** This file is part of the syscons-0.2 distribution ** 930330 sos INSTALLATION ============ Be sure to have your system at least at patchkit-0.2.2 level. (if not you will miss the pg(...) function which got moved to cons.c) Add the following line to /sys/i386/conf/files.i386 i386/isa/syscons.c optional sc device-driver Extract the tarfile syscons-driver.tar in /sys, that will install the driver sources. To activate the driver, change the line descriping your console in your CONFIG file from: device pc0 at isa? port "IO_KBD" tty irq 1 vector pcrint - to the following: device sc0 at isa? port "IO_KBD" tty irq 1 vector scintr If you want to configure the number of virtual consoles: options "NCONS=N" # N = number of virtual consoles # default is 12 virtual consoles If you have a S3 card or otherwise don't what a blanking screensaver (MDA/CGA use this as well) define: options "DONT_BLANK" # use "snake" screensaver If you want the console to default to danish keyboard: options "DKKEYMAP" # default is US keyboard Then remake you kernel, et voila !! USING SYSCONS ============= To use it you need to run the syscons.MAKEDEV script to add the needed devices, tty01-tty12 which are the virtual console devices. In order to log into those add them to your /etc/ttys file. It is recommended that you disable the "console" device and add "tty01" instead, both cannot be active at the same time in /etc/ttys. This is because all console output appears on tty01. You switch between the virtual consoles by pressing ALT+Fn, where Fn is a func- tion key from 1-12. This sequence can be changed to anything be changing the keyboard mapping, infact you have total control over every key using the mapkey facility (but be carefull, you can really mess up your keyboard layout). Scroll-lock, num-lock and caps-lock works individuably on each virtual console, If you want to use the "standard" Xserver (the pccons one) link /dev/vga to one of the virtual consoles eg. /dev/tty12. If you use the X patches that comes with syscons (its not fair to call it patches, all they do is reenable the features that was cribbled for standard pccons/codrv), you get the added functionality in X as well, including sound, programmable leds etc, and multiple consoles ! To activate the patches define HAS_SYSCONS in your site.def file. When you are in X the switching sequence is CTRL+ALT+Fn, this is the X default, and can only be changed by recompiling the server, blame the Xserver, not me :-) The escape sequencies supported (almost complete SCO ANSI color console emulation) is documented in the file emulator.doc. The ioctl's supported are documented in ioctls.doc. The file syscons-utils.tar contains the following programs: mapkbd change keyboard mapping (US, UK, german, swedish and danish). setfont size change video fonts (iso8859.1, codepage850, codepage865). keyrate -d delay -r rate change the keyboard delay & repeatrate. setfkey # string set function key # to send string 80x25 set 80 chars by 25 lines display. 80x50 set 80 chars by 50 lines display. blank n set screensaver to timeout in n secs. 0 means turn off screensaver. diverse test programs.... The file syscons-libdgl.tar contains a graphics library for use with standard vga cards and ET4000 based SVGA cards. It supports programmable resolution (eg. 320x200, 640x480, 1024x768 ....) in 2, 16, 256, 32768 colors, depending on the VGA cards capabilities. Included is some demo programs and a gif viewer to show the use of libdgl. have fun / sos BUGS, comments to: sos@kmd-ac.dk -or- baukno@login.dkuug.dk