// tc-assign.cc -*- C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 John W. Eaton This file is part of Octave. Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "user-prefs.h" #include "error.h" #include "gripes.h" #include "utils.h" #include "tree-const.h" #include "tc-inlines.cc" void tree_constant_rep::assign (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant *args, int nargs) { tree_constant rhs_tmp = rhs.make_numeric (); if (type_tag == string_constant || type_tag == range_constant) force_numeric (); switch (type_tag) { case complex_scalar_constant: case scalar_constant: case unknown_constant: do_scalar_assignment (rhs_tmp, args, nargs); break; case complex_matrix_constant: case matrix_constant: do_matrix_assignment (rhs_tmp, args, nargs); break; case string_constant: error ("invalid assignment to string type"); break; case range_constant: case magic_colon: default: panic_impossible (); break; } } void tree_constant_rep::do_scalar_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant *args, int nargs) { assert (type_tag == unknown_constant || type_tag == scalar_constant || type_tag == complex_scalar_constant); if (rhs.is_scalar_type () && valid_scalar_indices (args, nargs)) { if (type_tag == unknown_constant || type_tag == scalar_constant) { if (rhs.const_type () == scalar_constant) { scalar = rhs.double_value (); type_tag = scalar_constant; } else if (rhs.const_type () == complex_scalar_constant) { complex_scalar = new Complex (rhs.complex_value ()); type_tag = complex_scalar_constant; } else { error ("invalid assignment to scalar"); jump_to_top_level (); } } else { if (rhs.const_type () == scalar_constant) { scalar = rhs.double_value (); type_tag = scalar_constant; } else if (rhs.const_type () == complex_scalar_constant) { *complex_scalar = rhs.complex_value (); type_tag = complex_scalar_constant; } else { error ("invalid assignment to scalar"); jump_to_top_level (); } } } else if (user_pref.resize_on_range_error) { if (type_tag == complex_scalar_constant) { Complex *old_complex = complex_scalar; complex_matrix = new ComplexMatrix (1, 1, *complex_scalar); type_tag = complex_matrix_constant; delete old_complex; } else if (type_tag == scalar_constant) { matrix = new Matrix (1, 1, scalar); type_tag = matrix_constant; } do_matrix_assignment (rhs, args, nargs); } else if (nargs > 3 || nargs < 2) { error ("invalid index expression for scalar type"); jump_to_top_level (); } else { error ("index invalid or out of range for scalar type"); jump_to_top_level (); } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant *args, int nargs) { assert (type_tag == unknown_constant || type_tag == matrix_constant || type_tag == complex_matrix_constant); if (type_tag == matrix_constant && rhs.is_complex_type ()) { Matrix *old_matrix = matrix; complex_matrix = new ComplexMatrix (*matrix); type_tag = complex_matrix_constant; delete old_matrix; } else if (type_tag == unknown_constant) { if (rhs.is_complex_type ()) { complex_matrix = new ComplexMatrix (); type_tag = complex_matrix_constant; } else { matrix = new Matrix (); type_tag = matrix_constant; } } switch (nargs) { case 2: if (args == NULL_TREE_CONST) error ("matrix index is null"); else if (args[1].is_undefined ()) error ("matrix index is a null expression"); else do_matrix_assignment (rhs, args[1]); break; case 3: if (args == NULL_TREE_CONST) error ("matrix indices are null"); else if (args[1].is_undefined ()) error ("first matrix index is a null expression"); else if (args[2].is_undefined ()) error ("second matrix index is a null expression"); else do_matrix_assignment (rhs, args[1], args[2]); break; default: error ("too many indices for matrix expression"); break; } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant& i_arg) { int nr = rows (); int nc = columns (); if (user_pref.do_fortran_indexing) fortran_style_matrix_assignment (rhs, i_arg); else if (nr <= 1 || nc <= 1) vector_assignment (rhs, i_arg); else error ("single index only valid for row or column vector"); } void tree_constant_rep::fortran_style_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant& i_arg) { tree_constant tmp_i = i_arg.make_numeric_or_magic (); tree_constant_rep::constant_type itype = tmp_i.const_type (); int nr = rows (); int nc = columns (); int rhs_nr = rhs.rows (); int rhs_nc = rhs.columns (); switch (itype) { case complex_scalar_constant: case scalar_constant: { int i = NINT (tmp_i.double_value ()); index_check (i-1, ""); if (nr <= 1 || nc <= 1) maybe_resize (i-1); else range_max_check (i-1, nr * nc); nr = rows (); nc = columns (); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (1, 1, rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("for A(int) = X: X must be a scalar"); jump_to_top_level (); } int ii = fortran_row (i, nr) - 1; int jj = fortran_column (i, nr) - 1; do_matrix_assignment (rhs, ii, jj); } break; case complex_matrix_constant: case matrix_constant: { Matrix mi = tmp_i.matrix_value (); int len = nr * nc; idx_vector ii (mi, 1, "", len); // Always do fortran indexing here... int imax = ii.max (); if (nr <= 1 || nc <= 1) maybe_resize (imax-1); else range_max_check (imax-1, len); if (ii.capacity () != rhs_nr * rhs_nc) { error ("A(matrix) = X: X and matrix must have the same\ number of elements"); jump_to_top_level (); } fortran_style_matrix_assignment (rhs, ii); } break; case string_constant: gripe_string_invalid (); break; case range_constant: gripe_range_invalid (); break; case magic_colon: fortran_style_matrix_assignment (rhs, magic_colon); break; default: panic_impossible (); break; } } void tree_constant_rep::vector_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant& i_arg) { int nr = rows (); int nc = columns (); assert ((nr == 1 || nc == 1 || (nr == 0 && nc == 0)) && ! user_pref.do_fortran_indexing); tree_constant tmp_i = i_arg.make_numeric_or_range_or_magic (); tree_constant_rep::constant_type itype = tmp_i.const_type (); switch (itype) { case complex_scalar_constant: case scalar_constant: { int i = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp_i.double_value ()); index_check (i, ""); do_vector_assign (rhs, i); } break; case complex_matrix_constant: case matrix_constant: { Matrix mi = tmp_i.matrix_value (); int len = nr * nc; idx_vector iv (mi, user_pref.do_fortran_indexing, "", len); do_vector_assign (rhs, iv); } break; case string_constant: gripe_string_invalid (); break; case range_constant: { Range ri = tmp_i.range_value (); if (rows () == 2 && is_zero_one (ri)) { do_vector_assign (rhs, 1); } else { int imax; index_check (ri, imax, ""); do_vector_assign (rhs, ri, imax); } } break; case magic_colon: { int rhs_nr = rhs.rows (); int rhs_nc = rhs.columns (); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (nr, nc, rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(:) = X: X and A must have the same dimensions"); jump_to_top_level (); } do_matrix_assignment (rhs, magic_colon, magic_colon); } break; default: panic_impossible (); break; } } void tree_constant_rep::check_vector_assign (int rhs_nr, int rhs_nc, int ilen, char *rm) { int nr = rows (); int nc = columns (); if (nr == 1 && nc == 1) // No orientation to preserve { if (! ( ilen == rhs_nr || ilen == rhs_nc)) { error ("A(%s) = X: X and %s must have the same number of\ elements", rm, rm); jump_to_top_level (); } } else if (nr == 1) // Preserve current row orientation { if (! (rhs_nr == 1 && rhs_nc == ilen)) { error ("A(%s) = X: where A is a row vector, X must also be a\ row vector with the same number of elements as %s", rm, rm); jump_to_top_level (); } } else if (nc == 1) // Preserve current column orientation { if (! (rhs_nc == 1 && rhs_nr == ilen)) { error ("A(%s) = X: where A is a column vector, X must also\ be a column vector with the same number of elements as %s", rm, rm); jump_to_top_level (); } } else panic_impossible (); } void tree_constant_rep::do_vector_assign (tree_constant& rhs, int i) { int rhs_nr = rhs.rows (); int rhs_nc = rhs.columns (); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (1, 1, rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("for A(int) = X: X must be a scalar"); jump_to_top_level (); } maybe_resize (i); int nr = rows (); int nc = columns (); if (nr == 1) { REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (0, i, rhs.double_value (), rhs.complex_value (), rhs.is_real_type ()); } else if (nc == 1) { REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (i, 0, rhs.double_value (), rhs.complex_value (), rhs.is_real_type ()); } else panic_impossible (); } void tree_constant_rep::do_vector_assign (tree_constant& rhs, idx_vector& iv) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); int ilen = iv.capacity (); check_vector_assign (rhs_nr, rhs_nc, ilen, "matrix"); force_orient f_orient = no_orient; if (rhs_nr == 1 && rhs_nc != 1) f_orient = row_orient; else if (rhs_nc == 1 && rhs_nr != 1) f_orient = column_orient; maybe_resize (iv.max (), f_orient); int nr = rows (); int