/* * newnews - Read in list of ids of new articles * * Copyright (C) 1992/93 Stephen Hebditch. All rights reserved. * TQM Communications, BCM Box 225, London, WC1N 3XX. * steveh@orbital.demon.co.uk +44 836 825962 * * See README for more information and disclaimers * * Using a previously initialised list of newsgroups, carries out a series * of NEWNEWS requests to the connected NNTP server, storing the message * ids of new articles in a binary tree in memory. * * $Id: newnews.c,v 1993/08/27 02:47:48 alm Exp $ * * $Log: newnews.c,v $ * Revision 1993/08/27 02:47:48 alm * adding: * cnews - news transport * inn - news transport * octave - interactive math interpreter * slurp - nntpxfer replacement (not really sure what it does...) * * Revision 1.7 1993/06/14 15:22:24 root * Modified parse_groups to only malloc enough space for arrays. * Rewrote get_ids, incorporating the get_not_groups function. This * makes the algorithm neater, fixes a problem with using memset on a * zero length block, and fixes a problem whereby with certain * newsgroup combinations a line could overflow its buffer. * In process_id when in debug mode print after a message ID if ID * discarded due to hitting maximum number of articles or was already * present in the tree. * * Revision 1.5 1993/03/01 17:45:16 root * Added cast to bzeroing of used_not_group_array. * * Revision 1.4 1993/02/14 14:55:41 root * Malloc msgid space separately from mnode. * Split-out process_id from do_newnews so it can be used in get_ntime * to load the tree with the unretrieved message ids. * * Revision 1.3 1992/12/14 * Only malloc enough space for msgid, not whole mnode structure. * Minor tidy-ups. * * Revision 1.1 1992/12/06 * Set no_time_flag if hit max no of messages * Print line before it is sent to server when debugging is on. * No longer need to handle null nn_distributions. * * Revision 1.0 1992/11/30 * Transferred functions from slurp.c * */ #include "slurp.h" static int hit_max = FALSE; static char **group_array; static char **not_group_array; static int *used_not_group_array; static int groups_no = 1; static int not_groups_no = 0; static void parse_groups (); static int add_id (char *msgid); static void do_newnews (char *line); static int restreql (register char *w, register char *s); /* * parse_groups - Turn list of groups into two arrays containing * pointers to groups to include and groups to exclude. */ static void parse_groups () { int g = 0; int n = 0; int got = TRUE; int not = FALSE; char *cp; /* Calculate number of group entries */ for (cp = nn_newsgroups; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { if (*cp == ',') groups_no++; if (*cp == '!') { not_groups_no++; groups_no--; } } /* Malloc space for include and exclude group arrays */ if ((group_array = (char **) malloc ((size_t) groups_no * sizeof (char *))) == NULL) log_sys ("parse_groups: malloc %d bytes", groups_no * sizeof (char **)); if (not_groups_no > 0) { if ((not_group_array = (char **) malloc ((size_t) not_groups_no * sizeof (char *))) == NULL) log_sys ("parse_groups: malloc %d bytes", not_groups_no * sizeof (char **)); if ((used_not_group_array = (int *) malloc ((size_t) not_groups_no * sizeof (int))) == NULL) log_sys ("parse_groups: malloc %d bytes", not_groups_no * sizeof (int)); } /* Now start parsing the newsgroup list */ for (cp = nn_newsgroups; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { if (*cp == '!') got = FALSE; if (got) { group_array [g++] = cp; got = FALSE; } if (not) { not_group_array [n++] = cp; not = FALSE; } if (*cp == ',') { *cp = '\0'; got = TRUE; } if (*cp == '!') not = TRUE; } } /* * store_node - Store a new node in the binary tree */ static struct mnode * store_node (char *msgid) { struct mnode *node; if ((node = (struct mnode *) malloc (sizeof (struct mnode))) == NULL) log_sys ("add_id: malloc %d bytes", sizeof (struct mnode)); node->left = NULL; node->right = NULL; node->used = FALSE; if ((node->msgid = (char *) malloc (strlen (msgid) + sizeof (char))) == NULL) log_sys ("store_node: malloc %d bytes", strlen (msgid) + sizeof (char)); (void) strcpy (node->msgid, msgid); entries++; return (node); } /* * add_id - Add a message id to the binary tree if not already present. * Returns -1 if the maximum number of entries in the tree has been * reached, 0 if the item is added okay, 1 if an entry with that * particular message id already exists. */ static int add_id (char *msgid) { struct mnode *current; int test; /* Test if hit the maximum number of entries in the cache */ if (entries >= MAXCACHE) return (-1); /* Handle the case when the tree is empty */ if (root == NULL) { root = store_node (msgid); return (0); } /* Search