.TH MTOOLS 1 local .SH NAME Mtools \- a collection of tools for manipulating MSDOS files .SH SYNOPSIS .nf \fBmattrib\fR \- change MSDOS file attribute flags \fBmcd\fR \- change MSDOS directory \fBmcopy\fR \- copy MSDOS files to/from Unix \fBmdel\fR \- delete an MSDOS file \fBmdir\fR \- display an MSDOS directory \fBmformat\fR \- add an MSDOS filesystem to a low-level formatted diskette \fBmlabel\fR \- make an MSDOS volume label \fBmmd\fR \- make an MSDOS subdirectory \fBmrd\fR \- remove an MSDOS subdirectory \fBmread\fR \- low level read (copy) an MSDOS file to Unix \fBmren\fR \- rename an existing MSDOS file \fBmtype\fR \- display contents of an MSDOS file \fBmwrite\fR \- low level write (copy) a Unix file to MSDOS .fi .SH DESCRIPTION Mtools is a public domain collection of programs to allow Unix systems to read, write, and manipulate files on an MSDOS filesystem (typically a diskette). Each program attempts to emulate the MSDOS equivalent command as closely as practical. .PP MSDOS filenames are optionally composed of a drive letter followed by a colon, a subdirectory, and a filename. Subdirectory names can use either the '/' or '\e' separator. The use of the '\e' separator or wildcards will require the names to be enclosed in quotes to protect them from the shell. .PP The regular expression "pattern matching" routines follow the Unix-style rules. For example, '*' matches all MSDOS files in lieu of '*.*'. The archive, hidden, read-only and system attribute bits are ignored during pattern matching. .PP Not all Unix filenames are appropriate in the MSDOS world. The Mtools commands may have to alter Unix names to fit the MSDOS filename restrictions. Most commands have a -v (verbose) option that will display the new names if they have been changed. The following table shows some examples of filename conversions: .PP .in +0.5i .(b L .TS l l l. Unix name MSDOS name Reason for the change _ _ _ thisisatest THISISAT filename too long emmet.gray EMMET.GRA extension too long prn.txt XRN.TXT PRN is a device name \.abc X.ABC null filename hot+cold HOTXCOLD illegal character .TE .)b .in .PP All options use the '-' (minus) flag, not '/' as you'd expect in MSDOS. .PP The .I mcd command is used to establish the device and the current working directory (relative to the MSDOS filesystem), otherwise the default is assumed to be A:/. .PP All the Mtools commands return 0 on success, 1 on utter failure, or 2 on partial failure. .SH SEE ALSO mattrib(1), mcd(1), mdel(1), mformat(1), mrd(1), mren(1), mtype(1), mcopy(1), mdir(1), mlabel(1), mmd(1), mread(1), mwrite(1) .SH BUGS An unfortunate side effect of not guessing the proper device (when multiple disk capacities are supported) is an occasional error message from the device driver. These can be safely ignored.