+) Lacking full crash recovery. Not handling exceptional conditions well. Need experiments on either peer dying. CHANGE, "close" instead of "shutdown" on feof conditions, syen 3/93 +) Lacking deadlock detection. Possibly need connection pinging. Possibly need connection timeouts. DONE, timeouts implemented, syen 3/93 +) Lacking security. Denying RPC clients entry. Denying RPC clients access to all server Tcl/Tk commands. +) Lacking multiple Tcl/Tk interpreters. +) Lacking unified name space. Change to Tdp_XxxxXxxx. Change to Tcl procedure names. CHANGE, AcceptRpcConnection to AcceptRPCConnection, 4/93 CHANGE, ProcessIncomingMessages to ProcessRPCMessages, 4/93 CHANGE, ProcessCommand to ProcessRPCCommand, 4/93 +) Bug : Incoming RPC's not evaluated at global scope. CHANGE, now using Tcl_GlobalEval instead of Tcl_Eval to evaluate incoming RPC's. +) Port for Extended Tcl DONE, patch from karl@neosoft.com +) Bug : Tk (3.2 and less) event loop segmentation fault. If you do the following call, Tk_DoOneEvent (TK_FILE_EVENTS), and an X event comes in, the Tk event loop segmentation faults, because it incorrectly falls through to the file handler code. DONE, notified ouster@sprite.cs.berkeley.edu +) Timeout on RPC's hard to catch CHANGE, added -timeoutReturn parameter to RPC