nc = columns (); if (nr == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < iv.capacity (); i++) REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (0, iv.elem (i), rhs_m.elem (0, i), rhs_cm.elem (0, i), rhs.is_real_type ()); } else if (nc == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < iv.capacity (); i++) REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (iv.elem (i), 0, rhs_m.elem (i, 0), rhs_cm.elem (i, 0), rhs.is_real_type ()); } else panic_impossible (); } void tree_constant_rep::do_vector_assign (tree_constant& rhs, Range& ri, int imax) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); int ilen = ri.nelem (); check_vector_assign (rhs_nr, rhs_nc, ilen, "range"); force_orient f_orient = no_orient; if (rhs_nr == 1 && rhs_nc != 1) f_orient = row_orient; else if (rhs_nc == 1 && rhs_nr != 1) f_orient = column_orient; maybe_resize (imax, f_orient); int nr = rows (); int nc = columns (); double b = ri.base (); double increment = ri.inc (); if (nr == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ri.nelem (); i++) { double tmp = b + i * increment; int col = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (0, col, rhs_m.elem (0, i), rhs_cm.elem (0, i), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } else if (nc == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ri.nelem (); i++) { double tmp = b + i * increment; int row = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (row, 0, rhs_m.elem (i, 0), rhs_cm.elem (i, 0), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } else panic_impossible (); } void tree_constant_rep::fortran_style_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant_rep::constant_type mci) { assert (rhs.is_matrix_type ()); assert (mci == tree_constant_rep::magic_colon); int nr = rows (); int nc = columns (); REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); int rhs_size = rhs_nr * rhs_nc; if (rhs_size == 0) { if (rhs.const_type () == matrix_constant) { delete matrix; matrix = new Matrix (0, 0); return; } else panic_impossible (); } else if (nr*nc != rhs_size) { error ("A(:) = X: X and A must have the same number of elements"); jump_to_top_level (); } if (rhs.const_type () == matrix_constant) { double *cop_out = rhs_m.fortran_vec (); for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) matrix->elem (i, j) = *cop_out++; } else { Complex *cop_out = rhs_cm.fortran_vec (); for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) complex_matrix->elem (i, j) = *cop_out++; } } void tree_constant_rep::fortran_style_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, idx_vector& i) { assert (rhs.is_matrix_type ()); int ilen = i.capacity (); REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); int len = rhs_nr * rhs_nc; if (len == ilen) { int nr = rows (); if (rhs.const_type () == matrix_constant) { double *cop_out = rhs_m.fortran_vec (); for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { int ii = fortran_row (i.elem (k) + 1, nr) - 1; int jj = fortran_column (i.elem (k) + 1, nr) - 1; matrix->elem (ii, jj) = *cop_out++; } } else { Complex *cop_out = rhs_cm.fortran_vec (); for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { int ii = fortran_row (i.elem (k) + 1, nr) - 1; int jj = fortran_column (i.elem (k) + 1, nr) - 1; complex_matrix->elem (ii, jj) = *cop_out++; } } } else { error ("number of rows and columns must match for indexed assignment"); jump_to_top_level (); } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant& i_arg, tree_constant& j_arg) { tree_constant tmp_i = i_arg.make_numeric_or_range_or_magic (); tree_constant_rep::constant_type itype = tmp_i.const_type (); // index_check() and matrix_to_index_vector() jump to the top level on // errors. switch (itype) { case complex_scalar_constant: case scalar_constant: { int i = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp_i.double_value ()); index_check (i, "row"); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, i, j_arg); } break; case complex_matrix_constant: case matrix_constant: { Matrix mi = tmp_i.matrix_value (); idx_vector iv (mi, user_pref.do_fortran_indexing, "row", rows ()); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, iv, j_arg); } break; case string_constant: gripe_string_invalid (); break; case range_constant: { Range ri = tmp_i.range_value (); if (rows () == 2 && is_zero_one (ri)) { do_matrix_assignment (rhs, 1, j_arg); } else { int imax; index_check (ri, imax, "row"); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, ri, imax, j_arg); } } break; case magic_colon: do_matrix_assignment (rhs, magic_colon, j_arg); break; default: panic_impossible (); break; } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, int i, tree_constant& j_arg) { tree_constant tmp_j = j_arg.make_numeric_or_range_or_magic (); tree_constant_rep::constant_type jtype = tmp_j.const_type (); int rhs_nr = rhs.rows (); int rhs_nc = rhs.columns (); // index_check() and matrix_to_index_vector() jump to the top level on // errors. switch (jtype) { case complex_scalar_constant: case scalar_constant: { int j = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp_j.double_value ()); index_check (j, "column"); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (1, 1, rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(int,int) = X, X must be a scalar"); jump_to_top_level (); } maybe_resize (i, j); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, i, j); } break; case complex_matrix_constant: case matrix_constant: { Matrix mj = tmp_j.matrix_value (); idx_vector jv (mj, user_pref.do_fortran_indexing, "column", columns ()); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (1, jv.capacity (), rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(int,matrix) = X: X must be a row vector with the\ same number of elements as matrix"); jump_to_top_level (); } maybe_resize (i, jv.max ()); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, i, jv); } break; case string_constant: gripe_string_invalid (); break; case range_constant: { Range rj = tmp_j.range_value (); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (1, rj.nelem (), rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(int,range) = X: X must be a row vector with the\ same number of elements as range"); jump_to_top_level (); } if (columns () == 2 && is_zero_one (rj) && rhs_nc == 1) { do_matrix_assignment (rhs, i, 1); } else { int jmax; index_check (rj, jmax, "column"); maybe_resize (i, jmax); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, i, rj); } } break; case magic_colon: { int nc = columns (); if (nc == 0 && rows () == 0 && rhs_nr == 1) { if (rhs.is_complex_type ()) { complex_matrix = new ComplexMatrix (); type_tag = complex_matrix_constant; } else { matrix = new Matrix (); type_tag = matrix_constant; } maybe_resize (i, rhs_nc-1); } else if (indexed_assign_conforms (1, nc, rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) maybe_resize (i, nc-1); else { error ("A(int,:) = X: X must be a row vector with the\ same number of columns as A"); jump_to_top_level (); } do_matrix_assignment (rhs, i, magic_colon); } break; default: panic_impossible (); break; } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, idx_vector& iv, tree_constant& j_arg) { tree_constant tmp_j = j_arg.make_numeric_or_range_or_magic (); tree_constant_rep::constant_type jtype = tmp_j.const_type (); int rhs_nr = rhs.rows (); int rhs_nc = rhs.columns (); // index_check() and matrix_to_index_vector() jump to the top level on // errors. switch (jtype) { case complex_scalar_constant: case scalar_constant: { int j = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp_j.double_value ()); index_check (j, "column"); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (iv.capacity (), 1, rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(matrix,int) = X: X must be a column vector with\ the same number of elements as matrix"); jump_to_top_level (); } maybe_resize (iv.max (), j); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, iv, j); } break; case complex_matrix_constant: case matrix_constant: { Matrix mj = tmp_j.matrix_value (); idx_vector jv (mj, user_pref.do_fortran_indexing, "column", columns ()); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (iv.capacity (), jv.capacity (), rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(r_matrix,c_matrix) = X: the number of rows in X\ must match the number of elements in r_matrix and the number of\ columns in X must match the number of elements in c_matrix"); jump_to_top_level (); } maybe_resize (iv.max (), jv.max ()); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, iv, jv); } break; case string_constant: gripe_string_invalid (); break; case range_constant: { Range rj = tmp_j.range_value (); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (iv.capacity (), rj.nelem (), rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(matrix,range) = X: the number of rows in X must\ match the number of elements