/* * slurp - a passive nntp news client * * Copyright (C) 1992/93 Stephen Hebditch. All rights reserved. * TQM Communications, BCM Box 225, London, WC1N 3XX. * steveh@orbital.demon.co.uk +44 836 825962 * * See README for more information and disclaimers * * This is the main routine for slurp together with the routines to * handle the configuration files and command line arguments. * * * $Id: slurp.c,v 1993/08/27 02:47:48 alm Exp $ * * $Log: slurp.c,v $ * Revision 1993/08/27 02:47:48 alm * adding: * cnews - news transport * inn - news transport * octave - interactive math interpreter * slurp - nntpxfer replacement (not really sure what it does...) * * Revision 1.8 1993/08/20 10:34:50 root * Unlink backup time file before renaming or an error occurs * with the rename under SVR3. * * Revision 1.7 1993/06/07 11:15:00 root * Added support for users to supply a filename for the time file * on the command line, for use with machines with short filenames. * Rewrote read_sys (again!) for a much cleaner implementation. * Fixed problem of time file being wrongly set if slurp was * interrupted before the newnews phase had completed. * If can't rename time file then don't abort, just write the new * file. * * Revision 1.6 1993/04/22 18:22:20 root * Added signal handler to catch SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT and SIGTERM. * If occur then report signal in syslog and possibly submit open * batch to news and dump message ids of uncollected articles to * slurp. * * Revision 1.5 1993/03/01 17:51:33 root * read_sys can cope with lines longer than BUFSIZ. * report when attempting to load unretrieved message ids. * Move sublist to a parameter after the hostname, separate by a slash. * Changed some system error checking. * * Revision 1.4 1993/02/14 14:57:43 root * Added support for simple authorisation protocol. * Added support for INN's 'MODE READER' command. * Re-arranged command line options. * Rewrote read_sys and added flags and authorisation options to it. * Rewrote get_ntime and set_ntime to use a filename of slurp. * instead of slurp.tim, solving lack of locking and allowing the file * to contain a list of unretrieved message ids on the lines following * the time. * Don't care if slurp. doesn't exist already. * If RNEWS is not defined, then change to INDIR for writing out batch * files. * * Revision 1.3 1992/12/15 * Open syslog *before* we start doing things that might write to it. * Informational messages logged as LOG_INFO. * Assorted minor tidy-ups. * * Revision 1.2 1992/12/07 * Corrected test for 4.2/4.3 BSD syslog open. * * Revision 1.1 1992/12/06 * Made no_time_flag global. * Fixed null dereferencing of nn_distributions. * * Revision 1.0 1992/08/07 * Initial coding. * */ #include "slurp.h" #include char *hostname = NULL; char *pname; int debug_flag = FALSE; int no_time_flag = FALSE; int no_id_load_flag = FALSE; static int local_time_flag = FALSE; static int mode_reader_flag = FALSE; int dupart = 0; int misart = 0; int newart = 0; long totalsize = 0; char *nn_newsgroups = NULL; char *nn_time = NULL; char *nn_distributions = NULL; static char *ai_username = NULL; static char *ai_password = NULL; static char *sublist = NULL; static char *timefile = NULL; struct mnode *root = NULL; int entries = 0; static long newdate, newtime; /* * test_time - Check NEWNEWS time string is in the right format (ish) */ static int test_time () { return (!(isdigit (nn_time [0]) && isdigit (nn_time [1]) && isdigit (nn_time [2]) && isdigit (nn_time [3]) && isdigit (nn_time [4]) && isdigit (nn_time [5]) && isspace (nn_time [6]) && isdigit (nn_time [7]) && isdigit (nn_time [8]) && isdigit (nn_time [9]) && isdigit (nn_time [10]) && isdigit (nn_time [11]) && isdigit (nn_time [12]))); } /* * parse_args - Parse the command line arguments. Returns 1 if there is * an error, otherwise returns 0. */ static int parse_args (int argc, char **argv) { int c; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; char *pos; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "a:g:t:dilrw")) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'a': /* Do an authinfo */ if (pos = strchr (optarg, '/')) { ai_username = optarg; *pos++ = '\0'; ai_password = pos; } else { (void) fprintf (stderr, "Invalid authinfo username/password"); return (1); } break; case 'g': /* Newsgroups list */ if (pos = strchr (optarg, '/')) { *pos++ = '\0'; nn_distributions = pos; } else nn_distributions = ""; nn_newsgroups = optarg; no_time_flag++; break; case 't': /* Start time */ nn_time = optarg; break; case 'd': /* Debugging on */ debug_flag++; break; case 'i': /* Don't load unprocessed ids */ no_id_load_flag++; break; case 'l': /* Use local time */ local_time_flag++; break; case 'r': /* Do a 'MODE READER' */ mode_reader_flag++; break; case 'w': /* Don't set next time */ no_time_flag++; break; default: return (1); } /* Get server name */ if (optind < argc) { hostname = argv [optind]; if (pos = strchr (hostname, ':')) { *pos++ = '\0'; timefile = pos; } if (pos = strchr (hostname, '/')) { *pos++ = '\0'; sublist = pos; } } else { (void) fprintf (stderr, "No server name supplied\n"); return (1); } /* If groups are specified, then must have a time */ if ((nn_newsgroups != NULL) && (nn_time == NULL)) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "Time must be specified for -g option\n"); return (1); } /* Verify that the time is in something like the right format */ if (nn_time) if (test_time ()) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "Invalid time specification - should be 'YYMMDD HHMMSS'\n"); return (1); } return (0); } /* * read_sys_line - Read a line from the slurp.sys file, skipping lines * which are blank or all comments, truncating lines at comments. * If the line has not yet all been read or the continued-on-next-line * token '\' is present, then returns 1; if eof then returns -1, otherwise * returns 0. */ static int read_sys_line (char *line, int size, FILE *sysfp) { int status; char *pos; for (;;) { status = 0; (void) fgets (line, size, sysfp); if (feof (sysfp)) return (-1); if (ferror (sysfp)) log_sys ("read_sys_line: Error reading %s", SYSFILE); if (pos = strchr (line, '\n')) *pos = '\0'; else status = 1; if (pos = strchr (line, '\\')) { *pos = '\0'; status = 1; } if (pos = strchr (line, '#')) *pos = '\0'; if (strlen (line)) return (status); } } /* * read_sys - Read in the appropriate entry from the slurp.sys file * for the specified hostname. Stores the relevant newsgroups for that * host in nn_newsgroups and the relevant distribution in nn_distributions. * Returns 0 if an appropriate entry for the current host is found, * otherwise returns 1. */ static int read_sys () { FILE *sysfp; char buf [BUFSIZ]; char searchname [BUFSIZ]; size_t tlen; char *pos; int status; int object; /* Attempt to open the sys file */ if ((sysfp = fopen (SYSFILE, "r")) == NULL) log_sys ("read_sys: Error opening %s", SYSFILE); /* Create pattern to search for in the sys file */ (void) strcpy (searchname, hostname); if (sublist) { (void) strcat (searchname, "/"); (void) strcat (searchname, sublist); } (void) strcat (searchname, ":"); tlen = strlen (searchname); /* Read in file until we find hostname */ for (;;) { if ((status = read_sys_line (buf, sizeof (buf), sysfp)) == -1) { log_msg ("read_sys: Host %s not found in %s", hostname, SYSFILE); return (1); } if (strncmp (buf, searchname, tlen) == 0) break; } /* Strip off hostname stuff from front of line */ (void) strcpy (buf, buf + tlen); /* Start with the newsgroups list */ object = 1; /* Loop through entry */ for (;;) { /* Currently adding newsgroups */ if (object == 1) { if (pos = strchr (buf, '/')) /* Distributions next */ { *pos++ = '\0'; nn_newsgroups = stradd (nn_newsgroups, buf); (void) strcpy (buf, pos); object = 2; } else if (pos = strchr (buf, ':')) /* Flags next */ { *pos++ = '\0'; nn_newsgroups = stradd (nn_newsgroups, buf); (void) strcpy (buf, pos); object = 3; } else /* Nothing else this line */ nn_newsgroups = stradd (nn_newsgroups, buf); } /* Currently adding distributions */ if (object == 2) { if (pos = strchr (buf, ':')) /* Flags next */ { *pos++ = '\0'; nn_distributions = stradd (nn_distributions, buf); (void) strcpy (buf, pos); object = 3; } else /* Nothing else this line */ nn_distributions = stradd (nn_distributions, buf); } /* Currently setting flags */ if (object == 3) { if (pos = strchr (buf, ':')) /* authinfo user next */ *pos++ = '\0'; if (strchr (buf, 'i')) no_id_load_flag++; if (strchr (buf, 'l')) local_time_flag++; if (strchr (buf, 'r')) mode_reader_flag++; if (pos) { (void) strcpy (buf, pos); object = 4; } } /* Currently setting username */ if (object == 4) { if (pos = strchr (buf, '/')) /* authinfo pass next */ { *pos++ = '\0'; ai_username = stradd (ai_username, buf); (void) strcpy (buf, pos); object = 5; } else { ai_username = stradd (ai_username, buf); break; } } /* Currently setting password */ if (object == 5) { ai_password = stradd (ai_password, buf); } if (status != 1) break; status = read_sys_line (buf, sizeof (buf), sysfp); } (void) fclose (sysfp); if (nn_distributions == NULL) nn_distributions = ""; return (0); } /* * get_ntime - Get the start time for this NEWNEWS for system. Returns 0 * if an appropriate entry for the current host is found, otherwise 1. */ static int get_ntime () { FILE *timefp; char buf [BUFSIZ]; char filename [PATH_MAX]; char *pos; /* Attempt to open the time file */ (void) strcpy (filename, TIMFILE); if (timefile == NULL) (void) strcat (filename, hostname); else (void) strcat (filename, timefile); if (sublist) { (void) strcat (filename, "."); (void) strcat (filename, sublist); } if ((timefp = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL) log_sys ("get_ntime: error opening %s", filename); /* Read in the time and store it */ if ((nn_time = (char *) malloc ((size_t) 14)) == NULL) log_sys ("get_ntime: malloc 14 bytes"); (void) fgets (nn_time, (size_t) 14, timefp); if (ferror (timefp)) log_sys ("get_ntime: Error reading %s", filename); /* Return if time doesn't look ok */ if (test_time ()) return (1); /* Load in any message ids following */ if (!no_id_load_flag) { if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, "Loading any unretrieved message IDs\n"); for (;;) { (void) fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), timefp); if (feof (timefp)) break; if (ferror (timefp)) log_sys ("get_ntime: Error reading %s", filename); if (pos = strchr (buf, '\n')) *pos = '\0'; if (strlen (buf)) if ((buf [0] == '<') && (buf [strlen (buf) - 1] == '>')) process_id (buf); } } (void) fclose (timefp); return (0); } /* * write_tree - Traverse the tree writing out ids of articles that were * not successfully retrieved. */ static void write_tree (struct mnode *p, FILE *timefp) { if (p != NULL) { write_tree (p->left, timefp); if (!p->used) { (void) fprintf (timefp, "%s\n", p->msgid); if (ferror (timefp)) log_sys ("write_tree: Error writing ids"); } write_tree (p->right, timefp); } } /* * set_ntime - Set the start time for the next NEWNEWS for system */ void set_ntime () { FILE *timefp; char filename [PATH_MAX]; char backup [PATH_MAX]; /* Copy the file to a backup */ (void) strcpy (filename, TIMFILE); if (timefile == NULL) (void) strcat (filename, hostname); else (void) strcat (filename, timefile); if (sublist) { (void) strcat (filename, "."); (void) strcat (filename, sublist); } (void) strcpy (backup, filename); (void) strcat (backup, ".o"); if (unlink (backup)) if (errno != ENOENT) log_ret ("set_ntime: Error unlinking %s", backup); if (rename (filename, backup)) if (errno != ENOENT) log_ret ("set_ntime: Error renaming %s to %s", filename, backup); /* Open new file */ if ((timefp = fopen (filename, "w")) == NULL) { log_ret ("get_ntime: Error opening %s", filename); exit (1); } /* Write the new time for current host */ (void) fprintf (timefp, "%06ld %06ld\n", newdate, newtime); if (ferror (timefp)) { log_ret ("set_ntime: Error writing %s", filename); exit (1); } /* Write out any message ids not read in */ write_tree (root, timefp); (void) fclose (timefp); } /* * do_authinfo - Check in the authinfo username and password with the * server. */ static void do_authinfo () { char buf [NNTP_STRLEN]; /* Send the username to the server */ (void) sprintf (buf, "AUTHINFO USER %s", ai_username); if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, "<- %s\n", buf); put_server (buf); /* Get the response and check it's okay */ get_server (buf, sizeof (buf)); if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, "-> %s\n", buf); if (atoi (buf) != NEED_AUTHDATA) { log_msg ("do_authinfo: NNTP protocol error: got '%s'", buf); exit (4); } /* Send the password to the server */ (void) sprintf (buf, "AUTHINFO PASS %s", ai_password); if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, "<- %s\n", buf); put_server (buf); /* Get the response and check it's okay */ get_server (buf, sizeof (buf)); if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, "-> %s\n", buf); if (atoi (buf) != OK_AUTH) { log_msg ("do_authinfo: NNTP protocol error: got '%s'", buf); exit (4); } } /* * do_mode_reader - Send mode reader command to INN to switch to nnrpd * so we can do a NEWNEWS. */ static void do_mode_reader () { char buf [NNTP_STRLEN]; /* Send the command to the server */ if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, "<- MODE reader\n"); put_server ("MODE READER"); /* Get the response and check it's okay */ get_server (buf, sizeof (buf)); if (debug_flag) (void) fprintf (stderr, "-> %s\n", buf); switch (atoi (buf)) { case OK_CANPOST : case OK_NOPOST : break; default : log_msg ("do_authinfo: NNTP protocol error: got '%s'", buf); exit (4); } } /* * interrupt - signal handler to report signal in log and possibly * submit remaining batch to news and dump uncollected message ids. */ static void interrupt (int signo) { log_msg ("interrupt: received signal %d", signo); enqueue_batch (); if ((!no_time_flag) && (!no_id_load_flag)) set_ntime (); exit (1); } /* * set_signals - set up signal handler to catch appropriate signals. */ static void set_signals () { if (signal (SIGHUP, interrupt) == SIG_ERR) log_sys ("set_signals: can't catch SIGHUP"); if (signal (SIGINT, interrupt) == SIG_ERR) log_sys ("set_signals: can't catch SIGINT"); if (signal (SIGQUIT, interrupt) == SIG_ERR) log_sys ("set_signals: can't catch SIGQUIT"); if (signal (SIGTERM, interrupt) == SIG_ERR) log_sys ("set_signals: can't catch SIGTERM"); } /* * MAIN PROCEDURE */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { int ret; time_t clock, starttime, endtime; struct tm *now; /* Set the name of the program and parse the args */ pname = (pname = (char *) strrchr (argv [0], '/')) ? pname + 1 : argv [0]; if (parse_args (argc, argv)) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [-g newsgroups/distribution] [-t time] [-a username/password]\n", pname); (void) fprintf (stderr, " [-d] [-i] [-l] [-r] [-w] server[/sublist][:timefile]\n"); exit (2); } /* Open syslog if required with appropriate BSD 4.2/4.3 call */ #ifdef SYSLOG #ifdef LOG_AUTH openlog(pname, LOG_PID, SYSLOG); #else openlog(pname, LOG_PID); #endif #endif /* If groups not supplied in args, then get from slurp.sys file */ if (nn_newsgroups == NULL) if (read_sys ()) exit (2); /* If start time not supplied in args, then get from slurp.tim file */ if (nn_time == NULL) if (get_ntime ()) exit (2); if (debug_flag) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "server: %s\n", hostname); (void) fprintf (stderr, "time: %s\n", nn_time); (void) fprintf (stderr, "newsgroups: '%s'\n", nn_newsgroups); (void) fprintf (stderr, "distributions: '%s'\n", nn_distributions); } /* Unless don't write flag set, get time for next NEWNEWS */ if (!no_time_flag) { if (local_time_flag) clock = time ((time_t *) 0); else if ((clock = server_time (hostname)) == 0) exit (3); now = gmtime (&clock); newdate = (now->tm_year * 10000) + ((now->tm_mon + 1) * 100) + now->tm_mday; newtime = (now->tm_hour * 10000) + (now->tm_min * 100) + now->tm_sec; } /* Open the history file */ if (open_history ()) log_sys ("Can't open history file %s", HISTORY_FILE); #ifndef RNEWS /* Change to the incoming batch directory */ if (chdir (INDIR)) log_sys ("Can't change directory to %s", INDIR); #endif /* Set up the connection to the server */ switch (ret = server_init (hostname)) { case -1 : exit (3); case OK_CANPOST : case OK_NOPOST : break; default : log_msg ("Can't talk to %s: got response code %d", hostname, ret); exit (4); } /* If authinfo details supplied, then use 'em */ if (ai_username) do_authinfo (); /* Switch INN to nnrpd instead of innd if needed */ if (mode_reader_flag) do_mode_reader (); /* Get a list of the new articles */ get_ids (); /* Now get the actual articles */ starttime = time ((time_t *) 0); if (entries > 0) { set_signals (); get_articles (); } endtime = time ((time_t *) 0); /* Time to say goodbye */ close_server (); close_history (); /* Submit the remaining batch, if present */ enqueue_batch (); /* do we want to update the timestamp file? */ if (!no_time_flag) set_ntime (); #ifdef SYSLOG if (!debug_flag) syslog (LOG_INFO,"Processed %d new, %d duplicate, %d missing articles", newart, dupart, misart); else #endif (void) fprintf (stderr, "Processed %d new, %d duplicate, %d missing articles\n", newart, dupart, misart); #ifdef SPEEDSTATS #ifdef SYSLOG if (!debug_flag) syslog (LOG_INFO, "Average transfer speed %ld cps", totalsize / (starttime == endtime ? 1 : endtime - starttime)); else #endif (void) fprintf (stderr, "Average transfer speed %ld cps\n", totalsize / (starttime == endtime ? 1 : endtime - starttime)); #endif exit (0); } /* END-OF-FILE */