/* SC A Spreadsheet Calculator * Curses based Screen driver * * original by James Gosling, September 1982 * modifications by Mark Weiser and Bruce Israel, * University of Maryland * * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86 * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes. * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt) * $Revision: $ * */ #ifndef lint static char Sccsid[] = "%W% %G%"; #endif #include "curses_stuff.h" #include "ss.h" #ifdef VMS extern int VMS_read_raw; /*sigh*/ VMS_read_raw = 1; #endif #ifdef BROKENCURSES /* nl/nonl bug fix */ #undef nl #undef nonl #define nl() (_tty.sg_flags |= CRMOD,_pfast = _rawmode,stty(_tty_ch, &_tty)) #define nonl() (_tty.sg_flags &= ~CRMOD, _pfast = TRUE, stty(_tty_ch, &_tty)) #endif void repaint(); char under_cursor = ' '; /* Data under the < cursor */ char mode_ind = '.'; extern char revmsg[]; int rows, lcols; int lastmx, lastmy; /* Screen address of the cursor */ int lastcol; /* Spreadsheet Column the cursor was in last */ extern int *fwidth; extern int showrange; /* Causes ranges to be highlighted */ extern int showneed; /* Causes cells needing values to be highlighted */ extern int showexpr; /* Causes cell exprs to be displayed, highlighted */ #ifdef RIGHT_CBUG extern int wasforw; /* Causes screen to be redisplay if on lastcol */ #endif /* * update() does general screen update * * standout last time in update()? * At this point we will let curses do work */ int standlast = FALSE; void update (anychanged) int anychanged; /* did any cell really change in value? */ { register row, col; register struct ent **pp; int mxrow, mxcol; int minsr = 0, minsc = 0, maxsr = 0, maxsc = 0; register r; register i; static int lastcurcol = -1, lastcurrow = -1; /* * place the cursor on the screen, set col, curcol, stcol, lastcol as * needed */ if ((curcol != lastcurcol) || FullUpdate) { while (col_hidden[curcol]) /* You can't hide the last row or col */ curcol++; /* First see if the last display still covers curcol */ if (stcol <= curcol) { for (i = stcol, lcols = 0, col = RESCOL; (col + fwidth[i]) < COLS-1 && i < maxcols; i++) { lcols++; if (col_hidden[i]) continue; col += fwidth[i]; } } while (stcol + lcols - 1 < curcol || curcol < stcol) { FullUpdate++; if (stcol - 1 == curcol) { /* How about back one? */ stcol--; } else if (stcol + lcols == curcol) { /* Forward one? */ stcol++; } else { /* Try to put the cursor in the center of the screen */ col = (COLS - RESCOL - fwidth[curcol]) / 2 + RESCOL; stcol = curcol; for (i=curcol-1; i >= 0 && col-fwidth[i] > RESCOL; i--) { stcol--; if (col_hidden[i]) continue; col -= fwidth[i]; } } /* Now pick up the counts again */ for (i = stcol, lcols = 0,col = RESCOL; (col + fwidth[i]) < COLS-1 && i < maxcols; i++) { lcols++; if (col_hidden[i]) continue; col += fwidth[i]; } } lastcurcol = curcol; } /* Now - same process on the rows as the columns */ if ((currow != lastcurrow) || FullUpdate) { while (row_hidden[currow]) /* You can't hide the last row or col */ currow++; if (strow <= currow) { for (i = strow, rows = 0, row=RESROW; row= 0 && row-1 > RESROW; i--) { strow--; if (row_hidden[i]) continue; row--; } } /* Now pick up the counts again */ for (i = strow, rows = 0, row=RESROW; row currow ? showsr : currow; maxsc = showsc > curcol ? showsc : curcol; if (showtop) { (void) move(1,0); (void) clrtoeol(); (void) printw("Default range: %s", r_name(minsr, minsc, maxsr, maxsc)); } } /* Repaint the visible screen */ if (showrange || anychanged || FullUpdate || standlast) { /* may be reset in loop, if not next time we will do a FullUpdate */ if (standlast) { FullUpdate = TRUE; standlast = FALSE; } for (row = strow, r = RESROW; row <= mxrow; row++) { register c = RESCOL; int do_stand = 0; int fieldlen; int nextcol; if (row_hidden[row]) continue; for (pp = ATBL(tbl, row, col = stcol); col <= mxcol; pp += nextcol - col, col = nextcol, c += fieldlen) { nextcol = col+1; if (col_hidden[col]) { fieldlen = 0; continue; } fieldlen = fwidth[col]; /* * Set standout if: * * - showing ranges, and not showing cells which need to be filled * in, and not showing cell expressions, and in a range, OR * * - if showing cells which need to be filled in and this one is * of that type (has a value and doesn't have an expression, * or it is a string expression), OR * * - if showing cells which have expressions and this one does. */ if ((showrange && (! showneed) && (! showexpr) && (row >= minsr) && (row <= maxsr) && (col >= minsc) && (col <= maxsc)) || (showneed && (*pp) && ((*pp) -> flags & is_valid) && (((*pp) -> flags & is_strexpr) || !((*pp) -> expr))) || (showexpr && (*pp) && ((*pp) -> expr))) { (void) move(r, c); (void) standout(); standlast++; if (!*pp) /* no cell, but standing out */ { (void) printw("%*s", fwidth[col], " "); (void) standend(); continue; } else do_stand = 1; } else do_stand = 0; if ((*pp) && (((*pp) -> flags & is_changed || FullUpdate) || do_stand)) { if (do_stand) { (*pp) -> flags |= is_changed; } else { (void) move(r, c); (*pp) -> flags &= ~is_changed; } /* * Show expression; takes priority over other displays: */ if ((*pp)->cellerror) (void) printw("%*.*s", fwidth[col], fwidth[col], (*pp)->cellerror == CELLERROR ? "ERROR" : "INVALID"); else if (showexpr && ((*pp) -> expr)) { linelim = 0; editexp(row, col); /* set line to expr */ linelim = -1; showstring(line, /* leftflush = */ 1, /* hasvalue = */ 0, row, col, & nextcol, mxcol, & fieldlen, r, c); } else { /* * Show cell's numeric value: */ if ((*pp) -> flags & is_valid) { char field[FBUFLEN]; if ((*pp) -> format) { (void) format((*pp) -> format, (*pp) -> v, field, sizeof(field)); } else { (void) engformat(realfmt[col], fwidth[col], precision[col], (*pp) -> v, field, sizeof(field)); } if (strlen(field) > fwidth[col]) { for(i = 0; i label) { showstring((*pp) -> label, (*pp) -> flags & (is_leftflush|is_label), (*pp) -> flags & is_valid, row, col, & nextcol, mxcol, & fieldlen, r, c); } else /* repaint a blank cell: */ if ((do_stand || !FullUpdate) && ((*pp)->flags & is_changed) && !((*pp)->flags & is_valid) && !(*pp)->label) { (void) printw("%*s", fwidth[col], " "); } } /* else */ if (do_stand) { (void) standend(); do_stand = 0; } } } r++; } } /* place 'cursor marker' */ if (showcell && (! showneed) && (! showexpr)) { (void) move(lastmy, lastmx); (void) standout(); repaint(lastmx, lastmy, fwidth[lastcol]); (void) standend(); } (void) move(lastmy, lastmx+fwidth[lastcol]); under_cursor = (inch() & A_CHARTEXT); (void) addch('<'); (void) move(0, 0); (void) clrtoeol(); if (linelim >= 0) { (void) addch(mode_ind); (void) addstr("> "); (void) addstr(line); (void) move((linelim + 3) / COLS, (linelim+3) % COLS); } else { if (showtop) { /* show top line */ register struct ent *p1; int printed = 0; /* printed something? */ /* show the current cell's format */ (void) printw("%s%d ", coltoa(curcol), currow); if ((p1 = *ATBL(tbl, currow, curcol)) && p1->format) printw("(%s) ", p1->format); else printw("(%d %d %d) ", fwidth[curcol], precision[curcol], realfmt[curcol]); if (p1) { if (p1 -> expr) { /* has expr of some type */ linelim = 0; editexp(currow, curcol); /* set line to expr */ linelim = -1; } /* * Display string part of cell: */ if ((p1 -> expr) && (p1 -> flags & is_strexpr)) { if( (p1-> flags & is_label) ) (void) addstr("|{"); else (void) addstr((p1 -> flags & is_leftflush) ? "<{" : ">{"); (void) addstr(line); (void) addstr("} "); /* and this '}' is for vi % */ printed = 1; } else if (p1 -> label) { /* has constant label only */ if( (p1-> flags & is_label) ) (void) addstr("|\""); else (void) addstr ((p1 -> flags & is_leftflush) ? "<\"" : ">\""); (void) addstr (p1 -> label); (void) addstr ("\" "); printed = 1; } /* * Display value part of cell: */ if (p1 -> flags & is_valid) { /* has value or num expr */ if ((! (p1 -> expr)) || (p1 -> flags & is_strexpr)) (void) sprintf (line, "%.15g", p1 -> v); (void) addch ('['); (void) addstr (line); (void) addch (']'); *line = '\0'; /* this is the input buffer ! */ printed = 1; } } if (! printed) (void) addstr ("[]"); /* Display if cell is locked */ if (p1 && p1->flags&is_locked) (void) addstr(" locked"); } (void) move(lastmy, lastmx+fwidth[lastcol]); } if (revmsg[0]) { (void) move(0, 0); (void) clrtoeol (); /* get rid of topline display */ (void) printw(revmsg); *revmsg = '\0'; /* don't show it again */ (void) move (lastmy, lastmx + fwidth[lastcol]); } FullUpdate = FALSE; } /* redraw what is under the cursor from curses' idea of the screen */ void repaint(x, y, len) int x, y, len; { int c; while(len-- > 0) { (void) move(y, x); c = inch() & A_CHARTEXT; (void) addch(c); x++; } } int seenerr; /* error routine for yacc (gram.y) */ void yyerror(err) char *err; { if (seenerr) return; seenerr++; (void) move(1,0); (void) clrtoeol(); (void) printw("%s: %.*s<=%s",err,linelim,line,line+linelim); } #ifdef XENIX2_3 struct termio tmio; #endif void startdisp() { #if sun int fd; fd = dup(0); #endif #ifdef TIOCGSIZE { struct ttysize size; if (ioctl(0, TIOCGSIZE, &size) == 0) { LINES = size.ts_lines; COLS = size.ts_cols; } } #endif #ifdef XENIX2_3 (void) ioctl (fileno (stdin), TCGETA, & tmio); #endif (void) initscr(); #if sun close(0); dup(fd); close(fd); #endif (void) clear(); #ifdef VMS VMS_read_raw = 1; #else cbreak(); nonl(); noecho (); #endif initkbd(); scrollok(stdscr, 1); #if defined(SYSV3) && !defined(NOIDLOK) # ifndef IDLOKBAD /* * turn hardware insert/delete on, if possible. * turn on scrolling for systems with SYSVr3.{1,2} (SYSVr3.0 has this set * as the default) */ idlok(stdscr,TRUE); # else /* * This seems to fix (with an empty spreadsheet): * a) Redrawing the bottom half of the screen when you * move between row 9 <-> 10 * b) the highlighted row labels being trash when you * move between row 9 <-> 10 * c) On an xterm on Esix Rev. D+ from eating lines * -goto (or move) a few lines (or more) past the bottom * of the screen, goto (or move) to the top line on the * screen, move upward and the current line is deleted, the * others move up even when they should not, check by * noticing the rows become 2, 3, 40, 41, 42... (etc). */ idlok(stdscr,FALSE); # endif #endif FullUpdate++; } void stopdisp() { deraw(); resetkbd(); endwin(); #ifdef XENIX2_3 (void) ioctl (fileno (stdin), TCSETAW, & tmio); #endif } /* init curses */ #ifdef VMS goraw() { VMS_read_raw = 1; FullUpdate++; } deraw() { (void) move (LINES - 1, 0); (void) clrtoeol(); (void) refresh(); VMS_read_raw = 0; } #else /* VMS */ void goraw() { #if SYSV2 || SYSV3 fixterm(); #else /* SYSV2 || SYSV3 */ cbreak(); nonl(); noecho (); #endif /* SYSV2 || SYSV3 */ kbd_again(); (void) clear(); FullUpdate++; } /* clean up curses */ void deraw() { (void) move (LINES - 1, 0); (void) clrtoeol(); (void) refresh(); #if SYSV2 || SYSV3 resetterm(); #else nocbreak(); nl(); echo(); #endif resetkbd(); } #endif /* VMS */