in matrix and the number of columns in X\ must match the number of elements in range"); jump_to_top_level (); } if (columns () == 2 && is_zero_one (rj) && rhs_nc == 1) { do_matrix_assignment (rhs, iv, 1); } else { int jmax; index_check (rj, jmax, "column"); maybe_resize (iv.max (), jmax); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, iv, rj); } } break; case magic_colon: { int nc = columns (); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (iv.capacity (), nc, rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(matrix,:) = X: the number of rows in X must\ match the number of elements in matrix, and the number of columns in\ X must match the number of columns in A"); jump_to_top_level (); } maybe_resize (iv.max (), nc-1); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, iv, magic_colon); } break; default: panic_impossible (); break; } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, Range& ri, int imax, tree_constant& j_arg) { tree_constant tmp_j = j_arg.make_numeric_or_range_or_magic (); tree_constant_rep::constant_type jtype = tmp_j.const_type (); int rhs_nr = rhs.rows (); int rhs_nc = rhs.columns (); // index_check() and matrix_to_index_vector() jump to the top level on // errors. switch (jtype) { case complex_scalar_constant: case scalar_constant: { int j = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp_j.double_value ()); index_check (j, "column"); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (ri.nelem (), 1, rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(range,int) = X: X must be a column vector with\ the same number of elements as range"); jump_to_top_level (); jump_to_top_level (); } maybe_resize (imax, j); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, ri, j); } break; case complex_matrix_constant: case matrix_constant: { Matrix mj = tmp_j.matrix_value (); idx_vector jv (mj, user_pref.do_fortran_indexing, "column", columns ()); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (ri.nelem (), jv.capacity (), rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(range,matrix) = X: the number of rows in X must\ match the number of elements in range and the number of columns in X\ must match the number of elements in matrix"); jump_to_top_level (); } maybe_resize (imax, jv.max ()); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, ri, jv); } break; case string_constant: gripe_string_invalid (); break; case range_constant: { Range rj = tmp_j.range_value (); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (ri.nelem (), rj.nelem (), rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(r_range,c_range) = X: the number of rows in X\ must match the number of elements in r_range and the number of\ columns in X must match the number of elements in c_range\n"); jump_to_top_level (); } if (columns () == 2 && is_zero_one (rj) && rhs_nc == 1) { do_matrix_assignment (rhs, ri, 1); } else { int jmax; index_check (rj, jmax, "column"); maybe_resize (imax, jmax); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, ri, rj); } } break; case magic_colon: { int nc = columns (); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (ri.nelem (), nc, rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(range,:) = X: the number of rows in X must match\ the number of elements in range, and the number of columns in X must\ match the number of columns in A"); jump_to_top_level (); } maybe_resize (imax, nc-1); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, ri, magic_colon); } break; default: panic_impossible (); break; } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant_rep::constant_type i, tree_constant& j_arg) { tree_constant tmp_j = j_arg.make_numeric_or_range_or_magic (); tree_constant_rep::constant_type jtype = tmp_j.const_type (); int rhs_nr = rhs.rows (); int rhs_nc = rhs.columns (); // index_check() and matrix_to_index_vector() jump to the top level on // errors. switch (jtype) { case complex_scalar_constant: case scalar_constant: { int j = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp_j.double_value ()); index_check (j, "column"); int nr = rows (); if (nr == 0 && columns () == 0 && rhs_nc == 1) { if (rhs.is_complex_type ()) { complex_matrix = new ComplexMatrix (); type_tag = complex_matrix_constant; } else { matrix = new Matrix (); type_tag = matrix_constant; } maybe_resize (rhs_nr-1, j); } else if (indexed_assign_conforms (nr, 1, rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) maybe_resize (nr-1, j); else { error ("A(:,int) = X: X must be a column vector with the\ same number of rows as A"); jump_to_top_level (); } do_matrix_assignment (rhs, magic_colon, j); } break; case complex_matrix_constant: case matrix_constant: { Matrix mj = tmp_j.matrix_value (); idx_vector jv (mj, user_pref.do_fortran_indexing, "column", columns ()); int nr = rows (); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (nr, jv.capacity (), rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(:,matrix) = X: the number of rows in X must\ match the number of rows in A, and the number of columns in X must\ match the number of elements in matrix"); jump_to_top_level (); } maybe_resize (nr-1, jv.max ()); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, magic_colon, jv); } break; case string_constant: gripe_string_invalid (); break; case range_constant: { Range rj = tmp_j.range_value (); int nr = rows (); if (! indexed_assign_conforms (nr, rj.nelem (), rhs_nr, rhs_nc)) { error ("A(:,range) = X: the number of rows in X must match\ the number of rows in A, and the number of columns in X must match\ the number of elements in range"); jump_to_top_level (); } if (columns () == 2 && is_zero_one (rj) && rhs_nc == 1) { do_matrix_assignment (rhs, magic_colon, 1); } else { int jmax; index_check (rj, jmax, "column"); maybe_resize (nr-1, jmax); do_matrix_assignment (rhs, magic_colon, rj); } } break; case magic_colon: // a(:,:) = foo is equivalent to a = foo. do_matrix_assignment (rhs, magic_colon, magic_colon); break; default: panic_impossible (); break; } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, int i, int j) { REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (i, j, rhs.double_value (), rhs.complex_value (), rhs.is_real_type ()); } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, int i, idx_vector& jv) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); for (int j = 0; j < jv.capacity (); j++) REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (i, jv.elem (j), rhs_m.elem (0, j), rhs_cm.elem (0, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, int i, Range& rj) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); double b = rj.base (); double increment = rj.inc (); for (int j = 0; j < rj.nelem (); j++) { double tmp = b + j * increment; int col = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (i, col, rhs_m.elem (0, j), rhs_cm.elem (0, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, int i, tree_constant_rep::constant_type mcj) { assert (mcj == magic_colon); int nc = columns (); if (rhs.is_matrix_type ()) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (i, j, rhs_m.elem (0, j), rhs_cm.elem (0, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } else if (rhs.const_type () == scalar_constant && nc == 1) { REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (i, 0, rhs.double_value (), rhs.complex_value (), rhs.is_real_type ()); } else panic_impossible (); } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, idx_vector& iv, int j) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); for (int i = 0; i < iv.capacity (); i++) { int row = iv.elem (i); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (row, j, rhs_m.elem (i, 0), rhs_cm.elem (i, 0), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, idx_vector& iv, idx_vector& jv) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); for (int i = 0; i < iv.capacity (); i++) { int row = iv.elem (i); for (int j = 0; j < jv.capacity (); j++) { int col = jv.elem (j); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (row, col, rhs_m.elem (i, j), rhs_cm.elem (i, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, idx_vector& iv, Range& rj) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); double b = rj.base (); double increment = rj.inc (); for (int i = 0; i < iv.capacity (); i++) { int row = iv.elem (i); for (int j = 0; j < rj.nelem (); j++) { double tmp = b + j * increment; int col = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (row, col, rhs_m.elem (i, j), rhs_cm.elem (i, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, idx_vector& iv, tree_constant_rep::constant_type mcj) { assert (mcj == magic_colon); REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); int nc = columns (); for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < iv.capacity (); i++) { int row = iv.elem (i); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (row, j, rhs_m.elem (i, j), rhs_cm.elem (i, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, Range& ri, int j) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); double b = ri.base (); double increment = ri.inc (); for (int i = 0; i < ri.nelem (); i++) { double tmp = b + i * increment; int row = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (row, j, rhs_m.elem (i, 0), rhs_cm.elem (i, 0), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, Range& ri, idx_vector& jv) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); double b = ri.base (); double increment = ri.inc (); for (int j = 0; j < jv.capacity (); j++) { int col = jv.elem (j); for (int i = 0; i < ri.nelem (); i++) { double tmp = b + i * increment; int row = tree_to_mat_idx (tmp); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (row, col, rhs_m.elem (i, j), rhs_m.elem (i, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, Range& ri, Range& rj) { double ib = ri.base (); double iinc = ri.inc (); double jb = rj.base (); double jinc = rj.inc (); REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); for (int i = 0; i < ri.nelem (); i++) { double itmp = ib + i * iinc; int row = tree_to_mat_idx (itmp); for (int j = 0; j < rj.nelem (); j++) { double jtmp = jb + j * jinc; int col = tree_to_mat_idx (jtmp); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (row, col, rhs_m.elem (i, j), rhs_cm.elem (i, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, Range& ri, tree_constant_rep::constant_type mcj) { assert (mcj == magic_colon); REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); double ib = ri.base (); double iinc = ri.inc (); int nc = columns (); for (int i = 0; i < ri.nelem (); i++) { double itmp = ib + i * iinc; int row = tree_to_mat_idx (itmp); for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (row, j, rhs_m.elem (i, j), rhs_cm.elem (i, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant_rep::constant_type mci, int j) { assert (mci == magic_colon); int nr = rows (); if (rhs.is_matrix_type ()) { REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (i, j, rhs_m.elem (i, 0), rhs_cm.elem (i, 0), rhs.is_real_type ()); } else if (rhs.const_type () == scalar_constant && nr == 1) { REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (0, j, rhs.double_value (), rhs.complex_value (), rhs.is_real_type ()); } else panic_impossible (); } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant_rep::constant_type mci, idx_vector& jv) { assert (mci == magic_colon); REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); int nr = rows (); for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < jv.capacity (); j++) { int col = jv.elem (j); REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (i, col, rhs_m.elem (i, j), rhs_cm.elem (i, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant_rep::constant_type mci, Range& rj) { assert (mci == magic_colon); REP_RHS_MATRIX (rhs, rhs_m, rhs_cm, rhs_nr, rhs_nc); int nr = rows (); double jb = rj.base (); double jinc = rj.inc (); for (int j = 0; j < rj.nelem (); j++) { double jtmp = jb + j * jinc; int col = tree_to_mat_idx (jtmp); for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) { REP_ELEM_ASSIGN (i, col, rhs_m.elem (i, j), rhs_cm.elem (i, j), rhs.is_real_type ()); } } } void tree_constant_rep::do_matrix_assignment (tree_constant& rhs, tree_constant_rep::constant_type mci, tree_constant_rep::constant_type mcj) { assert (mci == magic_colon && mcj == magic_colon); switch (type_tag) { case scalar_constant: break; case matrix_constant: delete matrix; break; case complex_scalar_constant: delete complex_scalar; break; case complex_matrix_constant: delete complex_matrix; break; case string_constant: delete [] string; break; case range_constant: delete range; break; case magic_colon: default: panic_impossible (); break; } type_tag = rhs.const_type (); switch (type_tag) { case scalar_constant: scalar = rhs.double_value (); break; case matrix_constant: matrix = new Matrix (rhs.matrix_value ()); break; case string_constant: string = strsave (rhs.string_value ()); break; case complex_matrix_constant: complex_matrix = new ComplexMatrix (rhs.complex_matrix_value ()); break; case complex_scalar_constant: complex_scalar = new Complex (rhs.complex_value ()); break; case range_constant: range = new Range (rhs.range_value ()); break; case magic_colon: default: panic_impossible (); break; } } /* ;;; Local Variables: *** ;;; mode: C++ *** ;;; page-delimiter: "^/\\*" *** ;;; 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