n -> n_action == NOTaction) { fprintf (stderr, "NOT\n"); PRaction (n -> n_L_child, level + 1); return; } if (n -> n_action == GREPaction) { fprintf (stderr, "PATTERN(%s) %s\n", n -> n_header ? "header" : "body", n -> n_patbuf); return; } if (n -> n_action == TWSaction) { fprintf (stderr, "TEMPORAL(%s) %s: %s\n", n -> n_after ? "after" : "before", n -> n_datef, dasctime (&n -> n_tws, TW_NULL)); return; } fprintf (stderr, "UNKNOWN(0x%x)\n", (*n -> n_action)); } /* */ static int ORaction (params) plist { if ((*n -> n_L_child -> n_action) (args (n -> n_L_child))) return 1; return (*n -> n_R_child -> n_action) (args (n -> n_R_child)); } static int ANDaction (params) plist { if (!(*n -> n_L_child -> n_action) (args (n -> n_L_child))) return 0; return (*n -> n_R_child -> n_action) (args (n -> n_R_child)); } static int NOTaction (params) plist { return (!(*n -> n_L_child -> n_action) (args (n -> n_L_child))); } /* */ static int gcompile (n, astr) register struct nexus *n; register char *astr; { register int c; int cclcnt; register char *ep, *dp, *sp, *lastep; dp = (ep = n -> n_expbuf) + sizeof n -> n_expbuf; sp = astr; if (*sp == '^') { n -> n_circf = 1; sp++; } else n -> n_circf = 0; for (;;) { if (ep >= dp) goto cerror; if ((c = *sp++) != '*') lastep = ep; switch (c) { case '\0': *ep++ = CEOF; return 1; case '.': *ep++ = CDOT; continue; case '*': if (lastep == 0) goto defchar; *lastep |= STAR; continue; case '$': if (*sp != '\0') goto defchar; *ep++ = CDOL; continue; case '[': *ep++ = CCL; *ep++ = 0; cclcnt = 1; if ((c = *sp++) == '^') { c = *sp++; ep[-2] = NCCL; } do { *ep++ = c; cclcnt++; if (c == '\0' || ep >= dp) goto cerror; } while ((c = *sp++) != ']'); lastep[1] = cclcnt; continue; case '\\': if ((c = *sp++) == '\0') goto cerror; defchar: default: *ep++ = CCHR; *ep++ = c; } } cerror: ; return 0; } /* */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int GREPaction (params) plist { int c, body, lf; long pos = start; register char *p1, *p2, *ebp, *cbp; char ibuf[BUFSIZ]; (void) fseek (fp, start, 0); body = 0; ebp = cbp = ibuf; for (;;) { if (body && n -> n_header) return 0; p1 = linebuf; p2 = cbp; lf = 0; for (;;) { if (p2 >= ebp) { if (fgets (ibuf, sizeof ibuf, fp) == NULL || (stop && pos >= stop)) { if (lf) break; return 0; } pos += (long) strlen (ibuf); p2 = ibuf; ebp = ibuf + strlen (ibuf); } c = *p2++; if (lf && c != '\n') if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') { --p2; break; } else lf = 0; if (c == '\n') if (body) break; else { if (lf) { body++; break; } lf++; c = ' '; } if (c && p1 < &linebuf[LBSIZE - 1]) *p1++ = c; } *p1++ = 0; cbp = p2; p1 = linebuf; p2 = n -> n_expbuf; if (n -> n_circf) { if (advance (p1, p2)) return 1; continue; } if (*p2 == CCHR) { c = p2[1]; do { if (*p1 == c || cc[*p1] == c) if (advance (p1, p2)) return 1; } while (*p1++); continue; } do { if (advance (p1, p2)) return 1; } while (*p1++); } } /* */ static int advance (alp, aep) register char *alp, *aep; { register char *lp, *ep, *curlp; lp = alp; ep = aep; for (;;) switch (*ep++) { case CCHR: if (*ep++ == *lp++ || ep[-1] == cc[lp[-1]]) continue; return 0; case CDOT: if (*lp++) continue; return 0; case CDOL: if (*lp == 0) continue; return 0; case CEOF: return 1; case CCL: if (cclass (ep, *lp++, 1)) { ep += *ep; continue; } return 0; case NCCL: if (cclass (ep, *lp++, 0)) { ep += *ep; continue; } return 0; case CDOT | STAR: curlp = lp; while (*lp++) continue; goto star; case CCHR | STAR: curlp = lp; while (*lp++ == *ep || cc[lp[-1]] == *ep) continue; ep++; goto