#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "msdos.h"

extern int fd, dir_dirty, clus_size, dir_entries;
extern long dir_chain[MAX_DIR_SECS];
extern unsigned char *dir_buf;

 * Write a directory entry.  A simple cache is used instead of something
 * more elaborate.

dir_write(num, dir)
int num;
struct directory *dir;
	unsigned char *offset;
	char *memcpy();

	offset = dir_buf + (num * MDIR_SIZE);
	memcpy((char *) offset, (char *) dir, MDIR_SIZE);
	dir_dirty = 1;

 * Write a partially filled directory buffer to disk.  Resets dir_dirty to
 * zero.

	int i, length;
	unsigned char *offset;
	void disk_write();

	if (fd < 0 || !dir_dirty)

	length = dir_entries / 16;
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		offset = dir_buf + (i * MSECTOR_SIZE);
		disk_write(dir_chain[i], offset, MSECTOR_SIZE);
	dir_dirty = 0;

 * Convert a Unix filename to a legal MSDOS name.  Returns a pointer to
 * a static area.  Will truncate file and extension names, will
 * substitute the letter 'X' for any illegal character in the name.

unsigned char *
dos_name(filename, verbose)
char *filename;
int verbose;
	static char *dev[9] = {"CON", "AUX", "COM1", "COM2", "PRN", "LPT1",
	"LPT2", "LPT3", "NUL"};
	char *s, buf[MAX_PATH], *name, *ext, *strcpy(), *strpbrk(), *strrchr();
	static unsigned char ans[13];
	int dot, modified, len;
	register int i;

	strcpy(buf, filename);
	name = buf;
					/* skip drive letter */
	if (buf[0] && buf[1] == ':')
		name = &buf[2];
					/* zap the leading path */
	if (s = strrchr(name, '/'))
		name = s + 1;
	if (s = strrchr(name, '\\'))
		name = s + 1;

	ext = "";
	dot = 0;
	len = strlen(name);
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		s = name + len -i -1;
		if (*s == '.' && !dot) {
			dot = 1;
			*s = '\0';
			ext = s +1;
		if (islower(*s))
			*s = toupper(*s);
	if (*name == '\0') {
		name = "X";
		if (verbose)
			printf("\"%s\" Null name component, using \"%s.%s\"\n", filename, name, ext);
	for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		if (!strcmp(name, dev[i])) {
			*name = 'X';
			if (verbose)
				printf("\"%s\" Is a device name, using \"%s.%s\"\n", filename, name, ext);
	if (strlen(name) > 8) {
		*(name + 8) = '\0';
		if (verbose)
			printf("\"%s\" Name too long, using, \"%s.%s\"\n", filename, name, ext);
	if (strlen(ext) > 3) {
		*(ext + 3) = '\0';
		if (verbose)
			printf("\"%s\" Extension too long, using \"%s.%s\"\n", filename, name, ext);
	modified = 0;
	while (s = strpbrk(name, "^+=/[]:',?*\\<>|\". ")) {
		*s = 'X';
	while (s = strpbrk(ext, "^+=/[]:',?*\\<>|\". ")) {
		*s = 'X';
	if (modified && verbose)
		printf("\"%s\" Contains illegal character(s), using \"%s.%s\"\n", filename, name, ext);

	sprintf((char *) ans, "%-8.8s%-3.3s", name, ext);

 * Make a directory entry.  Builds a directory entry based on the
 * name, attribute, starting cluster number, and size.  Returns a pointer
 * to a static directory structure.

struct directory *
mk_entry(filename, attr, fat, size, date)
unsigned char *filename;
unsigned char attr;
unsigned int fat;
long size, date;
	int i;
	char *strncpy();
	static struct directory ndir;
	struct tm *now, *localtime();
	unsigned char hour, min_hi, min_low, sec;
	unsigned char year, month_hi, month_low, day;

	now = localtime(&date);
	strncpy((char *) ndir.name, (char *) filename, 8);
	strncpy((char *) ndir.ext, (char *) filename + 8, 3);
	ndir.attr = attr;
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		ndir.reserved[i] = '\0';
	hour = now->tm_hour << 3;
	min_hi = now->tm_min >> 3;
	min_low = now->tm_min << 5;
	sec = now->tm_sec / 2;
	ndir.time[1] = hour + min_hi;
	ndir.time[0] = min_low + sec;
	year = (now->tm_year - 80) << 1;
	month_hi = (now->tm_mon + 1) >> 3;
	month_low = (now->tm_mon + 1) << 5;
	day = now->tm_mday;
	ndir.date[1] = year + month_hi;
	ndir.date[0] = month_low + day;
	ndir.start[1] = fat / 0x100;
	ndir.start[0] = fat % 0x100;
	ndir.size[3] = size / 0x1000000L;
	ndir.size[2] = (size % 0x1000000L) / 0x10000L;
	ndir.size[1] = ((size % 0x1000000L) % 0x10000L) / 0x100;
	ndir.size[0] = ((size % 0x1000000L) % 0x10000L) % 0x100;