the tree for correct position to insert node */ current = root; for (;;) { test = strcmp (msgid, current->msgid); if (test < 0) { if (current->left == NULL) { current->left = store_node (msgid); return (0); } else current = current->left; } else if (test > 0) { if (current->right == NULL) { current->right = store_node (msgid); return (0); } else current = current->right; } else return (1); } } /* * process_id - Check if id already exists in local history file, if not * then add it to the message id tree if it isn't already in there. */ void process_id (char *msgid) { char *cp; /* Modify the message id appropriate to C-News history files */ if ((cp = strchr (msgid, '@')) != NULL) { for (; *cp != '\0'; cp++) if (isupper (*cp)) *cp = tolower (*cp); } if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, "-> %s", msgid); if (check_id (msgid)) { switch (add_id (msgid)) { case -1 : hit_max = TRUE; if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, " discarded\n"); break; case 0 : newart++; if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, " new\n"); break; default : if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, " present\n"); break; } } else { dupart++; if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, " duplicate\n"); } } /* * do_newnews - Process a newnews for supplied list of groups, adding the * resultant data to the message id tree. */ static void do_newnews (char *line) { char buf [NNTP_STRLEN]; /* Create a full string to send to the server */ (void) sprintf (buf, "NEWNEWS %s %s GMT %s", line, nn_time, nn_distributions); /* Do the actual NEWNEWS */ if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, "<- %s\n", buf); put_server (buf); /* Get the response and check it's okay */ get_server (buf, sizeof (buf)); if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, "-> %s\n", buf); if (atoi (buf) != OK_NEWNEWS) { log_msg ("do_newnews: NNTP protocol error: got '%s'", buf); exit (4); } /* Now get the data and stick it in the tree */ for (;;) { get_server (buf, sizeof (buf)); if (!strcmp (buf, ".")) break; process_id (buf); } } /* * restreql -- A small regular expression string equivalence routine * purloined from nntp 1.5.11 which credits * for its creation. Returns 1 if the string pointed to by 's' matches * the asterisk-broadened regexp string pointed to by 'w', otherwise * returns 0. */ static int restreql (register char *w, register char *s) { while (*s && *w) { switch (*w) { case '*': for (w++; *s; s++) if (restreql(w, s)) return (1); break; default: if (*w != *s) return (0); w++, s++; break; } } if (*s) return (0); while (*w) if (*w++ != '*') return 0; return (1); } /* * get_ids - Store in memory a tree of the message ids of new article at * the server which match the specified set of groups and distributions * for the currently connected host. */ void get_ids () { char line [NNTP_STRLEN]; char newgroups [NNTP_STRLEN]; int i, j, add_comma; size_t newlen, linelen; size_t startlen = 30 + strlen (nn_distributions); /* Turn comma-separated list of groups into 2 arrays */ parse_groups (); /* Initialiase for first list of groups to send to server */ *line = '\0'; linelen = startlen; if (not_groups_no) (void) memset (used_not_group_array, 0, not_groups_no * sizeof (int)); add_comma = FALSE; for (i = 0 ; i < groups_no ; i++) { /* Check group isn't so big it doesn't fit at all */ newlen = strlen (group_array [i]); if ((newlen + startlen) > NNTP_STRLEN) { log_msg ("get_ids: Not enough room in NNTP line for newsgroup %s", group_array [i]); exit (2); } /* Get list containing new group and matching ! groups */ (void) strcpy (newgroups, group_array [i]); for (j = 0 ; j < not_groups_no ; j++) if (!used_not_group_array [j]) if (restreql (group_array [i], not_group_array [j])) { newlen += strlen (not_group_array [j]) + 2; if ((newlen + startlen) > NNTP_STRLEN) { log_msg ("get_ids: Not enough room in NNTP line for exclusion list %s", newgroups); exit (2); } (void) strcat (newgroups, ",!"); (void) strcat (newgroups, not_group_array [j]); used_not_group_array [j] = TRUE; } /* If can't add new groups to existing list, then do a newnews */ if ((linelen + newlen + add_comma) > NNTP_STRLEN) { do_newnews (line); *line = '\0'; linelen = startlen; if (not_groups_no) (void) memset (used_not_group_array, 0, not_groups_no * sizeof (int)); add_comma = FALSE; } linelen += newlen + add_comma; if (add_comma) (void) strcat (line, ","); else add_comma = TRUE; (void) strcat (line, newgroups); } do_newnews (line); /* Report if couldn't fit everything in the tree */ if (hit_max) { log_msg ("Maximum limit of %d messages hit", MAXCACHE); no_time_flag++; } } /* END-OF-FILE */