/* * %W% %G% * * SC A Spreadsheet Calculator * Command and expression parser * * original by James Gosling, September 1982 * modified by Mark Weiser and Bruce Israel, * University of Maryland * * more mods Robert Bond 12/86 * * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes. * * $Revision: $ * * Some Mod's by Art Mulder, 1992. * Look for "CHANGE/OLD CODE/NEW CODE" comments */ %{ #include "curses_stuff.h" #include "ss.h" #define ENULL (struct enode *)0 %} %union { int ival; double fval; struct ent_ptr ent; struct enode *enode; char *sval; struct range_s rval; } %type var %type num %type range %type var_or_range %type strarg %type e term expr_list %token STRING %token NUMBER %token FNUMBER %token RANGE %token VAR %token WORD %token COL %token S_FORMAT %token S_FMT %token S_LABEL %token S_LEFTSTRING %token S_RIGHTSTRING %token S_GET %token S_PUT %token S_MERGE %token S_LET %token S_WRITE %token S_TBL %token S_COPY %token S_SHOW %token S_ERASE %token S_FILL %token S_LOCK %token S_UNLOCK %token S_GOTO %token S_DEFINE %token S_UNDEFINE %token S_VALUE %token S_MDIR %token S_HIDE %token S_SET %token K_ERROR %token K_INVALID %token K_FIXED %token K_SUM %token K_PROD %token K_AVG %token K_STDDEV %token K_COUNT %token K_ABS %token K_ACOS %token K_ASIN %token K_ATAN %token K_ATAN2 %token K_CEIL %token K_COS %token K_EXP %token K_FABS %token K_FLOOR %token K_HYPOT %token K_LN %token K_LOG %token K_PI %token K_POW %token K_SIN %token K_SQRT %token K_TAN %token K_DTR %token K_RTD %token K_MAX %token K_MIN %token K_RND %token K_ROUND %token K_IF %token K_PV %token K_FV %token K_PMT %token K_HOUR %token K_MINUTE %token K_SECOND %token K_MONTH %token K_DAY %token K_YEAR %token K_NOW %token K_DATE %token K_DTS %token K_TTS %token K_FMT %token K_SUBSTR %token K_UPPER %token K_LOWER %token K_CAPITAL %token K_STON %token K_EQS %token K_EXT %token K_NVAL %token K_SVAL %token K_LOOKUP %token K_HLOOKUP %token K_VLOOKUP %token K_INDEX %token K_STINDEX %token K_AUTO %token K_AUTOCALC %token K_BYROWS %token K_BYCOLS %token K_ITERATIONS %token K_NUMERIC %token K_PRESCALE %token K_EXTFUN %token K_CELLCUR %token K_TOPROW %token K_TBLSTYLE %token K_TBL %token K_LATEX %token K_SLATEX %token K_TEX %token K_FRAME %token K_RNDINFINITY %token K_MYROW %token K_MYCOL %token K_COLTOA %token K_CRACTION %token K_CRROW %token K_CRCOL %token K_ROWLIMIT %token K_COLLIMIT %token K_NUMITER %left '?' ':' %left '|' %left '&' %nonassoc '<' '=' '>' '!' %left '+' '-' '#' %left '*' '/' '%' %left '^' %% command: S_LET var_or_range '=' e { let($2.left.vp, $4); } | S_LABEL var_or_range '=' e { slet($2.left.vp, $4, 0); } | S_LEFTSTRING var_or_range '=' e { slet($2.left.vp, $4, -1); } | S_RIGHTSTRING var_or_range '=' e { slet($2.left.vp, $4, 1); } | S_FORMAT COL ':' COL NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER { doformat($2,$4,$5,$6,$7); } | S_FORMAT COL NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER { doformat($2,$2,$3,$4,$5); } | S_FORMAT COL ':' COL NUMBER NUMBER { doformat($2,$4,$5,$6, REFMTFIX); } | S_FORMAT COL NUMBER NUMBER { doformat($2,$2,$3,$4, REFMTFIX); } | S_GET strarg { /* This tmp hack is because readfile * recurses back through yyparse. */ char *tmp; tmp = $2; readfile (tmp, 1); Free(tmp); } | S_MERGE strarg { char *tmp; tmp = $2; readfile (tmp, 0); Free(tmp); } | S_MDIR strarg { if (mdir) Free(mdir); mdir = $2; } | S_PUT strarg range { (void) writefile($2, ($3.left.vp)->row, ($3.left.vp)->col, ($3.right.vp)->row, ($3.right.vp)->col); Free($2); } | S_PUT strarg { (void) writefile ($2, 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol); Free($2); } | S_WRITE strarg range { (void) printfile($2, ($3.left.vp)->row, ($3.left.vp)->col, ($3.right.vp)->row, ($3.right.vp)->col); Free($2); } | S_WRITE strarg { (void) printfile ($2, 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol); Free($2); } | S_TBL strarg range { (void) tblprintfile($2, ($3.left.vp)->row, ($3.left.vp)->col, ($3.right.vp)->row, ($3.right.vp)->col); Free($2); } | S_TBL strarg { (void)tblprintfile ($2, 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol); Free($2); } | S_SHOW COL ':' COL { showcol( $2, $4); } | S_SHOW NUMBER ':' NUMBER { showrow( $2, $4); } | S_HIDE COL { hide_col( $2 ); } | S_HIDE NUMBER { hide_row( $2 ); } | S_COPY range var_or_range { copy($2.left.vp,$2.right.vp, $3.left.vp,$3.right.vp); } /* ** CHANGE: ** Under `sc' a call to 'erase' with no argument, would erase from ** (showsr,showsc) to the current row,column. This would erase from ** wherever the last tab (range) region started, to the current ** row,column. I think this is wrong. A call to erase with no ** argument should erase the cell at the current row,column position ** only. ** ** OLD CODE: ** | S_ERASE ** { eraser(lookat(showsr, showsc), ** lookat(currow, curcol)); } ** NEW: */ | S_ERASE { eraser(lookat(currow, curcol), lookat(currow, curcol)); } | S_ERASE var_or_range { eraser($2.left.vp, $2.right.vp); } /* ** CHANGE: the `value' command has the same bug as the `erase' ** command, with regards to the action taken when no argument is ** present. The same fix is applied. ** ** OLD CODE: ** | S_VALUE { valueize_area(showsr, showsc, currow, curcol); ** modflg++; } ** NEW: */ | S_VALUE { valueize_area(currow, curcol, currow, curcol); modflg++; } | S_VALUE var_or_range { valueize_area(($2.left.vp)->row, ($2.left.vp)->col, ($2.right.vp)->row, ($2.right.vp)->col); modflg++; } /* ** CHANGE: the `fill' command have a similar bug to the `erase' ** command, w.r.t. the action taken when no range argument is present. ** ** OLD CODE: ** ** | S_FILL num num { fill(lookat(showsr, showsc), ** lookat(currow, curcol), $2, $3); } ** NEW: */ | S_FILL num num { fill(lookat(currow, curcol), lookat(currow, curcol), $2, $3); } | S_FILL var_or_range num num { fill($2.left.vp, $2.right.vp, $3, $4); } | S_FMT var_or_range STRING { format_cell($2.left.vp, $2.right.vp, $3); } /* ** CHANGE: the `lock' and `unlock' commands have the same bug as the ** `erase' command, w.r.t. the action taken when no argument is present. ** ** OLD CODE: ** | S_LOCK ** { lock_cells(lookat(showsr, showsc), ** lookat(currow, curcol)); } ** NEW: */ | S_LOCK { lock_cells(lookat(currow, curcol), lookat(currow, curcol)); } | S_LOCK var_or_range { lock_cells($2.left.vp, $2.right.vp); } /* OLD CODE: ** | S_UNLOCK ** { unlock_cells(lookat(showsr, showsc), ** lookat(currow, curcol)); } ** NEW: */ | S_UNLOCK { unlock_cells(lookat(currow,curcol), lookat(currow, curcol)); } | S_UNLOCK var_or_range { unlock_cells($2.left.vp, $2.right.vp); } | S_GOTO var_or_range {moveto($2.left.vp->row, $2.left.vp->col);} | S_GOTO num { num_search($2, 0); } | S_GOTO errlist | S_GOTO STRING { str_search($2); } | S_GOTO { go_last(); } /* ** CHANGE: ** Under `sc' a call to 'define' with no argument, would define a name from ** (showsr,showsc) to the current row,column. This would define a name from ** wherever the last tab (range) region started, to the current ** row,column. This doesn't work with `ss'. A call to define with no ** argument should define a name for the cell at the current row,column ** position only. ** ** OLD CODE: ** | S_DEFINE strarg { struct ent_ptr arg1, arg2; ** arg1.vp = lookat(showsr, showsc); ** arg1.vf = 0; ** arg2.vp = lookat(currow, curcol); ** arg2.vf = 0; ** if (arg1.vp == arg2.vp) ** add_range($2, arg2, arg2, 0); ** else ** add_range($2, arg1, arg2, 1); } ** NEW: */ | S_DEFINE strarg { struct ent_ptr arg1; arg1.vp = lookat(currow, curcol); arg1.vf = 0; add_range($2, arg1, arg1, 0); } | S_DEFINE strarg range { add_range($2, $3.left, $3.right, 1); } | S_DEFINE strarg var { add_range($2, $3, $3, 0); } | S_UNDEFINE var_or_range { del_range($2.left.vp, $2.right.vp); } | S_SET setlist | /* nothing */ | error; term: var { $$ = new_var(O_VAR, $1); } | K_FIXED term { $$ = new ('f', ENULL, $2); } | '@' K_SUM '(' var_or_range ')' { $$ = new_range(REDUCE | '+', $4); } | '@' K_PROD '(' var_or_range ')' { $$ = new_range (REDUCE | '*', $4); } | '@' K_AVG '(' var_or_range ')' { $$ = new_range (REDUCE | 'a', $4); } | '@' K_STDDEV '(' var_or_range ')' { $$ = new_range (REDUCE | 's', $4); } | '@' K_COUNT '(' var_or_range ')' { $$ = new_range (REDUCE | 'c', $4); } | '@' K_MAX '(' var_or_range ')' { $$ = new_range (REDUCE | MAX, $4); } | '@' K_MAX '(' e ',' expr_list ')' { $$ = new(LMAX, $6, $4); } | '@' K_MIN '(' var_or_range ')' { $$ = new_range (REDUCE | MIN, $4); } | '@' K_MIN '(' e ',' expr_list ')' { $$ = new(LMIN, $6, $4); } | '@' K_ABS '(' e ')' { $$ = new(ABS, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_ACOS '(' e ')' { $$ = new(ACOS, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_ASIN '(' e ')' { $$ = new(ASIN, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_ATAN '(' e ')' { $$ = new(ATAN, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_ATAN2 '(' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(ATAN2, $4, $6); } | '@' K_CEIL '(' e ')' { $$ = new(CEIL, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_COS '(' e ')' { $$ = new(COS, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_EXP '(' e ')' { $$ = new(EXP, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_FABS '(' e ')' { $$ = new(FABS, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_FLOOR '(' e ')' { $$ = new(FLOOR, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_HYPOT '(' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(HYPOT, $4, $6); } | '@' K_LN '(' e ')' { $$ = new(LOG, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_LOG '(' e ')' { $$ = new(LOG10, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_POW '(' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(POW, $4, $6); } | '@' K_SIN '(' e ')' { $$ = new(SIN, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_SQRT '(' e ')' { $$ = new(SQRT, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_TAN '(' e ')' { $$ = new(TAN, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_DTR '(' e ')' { $$ = new(DTR, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_RTD '(' e ')' { $$ = new(RTD, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_RND '(' e ')' { $$ = new(RND, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_ROUND '(' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(ROUND, $4, $6); } | '@' K_IF '(' e ',' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(IF, $4,new(',',$6,$8)); } | '@' K_PV '(' e ',' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(PV, $4,new(':',$6,$8)); } | '@' K_FV '(' e ',' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(FV, $4,new(':',$6,$8)); } | '@' K_PMT '(' e ',' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(PMT, $4,new(':',$6,$8)); } | '@' K_HOUR '(' e ')' { $$ = new(HOUR,ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_MINUTE '(' e ')' { $$ = new(MINUTE,ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_SECOND '(' e ')' { $$ = new(SECOND,ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_MONTH '(' e ')' { $$ = new(MONTH,ENULL,$4); } | '@' K_DAY '(' e ')' { $$ = new(DAY, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_YEAR '(' e ')' { $$ = new(YEAR, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_NOW { $$ = new(NOW, ENULL, ENULL);} | '@' K_DTS '(' e ',' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(DTS, $4, new(',', $6, $8));} | '@' K_TTS '(' e ',' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(TTS, $4, new(',', $6, $8));} | '@' K_STON '(' e ')' { $$ = new(STON, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_EQS '(' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new (EQS, $4, $6); } | '@' K_DATE '(' e ')' { $$ = new(DATE, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_FMT '(' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(FMT, $4, $6); } | '@' K_UPPER '(' e ')' { $$ = new(UPPER, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_LOWER '(' e ')' { $$ = new(LOWER, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_CAPITAL '(' e ')' { $$ = new(CAPITAL, ENULL, $4); } | '@' K_INDEX '(' e ',' var_or_range ')' { $$ = new(INDEX, $4, new_range(REDUCE | INDEX, $6)); } | '@' K_LOOKUP '(' e ',' var_or_range ')' { $$ = new(LOOKUP, $4, new_range(REDUCE | LOOKUP, $6)); } | '@' K_HLOOKUP '(' e ',' var_or_range ',' e ')' { $$ = new(HLOOKUP, new(',', $4, $8), new_range(REDUCE | HLOOKUP, $6)); } | '@' K_VLOOKUP '(' e ',' var_or_range ',' e ')' { $$ = new(VLOOKUP, new(',', $4, $8), new_range(REDUCE | VLOOKUP, $6)); } | '@' K_STINDEX '(' e ',' var_or_range ')' { $$ = new(STINDEX, $4, new_range(REDUCE | STINDEX, $6)); } | '@' K_EXT '(' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(EXT, $4, $6); } | '@' K_NVAL '(' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(NVAL, $4, $6); } | '@' K_SVAL '(' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(SVAL, $4, $6); } | '@' K_SUBSTR '(' e ',' e ',' e ')' { $$ = new(SUBSTR, $4, new(',', $6, $8)); } | '(' e ')' { $$ = $2; } | '+' term { $$ = $2; } | '-' term { $$ = new ('m', ENULL, $2); } | NUMBER { $$ = new_const(O_CONST, (double) $1); } | FNUMBER { $$ = new_const(O_CONST, $1); } | NUMBER '_' NUMBER '_' NUMBER { $$ = new_const(O_CONST, convert_date($1,$3,$5)); } | K_PI { $$ = new_const(O_CONST, (double)3.14159265358979323846); } | '@' K_PI { $$ = new_const(O_CONST, (double)3.14159265358979323846); } | STRING { $$ = new_str($1); } | '~' term { $$ = new ('~', ENULL, $2); } | '!' term { $$ = new ('~', ENULL, $2); } | '@' K_MYROW { $$ = new(MYROW, ENULL, ENULL);} | '@' K_MYCOL { $$ = new(MYCOL, ENULL, ENULL);} | '@' K_COLTOA '(' e ')' { $$ = new(COLTOA, ENULL, $4);} | '@' K_NUMITER { $$ = new(NUMITER, ENULL, ENULL);} ; /* expressions */ e: e '+' e { $$ = new ('+', $1, $3); } | e '-' e { $$ = new ('-', $1, $3); } | e '*' e { $$ = new ('*', $1, $3); } | e '/' e { $$ = new ('/', $1, $3); } | e '%' e { $$ = new ('%', $1, $3); } | e '^' e { $$ = new ('^', $1, $3); } | term | e '?' e ':' e { $$ = new ('?', $1, new(':', $3, $5)); } | e '<' e { $$ = new ('<', $1, $3); } | e '=' e { $$ = new ('=', $1, $3); } | e '>' e { $$ = new ('>', $1, $3); } | e '&' e { $$ = new ('&', $1, $3); } | e '|' e { $$ = new ('|', $1, $3); } | e '<' '=' e { $$ = new ('~', ENULL, new ('>', $1, $4)); } | e '!' '=' e { $$ = new ('~', ENULL, new ('=', $1, $4)); } | e '<' '>' e { $$ = new ('~', ENULL, new ('=', $1, $4)); } | e '>' '=' e { $$ = new ('~', ENULL, new ('<', $1, $4)); } | e '#' e { $$ = new ('#', $1, $3); } ; expr_list: e { $$ = new(ELIST, ENULL, $1); } | expr_list ',' e { $$ = new(ELIST, $1, $3); } ; range: var ':' var { $$.left = $1; $$.right = $3; } | RANGE { $$ = $1; } ; var: COL NUMBER { $$.vp = lookat($2 , $1); $$.vf = 0; } | '$' COL NUMBER { $$.vp = lookat($3 , $2); $$.vf = FIX_COL; } | COL '$' NUMBER { $$.vp = lookat($3 , $1); $$.vf = FIX_ROW; } | '$' COL '$' NUMBER { $$.vp = lookat($4 , $2); $$.vf = FIX_ROW | FIX_COL; } | VAR { $$ = $1.left; } ; var_or_range: range { $$ = $1; } | var { $$.left = $1; $$.right = $1; } ; num: NUMBER { $$ = (double) $1; } | FNUMBER { $$ = $1; } | '-' num { $$ = -$2; } | '+' num { $$ = $2; } ; strarg: STRING { $$ = $1; } | var { char *s, *s1; s1 = $1.vp->label; if (!s1) s1 = "NULL_STRING"; s = Malloc((unsigned)strlen(s1)+1); (void) strcpy(s, s1); $$ = s; } ; /* allows >=1 'setitem's to be listed in the same 'set' command */ setlist : | setlist setitem ; /* things that you can 'set' */ setitem : K_AUTO { setauto(1); } | K_AUTOCALC { setauto(1); } | '~' K_AUTO { setauto(0); } | '~' K_AUTOCALC { setauto(0); } | '!' K_AUTO { setauto(0); } | '!' K_AUTOCALC { setauto(0); } | K_BYCOLS { setorder(BYCOLS); } | K_BYROWS { setorder(BYROWS); } | K_NUMERIC { numeric = 1; } | '!' K_NUMERIC { numeric = 0; } | K_PRESCALE { prescale = 0.01; } | '!' K_PRESCALE { prescale = 1.0; } | K_EXTFUN { extfunc = 1; } | '!' K_EXTFUN { extfunc = 0; } | K_CELLCUR { showcell = 1; } | '!' K_CELLCUR { showcell = 0; } | K_TOPROW { showtop = 1; } | '!' K_TOPROW { showtop = 0; } | K_ITERATIONS '=' NUMBER { setiterations($3); } | K_TBLSTYLE '=' NUMBER { tbl_style = $3; } | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_TBL { tbl_style = TBL; } | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_LATEX { tbl_style = LATEX; } | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_SLATEX { tbl_style = SLATEX; } | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_TEX { tbl_style = TEX; } | K_TBLSTYLE '=' K_FRAME { tbl_style = FRAME; } | K_RNDINFINITY { rndinfinity = 1; FullUpdate++; } | '!' K_RNDINFINITY { rndinfinity = 0; FullUpdate++; } | K_CRACTION '=' NUMBER { craction = $3; } | K_ROWLIMIT '=' NUMBER { rowlimit = $3; } | K_COLLIMIT '=' NUMBER { collimit = $3; } ; /* types of errors, to 'goto' */ errlist : K_ERROR { num_search((double)0, CELLERROR); } | K_INVALID { num_search((double)0, CELLINVALID); } ;