star; case CCL | STAR: case NCCL | STAR: curlp = lp; while (cclass (ep, *lp++, ep[-1] == (CCL | STAR))) continue; ep += *ep; goto star; star: do { lp--; if (advance (lp, ep)) return (1); } while (lp > curlp); return 0; default: admonish (NULLCP, "advance() botch -- you lose big"); return 0; } } /* */ static int cclass (aset, ac, af) register char *aset; { register int n; register char c, *set; set = aset; if ((c = ac) == 0) return (0); n = *set++; while (--n) if (*set++ == c) return (af); return (!af); } /* */ static int tcompile (ap, tb, isafter) register char *ap; register struct tws *tb; int isafter; { register struct tws *tw; if ((tw = tws_parse (ap, isafter)) == NULL) return 0; twscopy (tb, tw); return 1; } /* */ static struct tws *tws_parse (ap, isafter) register char *ap; int isafter; { char buffer[BUFSIZ]; register struct tws *tw, *ts; if ((tw = tws_special (ap)) != NULL) { tw -> tw_sec = tw -> tw_min = isafter ? 59 : 0; tw -> tw_hour = isafter ? 23 : 0; return tw; } if ((tw = dparsetime (ap)) != NULL) return tw; if ((ts = dtwstime ()) == NULL) return NULL; (void) sprintf (buffer, "%s %s", ap, dtwszone (ts)); if ((tw = dparsetime (buffer)) != NULL) return tw; (void) sprintf (buffer, "%s %02d:%02d:%02d %s", ap, ts -> tw_hour, ts -> tw_min, ts -> tw_sec, dtwszone (ts)); if ((tw = dparsetime (buffer)) != NULL) return tw; (void) sprintf (buffer, "%02d %s %04d %s", ts -> tw_mday, tw_moty[ts -> tw_mon], ts -> tw_year, ap); if ((tw = dparsetime (buffer)) != NULL) return tw; (void) sprintf (buffer, "%02d %s %04d %s %s", ts -> tw_mday, tw_moty[ts -> tw_mon], ts -> tw_year, ap, dtwszone (ts)); if ((tw = dparsetime (buffer)) != NULL) return tw; return NULL; } /* */ static struct tws *tws_special (ap) register char *ap; { int i; long clock; register struct tws *tw; (void) time (&clock); if (uleq (ap, "Today")) return dlocaltime (&clock); if (uleq (ap, "Yesterday")) { clock -= (long) (60 * 60 * 24); return dlocaltime (&clock); } if (uleq (ap, "Tomorrow")) { clock += (long) (60 * 60 * 24); return dlocaltime (&clock); } for (i = 0; tw_ldotw[i]; i++) if (uleq (ap, tw_ldotw[i])) break; if (tw_ldotw[i]) { if ((tw = dlocaltime (&clock)) == NULL) return NULL; if ((i -= tw -> tw_wday) > 0) i -= 7; } else if (*ap != '-') return NULL; else /* -ddd days ago */ i = atoi (ap); /* we should error check this */ clock += (long) ((60 * 60 * 24) * i); return dlocaltime (&clock); } /* */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int TWSaction (params) plist { int state; register char *bp; char buf[BUFSIZ], name[NAMESZ]; register struct tws *tw; (void) fseek (fp, start, 0); for (state = FLD, bp = NULL;;) { switch (state = m_getfld (state, name, buf, sizeof buf, fp)) { case FLD: case FLDEOF: case FLDPLUS: if (bp != NULL) free (bp), bp = NULL; bp = add (buf, NULLCP); while (state == FLDPLUS) { state = m_getfld (state, name, buf, sizeof buf, fp); bp = add (buf, bp); } if (uleq (name, n -> n_datef)) break; if (state != FLDEOF) continue; case BODY: case BODYEOF: case FILEEOF: case LENERR: case FMTERR: if (state == LENERR || state == FMTERR) advise (NULLCP, "format error in message %d", msgnum); if (bp != NULL) free (bp); return 0; default: adios (NULLCP, "internal error -- you lose"); } break; } /* */ if ((tw = dparsetime (bp)) == NULL) advise (NULLCP, "unable to parse %s field in message %d, matching...", n -> n_datef, msgnum), state = 1; else state = n -> n_after ? (twsort (tw, &n -> n_tws) > 0) : (twsort (tw, &n -> n_tws) < 0); if (bp != NULL) free (bp); return state; }