This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.52 from the input file octave.texi. Copyright (C) 1993 John W. Eaton. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.  Indirect: 695 44517 91652  Tag Table: (Indirect) Node: Top695 Node: Acknowledgements4361 Node: Contributors4575 Node: Introduction6250 Node: Getting Started6635 Node: Running Octave6755 Node: Simple Examples6897 Node: Expressions7017 Node: Constant Expressions7975 Node: Matrices11872 Node: Ranges11991 Node: Variables13229 Node: Index Expressions14467 Node: Calling Functions14613 Node: Global Variables16931 Node: Keywords17589 Node: Arithmetic Ops18313 Node: Comparison Ops19219 Node: Boolean Expressions20192 Node: Assignment Ops22101 Node: Increment Ops25787 Node: Operator Precedence27294 Node: Statements29306 Node: Statement Lists29576 Node: Declaration Statements29834 Node: Selection Statements30259 Node: Iteration Statements30890 Node: Defining Functions31199 Node: Jump Statements31761 Node: Built-in Variables32469 Node: Built-in Functions44517 Node: Invoking Octave57957 Node: Command Line Editing58787 Node: Introduction and Notation59220 Node: Readline Interaction60240 Node: Readline Bare Essentials61391 Node: Readline Movement Commands62897 Node: Readline Killing Commands63786 Node: Readline Arguments65427 Node: Readline Init File66376 Node: Readline Init Syntax67217 Node: Commands For Moving71200 Node: Commands For History71823 Node: Commands For Text72895 Node: Commands For Killing74560 Node: Numeric Arguments75685 Node: Commands For Completion76126 Node: Miscellaneous Commands76848 Node: Readline Vi Mode77684 Node: Installation78394 Node: Binary Distributions81704 Node: Installing Octave from a Binary Distribution82003 Node: Creating a Binary Distribution83218 Node: Trouble83950 Node: Actual Bugs84823 Node: Installation Problems85033 Node: Disappointments88577 Node: Reporting Bugs88859 Node: Bug Criteria89859 Node: Bug Lists91097 Node: Bug Reporting91652 Node: Sending Patches99902 Node: Service105070 Node: Concept Index105681 Node: Variable Index112439 Node: Function Index115287  End Tag Table