1) Term doesn't work! Why not!! This is one of the most tremendously useful questions I have ever been asked. You will notice that it contains all the pertinent information I might want to know, like what version of term they are useing, and exactly what the symtoms are, and what machine they are running it on, and what they have tried, etc etc. However here are a few things to try before mailing me with details. :) a) Create a ~/.term/termrc file at both ends with the two lines "escape 0-31" and "escape 128-159" in it. Then try term. If this work, try shortening the ranges as much as possible. Experience indicates that most people will be able to get away with either nothing, or "escape 17" and "escape 19", or escapeing 17, 19, 145 and 147. b) If 'a' doesn't work, it's possible that you have a seven-bit line. Try useing a termrc with the two lines.. "sevenbit" and "escape 0-31" in it. It is important to know that the termrc at each end must have 'sevenbit' in it. 2) Term doesn't run as fast as it should. Why not?? Several ways to speed up term. Here are the most common... a) Escape as few characters as possible. escapeing 32 characters will cut thru-put by about 12-15%. b) If you escape a character on one end, add a corresponding 'ignore' on the other. I.e. if you 'escape 17' on the remote end, put a 'ignore 17' on the local end.